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Mitchypoo 12-08-2005 12:17 AM

Oh Lori, so glad you are feeling better!

Hilary~Sorry for that cold. Those are no fun. I have a natural cold remedy if you are interested. PM me. ;)

Going tomorrow to sit with Denise, the girl who found out she has cancer. Things are not going well. She has it throughout her body. She needs people to be with her during the day when her hubby is at work. I'm going tomorrow, someone couldn't come. My mom goes every Tuesday. She's in a lot of pain. She wants me to pray with her. I'm bringing my bible and she wants to pray the rosary. Please pray for her, maybe for pain relief. The poor thing. I pray that i can say or do the right thing for her tomorrow.

wilma12 12-08-2005 09:07 AM

Good Morning!
It is so cold here! It's -16C. I think that's around 5F. It's supposed to warm up a bit on the weekend. I sure hope so. I don't like being out in this. Oh well, I have chose to live here, right? It is a beautiful place to live so I shouldn't complain too much.

I've been doing much better with my eating. I've been quilting in the evenings so that keeps my hands busy so that I can't eat.

Michele: MY prayers for Denise. This must be so hard for her and her family. Also for you as a friend to have to see her in pain like that. I admire you using your time to be there for others. God will bless you for that.

Pixiefalls: I sure hope your cough goes away soon. It is so miserable to have life interrupted by hose nasty things. Take care of yourself.

doitforme: Your niece is adorable. She poses so well too. It's going to be so much fun to see her grow up and find out what her gifts are going to be.

Lori: Happy Birthday to your girls. Hope the day was a good one!!

I don't understand that if you paid for 2-3 sessions at LAWL why you can't have them. Are the reducing the price at all. I think that some people don't realize that some of us need accountability more often than once a week. Hope it goes well for you.

Gary: Let me know when you want to trade places! I'll pick one of our coldest days!! I would love to experience one winter without snow. I would probably miss it but I think I would get over it.:D

mkay: Praying that your sale goes well! All your hard work should pay off.

Hello to everyone else out there! Come and talk to us!!

Have a great day!

doitforme 12-08-2005 09:17 AM

Hilary- Prayers that nagging cough goes away that can be aggravating, limits sleep as well.
Mitchy- prayers for you and your friend, it is a tough time, and there are no easy answers. But I do know the most important thing is to ensure she knows Christ, as He is the best comforter of all.
Wilma- wow -16 degrees is even colder than here, I feel for ya, we have been in the 20's but actually having a mild winter so far. Do me a favor and keep the cold up there, or else I'll be hounding E.Z. for that Ca. sunshine. Gotta run- just wanted to say hi! Everyone have an awesome day! Remember- Jesus is the reason for the season- Not HappyHolidays :nono:
but Merry Christmas:candy: God Bless!

crk05 12-08-2005 02:11 PM

Hi to everyone out there! I just caught up on the posts from since last time I posted on here. Thank you for the warm welcome! I look forward to getting to know all of you as I post on here more.

Hilary ~ I'm glad you're starting to recover from the cold you had. I hope you feel completely better soon!

Beth ~ I hope all is going well with the tax class so far!

mkay ~ I hope your open house coming up is successful!

Gary ~ I saw that Christmas lights video a couple of days ago. That is really neat and I am a fan of Trans-Siberian Orchestra too!

Wilma ~ WOW, that's cold weather! I hope you have fun at your Christmas parties coming up!

Sue ~ Kaylee is adorable! I love her holiday picture!

Michele ~ I will keep Denise in my prayers. I am sorry to hear that she is going through all this pain. She is blessed to have a wonderful friend like you to support her and pray for her.

Lori ~ Happy birthday to your girls! I will send you some warm FL weather...

It's kind of a busy time for me. I'm working on a school (chemistry) project that I will have to present for my graduate committee in the new year. Also I am finishing up law school applications, and my first one is due in early January. I am trying to write the personal statement, but have an awful case of writer's block. Hate it when that happens! I'm really getting excited about Christmas. It's the first one since I got married, so it will be fun to celebrate it with my DH!

Hugs and prayers to everyone! :hug:

(And maybe one day I'll get one of those great signatures like the rest of you have...)

beth1167 12-08-2005 02:18 PM

Whew!!! Miss one day and you really get behind. :dizzy: Hope everyone is having a good day.

M-Kay: Nice to meet you. What kind of jewelry do you sale? I know what kind of work it takes for small businesses. My husband and I had/have a small gift business. Sometimes it's Ok, sometimes not. Good luck at the craft open house.

Gary: Thanks. We enjoy the class. Speaking of Discovery Health Channel....my husband and I love watching all of the gory :barf: medical shows. I am into all of the reality/documentary like shows. I also like watching the detective shows and crime shows. I am a bit weird that way, I guess.

It's been chilly here too. :coolsnow: My parents are driving to Las Vegas then to San Diego. They had to turn around near Dallas and back track towards I-10 yesterday. They decided to stay the night outside of Austin when they passed an overturn SUV on the road. Now they are headed in a more southernly route. Prayers for them and their safe travel.

Sue: What a beautiful baby. Kids are so sweet at that age. Hope your friends prayer meeting/party goes well.

Michele: Sounds like Junior is a really awesome guy. That was nice of him to help with the decorating and fixing your mom's cabinet doors. I will remember you today and pray for your friend Denise. I pray that God will give her comfort, courage, and peace :hug: and that he will do the same for her husband and family and that they know that they need not go through this alone. Also, that he will guide you in knowing what to say and do to comfort her.

