3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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shae8230 03-14-2007 08:44 AM

Good Morning!

I have good news... Dh quit his job and he is coming home today!! I know that might not sound like good news to most people, but it is to us. His being away has put a terrible strain on our family. Our spiritual life and our family life has suffered. He has some job prospects that he is going to check out... but I am just so glad he is going to be home with us. He has worked out of state for 5 months. It seems like 5 years. lol.

So, I hope to get back to smashing with a vengance. Dh and I both did really good when he was home and I was cooking for both of us. FS is very hard to follow if you don't cook.

I don't have time to post personals to each of you... I will just say "hello" and keep smashing!!!


dragongoddess776 03-14-2007 11:45 AM

weigh in
well, I weighed in this morning 3 lbs. lighter than last time! Very happy about that. Sherry, glad about dh! I kind of know how that feels, my finace and I are on opposite schedules, and he's working 6 days a week. It sucks. Well, 2 days util Chicago!

Shell829 03-14-2007 05:59 PM

Sherry - Mixed feelings, sorry to hear and CONGRATS!! It really helps when you have support. I have my husband eyeballing my plate and he lets me know if he thinks I've packed too much on the plate! It really helps because often, my eyes are bigger than my stomach!

Dragongoddess - :woohoo: You're doing great and remember when you come back from Chicago :hun:, get back on track!! No one's gonna recognize you in your wedding dress!!

lovemacon 03-15-2007 12:40 AM

Hi Smashers,
Well today wasn't soo much of a bust. Still struggling with the portion control, but I think I need to work out a better eating schedule. I managed to get a good workout in today. 45 mintue walk, with about 10 minutes jogging. Good for me.

Shelly, sorry to hear about the DH, but understand. Most times, things like that are blessings in disguise.

Dragon-Have fun in Chicago. Just do things in moderation.

Shell-Good for you doing P1 back to back. I thought I would go through each of the phases again once I've gone through them all. P2 is good for me, but I'm strugging with the portions. Funny thing is, it's actually on veggies. Maybe my body is telling me that's what I need. Who knows.

Have a smashingly good day.

Beegood 03-16-2007 09:42 AM

Good Morning Ladies,

I am new to the site, but I am familiar with the diet. I have been on it casually for a few weeks now. I am having trouble committing to the "no coffee" rule. Does anyone have any suggestions? If I am posting this on the wrong board I apologize!

Tinky009 03-16-2007 06:37 PM

Hello there Smashers!!! I thought I check in w/ everyone! I'm glad to see some familiar faces. And a big hello and welcome to other the newbies!

Sherry! I'm so happy for you and your son! I know it will be better to have your DH around more!!! I wish him luck in his new endeavor!!! I wish you guys both luck on the Fat Smash. :carrot:

My boyfriend, is finally going to get fit w/ me and it thrills me to death, it was so hard to do a new eating plan and lifestyle change, while my significant other ate all kinds of "junk." He realized it finally!!! LOL (sigh) men are so darn stubborn. Though I can thank the movie 300! With all those men in loin cloths and what not with buff bodies, the boyfriend couldn't stand it, and needed to make a change!

Dragon- Keep workin it girlfriend! I'm so proud of you!!! :hug:

I'm reading this from recent post, so if I missed any of you, I'm SO sorry!! I'm writing from work...so I gotta be careful! But that's how much I miss you guys!

Keep smashing and remember summer is around the corner!



Tinky009 03-16-2007 06:41 PM

Shell you're from California? What part? I used to live there before I moved up to Seattle! I lived in San Bernardino, but after I moved, my family decided to move down to San Diego! Those stinkers! LOL

Shell829 03-16-2007 09:31 PM

Tink - I'm in beautiful sunny Santa Barbara. My husband is doing a post doc at UCSB. I may only be here until the end of July so I'm going to enjoy every moment I have left!! I've been to San Diego and that's one of my FAVORITE place in CA! I'm originally from Rhode Island. I went from one coast to the other!

sixsarah81 03-17-2007 09:42 AM

Good morning everyone! Yesterday was probably the best day I have had in a while. I ran on the elliptical for 45 minutes and did 25 minutes of yoga. I mnaged to stay on track food wise until we went to the circus and I had some buttered popcorn. Today has started out on track too. Elliptical this morning and some egg whites for breakfast. I really want to get back where I was and stay there this time!

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