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EZMONEY 12-29-2005 07:09 PM

Had to take care of a kid selling magazines....he is going to rue the day he came to my door :D ...:sssh:

WILMA~Did you ever make it to see Walk the Line? Enjoy your long week-end.



MARGIEPraying for God's will in your work mess! Why are they always picking on us "old" people? Need address for the party;) ...remember to root for my USC TROJANS on the 4th!!

LORI~ I hope your family is feeling better now. We are all over our colds and flu...for now.

BREN~Wishing you much success with you goals for the NEW YEAR!:newyear:

CHRISTINA~Since TBS runs THE CHRISTMAS STORY for 24 hours we usually just leave it on for about 10! I think...catching it between dinner, breakfast, presents, etc. I just love that movie! have a great rest of your break from school...and don't :nono: shoot your eye out!;)

Well...time to start the macaroni...before Rachael Ray comes on...that is unless of course the football game gets better...remember always: Football FIRST...cooking shows 2nd!;)

wilma12 12-29-2005 11:35 PM

I wasn't complaining about the slush, Gary. Honest!! I'll take the slush. Just keep sending that warmth up here.

We did go see Walk the Line on boxing day. I really enjoyed it. I think you have to like Johnny Cash to like the movie. The actors did a fantastic job of portraying him and June. It was worth it to us to see it and pay full price.

Sandy: Welcome!! Tell us a bit more about yourself!! We're here for support when you need us to be. You can even brag about your accomplishements here!!

I sure hope people come back soon. I miss the posting!

sprout 12-30-2005 12:08 AM

So many posts to read to catch up
Gosh, get busy with life and come back here and find many many posts to read!

Just glanced at them as there seems to be so many so - -

New people - welcome - hopefully with the New Year I will have more time to get here and post so that I can get to know you all

Sure all of you had a good Christmas - from the posts I do notice that there has been sickness and death to some of us - prayers for all that are going through this at this special time of year.

We had a quiet Christmas - very different without our son - even though he was only 5 minutes away - he did not even sit with us for Christmas Eve church service - that hurt me terribly but I am having to learn to deal with the fact that he has made this choice and pray that some day he might have a turn around.

Christmas day was nice - went out to a fancy restaurent with our closest friends - they are moving at the end of March so this could be the last time for some time that we spend Christmas with them. Was a nice dinner. Then we went home to pick up gifts to take over to their home. While doing this, Priscilla, our precious 16 year old daughter - who happens to have Down Syndrome - went out the front door to get into the van leaving the front door open allowing our 12 month old pup to get out of the hosue. We spend from 3:30 tilll 5 pm trying to convince the pup to come to us but no luck - he just thought he was on a nice long walk and kept going further and further from home. You have to realise that this pup is a Maltese Poodle cross so he is very small - only 10 pounds - and we figure he got over 3 miles away from home before we lost him - he got into an area where we couldn't get to him. So off we went to our friends all very quiet - hubby thinking that the dog was going to spend the night outside in the cold (30 degrees out) and would die, me thinking that the dog would go to someones door and wimper and they would let him in and for our daughter all she would say is 'I sorry dad please find Koko'. We got to our friends and told them what had happened - then Norm got on the phone and tried calling the radio station - no luck - then called the SPCA and gave our name and description of the dog and where last seen. Then he also phone the animal control doing the same. We stayed with our friends for about an hour - maybe 6:30 pm - and decided we wanted to go home as we were not in the best frame for being company. Our friends understood and said they believed that the pup would show up on our doorstep - after all it was Christmas. We got home - no pup on the doorstep - we went in and I headed for the bathroom for a cry not knowing who to comfort at this time - hubby or daughter. A few minutes later I hear Norm say 'What's that?' and I hear him open the front door - nothing. He comes back towards the bathroom and I hear him again say 'What is that noise?' and he goes through the kitchen to the back door and opens it and low and behold there sits our precious little pup - all cold and shivering. He had to have found his way home and while we were out some one on the cul de sac must have seen him, realized we were out of house looking for him, and they put him in the back yard. We all cried - but both Norm and I were also very upset at this pup - needless to say we 'talked' to Koko for some time about the stress he had caused. He just sat there looking up at us with his big brown eyes giving us the look of 'so what's the problem, where's the turkey?'