Hilary: Feel better soon.


Must go before I have too much fun with these icons. I just discovered the [More] button on the icons. Duh.

beth1167 12-08-2005 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by doitforme
Gotta run- just wanted to say hi! Everyone have an awesome day! Remember- Jesus is the reason for the season- Not HappyHolidays :nono:
but Merry Christmas:candy: God Bless!

Yeah! Well said. What's up with that......Happy Holidays balony (bologna). We were just talking at lunch here at work about everyone trying to be politically correct and not offend those "non Christian" folk. Notice that many of the stores who sold "holiday trees" last year reverted back to selling "Christmas trees" this year, because of all the backlash. We would not be celebrating any holiday in December if it wasn't for Christ. I feel sometimes like this country is in an "evil vs good" civil war or something. Anyway....we need to hold steadfast to our beliefs and moral standards.

Sorry, I had an afterthought after my last posting, but it was still fresh on my mind from my lunch discussion.

I am getting off my :soap: now. :)

wkgirl 12-08-2005 04:28 PM

Hello everyone!:wave:
Its been a while.....I havent been around too much as my exercise has halted since being pregnant....I would like to read and catch up to what you are all doing, but for today I just have time to make a prayer request.
I am 25 weeks pregnant and our last ultrasound showed that the baby's kidneys are full of cysts, which could be genetic, and that my amniotic fluid is extremely low. The doctors told us that if it continues this way the baby will have a low chance of survival once born, since the lungs and kidneys probably won't be developed enough at birth. Its been an extremely long week, and we fly out again on monday to meet with the specialists in Edmonton and see how the baby is doing.
Thank you for your prayers at this time...:df:

crk05 12-08-2005 04:31 PM

Karla - I will keep you and your baby in my prayers.

mkay 12-08-2005 04:53 PM

BUMMER! My post didn't work earlier and now it's going on 5:00 and I get to go home! :dizzy:

I'm going to go back and re-read posts. Nite all!

mom2fivesweeties 12-08-2005 05:02 PM

Hi Karla,

I will definitely be keeping you and your baby in prayer - may our Lord give you peace and strength in dealing with this - remember, he is our God of miracles!

EZMONEY 12-08-2005 09:42 PM

Thursday Night
HI GALS:wave:

Just waiting for my rice to finish. I had chicken breasts and gravy in the crock-pot all day ready to pour over it...plus if that doesn't turn out I have left over chili from last night, left over lasagna from the night before...plus the tamale lady showed up today so I bought a dozen chicken from her~~ no one going :hungry: hungry tonight!

Angie is at her daughter's high school selling tickets for the play, Lara works the behind the scenes stuff. Amanda had her company Christmas party today so she got home early and stood back-up for me as I walked on the roof, checking the fireplace opening at the top for any bird nests....not that high, your typical 2 story roof...but the pitch is pretty tough for an old guy like me.:)

My son has been called to look at some new condos in a beach town next to us, Carlsbad....heis mom filled out forms for him about 3 years ago for low income housing/first time buyers...anyway as a first year teacher here he qualifies...so he may consider getting into one. They are really nice, in a really nice new area with parks, recreation, shopping, etc. all around...the condos are mixed in between the $600 thousand plus homes. The cheapest models run around $200 thousand for the two bedroom and up to $225 thousand for the 3 bedrooms....that is what the "low" income people get them for~~~ they are over $300 thousand for everyone else. He qualifies because his income for a first year teacher is just under $40 thousand...
Can you believe it? $200 thousand "LOW INCOME HOUSING"...40 grand a year now is "LOW INCOME"...what has happened gals? Heck, I bought my first house here when I was 19 years old and paid $30,000 for a 7 yr old home, with 3 thousand down...payments $238 a month ...5 miles from the beach...in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA!!!....man oh man was that a loooong time ago!! That same house now is a 40 year old fixer upper running in the neighborhood of $550 thousand..........shoulda kept it..:mad:

Anyway, Ryan is going to check into it...no chance in the near future for him to become a California homeowner any other way with the median price here of well over $500 thousand and NOTHING around under $300 thousand...it still won't be cheap, and you can't ever really have much equity in it because you have to go by the low income guidelines....which is good...as far as who and how much you can sell for...the city gets involved too. So we shall see....my ex-wife was over for a few hours last night so we all had a little pow-wow on what to do.

( EDIT:I am adding this in the Friday morning....our news just said that only 9% of southern Californians can afford to buy a home here...15% for the state...don't move here gals!!)

KARLA~PRAYERS~PRAYERS~PRAYERS for your baby and you and your dh as you go through these tough days!!

MARYK~~ That's OK~~ at least you are back for awhile (?)...how's Gary and his knee?....winter hunting season?

LORI~ FEELING BETTER? Did your dark-skinned~dark-haired blond Abbi ever get those post cards?

BETH~I'm with you and SUE on Christmas vs. Happy Holidays...don't try and change the wording of Christmas on me! We, christians, gather together to celebrate the birth of Christ...if those that don't do that want to have a HAPPY HOLIDAY on that same day...Fine with me...just don't mess with mine!! How's class?...taxing:rofl: Tell your parents to honk when they get into San Diego area and I will wave to them:wave:
Prayers for a safe trip...Angie and I were in Vegas a few weeks ago and it was gorgeous then...but we have been there when it was really cold and rainy too. Just stay inside and "play"!

