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Happy Canuk 09-24-2004 01:08 AM

Fibromyalgia #127
Too tired to type tonight. Hope you are all well.

Indiana Doctor Gives Hope to Fibromyalgia Sufferers ImmuneSupport.com


Local Doctor Gives Hope To Fibromyalgia Sufferers
Reporter: Shannon Samson
New Media Producer: Kerry Corum

An Evansville, Indiana physician is going to the American Academy of Pain Management conference in San Antonio Wednesday, to present what could be a breakthrough finding. He suspects the chronic pain of diseases like fibromyalgia could be caused by a series of viruses.

Anita Held, 64-years-old, needs a basket to hold all the pills she needs to get her through the day. Fibromyalgia leaves her sore all over and constantly tired. She says, "Breathing is an effort, just moving the least little bit is just an effort. So some days I actually will sleep all day long."

Pain specialist Dr. David Johnson realized the fatigue, aches and chills many of his patients describe are the same symptoms that come with a case of the flu. So he had an idea: What if he tested them for some common viruses? "I went through and listed about three or four viruses, and didn't even know if the labs could test for them, and my gosh, they came back positive."

He eventually came up with list of 17 viruses and found that his fibromyalgia patients were all testing positive for anywhere from three to nine viruses each. Dr. Johnson believes their immune systems aren't recognizing the viruses as pathogens and as they steal cell material to replicate, the patient is left with a host of ailments. He's prescribing anti-viral medications to try to suppress the viruses, which can take years.

In the meantime, Johnson says, "I want to get the word out to physicians to test for the virus, use the anti-viral medication and let's all have some input and see if we can eradicate this condition."

That would be a dream come true for Anita Held, who just found out she has three viruses. "I am glad they found something, because now we have something to work with, is the way I look at it. That's not bad news."

She says it's good news to think maybe someday she could spend more time with her grandchildren without getting too tired.

So far, 26 of Dr. Johnson's patients have tested positive for up to nine viruses. He says six are responding well to anti-viral medication.

Besides fibromyalgia, the treatment is also helping sufferers of chronic fatigue and irritable bowel syndromes.

Dr. Johnson outlined a list of the viruses he's testing for in fibromyalgia cases:

*Epstein Barr virus EBV
*Cytomegalovirus CMV
*Herpes virus: 8 types
*Parvovirus B 19
Norwalk agent
*Enteric Coronavirus
*Varicella - Zoster virus VZV
Pogosta virus
Sindbis virus
*Coxsackie A and B virus

*The most frequently involved virses. Most patients will have from three to nine of these viruses at abnormal levels.

For more information on Dr. Johnson's research, contact his office in Indiana at 812-425-2662.

Source: All content © Copyright 2000 - 2004 WorldNow and WFIE. All Rights Reserved. The original article is posted at: http://www.14wfie.com/Global/story.a...9&nav=3w6rQvkD

Candicej 09-24-2004 02:37 AM

thanks Happy for the info...I have heard msot people test positive to thoser virus wither they have symptoms or not....did it say what kind of anti-virus meds he is using????

Mima.....here is what my support group leader said...

Panic attack ---
You may be working outside, inside, even getting ready to go to a fun meeting,
Church (where ever) and all of a sudden you may become weak, have muscle
spasms (anywhere), you could become dizzy or a 'case' of disequalibrium (a
sense of being pulled one way or the other) heart palpitations, a moment of not
seeing anything clearly or a severe burning sensation as though something had struck
you between the shoulder blades with a red-hot poker and then burning sensations
back, neck, arms, sometimes legs (this is caused by the fiber actually attacking
the nerve endings in your body and you can have this without it actually being a
panic attack). You might wake in the middle of the night with hot flashes, and
heart beating very fast and pain in your chest. Don't ask me why, I don't know that
answer except that it is related to what you have done the day before or maybe
two days before.

Boy that AZO wipped me out but helped the pain a great deal...did some ayrd work and at 10,000 steps and not too much pain! Doing laundry now and then taking a bath and washing my hair, I started pulling at it again when I was so tired and in pain. Haven't done that in years!

