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Happy Canuk 07-22-2002 09:28 PM

Fibromyalgia #64
Well here we go, with a brand new thread - again:lol: We can sure talk up a storm.

Anagram - Welcome to our little group. Glad you decided to come join us. We are not big, but we have gotten to know one another, and that is what is important. We have a really good support group here, dealing with life in general - not just FM or OA. It is starting to heat up here again as well. I live in the Province of Alberta, in Canada. It is going to be hitting the 90's again this week. This just drains me. We do NOT have any airconditioning and certainly no hope of purchasing an airconditioner this year. There isn't one left in Canada:lol: This hot weather sent everyone scurrying and those that moved the fastest(shich isn't me) probably got one. We have to just survive using our fan. Thank goodness it is a real powerful one.

My name is Anne. What can we call you beside Anagram.

Everyone else, I am too tired to type. I am in the thros of a fatigue bout. Hopefully it will pass by tomorrow. I hate this.:(

anagram 07-22-2002 09:39 PM

I hope the fatigue bout passes by tomorrow, as well.

My dil is Anne and #1 gd is Anna (hence anagram - darn, I'm clever). Since #2 came along and is named Amanda I figure anagram is for A 'n' A (gram).


Happy Canuk 07-22-2002 11:43 PM

a laugh to start your day

One day, a cat dies of natural causes and goes to Heaven, where he meets
the Lord.

The Lord says to the cat, "You lived a good life, and if there is any way
I can make your stay in heaven more comfortable, please let me know."

The cat thinks for a moment and says, "Lord, all my life I have lived with
a poor family and had to sleep on a hard wooden floor."

The Lord stops the cat and says, "Say no more," and a wonderful, fluffy
pillow appears.

A few days later, six mice are killed in a tragic farming accident, and
all of them go to heaven. Again, the Lord is there to greet them with the
same offer.

The mice answer, "All our lives we have been chased. We have had to run
from cats, dogs, and even women with brooms. Running, running, running;
we're tired of running. Do you think we could have roller skates so that
we don't have to run anymore?"

The Lord says, "Say no more" and fits each mouse with beautiful new roller

About a week later, the Lord stops by to see the cat and finds him
snoozing on the pillow.

The Lord gently wakes the cat and asks him, "How are things since you got

The cat stretches and yawns, then replies, "It is wonderful here. Better
than I could have ever expected. And those 'Meals On Wheels' you've been
sending by are the best!"


A husband looking through the paper came upon a study
> > > > that said women use more words than men. Excited to prove
> > > > to his wife that he had been right all along when he accused
> > > > her of talking too much, he showed her the study results. It
> > > > read, "Men use about 15,000 words per day, but women
> > > > use 30,000."
> > > >
> > > > The wife thought for a while, then finally said to her
> > > > husband, "It's because we have to repeat everything we say."
> > > > And he said....."What?"
> > > >

roundwoman 07-23-2002 12:45 AM

Hi there, I'm new here. I wonder if I could have something like Fibromyalgia. Is there a test for it? Could someone tell me some symptoms of it? Does anyone know what causes it? Lots of question, huh? I'm curious about this. I keep wondering what is wrong with me and been told a few things but I have a hard time thinking that's all there is to it.

Nice to meet you folks. I hope we can talk a lot here.

MemeToo 07-23-2002 01:33 AM

Hi to anagram and roundwoman. Glad to see you here.

I went to the rhematologist in Nashville today...same old same old! He more or less said that with what I have I shouldn't expect to feel much better than I do and that there isn't really anything else he can give me besides what I'm taking now. He did put me back on neurontin at night because of my leg and ankle. He agreed with the physical therapist that it is probably a pinched nerve causing it to hurt so bad. I'm just sick and tired of doctors in general! Wish I never had to go to another one! They just don't know how to deal with this stuff. He told me to take it easy, get plenty of rest and to keep my feet up! HA

Roundwoman (isn't there something else we can call you???)...you asked what the symptoms of fibro are...you kind of feel like you've been run over by a mac truck! Achy...like the flu. Bruised...like someone has been pounding on you. Tired...like you've stayed awake all night and dug ditches. Irritable...like you've been constipated for a couple of weeks. And, last but not least: Sore in spots...like someone has taken a broom stick and punched you with it in your shoulders and back and sometimes in your arms and legs.

It is supposed to be hot and humid here the rest of the week with rain for the next few days! Just what I need!!! I'm taking some time off for me. I have a PT appointment tomorrow afternoon and then I have to go to Nashville again Wednesday afternoon for a mammogram. Thursday afternoon I have an appointment with a lawyer about Mom's stuff. That's enough to have to deal with for THREE weeks. But...that's all I'm doing the rest of the week. Every thing and every body else will just have to get put on HOLD!

Anne...wish you were here...in the airconditioning!!!
Hope everyone else is keeping cool!