Be back in a flash......

EZMONEY 12-08-2005 10:10 PM

I'm Back
I had to make a doorbell run...

HEY CHRISTINA~ You have to talk to SUNNYD57....for the Christmas graphic....she also goes by Donna...good luck, she is so busy ...but if you P.M. her she may be able to help you, she is the sweetest...but super busy! I had never heard of Trans-Siberian until this year...but I look so forward each year of putting our 4 Mannheim Steamroller CD's in, gonna have to go get some T-S Orchestra soon!NOW!!! Back to your homework!!:coach: :drill:


WILMA~Keep on quiltin'!! Stay away from the fridge;) after dinner! How are those newlyweds doing? Any good news on the asthma? Went to Staples the other day...all seems fine...your boy must be doing his job well!!

HILARY~Prayers for your cold to get better soon! I am also asking for PRAYERS for my god-daughter's husband...he went to the hospital on Monday with a bad cough and cold...turned into a very serious problem with his liver shutting down, some type of complication from skin medicine he was taking...very critical for 2 days...better today but not well. You take care of yourself!!;)

LORI~ Back to you...missed a post...:cheer: :hb: :gift: :hat: :balloons: :woo: to the girls! I sent the :sunny: yesterday...should be there soon.

AUNT SUE~Ditto on the HAPPY HOLIDAY..see BETH...I thought your bowling was over with...or is this the new winter season? Thanks for the continued prayers for Dennis and Juan. I am just learning of Trans-Siberian Orchestra...been a Mannheim Steamroller (Christmas) fan for years...I am so behind!! on "quality" music...if they don't play it on the country station, well, bull riding fan...I just might not know it! Can't wait to see KAYLEE cowgirl up;)

Well gotta go...REBA and RYLEE want dinner too!!!!!!!!!!

mom2fivesweeties 12-08-2005 11:31 PM


Here are 3 of my 4 little ones in the back yard today - Princess Abbi watched from the house - it was too cold for her little tootsies! :rofl:


EZMONEY 12-09-2005 09:29 AM

Oh My Goodness
LORI~ Who are you trying to kid;)

Look at the smiles on your boy's faces ~~~~:devil: EVIL :devil:

Pretty sure they have captured the :queen: Princess and won't give her back...right? ;)

doitforme 12-09-2005 10:23 AM

Christina- Thanks! Pray all goes well with your school projects, I took chemistry but don't remember much about it.
Beth- Thanks! Party/prayer meeting went really well. always fun fellowshiping with other Christians. My sentiments exactly! (Holiday vs. Christmas)
Wkgirl- prayers for you and your dh and your unborn wee one, for safety in travel and a healthy baby.
E.Z.- WOW! low income housing her is around 60,000- $300,000 would be very very nice. Average is $100,000-$150,000. Prayers that works out for him. Trans -Siberian Orchestra does a Christmas show broadcast every year on a public t.v channel w.m.h.t. There are two different shows( it is a story of a young girl away from home at Christmas). You need to get their CD "Christmas Eve and Other stories", it is awesome, the story of an angel coming to earth - sent by the Lord to find one thing that represents everything good done in the name of the day Christ was born. The angel goes several places a small church, a barroom, ect He sees a father praying that his child whom he had not heard from in a long time and who wouldn't be home for Christmas . The angel goes to the child, and it is arranged the child goes home for Christmas. The gift the angel brings to the Lord is the wish of a soul for the happiness of another. The other story is about a child who has ran away and really wants to go home, but has no money to get there and is afraid to call. Tran-Siberian Orchestra is made up of a group of rock musicians. But they are awesome to listen too! Speaking of which I am going to run to walmart for material to keep sewing and will listen to them in my car as I have two of their cds- you all have an awesome day. Its snowing hard here. It looks alot like Christmas now! See ya!

EZMONEY 12-09-2005 10:45 AM

Thanks for the info AUNT SUE...Angie and I looked them up on the internet last night and guess what? They WERE HERE at the San Diego Sports Arena on WEDNESDAY!!!!! If I only knew..... anyway Angie showed me a little on their site...I see they have a lot of people...that is why they can put on shows in two different cities at the same time. have a great WHITE CHRISTMAS SEASON day........

mkay 12-09-2005 10:55 AM

Ok, Momof5...how old is the princess A? Any pics of her? She sounds "all girly." My Jenny is like that and so are my nieces; Abby and Megan.

EZ- Gary's foot is at the healing stage where most people are after 2 years. It's not even been one year for him yet. It's probably all that woods walkin he does. His passion is hunting. who am I to stop him. Hey, "just pay your share of the bills and don't be in any more debt AND give me a small stash to play with while you are gone" is what I say. :D

doitforme- Baby pic is cute as can be. I imagine I will be a g.mom within the next 2 years. Then...pics pics pics. Who is trans siberian? I must get to the music store too. Sounds great! I'm also a MS fan. Bowl it girl!

Pixie- I haven't been sick with a cold for almost a year now. Praying I don't either. I am on a super vitamin and perhaps that will keep my imune system up. Although my nose does feel funny today. Do you live in Missouri or close to it? Hope you feel better.

wilma- I'll bet you are freezing your tush off. Sorry...it's cold here too but probably not as bad. We got dumped on last night; 4 inches perhaps. I will snowblow when I get home today. I'm leaving work around 2:30 today...Yea!
Thanks for the well wishing for the open house on Saturday.

