Pain Spikes while Dieting

  • I am recovering from major surgery and frequently get pain spikes that last for days. Part of the pain are headaches that feel like migraines, accompanied by nausea and fever. I am doing a meal replacement program with shakes and bars, and so far I haven't deviated a single time from my program, but during the really bad pain - especially when I am immobilized and in bed - I just really want to have bread or a scone or a cinnamon roll. I know it is just psychological comfort, but I am having such a rough time right now
  • Sorry that you are going through such a difficult time -- will send up some prayers for you about this. Try to be kind & generous to yourself during the healing process. I hope you are keeping in touch with your doctors and letting them know about your symptoms. I think that is important, becuz it isn't likely due to your program. Be sure to keep hydrated (drink enuff water) and get lots of rest.

    Did your doctor OK your plan for during recovery? I might check about that too ...
  • Hugs* I suffer from chronic pain and I am certainly familiar with those kinds of cravings. Do you have a favorite TV show? Mayne you can suck on some crystal light ice cubes (you mix it as usual and pour it into ice cube trays- I use tiny ice molds). That is if you can tolerate cold. I do best when I talk one of my friends ears off when I am hungry lol
  • Hey, I am recovering from more minor surgery myself, right now (dental - jaw bone infection). I'm up and posting because my pain meds seem to cause insomnia. I hope you're feeling a bit better.

    Definitely talk to your doctor if your pain levels aren't under control post-surgery, they can help you. But also consider setting aside your weight loss goals for just a bit so that you can focus on healing.

    Your body really, truly NEEDS more calories right now. Your body's caloric needs go UP after surgery -- there is a lot of repair work going on, and if you're at a deficit, your body isn't getting the fuel to do the work it needs. Even eating a maintenance level, instead of a deficit, might not give your body all it requires. Your healing time will slow, and yes, it seems plausible to me that you'd be in more pain for longer than you need to be.

    It's incredibly frustrating to have to set aside weight loss, especially when your motivation is high - I am really struggling with this at the moment. It's hard! I want to keep losing. But in the long run, this will pay off. Taking a brief time-out to do everything I can nutritionally to heal is only going to make my body stronger, more able to function well.

    Make sure you are getting extra protein these days. Put aside the meal replacement food and try to get as much fresh vegetables and protein as you can.

    Here are a couple articles I found about nutrition when you're healing:

    Good luck - be well.
  • Fever can be a sign of infection. Make sure your doctor knows about the fever and the pain spiked too.

    Carb-cravings aren't just psychological, they're physical too, because carbohydrates do have pain-relieving and mood-altering effects.

    Carb-cravings and pain spikes may be indications that your pain isn't being properly managed. It's far easier to prevent pain than to treat it once it's taken hold. Are you taking your medications on a schedule, or are you waiting until the pain is very bad before taking your next dose?

    Very often you can actually use far less pain medications by taking them on a schedule that allows you to prevent the pain (or at least the worst of it). If you wait until you have severe pain, it can take much higher doses to get the pain under control.

    Talk to your doctor about the pain (and the cravings) and try to be very graphic in your description (I've found that when you tell doctors you have pain, they don't take it nearly as seriously as when you describe the pain, it's intensity, how long it lasts, and how it interfered with your ability to function).