Needless to say we are happy with the way it all turned out - we are now revamping some of the puppy training of the dog - and we are now going out the back door rather than the front door - that way should Koko be quick and get out he would be in the back yard which is all fenced. But we are still working on him understanding 'come' and 'stay' which he does very well in the house but outside is a different matter - pups - Gary I know you understand this I am sure with your two.

For Christmas we bought each other a DVD recorder - what a neat machine this is. We have it connected so all of our old VHS tapes we can record now onto a DVD - so much better - and we can record right from the TV onto a DVD - just finished recording a show that Norm wanted about a train. Recorded 'Christmas at the Kranks' the other night from PayPerView - turned out really nice. So am having fun with this machine. A friend had given me a video of the 'Walk Away the Pounds 1 - 2 - 3 mile' by Leslie Sansome - so today I put this onto a DVD so that I could use it on the other TV - am going to be using this daily starting January 1 for my exercise program!!

Have started up walking again this month - as previously mentioned - but have only done 6 miles as I have not been feeling up to par - stress getting to me I do believe. That time of the year I seem to fall to some of this unfortunately. But lots better now and have gotten my 'mind' back to where it should be.

New year - new start - 2006 is going to be the year that I accomplish a great weight loss - proper eating with proper portion sizes and daily exercise of min. 30 minutes each day - surely I will see results.

Anyway - Seasons Greetings everyone - and I will try to post again before the New Year.

Blondee51 12-30-2005 07:47 AM

:D Hello all!
Are we gearing up for the New Year? It will be here before we know what hit!!
Hello Maria and Sandy! Welcome! I am "new" here too and this is a great place to be! I am so glad to have found my way here!

Gary......mac and cheese......yum..I mean OH NO! Fried Chicken... Church's has taken too much of my money over the years. One of my favorites! I did cut down from twice a month to once a quarter so that was a good thing.
Rachel Ray! I love her show....I catch the $40 a day one too, but yikes..$40 needs to feed me for a month! Yep, having a daughter's BF OWE you might be a good thing!
Thanks for the good wishes for success for 2006!:carrot: I am ready to proceeed!

Marilyn: I am so glad Koko is home and yep.....the talk will stick I'm sure! that was cute....saying "where's the turkey"! My Mom would argue about our pet's talking to us but WE know they do! I know Priscilla and hubby were overjoyed to see the pup back home! Prayers for your son, and reconcilliation going up. Oh WATP DVD's! Woohoo! I've tried to get my Mom to do those but at 72....she's just not really inclined to move much, tho her heart Doc told her too. She did for about a week...using her walker for stability, and I hope she does some more. Movement is neccessary and God gave us the ability..why waste it?

Beth.......Yes, there's an angel with your boy in the car! I'm sure there are many who can identify with you and say the same prayer!

Margie.....prayers for you in the workplace too. This is a difficult time and I pray for God's favor for you in this situation.

Wilma...we had 73 degrees here yesterday! The wind knocks my socks off tho and makes me whine quicker than most things! We get to wear a jacket maybe 4 times a year! We've had hmmm....NO snow yet! Just the "threat" of some.
BUT....I am thankful for the mild temps, as we have a lot of homeless folks here. Not like the BIG cities of course, but enough. My church is church to them. There are many of us (my bosses included) who aren't, (homeless) by the grace of God........but it gives me a place to be when God is ready for me to serve. This year I've just been a sponge......soaking up God's mercy and grace, but I know the time will come for me to "give back" something. There are many areas I can do that in this environment.

I'm gonna boogy.....have more coffee and restore some order here. I live alone so have NO idea who rips thru here and makes a mess of things. I'll have to lock my door I suppose!
Have a wonderful, blessed day everyone! Keep coming back and moving ahead!

beth1167 12-30-2005 10:30 AM

:o Ok, I feel silly. I just discovered that when you post a reply, you can scroll down and still see everyone else's post on the page. I was opening up a new browser or writing notes down before typing.