Michele- How did it go with Denise yesterday? Junior? :love:

Christina- On the beach? Yeowzza! I love the beach, the shells, the water, the air, everything! Anyway...Chemistry? Better you than me! You are going to law school...I'm impressed. I'm too old to do any HUGE lifestyle changes...except food changes in January! Now...get to work!

Beth- I make mostly crystal braclets (birthstone; mother's) and some stone and some real inexpensive stuff. I enjoy coming up with pieces specific for people. Were your parents driving in icky weather condition? I'm with you on the Happy Holiday vs. Christmas thing. People!

wgirl- Yikes, cold in Canada I'm sure. When are you due for your baby? Oh my goodness, I just finished reading your post....

Heavenly Father, we are so joyous with the birth of this baby. We come to You with our request to hold this baby's precious kidneys in Your healing hands and take away each and every one of the cysts and to raise mom's amniotic fluid to hold baby safely until it's birth. We pray for this child and family Father in Your most precious name...and we ALL said Amen and Amen!

Well, it's really slow today at work...only 5 of us showed up due to weather, kids being home and sickie people. I hope each and every one of you has a wonderful and blessed weekend. Sunny...WHERE ARE YOU? I like the Christmas siggys (hint hint).


EZMONEY 12-09-2005 11:49 AM

MKAY~ If you go back to page 4 and my post on 12/7 there is a link to a site that has a house with Christmas lights flashing on and off to a Trans-Siberian song Wizards of Winter (I think)

mkay 12-09-2005 12:18 PM

EZ- I just went to the house of lights site. Whew! I'm glad I don't live on that street.

mom2fivesweeties 12-09-2005 01:13 PM

Gary: Oh yes, you have my boys pegged right - they are TROUBLE! They probably DO have Princess Abbi tied up somewhere and I don't know where! :rofl: Their looks don't even hold a torch to the trouble they get into! The sun reached us today and it is a BALMY 23 degrees! The Princess decided this morning she wanted to go outside and it was still around 9 degrees. She pouted for an hour when I wouldn't let her get frostbite! :rofl: She said the postcards are at school and that her teacher is going to do each part of the country separately. So when they get to the west coast, all the kids who received postcards from that area of the country will discuss their cards. This will be an ongoing project throughout the year. I called her teacher and said I wanted the postcards when they were finished with them. She said it would be in MAY! :dizzy:

MaryKay: Here is the Princess Abbi - and the hula skirt fits her perfectly! She is the pretty Indian Princess at her friend's birthday party!

HELLO To Everyone Else!! Have a GREAT weekend!:snowglo:


Mitchypoo 12-09-2005 01:33 PM

Hi all! :wave:

I was with Denise most of the day, from 8:30 to about 4:00, my mom came by and stayed until a little after 6 pm. I almost didn't recognize her, she's not looking well. She said she was having a good day, but she was very restless and wouldn't just lay down. (Frustrating for me). She did feel well enough and safe with me there to get in the shower and she did lay down for about 1/2 an hour, we prayed the rosary and i read from the bible to her about anxiety and fear and comfort. She is very scattered and couldn't deal with it for long. My mom told me i had a ticket on my car when she came in, i was so bummed. I was parked 10' from a hydrant, suppose to be 15' i guess, that was a $62 mistake and i went home feeling really awful about Denise and the whole situation (with her daughter mostly, whom i met while there), and i totally smelled like cigarettes and had a headache.....what a whiner, huh! I had to get in the shower first thing when i got home.

Junior came by and picked me up, took me to his house where he pampered me all night, he knew i had a bad day.

Prayers for you all, especially for Karla. Oh my dear, my heart aches for you. :hug: :grouphug: I pray for God's loving comfort to come and coccoon you and your family and your dear sweet baby.

Mitchypoo 12-09-2005 01:34 PM

p.s. thank you all for the prayers for Denise, they are much appreciated.

sprout 12-09-2005 03:56 PM

it's cold outside ! !
but it is so nice and cozy inside - sun is shining and looks so nice outside - we were out it in earlier when it was -10 but found it too cold.

Just about ready for Christmas. Have the grandchildren's gifts all bought - just need to wrap them - doing that tomorrow - and will mail them on Monday - sad that they live so far away but we do hear from them lots so that makes a bit easier.

We are going to have our 'Christmas dinner' on the 24th and are having a family over to celebrate. They have a girl age 12. Then on Christmas day we are going out at 2 pm to a very very fancy restaurant for a complete Christmas day dinner for $10.50 per person - rather inexpensive. Usually we don't go to a restaurant on Christmas day but our best friends are leaving on the 26th for over 1 week and don't want to have so much left overs at their home - and because they have two special needs 'ladies' that live with them they don't go to others homes for dinner - long story and with us raising a special needs I truly understand where they are coming from. Because this same family is moving at the end of March to Edmonton Alberta - long ways from us - we are going to go out and have dinner with them - could be our last CHristmas day dinner with them for some time. But we will still have the left overse - yummy:hungry:

I started my walking again on December 1. Am back to the beginning which is a bummer. When I originally started I could only do 1 lap but got it up to 21 laps = 3 miles within 45 minutes - which is good for me. When I restarted on December 1 I was back to 1 lap with lots of pain. But I have been out every day trying to increase it. The last few days I have been doing 4 laps and hubby 'informed' me that tomorrow I have to do '5' as I need to give it that little push. 7 laps = 1 mile. As of today I have walked 4 miles and tomorrow I should be able to make it up to 5 miles. Goal for December is 12 miles for sure but would like to have it at 15 miles. So am really going to have to 'push' in order to get it.

