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paperclippy 09-12-2005 11:25 AM

Thanks everyone! :)

LaMariposita - that's a great time for your race! Wow, only three people came in over 30 mins? That must have been a pretty small race. The one I did this weekend was huge, I was nowhere near last and I came in over 40 minutes (though it was mostly walkers behind me).

MrsDawsondn 09-12-2005 02:05 PM

Oh my gosh you guys I couldn't wait to get in here and log my running. I was on a consecration last week and had to abstain from exercise, wow that was really HARD! Anyhoo Sunday morning I got up at 520 hit the road by 5:45 and ran 46 minutes and after I hit about 30 minutes i threw some wind spirits in there and it was AWESOME. It felt like my old track days. I just love that burst of adrenaline. I think I will keep that up. maybe it'll speed up my times? hopefully so. Mondays are usually a rest day or a walk day but it was so funny my body was ready for a RUN today I mean it was crazy my head wasn't in it but my body was raring to go I forced myself to go back to sleep but I could feel my blood pumping and my heart rate and everything it was like my body was really telling me to go and run but I tried so hard to go back to sleep. I guess I should've ran eh?

Anyhoo just got done doing a great strength workout on lunch I'm feelin good feeling great!!!! I think my endorphins are talking right now LOL.

MrsDawsondn 09-12-2005 02:15 PM

wtg mariposta and paper clippy on the races!!!

Paperclippy I did the exact same thing that you did in my race I had the nerve to try and start in the front of the line LOL BIIIIGGGGG mistake I got passed up by so many people that towards mile 2 there were walkers passing me up :lol: Hope you feel better And yes you came in under 45 minutes that is a great accomplishment!!!

YP1 09-12-2005 02:33 PM

Help!!! I've got my 10k on Sunday and was really looking forward to it, I ran 10k towards the end of last week (can't remember what day now) and then had the weekend off on a break to Dublin. I walked a lot all weekend, but it was all fairly flat and not too far, just sightseeing etc. Got back, everything was fine. I went on the treadmill this morning and walked fast hills, fine.

Then when I got to work the back of my right leg just stiffened up, right down the back of my thigh and my calf. I wasn't intending to run much this week before the race, but I don't know what would be best for it to try to get it a bit looser before then.

Any ideas?

MrsDawsondn 09-12-2005 02:58 PM

sorry to be posting so much but you guys are really doing great!

Ilene I totally agree that you should get a running group. One time when I first starting out and I ran my first mile there was a running group coming in and with my size I was a little embarassed to be running so slow but the whole group was just laughing and talking and when they passed me they really encouaged me alot and told me to keep at it. Shoot even in my first race when I was running there were groups of women running literally having shoot the breeze conversations LOL I on the other hand was concentrating on breathing and pacing myself HAHA! Have fun you'll love it.

leanne you are so going to kick butt in this race I know it. Please keep us posted on it.

bellalumina hope you feel better nothing worse than not being able to work out. I KNOW LOL. And be sure to update us on the laps around. I used to do the exact same thing but with persistance I was able to run farther than I ever though imaginable. I used to run from one stop sign to the next and thought I was gonna die but once I got the whole block down I was exhilarated and now my outtake is this. I don't care about the distance I care more about the amount of time that I spend running that is what determins my endurance and stamina. I never thought I'd be able to RUN 20 minutes but here I am doing almost 50 minutes woohoo. Keep it up you'll be there in no time!

lizzbabe great job not giving up feels like success in the end doesn't it?

Hey only me glad to hear from you sounds as if all is well and yes your ds will LOVE the kids race. My kids had so much fun when they got to run. I twas pouring down rain too but they ran their races and still talk about it to this day. Godd luck on the run!

Hi 4rabbit so nice to hear from you "waving" Sounds as if your doing great! keep up the awesome work girlie! We are all working at this and I personally love it. You've come a really long way good to go! And yes I agree cool max materials are the bestest! I am so in love with target they have the absolute best prices for fitness gear and materials!!!

3fcuser1058250 09-12-2005 08:27 PM

YP1 -- Did you try stretching your hamstrings, I find light to no weight deadlifts stretch the back of my legs really well... good Luck!

MrsD -- Your posts make me smile, I love your enthusiasm :D

Today no running for me, not even some cardio, I did only legs, it wasn't the greatest workout though and I am disappointed because I was looking forward to it. The reason it wasn't good is because this lady who I hadn't seen in a long time would not shut up! So I used my time talking with her :rolleyes:, oh well what can you do? I'll try to get some more leg work in this week.

BellaLumina 09-12-2005 10:14 PM

WTG Lamariposita and PaperClippy!!!

Thanks for the encouragment MrsD! It is so encouraging to hear that others have been in my shoes! I'm feeling tons better thanks to lots of rest and TLC so I'm hoping to tackle the treadmill tomorrow and see how much I can do!

Ilene: are you training for a particular triathlon or for an eventual one? That's one of my lt goals and there's a really cool one that takes place anually in my town so maybe next year I'll be brave enough

Happy running! :D

YP1 09-14-2005 02:27 PM

I've done some stretching and lower body weights, it's still a bit stiff. BUT I tried jogging on it this morning to see how it went and ended up building up my speed gradually and managing 5k in 32 minutes, so I'm quite pleased with that. It's still a bit stiff, but strangely it didn't hurt at all when I ran.