Lori - hope your family is feeling better. Our family seems to always catch what the others have. This year was the year for head colds. We also need to have our ductwork cleaned out too (airduct). I think our house makes us sick. Old carpet, 3 cats, and dirty ductwork. Yuck.

Soybella - a huge :welcome3: to you. This is a fun and caring group. I am certainly hooked. Before 3FC, I never had on-line buddies before. This group is awesome.

Wilma - -2c. Egads. Usually -20c, a bigger EGADS. Stay warm and cozy. I do remember my Minnesota days. I tell people that the weather is survivable if you know how to dress when you go out and if you know how to drive in it. Then again, I only lived in apartments with underground heated garages and someone else doing the shoveling. So, I guess I didn't exactly experience to full force of it.

Sandy - a huge :welcome: to you too. We will all go through this together. I have yoyo'd alot in the last several years and I know the frustration. One day at a time. Another thing that I have learned is that if you "fall off the wagon" it is so important to not let it get you down, but get back with the program and know that we all have slip ups now and then.

Gary - you are :devil: a mischievious hoot. Drywall. I have a funny drywall story......but I'll save it for now. Let's just say, I made my first hole in a wall ever when the kids wouldn't stop bickering at the dinner table.........cause you know, the dinner table isn't the best place for bickering. Anyway, I made chili this past week too. How was your game?

Marilyn - What an awesome Christmas story. I am so glad it ended well. Speaking of your 16 year old angel, I have a nephew who just turned 18, who has Down Syndrome. I see him almost every weekend (my entire family lives close by). He is a sweetheart and cutie. He loves his Aunt Beth (what can I say). Lately, everytime he sees me, he says "hubba hubba" and hugs me. He has a cute sense of humor too. He is the oldest grandchild and has a special place in all of our hearts.

Blondee - Greetings fellow Texan. I guess the weather has been pretty wacky there too. Here - cold, cool, wet, cold, warm, hot (for this time of year), cold, cool, foggy, warm again,etc. It changes nearly everyday.

Everyone - have a great day.:kickcan: :moped: :crazy: :rollpin: :blah: :corn: :comp: :twirly: :tantrum: :woo: :joker: ..........sorry, sometimes I can't resist. These icons are cute.

sprout 12-30-2005 01:30 PM

: thought I would check in again today - surprise surprise.

Getting so close to the New Year - seems like yesterday we were looking forward to welcoming 2000 and now 5 years have gone by. Am I feeling my age :shrug:

Been up early today, is only 11:18 and have had breakfast, dishes in dishwasher, 1st load of clothes in washer, and 2 bookcases cleaned up - have to do this 3 - 4 times a year as we accumulate so many books - then we turn over to the church any of the church books we have read and don't want and all others that we are 'finished' with we donate to the public library. Each time we say -Let's not accumulate so many but just use the library' but before we know it we have another lot of them. Mind you I am the reader of the family so guess it is mostly due to me - just can't stay away from a good book.

Norm has been taping the movie 'Snow Dogs' for Priscilla - we had it on a VHS that a friend taped for us but we wanted to move it over to a CD - less room on the shelf. Priscilla is really enjoying it - she forgot we had it so she hasn't watched it for some time. Plans are to record some more today - we have LOTS to redo from VHS to CD - lots of Christmas specials, movies from the TV and then there are the sports games hubby has recorded onto VHS from the TV to transfer to CD - as well as numerous tapes of the kids growing up that we have to 'edit' and redo. So we are trying to get a couple done each day but from the looks of all of them it is really going to take some time - but enjoying watching all of these 'oldies'. Yesterday I did the Walk Away the Pounds tape - miles 1, 2 and 3 - so now I have this up by the tv in the living room so that I can 'go for a walk' every day without excuses - like I would make an excuse :o

Norm wants to go to Walmart shortly and of course can't go alone - needs me to come with him every time - this is when I see how much he is like both his dad and mine - neither of these men could / would go to the store without the wife along - must be love right :hug:

Have my plan all set out for January 1 on how I am going to be working through the 'problem' of so much extra weight - have my trusty Weight Watchers scale all ready to get a reading on the 1st and am looking forward to seeing the numbers slowly and steadily go down. I am not going to let the :devil: upset my plans.

