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LanMyers 01-20-2009 03:28 PM

What are your FITNESS goals for 2009?
I am always saying every year that I, OF COURSE, want to lose 30 to 50 lbs. OK, but then you start trying to be better on diet and exercise, the weight doesn't seem to come off fast enough and I get disheartened and give up. SO, I have decided that I will make FITNESS goals for this year, not just weightloss goals.

So here goes:

Currently a pansy at jumping rope. GOAL: Improve Jump Rope Coordination and Capacity.
Currently a pansy at running distances. GOAL: Run a mile in under 8 minutes.
Currently a pansy at push-ups. GOAL: Be able to do 30 REAL push ups in proper form at one time.

Of course, my added goal for all of these is that I be able to do them without passing out, puking or dying. To sum up: Kill the pansy! ROCK THE JUMP ROPE! 8 MINUTE MILE! 30 PUSH UPS!

Alright Ladies (and Gents)! Let's Have it! What are YOUR FITNESS GOALS for 2009!?!?

JackieRn 01-20-2009 03:35 PM

Very good question, mine are:

1. Run 1000 miles.
2. Run my first race in a respectable time.
3. Exercises consistently through out this year, meaning at least 4 times per week.

Callie 01-20-2009 03:37 PM

Good goals! Mine are to get my personal trainers cert. and to look into fitness posing! I have fat to lose yet in my mid section...so i guess thats a goal too!

aneleh 01-20-2009 03:41 PM

My goal is to do a 10k in under 60min. I haven't figured out a strength goal yet, any ideas?

mazza 01-20-2009 03:44 PM

Hrmmm..... good question indeed.

This is the first time I've thought about it in a while, I always think my goal is to progress.

I guess for now:

Increase my lactate threshold
Add at least 75% to my current bench press load.
Be able to do a chin up.

JackieRn 01-20-2009 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by DisgruntledOne (Post 2564076)
Not really a goal but I would like to like to exercise this year!!
But really........
I am doing a toning class and I want to be able to 1. do what everybody else is doing without modification 2. I want to be able to do more than 5 pound weights in that class!

This is an awesome goal, I'm also doing a toning class and would like to increase my strength and improve my form as well.

nelie 01-20-2009 04:23 PM

I'd like to run 8k.
I'd like to learn how to rock climb.

LanMyers 01-20-2009 05:37 PM

Great responses! More, More MORE!!!
Yay! Great goals ladies! Man, I envy you runners. I want to be able to run so badly I just suck at it so majorly right now. I had an irregular heartbeat when I was a little kid and so my dad (also my doctor at the time) made me take a note to school that I wasn't allowed to do anything too strenuous. A rumor got around that I was this frail kid and I was apparently going to drop dead of a heart attack any time.

In high school I was in advanced P.E. and but I still couldn't run a mile in under 10 minutes. I never took it seriously then though, when I was thin. Now that I am overweight I tend to pay a little more attention.

I am loving the response! Please more more more!!! Let's do it right this year ladies! As Jillian Michaels says in the 30ds workouts, "No phoning it in!"

JulieJ08 01-20-2009 06:10 PM

  • add a 4th day
  • add distance (work up to 5 miles)
  • improve my pace (goal 10 minutes/mile)
  • run an official 5K

  • improve my backbend
  • develop my headstand *without* a wall,
  • learn the handstand (with a wall ;))
  • learn crane pose
  • work up to at least a real half lotus
  • bind in marichi 3
  • reach the floor in seated wide leg forward bend
  • most of all, start meditating!
  • and start a breathing practice

  • start! (next week) (I just got New Rules of Lifting for Women, and resistance bands, and will pick up one of those big ball things this weekend)
  • be able to do 10 traditional pushups
  • be able to do a pullup

nicki rose98 01-20-2009 06:18 PM

I want to exercise consistently....3 times a week for cardio and strength training 3 times a week.

Currently I am exercising for 30 min each time but I want to be up to 60 min each time without feeling like I'm dying.

I would also like to take an aerobics class and feel confident through it.

LanMyers 01-20-2009 07:01 PM

Confidence for me too...

Originally Posted by nicki rose98 (Post 2564490)
I would also like to take an aerobics class and feel confident through it.

NO JOKE!!! That is an awesome goal. I am going to my local fitness club and doing a Body Attack class on Thursday night. The last time I went with my friend about 2 years ago to a Body Jam class (Dance) and bumbled through about 20 minutes before quitting and having to wait for her to finish. I was really irritated. I hope Body Attack won't be a repeat of that!!! :(

LandonsBaby 01-20-2009 08:36 PM

These are the goals I would like to reach by July 2009. After that, I hope to get pregnant so my goal will be to just keep up with walking and swimming.

- Bench 75lbs
- Squat 50lbs (I could probably do more but I don't have a squat rack at my gym...so I don't know how to get around that.)
- Deadlift 125lbs
- Be able to do a pull up on my own
- Be able to run 3 miles

nicki rose98 01-20-2009 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by LanMyers (Post 2564666)
NO JOKE!!! That is an awesome goal. I am going to my local fitness club and doing a Body Attack class on Thursday night. The last time I went with my friend about 2 years ago to a Body Jam class (Dance) and bumbled through about 20 minutes before quitting and having to wait for her to finish. I was really irritated. I hope Body Attack won't be a repeat of that!!! :(

Good luck! Let me know how it goes. Right now I'm doing aerobics style classes at home and the machines at the gym. I just got two dvds from the Flirty Girl Fitness collection and did the first one today. I had a lot of fun doing it and felt sexy...although I would never have felt that way in the class in front of other people. I want to take Body Combat and Zumba classes at my gym...but that may haveta wait. LOL

Jeannette311 01-21-2009 09:07 AM

I had to think about this one for awhile.