So there's the answer then, run everywhere!

sarahyu 09-14-2005 02:57 PM

injury stopping running for awhile.
Has anyone had an injury that prevented you from running? What did you do instead? I don't swim so that's out. I'm walking now.

I was grace-in-motion :stars: a couple weeks ago and slid down the stairs and might have been air born for a couple steps before I landed. I had taken it slow the last couple weeks, walking instead of running taking anti-imflamitories and such. I finally went to the doctor the other day, x-rays reveal a cracked vertabrae in the lumbar area and I had couple doctors say "stop running. Don't lift anything heavy for 8-12 weeks."

But I'm finding I'm missing my running. I can't quite get the good feelings with riding a bike or the elipitical. Running kept me emotional more steady for some reason. I'm not talking about the elusive runners high, more like a "I'm not depressed anymore and have lots of energy to do stuff now."

Any thoughts?

3fcuser1058250 09-14-2005 03:06 PM

OUCH!! I'm so sorry to hear of your fall... I have no advice about this though, except listen to your doctor, you wouldn't want to exacerbate this problem, in the long run not listening to your doc could put you out of commission for longer than 12 weeks...

YP1 09-14-2005 03:09 PM

I had a foot problem for a couple of weeks and swam instead, also went on the exercise bike a bit and did other non weight bearing exercise, it really does depend on your exact injury though, and on this one I'd agree that listening to your doctor is the best idea.

Sweater Girl 09-14-2005 05:49 PM

Sarah: I know it sucks... I was told 3 weeks of no running (or any exercise) a while back for something completely unrelated... Could you maybe go to a pool and aquajog if your doctor approves of that?

Remember though in the whole scheme of things 8-12 weeks isn't a long time and sometimes it's what our bodies need.

Tonight: I am doing speedwork that will kick my toosh!!!

Run Happy!


LaMariposita 09-14-2005 08:46 PM

Does the no swimming include water jogging? When I first got hurt in college (a knee injury that eventually made me give up running altogether), I spent a few months jogging in the pool. It's not quite the same, but you can get a great workout! And, it doesn't have to be done in deep water. You can jog in shallow water, or go deep with a jogging vest.

Other than that, I don't really have any suggestions that would simulate running without being harmful to the fracture.


MrsDawsondn 09-15-2005 12:00 PM

Wow sarahyu sorry to hear about the frracture and not being able to run *hug* Those 8-12 weeks will pass by really fast don't worry about it.

I'm not sure what my body is doing nowaday s but I've been waking up at like 3-4 o'clock here lately completely energized after having just went to sleep at 11:00-11:30pm. This morning I got up at like 3am then laid back down and then 4 o'clock went to use the restroom and laid back down and tossed and turned until 5 am and said Oh whatever I'm getting up I usually run @ 5:45am anyways. So I get dressed get a cup of tea and read some scriptures then here I am all set to go out and run feeling good feeling great then DH calls out to me out of his sleep and tells me to come'ere So I go to the back and he tells me he has a very very bad feeling about me running this morning please don't go out to run this morning in the neighborhood. He said he was having bad dreams and everything about it. So instead of going out for my morning jog I politely sit down super irritated because I was really pumped up for my run and I began to pray. After praying I threw in a FIRM upper Body tape and called it a day. I know that the seasons are changing so when I go out for my normal early morning run it's no longer sunrise by the time I get done as a matter of fact it's still very dark out and the neighborhood that I live in is not exactly running loop-worthy if ya KWIM LOL, but the neighborhood is extremely family oriented fairly small I mean I know EVERYBODY there, but I must admit I do think I need to get some mase(sp) to take along with me in the mornings ya never know who's out there waiting for ya *shrugs*.

I hate to admit this guys but I was really upset because I couldn't go out for my morning run. I mean like I said I couldn't really sleep past 3 o'clock, and I was pumped and ready to get some fresh air clear my mind and be proud of my little wind sprints. Is that so wrong. I honestly cannot run at any other time of the day because my schedule is jam packed every day of the week. I hope he doesn't get worried to the point where I can't even get in my morning run in. I really really love that alone time and the fact that I'm moving and I can feel the different muscles in my body that are working harder than others and because I run so early in the morning no one sees me running it's just me the pavement and God and I have so really indepth conversations with him when I run. I just hope it doesn't come to this and according to my training routine I'm trying to figure out how to get this run in *mopes*

Anyhoo that's my update for the day


FishWoman 09-15-2005 04:42 PM

Sarahyu, I feel for you. I broke my foot while running a few years ago (tripped on a missing piece of sidewalk) and had to wear a cast for 3 months. While the cast was on, I *discovered* pilates. I also did the recumbent bike at the gym even though I wasn't supposed to.

With luck, you will not have this difficulty, but it took another 3-4 months after the cast was off before I could run without feeling pain along the fracture.

I am just now (three years later) seriously trying to get back into running. I ran three times last week and once this week (so far).

Good luck, I hope you heal quickly.

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