By the way, where's SunnyD - with skimming through all the posts I see that she has not been here for awhile either - and with all these 'pages' or are we waiting for the new year to start a new thread?

Talk to you all later

sprout 12-30-2005 01:48 PM

Encouragement for today - 'Hound of Heaven'
Encouragement for Today

“Hound of Heaven”
Amanda Waldroop, Administrative Assistant, Proverbs 31 Ministries

Key Verse:

Romans 8:35, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” (NIV)


Have you ever wondered just how far God would go to spend time with you? I once heard a Christian speaker refer to God as the “Hound of Heaven” who pursues our hearts without restraint, until He can catch us, woo us, and have us fully committed to Him. God recently confirmed this idea through the efforts of my own earthly father. Let me share:

In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina that destroyed the Coast of the United States, the southeast was hit by a rather large gas shortage. Small towns and big cities alike suffered from this, including where I live. It was Labor Day weekend and I had planned to go to Franklin , my hometown in the mountains, to visit my family for the long holiday. Thankfully, when the gas shortage hit, my gas tank was full. However, even though I had enough gas to make it to Franklin to see my family, there was no guarantee that the only two gas stations open there would meet my need to get me back to Charlotte on Monday.

I had been looking forward to going home to spend time with my parents and family, but didn’t realize just how much I wanted to see them until I was faced with the possibility that I might not be able to go. Being the practical person I am, I decided to suck it up, stay in Charlotte, and quit pouting. After all, there were people without food, water, and homes, much less the luxury to drive a car with a full tank of gas. Who am I to think I deserve to have a mini vacation with the family when others will never see theirs again?

When I told my father that I would not make it home for the weekend, he decided to get proactive. Never mind that there were potential obstacles to overcome. He was counting on me to come home and spend time with him. In fact, he was so committed to getting me home for the weekend that he took 3 five-gallon gas cans and scoured my little home town until he found a station that had working pumps. He proceeded to fill up those cans so that if, for some reason, there were no gas stations open on Monday, he had a ready supply so that I could make it back safe and sound.

I laughed when Dad told me what he had done. I also felt proud to have a father who loves me so much he would secure the means necessary to get me home, just so he could hug me and talk to me and have me right there with him for three whole days. My Heavenly Father took this opportunity to teach me something wonderful through my daddy: God will do whatever it takes to be with us and have us with Him.

Did you know God is crazy about you? Like a hound dog knows the smell of a fox and is let loose to pursue its scent, so is God the “Hound of Heaven.” He knows His own and will jump over any obstacle in His way to capture your heart. God craves the time with you that is necessary to know you intimately. Understand, He already knows you inside out – but He wants you to share your heart with Him anyway. It hurts Him when you make excuses based on the distractions of your everyday life.

Do you feel like your spiritual gas tank is a little low? Run to your Heavenly Daddy and spend some time with Him. I can promise you He has more than enough spare cans waiting to refuel your engine. Draw from Him today and trust that nothing in heaven or on earth will ever separate you from His love.

My Prayer for Today:

Heavenly Daddy, I praise You for moving heaven and earth just to be with me. Thank You for being proactive and giving up Your one and only Son so that You could have a close and loving relationship with me. In Christ’s Name, Amen.

Application Steps:

Read the following revised Scripture from Romans 8:35-39. Fill in the blanks appropriately.

“Who shall separate me, ______your name_____ from the love of Christ? Shall my troubles (_________________), my hardships (______________________), my persecutions (__________________), my famine (______________________), my nakedness (__________________), my danger (_____________________), or any weapon that may come against me?

No, in all these circumstances I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who loved me! For I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the ending of my very presence on this earth, or the abundance of life I have here; neither the heavenly helpers above or the evil attackers from below; neither this very moment nor what is to come; nor anything that controls me; neither the highest feelings of elation nor the lowest of the depths of depression; nor anything else in all this whole wide world, will EVER separate me from God’s love that was proven and completed through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross.”