Already I'm able to push through 45+ minutes on the treadmill at 3.5-4.0 incline with speeds of 3.0-3.8 mph. That was my first goal. Tall and fast!

I've always wanted to run and this year I'm determined to learn! I can run two minutes without stopping now!

I want to build muscle. I'm investing in some resistance bands because I'm really self conscious about the mirrors in the gym and I don't like doing weights by myself at the gym. The bands are super portable and don't take up much room (thank god) so I can even bust them out at work.

Yes, I want to lose 30-50 pounds this year. But before that happens I have to ready myself with the tools to do so, and I think my goals are just perfect for that!

FB 01-21-2009 10:20 AM

Hmmm. Fun thread!
  • Really transform my body with my weightlifting.
  • My trainer and I are training for a figure contest. Do it, then not compete last minute. :) It's just for us, raising the bar on our appearances.
  • Learn to swim. Real swimming, laps - not floating around.
  • Ride the local MS 150.
  • Take lessons for something new. Just to try it. Fencing, martial arts or rollerskating are my current considerations.

trooworld 01-22-2009 04:38 PM

Reading everyone's goals is so inspiring! I am just starting back to exercising after a 4 yr hiatus, so my goals are pretty simple:

--- go to the gym at least 4 days a week for 1 yr (that's how long my contract is, and I am hoping that if I make it that long, I will make it longer)
--- reduce to a weight that I feel comfortable enough to go to the kickboxing class

lumifan4ever 01-22-2009 05:02 PM

Well...since i have my own elliptical machine at home my goals are:

30-45 minutes 5-6 a week on the elliptical
Be able to perform 20 push-ups non-stop. Real push ups...not girlie ones
Lift weights 3 times a week.

aneleh 01-24-2009 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by LanMyers (Post 2564367)
Yay! Great goals ladies! Man, I envy you runners. I want to be able to run so badly I just suck at it so majorly right now. I had an irregular heartbeat when I was a little kid and so my dad (also my doctor at the time) made me take a note to school that I wasn't allowed to do anything too strenuous. A rumor got around that I was this frail kid and I was apparently going to drop dead of a heart attack any time.

In high school I was in advanced P.E. and but I still couldn't run a mile in under 10 minutes. I never took it seriously then though, when I was thin. Now that I am overweight I tend to pay a little more attention.

I couldn't run a minute straight when I started! When I did a running program our trainer made us do the 'shuffle' instead (aka run super slow that you could walk the same pace) for the first few weeks and then you just get faster without noticing.

LanMyers 01-24-2009 08:38 PM

ANELEH: Thanks! What a great tip! What is the worst is how much my feet start to hurt in such a relatively slow amount of time while working out. Do I just keep working out and this will build up my tolerance? I hope so, I've got pansy feet! Ah, POOP! :(

aneleh 01-25-2009 05:36 PM

hmm do you have good shoes? If you do and they still hurt try running on softer ground maybe? Or it might be that they just need time to adjust.

nicki rose98 01-27-2009 10:39 PM

For some reason i just can't run. i feel like a wild giselle on the treadmill. i'm terrified i'm gonna trip and fall off the thing...like that smiley...lol! that's why i do the elliptical

mctinez 01-27-2009 11:33 PM

I've enjoyed reading about everyone's goals!

I also want to improve in running, I would like to be able to jog for 20 minutes without stopping. My problem is that I give up if I get even a little tired. I'm currently working my way up, I started with jogging for 2 minutes, walking for 3 and now I'm up to jogging for 3 minutes, walking for 2.

I also want to tone my arms. My overall goal is to workout consistently, at least 3 times per week.

Randi 01-29-2009 10:58 PM

Hope you don't mind me jumping in....

Everyone's goals are amazing...

I took the plunge and signed up for a race with a friend so my biggest goal this year is to be able to complete the race.

I work out 5 days a week right now and I am working towards 6 days a week - right now my 6th day is mainly yoga - if I do a run or strength training it kind of throws me off for the rest of the week.

So - complete the race and build up the stamina to do 6 full workouts a week.

MadelineinVA 01-29-2009 11:51 PM

Well, my long-term goal is to run a marathon. Right now, I can run a little under 3 miles straight. I'm not sure when I'll be able to do a marathon but I'm hoping within the next 2-3 years!

I want to start doing weight training and/or bodyweight exercises like pushups 3 days a week.

I want to be able to run a mile in under 8 minutes.

Heffalump 01-30-2009 03:05 PM

Great thread idea!

- work my way up to 3 miles again, then 5 miles
- increase my speed
- run at least one 5k race this year

- side crow
- headstand
- overall balance

That's it for now! Maybe I'll think of some more. I do want to try some other fitness classes and types of exercise, so I guess that's a goal too - try at least four new types of exercise/classes - e.g. kettle bells, some sort of dance class, martial arts... any suggestions?

Randi 01-30-2009 06:44 PM

Heffalump -

I used to do Tae Kwon Do and really enjoyed it.... several years ago my kids took Juka and I was able to join in on some of their classes it was a blast.

But, the one thing that I really enjoyed once upon a time was a belly dancing class that I took.

Heffalump 01-31-2009 10:25 AM

Belly dancing! :belly:

Yeah! That's something I've wanted to try for ages, thanks for reminding me. That or classical Indian dance, although it's a lot harder to find classes for that...

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