Weight - I started recording it on Wednesday so won't be able to tell till then as to what the results are - but am looking for 6 - 8 pounds gone by December 31 - am using the motivation of 'See, sweetheart, I said I would do it and I did.' He just smiles as he knows when I put my mind to it I will.

wilma12 12-09-2005 09:14 PM

Karla: You and your baby are definitely in my prayers. HHUUGGSS!!

Michele: It looks to me that you have a winner in Junior. It's so nice to have someone care when you've had a bad day.

Gary: I'm staying warm under my quilt these days. It's really cold out there. We do get used to it after a while but I just feel the cold more these days. I keep hoping it's the weight loss but I don't think it is. I'm becoming a wimp!!

The specialist still hasn't called about DS's asthma. We think his reports must have got lost in the mail or something. This is unusually long even for up here. He seems to be feeling a lot better so hopefully he'll be able to back to work full time soon.

The newlyweds are doing great. Broke but great. They still come over once a week for dinner so we keep in touch that way but for the most part they keep to themselves. Wonder why!:o

mkay: We don't have much more snow than you do but we keep it for much longer!! Keep us posted on your sale!

Lori: Those boys do look like trouble!! I wonder what they'll be when they grow up. It neat to see the gifts and interests show up as they mature. Let me know when Abbi gets the postcard. I really tried finding one with snow on it but couldn't. I guess our tourism industry doesn't want to advertise the snow!!

Well, I should get back to my quilt. Tomorrow I get highlites put in my hair and then its off to my DH's staff Christmas party. Sunday our church care group gets together so it's a busy weekend for us.

Take care!

EZMONEY 12-09-2005 10:35 PM

HI GALS:wave:

Hope everyone is doing well. Angie and I had take-out, chinese, for dinner. She is doing her evening crossword puzzle, kids are all out~ so I thought I would check in.

Had the day off so I took Reba and Rylee to angie's school to visit...I almost didn't get to her classroom ~~ the doors were all open ~~ Angie's is at the end of her section ~~ had to pass by other teachers that know the girls and kids...my girls were quite the :queen: :yes: :queen: today.

WILMA~I would call the doctor up just to verify...keep them honest...a few years ago I waited months for a report on my nephew...somehow it just got shoved in his file and forgotten about. Those newlyweds may be keeping to themselves...but I bet they aren't keeping their hands to themselves :sssh: :love: :sssh:

MICHELE~ You are a great friend...prayers continue for Denise. Seems like you are not fond of her daughter?

LORI~I was just checking on those [postcards...making sure she received them so I didn't look like an idiot...:lol: shut up ANG!:lol: It will be cool if you do get them, some show a lot of our area here.

MKAY~ Me too..but the light show sure is cool! Sounds like you and Gary have the "deal" that works for you both in your relationship! Good for you.

MARILYN~ Way to go girl!! Now keep pushing:wl: :drill: :coach:

KARLA~Continued prayers.

Well hello to everyone....off to vist my wife!!

Mitchypoo 12-09-2005 11:07 PM

Oh Gary, made me hungry for Chinese food! Hope you two enjoyed it. I had homemade chili and cornbread, yum. Gary, it's not that i don't like the daughter but there are some definite problems there with how the whole family treats Denise, especially now. I think it's because i'm so close to my mamacita that i get really irritated with others. I'm sure there are reasons and it's really none of my business. This daughter is an odd duck, but i'm not living her life, so whatever.

I ended up with a migraine today, think from the smoke, i tryed to just go about my business, did some shopping with mom but it wouldn't leave me. Ended up taking something and going to bed for 3 hours. It's gone now!

Oh, Lori, your kids are adorable!! Having fun in the snow...and you do have a princess there too!

EZMONEY 12-10-2005 09:36 AM

I was watching the morning show on CBS this morning and saw that the guy with the light show had to shut it down. I guess he just had too much traffic and attention that people were complaining...he lives in Mason, Ohio....

See you later...have a great week-end

MICHELE~ We had sweet and sour chicken ~ chicken lo mein ~ tofu w/ vegetable ~ and egg fried rice ~ Plenty of leftovers for lunch ~ Chili sounds good too! I make my chili different than my mom's...my family really likes it...but they also missed Grammy Judi's chili...called her this week for recipe and made it on Tuesday...it was a hit...brought back memories for my kids and nephew...but they did say to make "mine" next time.....

Shirl2005 12-11-2005 09:39 AM

Thanks for the welcome.
I am doing well, staying op.
nice day here its warming up
Have a great sunday

EZMONEY 12-11-2005 12:15 PM

Sunday Morning

It is GORGEOUS here this morning...not even 9am and the sun :sunny: has been shining for a couple of hours...I have the windows open in the house, in shorts and t-shirt...feels like spring:flow1: The weather report, earlier in the week, said to expect :rain: today...hummm...we shall see. I am sending some of the :sunny: to those that need it ;).