Reflection Points:

Who in your life pursues an ongoing love relationship with you?
How do you know they love you?
What happens when you fail to spend quality time with them?

Do you believe that God is the “Hound of Heaven,” moving heaven and earth just to pursue an intimate relationship with you?

What is your response to this awesome reality?

Power Verses:

Proverbs 15:9, “The Lord detests the way of the wicked but he loves those who pursue righteousness.” (NIV)

Isaiah 41: 3-4, “He pursues them and moves on unscathed, by a path his feet have not traveled before. Who has done this and carried it through, calling forth the generations from the beginning? I, the Lord – with the first of them and with the last – I am he.” (NIV)

Hosea 2:14-15, “Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Anchor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt .” (NIV)

1 John 4:16,18, “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (NIV)

Additional Resources:

Who Holds the Key to Your Heart, by Lysa TerKeurst


The Ultimate Makeover, by Sharon Jaynes


Dreams of a Woman, by Sharon Jaynes


EZMONEY 12-30-2005 08:43 PM

HI GALS:wave:

Taking a few minutes to check in. I have a meat loaf in the oven and mashed potatoes going for tonight...just me and my son...he is staying home from an invite to his girlfriend's sister's house for dinner....ahhh:hug: He had dinner last night at a fancy steak house with his girlfriend, her parents and grandparents...guess he didn't want to over do it:spin: If it was me I wouldn't leave her site...she is not only sweet but a cutie too! And the best part...ta-da...she is an ex-USCcheerleader...MY FAVORITE TEAM!!.

Angie, Lara and Ron are still with her family visiting. They are in L.A. tonight for one of the sister's birthday. My daughter headed off to the mountains and the snow for the week-end with her :barf: :barf:boyfriend:barf: :barf: and his mom, sisters and some close friends of the family. Just as Dennis would have wanted!! He hated being at home with nothing to do. I shouldn't be so hard on poor Zac...after all he LOVED my macaroni and cheese dinner last night...hummm...that reminds me...I forgot to charge him $$$$ for his dinner ;)

And to top it off I let him have (for the week-end) the new game Angie got me for Christmas:tree: It is a ball...called 20 questions...it is WILD!! if you don't have one...GO GET ONE!! they are about $10 at Wal-Mart...it is freaky:fr: ...I think IT is ALIVE!!:fr:

I took down all the Christmas :wreath: lights, on the outside of the house, and put up into storage today, plus all the inside stuff Angie had boxed up, before she left for her mom's...she has the stars in the windows yet to take down...I took down the :tree: LORI and put it in it's box until next year, where she will be good as new! Now is the time to go out and try to buy a "fake" one Lori if you are still thinking about it.

MARILYN~So good to hear from you! And WOW!! how lucky with Koko...My two knucklehead dogs busted through the un-latched screen door a couple of months ago...they ran right across our busy street WITHOUT LOOKING BOTH WAYS!!...did I mention Reba jumped through the 2nd story window a week or so before that going after another retriever to say hello! And right across the street WITHOUT LOOKING BOTH WAYS!! I was so scared and p.....off!! At them. We are thinking of...like you..more obedience training and an electric fence. Thank goodness your little one wandered home. Sorry your son is distancing himself from you...but I see he was still in church, right? SUNNYD is still around...a little...she is off doing bigger things with her time for now...she will be back soon, I hope.

MICHELE~ Did I see you on I-15 heading to Vegas with Junior...maybe to elope?;) ...kidding! Hope all is well.

BETH~ Actually the game that was boring...became exciting at the end. Now you and BREN have to root:cheer: for USC over the texas longhorns in the ROSEBOWL on Wednesday...THAT IS THE RULE (that I just made up;) ...since I have senority here:D

BRENDA~ See Beth on the :cheer: My macaroni and chees turned out pretty darn good! Pat myself on the back:rofl: We have Churches here, but we usually do KFC for our fried chicken...of course Angie and my daughter take the skin off...FINE!...more "junk" for me;) I just discovered Rachael Ray a few weeks ago...don't know how she does it:shrug: ...it took me an hour and a half to make her Christmas pasta...she made it in what...10 minutes!!