Mima 09-24-2004 05:41 AM

That's interesting Candice. I don't have full blown panic attacks anymore but sometimes I have a lot of anxiety. I lost my cool yesterday. If you remeber, Brad had to pay off the debt of someone he had cosigned a loan for. Well, we want to get the receipt from the collection agency so we can try to recoup some or all of the money. But we need a receipt. It's only listed on our charge card. Well, I have gone back and forth with this agency-he said he mailed 2 receipts but we didn't get them . So I gave hime the fax number of the drugstore-tried 4 times but they don;t have it. Called the supervisor-he was going to take care of it-NOT.Called him back and he said he doesn't usually handle calls from people. Boy, did that make me angry. Still didn't get fax. Left a message on the other one's machine and threatened to call Better Business Bureau-in MN-which I did and they are sending me a complaint form. Next step is Attorney General if this doesn't work. Just a simple receipt-for $2800. That's my story. I'll try the drugstore one more time. Well, I picked upthe checks for the condo so we are rich!! For now. Craft Fair tomorrow. went to Walmart and bought 6 containers to store stuff after. Then we bring it to another Fair in Nov. and that's where we sell all the leftovers. I'll look and see if my anxiety heightens after I have overdone it. That would be tomorrow. Mima

MemeToo 09-24-2004 01:27 PM

Well... I don't guess I've ever had an anxiety or a panic attack ... had a couple of nervous break downs, though. Does that count. (I just skip the little stuff!) :p Now, I just get mad, kick butt, and then feel guilty afterward! ;) So ... can't help you out with that! It must be a terrible feeling, though. I've heard others talking about it feeling like a brick on their chest and like they were going to pass out or fall down, etc. There was one woman I used to know who couldn't even go out of her house because of those.

Praying for you and your sister Joanne!!! Keep us posted!!! Love and hugs!

Good luck on the new Doc and Councellor Candice. I really hope you find SOMETHING that helps. You deserve it!!! Ya want me to bring my gun up and shoot the old doc for you??? I don't live too far away! :dizzy:

I'm having to buy all new clothes. I've gone from a size 18 to a size 12. I went to buy new underwear at Penney's yesterday ... was embarrassing ... didn't know what size I wore! I had to try on bras and went down 2 sizes and the ones I bought are still plenty big. Bought some undies and got them home and they are still a little too big. Good thing I only bought one pkg of 3. I needed more but I wasn't sure so played it safe. I'm hoping they'll draw up when I wash them. I bought 2 pairs of shoes and even those went down 1/2 size. I told hubby I had to have all new winter clothes ... even my coats swallow me up. You should see the new black suit I bought to wear to our Pastor's Appreciation Service Sunday. We're having a Minister from MI and I'm singing. The suit is a 12 and 'tight' with a long skirt and fitted long sleeved jacket. I've got black hose and new black shoes. Then we're having services Mon. - Wed. night, too, and I bought a black dress, a red dress and a suit (size 12 ... I can't believe it ... somebody pinch me ... ) to wear to those. Tonight I have to go to an Association Meeting and take a report. So see, I HAVE to have dress clothes. THAT'S MY STORY AND I'M STICKING TO IT! :lol: (I think I'm going to run out of panties before the week is out ... hummm!)

Candicej 09-25-2004 12:44 AM

So what size panties meme:D

Mima 09-25-2004 05:04 AM

Way to go meme!!! I am 125, size 10 petite, and I buy a 7 panties at Walmart-Hanes!!!Course I woke up at 4-Fair today-Foot hurts!!!!!!!Brad is coming to help bring stuff out-got real smart and bought 6 bins to put stuff away-no more worrying about damage. This is a 2 part deal because the Sat after Thanksgiving, we bring it to another Fair but now it can go in bins-who cares if they are orange and black. They were cheap. Made some adult bibs-let's see if they sell. Gotta make a sign. Mima-ps gorgeous day!!!!

Joanne D 09-25-2004 11:06 AM

Hey There
Hello Everybody- Just a few words so I don't have to hunt you everyday... My sister Eleni and I are still in our holding pattern,waiting for surgery.. We neither one are good at that.. I bought some material and cut out a mumu to take to the hospital. Tropical print. I will look like a big mama in it. Who cares I like them full.
Mima- Who cares the color of your boxes. You will be right for the season.
Meme- OK what size panties? I wear an 8. They are a little loose but 7 would be snug and I hate snug. :lol: :lol:
Candice I notice you didn't give up your size?? :lol: :lol:
Got to get my house in order before I go to hospital.. I don't want my daughter doing that while she is here..
Bye for now...Joanne

anagram 09-25-2004 09:09 PM

Catching up on some back posts.