Angie had to play bells at service last night, my step-d played a couple of songs on the piano too, so I went last night. Angie and Lara had to play again this morning, nephew went too. Ryan and Amanda both had dates last night to see Keith Urban...they both stayed in San Diego, so I am home all alone and sad :cry:...yea right :rolleyes:

I was already able to get a chuck roast in the crock-pot, for hungarian stew, for tonights dinner....washed the truck yesterday...so...must be PLAY time for me today....must be a football game on somewhere..;)

Did you all watch the HEISMAN trophy presentation?...WELL I DID!! actually I had to tape the end of it since I went to church....my USC player REGGIE BUSH won!:cb: :dancer: :cheer: :cp: :carrot: My son and I sure were pulling for him, he had a great year...plus that means USC has had 3 of the last 4 HEISMAN trophy winners!:carrot: Ties us with that dreaded nortre dame for the most...most of theirs were years ago though, except for TIM BROWN...who I love since he was a RAIDER great for years!!

I know you all don't really care ;) But that's OK...Reggie is a local boy, went to school in San Diego, so I was able to see highlights each week of his games, plus see him play in person a few times...awesome player...just spreading the :love:

SHIRL~:welcome: I see you found us ;) My best friend just moved to Kansas...against his wishes...a few months ago. Long story but my wife and I had a home built in Washington last year...a few miles from them...but just as soon as we moved there...for the summer...he lost his job and the only place in his field hiring was in Kansas. He is located in Burlington. He did mention the :snowglo: last week....brrrr :shocksn:

Well, geeeeeeeeeee wizzzzzzzzzzzzz.....I am up to date on the posts since you are all out exercising and having fun!!

OH...I just discovered Rachael Ray's show (although I have read about her...in Guideposts)...what a cool gal! Thinking about making her :wreath: Christmas Pasta for Christmas Eve :santa: ...to feed about 20....looks easy and can make the sauce ahead of time.

Have a great week ahead gals......Gary

Mitchypoo 12-11-2005 02:10 PM

:gift2: :stardav: :present: :snow4: :snowglo: :hohoho: :snowfight :shocksn: :dreidel: :elf: :snowball1 :coolsnow: :ginger: :xcheer: :snowball: :santa: :clause: :wreath: :rudolph: :newyear: :candy: :mrsclaus: :han: :tree:
Hi all :wave:

Don't you love the new smilies!! Sorry, i went a bit overboard but i wanted to see them all.

Happy Sunday! I'm up late, missed church, but getting ready and going with my friend to her daughters soccer game at 1:00. Gary is right, it is really beautiful here today. But i don't want to rub it in to all of you who are fighting the cold and snow. That can be beautiful too, i remember, but i'm happy to be here.

Haven't seen Junior in a couple days, he thought i was mad at him, and i'm not....men....they are silly. It's great to have someone in my life, but i forgot how much work it can be.

Went shopping yesterday with my dear mamacita, she got a lot done. I'm going to make peppermint marshmallows today, hopefully they will come out good. I want to make some gifts of hot chocolate mix and homemade marshmallows.

Have a great Sunday! :hug: to all!

mom2fivesweeties 12-11-2005 03:58 PM

More Drama
Hi Everybody,

Just thought I'd let you know the recent drama in the Altnether household - Friday afternoon I got up off the couch and walked over to my computer to check my Ebay listings. The monitor started spinning so I looked away to try to focus. Well, all He*** broke loose - everything was spinning, I started sweating profusely, I started throwing up and blacking out - I was SO scared I was having a heart attack since Dan just died 3 weeks ago and with my weight. I couldn't see so I had my Princess dial 911 and I told them I needed an ambulance STAT - so they came along with 2 police cars - they put an IV in, oxygen and carted me out the door - I can't believe they were going to leave my babies - I kept telling them to get a neighbor as Bob and Mike weren't home.

Luckily our next-door-neighbor came over while I was being loaded up and offered to stay with the kids until Bob or Mike came home. Once at the ER they gave me valium in the IV for the vertigo (the dizziness) and some other meds for the throwing up. I stayed there for a few hours and then they admitted me. Several blood test and CAT scans later, they decided I did NOT have a heart attack, thank you God! \0/

I just got home a few hours ago and they determined that it was probably a virus that affected my balance (inner ear) and brain and that it just had a sudden onset of symptoms - it sure scared all of us - my poor kids -

I have to get one more test on Tuesday and that is a carotid ultrasound to make sure there are no blockages there -

Always something, isn't there? Dan died, my elderly parents (86 and 88) have been sick, Bob got stitches in his finger on Wednesday and then this. I'm sure things will calm down soon!

Hope you are all warm, safe and well -

:ginger: :hug:

EZMONEY 12-11-2005 09:02 PM

LORI~ A billion prayers here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank-goodness you are OK...(depending on future tests)...OK my dear...maybe this is a wake up call....a BLESSING IN DISGUISE FROM OUR GREAT LORD!!.......tAKE IT EASY! EASY!!.. you know what to do.....love ya, Gary

xJox 12-11-2005 10:53 PM

Would it be ok to join this group?

wilma12 12-12-2005 09:05 AM

Lori: What a scary thing to have happen! I'm so thankful that it wasn't as serious as it could have been. a little too much excitement for you and the kids.

Baileysmomma: Welcome! Tell us a bit about yourself!

Michele: Yes, having a relationship is work - even for those of us who have been married 26 years. But, the benefits of having a good relationship outweighs the work it takes to make it strong.

It's okay to talk about your nice weather! It's good to know that it's nice somewhere!! We got another inch of snow yesterday.