WILMA~Glad you like the movie...makes me even more want to see it. I l love Reese...and always been a fan of most of Johnny Cash's stuff. I might get a chance to go on New Years since there are no college games on until Monday...we'll have to see...Angie and Lara are going to Pasedena to put the finishing touches on some of the ROSEBOWL PARADE FLOATS. Something our church has helped out with for over 20 years...my kids used to go with my sister every year and Angie has been several times too...they really enjoy it...makes for a looong day though. Do they show the Rosebowl Parade in Canada?

May all of you have a :newyear: and lots of healthy :xcheer:...and to:

WELL all you MIA'S.....:newyear:

Stay safe...Gary

P.S.~ You just "might":sssh: see one of those ticker tapes under my name soon...seems I put on a few EXTRA!! pounds this year...Angie says it's because I am drinking a lot more beer...that couldn't be it..:no:...or could it :shrug: ;)

pixiefalls 12-31-2005 04:26 AM

Good morning everyone! Well.. actually.. here it is 3:20am and I haven't went to sleep yet, whoops:dz:.

I bought the Biggest Loser DVD workout a couple of days ago and MAN, I did the low intensity day before yesterday and the high intensity last night and they both whooped me but that's a good thing:yes:.

Gary -- I think just maybe it might be the beer;). Oh my..... macaroni and cheese sounds so good, I haven't ate it in a while.

Welcome to all the newcomers and hello to all the MIA's.. <3. Goodnight;).

Blondee51 12-31-2005 08:14 AM

:( OK, I am technically challenged..how do I do and where do I go, to find those cute icons everyone uses? It needs to be easy for me to grasp, understand. I barely do a smiley face or carrot now and then.:carrot:

I have my day planner cleaned out, new charts ready to go in.......it is TOO cool, ya'll...starting a new week/month/year tomorrow. I do my charts Sun-Sat and what a neat way to start off our new year! I am ready for it!

Marilyn....thanks for the post on "Hound Of Heaven". That was SO good! I had that in my e-mail yesterday and didn't read it as I was running out of playtime! I am today too, but will carry some of it to the office and finish there. I love my weekends alone and NOoooo...I am not ALWAYS up to no good. I do some work related stuff most days! It's nice to have the time if I wanna do some personal stuff I never seem to finish at home. If we had internet acsess at the office, I'd be working at McD's by now, mopping up..I'd be in trouble!

Gary.......I am a total wash-up on FB! LOL! But if Texas is in the pile up..we must win, dont'cha think? Shhhh......I am a tad contrary! LOL! Bucking athority and all from the "seniority"! Truth being.....I know squat so I'll trust YOU to choose the WINNERS! I'll cheer with Beth for.....uhh.....a six pack of diet coke w/lime?
According to a fingerprint reading a co- worker did once, I am "determined-able to get things done, conquer obstacles or use them to my advantage.....BOSSINESS is a problem......I live and let live-open to new ideas until FORCED- then will NOT conform! I have artistic abilities, am a romantic lover...love variety....MAY be unfaithful, lives in a FANTASY world...(reality bites?). LOL! So.... aren't I awful?

I'd better get on with business and get ready for work. I'll be back Ya'll! Have a wonderful, blessed day and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

mom2fivesweeties 12-31-2005 12:34 PM


:xcheer: :newyear:

Just thought I'd pop in quickly and tell everyone to have a safe and happy New Year!

The kids don't go back to school until Wednesday :( and they are running me RAGGED!!

I'll post more after that day!

Gary - I'm with you - my ticker will probably reflect a slight gain over the holidays but not from beer - can't stand the stuff - just eating very very weird and differently - back to LAWL soon!!

sprout 12-31-2005 02:44 PM

Happy New Year everyone
Only hours away and we will be into another year. Can't believe it has been 5 years plus a few months since my first cancer operation - how time flies by.

Hubby is going to a hockey at 6 pm (our locak WHL teem Kootenay Ice) is playing but he will be home by 9 so we will spend the evening together. As we are getting to the retirement age :o we tend to go to bed early but we try to stay awake this one night of the year.