Joanne, thinking and praying for you and your sister. Also that Jeanne avoids you too. Muumuu sounds like fun.

All quiet here for a change.

Mima 09-26-2004 05:14 AM

Wow-we had a great day yesterday!!!My body doesn't know that I can sleep now. Hope I didn't make too many people mad-I get a bit controlling when I am in charge. One lady was mad when I sold something for $3 when I told her 5. I said we mark down after 1 but I guess it was after 1. Didn't mean to do that. Packed everything up into my orange boxes-awesome-now after Thanksgiving, when we go to another Fair, we only have to cart 7 boxes!!!!And the items will be protected. Hope you are ok from Jeanne-Joanne. Mike is only going to get wind and rain-we might get it Tues and i have to travel to Northampton to work. It will probably be only 2 days and then I'm done for the year. Mima

MemeToo 09-27-2004 04:47 PM

I'm not good at waiting either ... not good at packing up stuff or selling stuff either!!! Somebody mentioned having a yard sale this past summer and I said, "No thanks ... I'll just keep my junk hidden away in the closets. I don't need money that badly right now!" ;) I sold another trailer Sat. so that's 3 commissions I can collect from 'the business' this week!!!

Having a revival at our chuch through Wed. night. Had Pastor's Appreciation Sunday and a dinner yesterday... whew ... what a lot of work. Then I get Ross and Jenna Wed. after school until Friday. I dread getting them ready for school in the mornings and having to drive them up to Cookeville. I'm like Candice, I DON'T DO MORNINGS either!!! PLUS ... I have to keep TY! Their puppy. Never ends around here. Oh well ... I keep telling myself, at least I have a life!

Lost another half-pound! (Don't quite know how I did that ... I've been eating like a pig.) I wore my new suit yesterday and everybody was commenting on how skinny I looked! I was on cloud 9

As for the panties everyone seems to be so interested in!!! :dizzy: They were a size 8 and they are too big ... even washed! Sooo... Guess I'll have to buy some sevens! My luck I'll just get my sizes all fugured out and I'll lose another 10 pounds and have to start all over again! :p

Eleni 09-27-2004 06:44 PM

Joanne came thru Jeanne ok but does not have any power.She will be back on line when she gets power

Mima 09-28-2004 10:35 AM

Hi Eleni-kind of thought that happened. I'm supposed to drive up to work today but I feel very virusy and hava a headache. actually brad has vertigo and doc said it was from a virus. Candice-I have been exhausted since the Fair and what do you know-I had wicked anxiety yesterday. Hmmm. Well, have to decide what to do. Waiting til noonish. Bye for now Mima

Candicej 09-29-2004 01:26 AM

For inquiring minds.........It depends on the brand, time of day ( I wear big comfy ones to sleep in and if I am staying at home) ..rangeing from size 5 to 10 ( can't stand anything tight at all ..I guess I should just run around nude;) Now what would my crazy doc say about that!

Had a bad sinus headache today and off to my counseliong session tomorrow! Me thinks me has a yeast infection cause I am itching terribly in that personal spot! Trying the over the counter monistat...I guess I need to stay out of the sugar for a while!

Mima...hope you get that anxiety under control! I will share my counseling advice with you when I get it:)

Meme, if you lose antoher 10 you will be a walking stick!

Eleni... thanks for the update on Joanne, glad she is ok!

Happy hope you have more pep today!

Hi anna........

Mima 09-29-2004 05:44 AM

Well, I didn't go yesterday and not feeling 100% yet but then we never do. And it's still pouring. The good news is that there is not much work so I wouldn't be missed in that way. I have an hour to decide. I was always like that when I had to miss work-Joanne, hope you got electricity back or will soon. It;s so hot for you. I asked Mike if he wanted a generator for Christmas. Course you have to be careful with them. Talked to some people I met in Ft Myers that live nearby (here)and we are going to get together for cards next month. They are looking for a place to stay down there. If we buy something , we can rent it to them. That would be great. Bye for now. Mima

Joanne D 09-29-2004 10:21 AM

Hey There
Hello Everybody.. Got my power back yesterday pm. I can tell you I hope this is the last hurricane to come our way.. I always love the rain but they can keep the wind. I have more yard clean up. I did a little for the past two days but there is lots more. It is just really hard when you are our age.I hounded mu hubby till he decided if he was going to shut me up he had to get out and help.
That's it for now...Joanne

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