Gary: I talked to the manager of DS's doctor's office and she said the specialist can be really slow. DS is getting sick of waiting around home so he's going to go to some job fairs and check out other lines of work that don't require so much talking. He is a smart kid and a really great guy. He's just lacking some direction in his life right now. It's hard when they don't know what they want to do with their life. I'd appreciate prayers for him.

Shirl: A warm welcome to you! Hope you find the support here that you need.

We had a really nice weekend. Saturday was DH's Christmas party at work. It was fun even though I didn't know anyone. I did find someone to visit with. Then yesterday our care group met and that's alway a good time. We've just started studying the book of John and I think it'll be interesting.

Now it's back to work!

Have a great day!

crk05 12-12-2005 10:56 AM

Hi everyone! I just got done catching up on everybody's posts from the weekend. It's a beautiful sunny and slightly chilly day here in FL, just the kind I like! :cool: I would love to go walking outside, and may persuade myself to make a Starbucks run just so I can enjoy the weather. I'm trying to enjoy it because I probably won't get as much of it when my husband and I move north next year!

I don't have an overwhelmingly busy day (thankfully), but I am going to try and get my law school personal statement finalized. It has been hanging over my head and I really want to be done with it. I never like writing these things because I feel like I'm bragging about myself for two pages. Yuk. :rolleyes:

Oh and some fun news. I weighed in this weekend and found I had lost 2.5 more pounds! Hooray! :cb: And I was wearing my "big" pants and as I walked around the mall, realized that they were starting to feel a little too baggy. Time to break out the "medium" pants, I think! I also got two new pairs of shoes, which made me a happy girl.

So, that's my exciting life! I hope you all have a great day! :)

Lori - that's a cute picture of the princess at the birthday party! Love the grass skirts! And I am SO SO happy to hear that you're OK after what happened this weekend. I will keep you in my prayers for everything you and your family has gone through recently.

Michele - continued prayers for Denise. You are such a wonderful friend to her.

Gary - that's too bad that the guy with the lights had to take them down, but I suppose I might have felt differently had I been his neighbor! I hope you're having a great day so far!

Shirl - :welcome2: It's nice to have you here with us!

Baileysmomma - a warm :welcome3: to you as well! I look forward to getting to know you!

Wilma - glad to hear that you had a relaxing weekend!

Mitchypoo 12-12-2005 01:21 PM

Lori~how terribly scary for you and your kids, but i'm so glad you are ok and home now. You are just getting over that kidney infection, maybe it had to do with that? Please take care of you, sending healing prayers.

It's monday and after reading this a.m.'s mail i'm a little bummed for my family. We normally have my aunt and uncle and their 4 kids and their families over for christmas eve but most of them live about 1 hr. away and they are not coming this year. I wonder if they think since i'm home that they won't come this year, but i'm bummed for my mom. She takes it personally. The only ones coming for sure are Sandy and Bob, our friends and maybe Junior if he can get over his sad feelings and missing his mom at Christmas. So i need to find some ideas to make our small celebration special. Any ideas?

I went to my friend's daughters soccer game yesterday. She was alone with the girls, hubby had to work so i needed to help her load 3 kids, snacks for the team, cupcakes, gatorade, etc. in the van and then i watched the twins while she did her soccer mom duties. It was fun to see her daughter play and they won their quarter finals and got a trophy! Then we went back to her place, hubby got home, i took her to Sam's club where she got Santa gifts and i took them home and taking them to Grandpa's today for her.

Then Junior came by and we had some spaghetti and italian sausage that mom made and then we went grocery shopping and then to his house. He made me one of his families deserts of banana pudding w/vanilla wafers. It was really good. He makes the pudding from scratch. He's so good to me and i'm so happy to have someone that i enjoy spending time with and who makes me laugh. He makes me laugh so hard i snort sometimes!

:welcome3: to baileysmomma! Love your name. Please jump in and let us know how we can pray and support you.

So this week is busy with lots to do! Better get to it.

beth1167 12-12-2005 02:49 PM

:wel3fc: Shirl and Alana Jo. You will love this group.

:cheer: Way to go Marilyn for getting back into the swing of things. It is hard to do when you have been out of commission for a while. You can do it.

:hungry: Gary your posts always makes me drool. Do you do most of the cooking. Hungarian Stew sounds awesome. What exactly makes stew hungarian?

Michele - Homemade banana puddings with nilla wafers. Yum. So Junior not only fixes things around the house, but makes you laugh and can do dessert. He's got my vote.

Karla :grouphug: Prayers for you and your entire family.....especially Baby.

:yikes: Lori - girl, ya scarin me. Way to go Princess for being such a big help for Mom when she needed it. You have adorable kids.

Everyone else: Sorry, I haven't forgotten you. Take care and God bless.

Make it a fun day. I mean.....do your work, take care of business, but have fun in the process.

mom2fivesweeties 12-12-2005 03:06 PM

Hi Everyone!

Thanks SO much for all the thoughts and prayers - you all are the BEST! :hug:

Michele: I thought about the kidney infection too - my potassium level was so low they gave me 6 bags of it in my IV - I have no idea how it got so low - I'm sorry your mom is sad about the smaller group at Christmas - this is going to be a strange Christmas in our family too I'm afraid - with mom and dad having been sick since Thanksgiving and she insists on having it, everyone is going to be on edge that it's too much for them - there will be just the opposite of your dilemma - too many people - sigh - I just pray it won't be too much for them. Glad you and Junior are doing so well - Bob and I have been together over 30 years and I don't know what I'd do without him - relationships formed by our Lord are absolutely awesome, that's for sure!