Some have been mentionion about those tickers - good time to start using them with the start of a new year. I am all set up and ready :carrot: and I am feeling good about what is going to happen in the New Year.

Well, am going to go and make up a ticker - thinking of one for my weight loss and one for my walking - but will see.

Sharon 12-31-2005 04:29 PM

I hope you all don't mind. I don't post here, but I thought that this would be the place to help me. I am asking for your prayers. I just had a call from my son and he was crying. They were following an ambulance carrying Jackson. He has a bad case of pneumonia. I don't have any details but they were heading for Childrens hospital.

pixiefalls 12-31-2005 08:39 PM

Hope everyone one has a fun and good night! Tonight I decided not to go anywhere and just stay home and bring in the New Year with the Biggest Loser cast (doing the workout;)). Happy New Year, may God bless you even more!!

Sharon -- I will most certainly pray for Jackson, have strength in the Lord<3

Blondee -- Do you mean the ones that come on 3FC or different ones from other websites? To change the one you have with another one on this site.. go to User CP then look at the side menu on the left and click Edit Avatar (5th choice on the list) and choose which one you want and ta da:D! Hope that helped!!

The other day I did something I knew was wrong -- I was curious and I was just going to check it out to see if it was real.. it was and now I am guilty of the fact I checked it out. I prayed to God to forgive me and give me the strength to forgive myself and not do anything of the sort ever again. I still hate the fact that I did it in the first place.. I'm not that "kind" of person, even though I didn't do it to enjoy it -- I know in my heart it's still wrong. Please pray for me that I can forgive myself and forget what I have done just as God has forgiven me and forgot I have done it. Thank you all<3

EZMONEY 12-31-2005 09:58 PM

Happy New Year

Angie and I just got home from our "New Years" dinner date and it isn't even 7:00 :lol: ...are we old or what? She is taking her daughter to a party right now, then we are going to watch a video or some of the LAW AND ORDER marathon...really going "out there" this year :lol:

My son has a time share down in San Diego this week, so he and his friends are all there, my daughter is still up in the snow, nephew is babysitting...so Angie and I will be home all alone...hummm...except for the puppies!

We had mexican food at our favorite mexican restaurant tonight. We usually go to our fav. Italian place on New Years...but we are going there next week with our kids for our anniversary.

HILARY~ How many times are you gonna switch your avatar this week?;) ...kidding...Enjoy your Biggest Looser show. As far as whatever you did wrong...well, pretty sure I have done it MORE than once...whatever it is...all God asks of us is to repent and move forward...that is it! Prayers for you!!

SHARON~ PRAYERS for Jackson!!

BRENDA~ Under the smiles on my page it says (more)..if you click on that you get more stuff...is that what you are looking for?

MARILYN~So good to see you again today! Congrats on your 5 year anniversary!!

LORI~ As soon as those "rebels" are back in school you will miss them!;) Check their pockets! Also, I am pretty sure the princesses :queen: are learning some of their tricks :yes:


Sharon 12-31-2005 10:18 PM

Thank you both for your prayers. I just realized that I didn't tell you much. Jackson just turned 2. He lives in Colorado and I am in California. He is my second grandson. He is the little guy with me in my picture. Thank you again and I will let you know how it goes. It is very hard to be so far from him. You are right though. I have to trust in the Lord.

pixiefalls 12-31-2005 11:12 PM

Gary -- haha I was afraid someone would notice how much I had!! *hides* Thank you, I shall.. have fun with the marathon;). And I'm not for certian you have but I know others have and I just have to let go of the guilt:).

Sharon -- Aww, I have a nephew who turned one this month and I am so close to him. I worry about him with every little cold so I probably only have a glimpse of what you feel like. Prayers will continue for him, keep coming back and tell us how he is doing<3.. also prayes for you and the rest of your family through this time of need

Sharon 01-01-2006 12:18 PM

Good Morning!