Christina: Thanks for the prayers! CONGRATS on the 2.5 loss! Isn't it fun to see that scale going down? Yep, that princess looks right at home in that girly grass skirt, doesn't she? :D

Wilma: Thanks for the nice note - I'm glad you had a great weekend! DH has Christmas parties at his work, but they are usually in a bar and everyone gets drunk - ugh - maybe 20 years ago that would have appealed to me - but frankly, I was dizzy enough Fri. to last the rest of my life!! :dizzy:

Baileysmomma: :welcome: You will LOVE this group! My oldest son's girlfriend's name is Bailey!

Gary: Thank you dear! Your prayers are much coveted and appreciated!! I'll keep you posted on the test I'm having tomorrow.

Hi to everyone else! Have a wonderful week!

:hug: :tree: :wreath: :ginger: :coolsnow:

EZMONEY 12-12-2005 08:39 PM

Monday Night
HI GALS:wave:

How is everyone today? I had to work today...boy! I sure like it when I get time off like last week...but it sure doesn't $$$ pay $$$ the bills does it? :no: And I sure do like :jeno: :burger: :mcd: :coffee2: :corn: :cheese: :cbg: :hb: :carrot: ...to eat!!

I have a hamburger soup cooking on the stove. Angie stayed home from school today...sick...son just got home from teaching and he has it now...he said at least it is finals week so he doesn't really have to teach, just test the kids. My ex-wife has it and my daughter's boyfriends sisters...really going around here.

LORI~ Thank goodness you are feeling better! I will pray that your mom and dad are well enough to handle the large crowd at Christmas...your mom probably just knows that there may not be too many left for her and your pops, and just doesn't give a darn how she feels, as long as she has her family with her. OH~ as far as the last PM~~ down here in "southern" California we really don't include those from Frisco in "our" state ;) so :sumo: back off :sumo: on the "NASTY" insinuations :rofl: Oh by the way~~ what bar does your DH have their Christmas party in? I could chip in and take your spot;) ...

BETH~ I really have no idea what it takes to make a stew Hungarian..I just found the recipe yesterday morning...it was pretty good...the kids liked it and said I could make it again. It was fairly easy...a crock-pot dish. If you are interested you can go to www.pillsbury.com and put in hungarian stew and it will come up...it is the only one....I was looking for a recipe to use a chuck roast in.

KARLA~ Continued prayers!

MICHELE~ sorry your party may not be as large as you wanted...er...maybe missing some of the people you wanted. Maybe you and your mom could put your heads together and come up with a couple of people to invite that may not have a place to go for Christmas Eve...maybe even an elderly couple from the church that's family is too far away to come to them. As far as what to do...well...in my opinion...alcohol is always good...."OFF MY BACK ANGIE!"....seriously...yea right~ ME~ serious:rofl: when we have a group of people over we always play a game called Loaded Questions...very fun!! I think you can get it at any Toys R Us...if you don't already know or have it. Coud find out a lot of "stuff" on junior (;) :D

Wilma is right...relationships take work at all levels...heck I have been married over 20 years too...just to 2 different women!! 10 years at a time...that is about all anyone can take of me...actually 11 to the first one and 9 to Angie...but #10 is in Jan.!! You just never know...in fact...HONESTLY!! my wife and ex are on the phone with each other right now...something about the kids college graduation pictures....go figure....and to top it all off...HONESTLY!!! My brother and I were at my ex's significant others house today doing drywall on a remodel to his bedroom....so strange............but true!!

ALANA JO~:welcome3:

CHRISTINA~ Maybe you should have your husband come up with "nice" things about you? He should be able to come up with at least a page and a half....IF HE KNOWS WHAT IS GOOD FOR HIM!!!:lol: My daughter is a little bummed right now...she took the GRE again on Saturday and was down 20 points.....she wasn't too happy...but at least she went to see Keith Urban a couple of hours later to take her mind off it ;)

Well hello to all the MIA's....you know who you are...off to eat my soup.

pixiefalls 12-12-2005 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by EZMONEY
I had to make a doorbell run...

HILARY~Prayers for your cold to get better soon! I am also asking for PRAYERS for my god-daughter's husband...he went to the hospital on Monday with a bad cough and cold...turned into a very serious problem with his liver shutting down, some type of complication from skin medicine he was taking...very critical for 2 days...better today but not well. You take care of yourself!!;)

Well gotta go...REBA and RYLEE want dinner too!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for the prayers, Gary. I will pray for him.. I hope he is doing better!! I haven't looked through many posts and I see I am behind!


Originally Posted by Mitchypoo

Hilary~Sorry for that cold. Those are no fun. I have a natural cold remedy if you are interested. PM me. ;)

Thank you so much for that offer.. I wish I had seen it before! That's sweet of you;). My cold is much better now and almost completely gone.. thank you all for your prayers!

I hope you all are doing well.. I will keep you in my prayers. I am so busy right now with finals.. I finished my Spanish III one, but I have an essay for AP English to write that was due today, but I forgot about it then I have pre-calculus homework I must finish before the end of the day tomorrow.. phew!

Take care all, I will be back tomorrow night or Wednesday to catch up!!

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