I heard from son and DIL. She had sent son home for some rest. He was dealing with a nasty sinus infection and was beginning to feel nauseated. Plus the foot was hurting. (Foot is because of a surgery he had to reattach ligaments and what have you that he tore. He has been non weight baring for a couple of months. Two more weeks to go.) They had been going since 1:30 AM on Saturday. Jackson seem better. His temperature was down and he ate a bit. He won't let his Mom put him down. His oxygen level won't stay up unless he is on oxyten. It drops everytime they take him off of it. DIL sent me a picture of Mike and Jackson on the picture phone. Poor little Jackson was sittinn on dads lap in his little hospital gown attached to the nasal oxygen cunnula, an IV in his foot and a heart monitor on his other foot. That was a sad picture. I haven't heard anything yet this morning. Thanks for caring and for your prayers. After I asked for them, I felt more at peace about it all.

sprout 01-01-2006 12:57 PM

Reporting for Jan 1/06
Praying that all of you wonderful people had a good time last night - not eating or drinking to much but rather just enjoying the evening with family and friends.

Well today is brings about a new week, new month AND a New Year. Good time to make plans - realistic ones for 2006. Put 2005 behind and start fresh.

And that is just what I am doing. Have my plan outline and am ready to proceed with it.

I have decided not to look at the HUGE amount of weight I need to lose but only at 10% of my current weight. This will improve my health greatly - just 10%. I then took time to reflect how long I wanted / need to lose this 10% - by the way it is 30 pounds I am starting with. I decided that I would really like to see this off by April 30 - hubby will just have retired so that would be a nice start to his retirement with me being healthier by 30 pounds.

So this means my eating plan has be to consistent and that I have to exercise, exercise, exercise. I am cutting back all sugar - avoiding it at all times knowing that there might be a slip once in a while but taking all precautions to avoid it, reducing all foods with white flour - bread will be limited to 3 days a week with only 2 slices per day, potatoes I am allowing each day hubby is home from work but it will be one small boil potatoe and pasta only once per week - and all in proper portion size. For exercise I am walking. We have an excellent Rec Plex (holds our indoor swimming pool that has a wave pool included, and our hockey arena) and on the doors to the hockey arena it lists how many times you have to walk around the concourse to walk a mile. So each day hubby is home we will be going there for a walk. I also just burned my Walk Away the Pounds tape (put it from VHS to CD) so will also be doing that each day. I have the 1 - 2 - 3 mile walk but will be naturally starting with the 1 mile one.

Well, it is 10:55, have had a balanced breakfast and my lunch is planned for 1 pm. Now I have to see about getting in my walking - think the Rec Plex is closed till after lunch so will do the CD walk before lunch and then after lunch will go out with hubby for walk at the Rec Plex.

I AM going to accomplish this this year.

sprout 01-01-2006 02:40 PM

Feeling sooooo good
As you can see I have 2 tickers - one for the 30 pounds I am going to lose by April 30 and the other for the miles I walk.

This tickers are as of January 1, 2006 - and you will notice that I have updated my walking ticker ALREADY :carrot: Just did 1 mile with the Walk Away the Pounds - and must admit I am feeling it - it is so different doing this tape rather than just going for a walk. Am thinking I am going to do it one more time today - either just before supper or after - it is 1 mile in 15 minutes so you really 'walk.'

Feeling good - and looking forward to hearing how everyone else is doing.

NOTE: As it is the first of the month and a new year, is there someone here that could start a new thread - not sure if SunnyD is around to do this for us.

pixiefalls 01-01-2006 04:18 PM

Sharon -- Good to hear he is doing a bit better. I'm glad he is under a watchful care and also glad you had peace about it. Will also continue prayers<3

Sprout -- Awesome job on the walking! I saw the 1, 2, & 3 mile set at the store but bought the BL DVD workout.. I think I might go back and get that one after a little while:)!

sprout 01-01-2006 04:20 PM

New thread started

I have started a new thread
Please stop posting here and come to the new threat

Not sure how to give you the link but the thread is

Christian Encouragers #210

sprout 01-01-2006 04:21 PM

New thread started

I have started a new thread
Please stop posting here and come to the new threat

Not sure how to give you the link but the thread is

Christian Encouragers #210

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