Mima 07-23-2002 09:17 AM

Hi new people-a rheumatologist is the one who can diagnose fibro plus there are lots of articles. Hope you are doing ok Meme. Grieving also takes energy and makes you more tired so give yourself a break. I'm spoiled, we have central air and it's 90 but I can finish my ironing. WE are going away for the weekend and then I'm going to work for 2 weeks. So I need to be caught up. I have been feeling pretty good since I don't have the party to get ready for. But there is always something to do especially with my husband in business. But I do pace myself. My kids are back in FL after being away for 25 days. Alison got to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway!!!She loves musicals just like her grandma. Stay cool everyone. And hi. Mima (Gail)

Joanne D 07-23-2002 07:04 PM

Meme- I like your diagnosis of Fibro.. I have never been diagnosed with it but feel that way often. I think it is a combination of getting"younger" and OA. I hope your days are looking brighter.
Happy... Go and get yourself some air conditioning. I can't live without it... I have it ready to go even in the fall months.
Welcome anagram and roundwoman...I hope you will like our group.
Mima... I bet your sweetie liked your cake even if you did put too much orange juice in the icing..Are you coming to Fl. next year again.. ?
Ally ..Hello..I have been slack with my walking and exercise. I really feel guilty when I don't do it..But I have been a little busy.
Candice ..How are you?
I went out today and got my daughter a nice silver bracelet for her birthday. It is really not easy to find them as gold is so popular.. It is a chain of dophins...I think she will like it...We are going up there this weekend. She lives in N/Fl. Talk about hot. It is really hot there. It is more central in the state..
Hello Serenity...

Happy Canuk 07-24-2002 12:50 AM

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.

Welcome Roundwoman. Here is a site that explains FM pretty well, although Meme did an excellent job.


It was hot here again today. I will get an airconditioner next year. There are none left in Canada, due to this continuing heatwave, so we will just have to put up with fans.

I have my little grand daughter staying with me for a few days. She arrived this evening, it is now 10:45 and she is STILL awake. She is 4. She was excited about coming and this always happens the first night anyway.

Still feeling a little tired, but seems to be improving each day. Hope it continues. I think a lot of it is the heat and then the cooler temps and then the heat. Way to many body swings:lol:

Candicej 07-24-2002 05:36 AM

Bluebberry Muffins 3pts These are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!

1 cup sugar
1 tbsp. oleo (I used imperial 1/3 less fat)
1 egg
1 cup sour cream (I used FF sour cream)
2 cups flour
1 tsp. B. soda
1 tsp. B powder
pinch of salt
1 cup blueberries
1 Tbsp. Sugar (to sprinkle on top) It did not take all of this.

Mix together the sugar, oleo,(I mix sugar and oleo with a fork first)
egg, and sour cream. Add flour, baking powder and salt (I mix these
three together before adding). Fold into blueberries. Fill muffin
cups.(I used pam spray) Sprinkle top with sugar Bake 20-25 minutes at
35o. Makes 12 generous muffins. Do not store in an airtight container.
Freeze well.

Candicej 07-24-2002 05:37 AM

Nice weather for a few days so I am in the yard again!:) cleaned Monday so I was just pooped out!

anagram 07-24-2002 09:03 AM

Good morning to all. We had a storm go through las t night and finally have some great weather - hopefully for a few days at least. Don't know what we're going to do today but NOT work. Probably a nice walk somewhere to enjoy this weather. Don't feel up to a day trip anywhere but the day would be perfect for it. And those weeds are calling me. But....I sometimes throw all those old "responsibilities" to the winds and just go.

Mima 07-24-2002 09:04 AM

Hi all-boy did it cool off today!!!We had some bad storms yesterday. But everything got watered. I walked again yesterday but Brad brought home Chinese. It was good but..... People are always giving him food. Packing up for the weekend-it will almost be like camping. Hope it's cooler in Canada, Anne. Yes, we are going to FL next February but maybe only for 2 weeks because we are going on the DElta Queen in the fall. Big bucks. Bye for now. Mima

Happy Canuk 07-24-2002 12:38 PM

Candice, thanks for the recipe. They sound really, really good. Is Oleo, Margarine? If not, I have no idea what it is:lol:

Ally and Meme - Does the Blue Stuff work? I was thinking of getting some, but I won't until I hear from you. Is it worth it. They have it on sale, for $29.95US. Is that a good price?

Ellen - you are clever. That was very smart! Where abouts do you live? Sounds like you are close to Mima.

The weather here is getting warmer, not cooler - at least for the next few days. By Saturday, we will be back to more normal temps, thank heavens. Anyway, can't get an airconditioner at the moment. Not one to be found anywhere. The whole of Canada has been in a heatwave. It is a terrible drought going on here. Worst many have seen (some who are over 80 say that). Farmers are being forced to sell of their cattle as there is no food for them. This is in Alberta and Saskatewan. Not much hope for them this year.
Ellen, I think Joanne beats you as being the 'Mother" of the board. I think you are there with Mima. I am 57 - Ally is our baby.:lol:

Joanne D 07-24-2002 02:26 PM

Hey There
Well everybody..This has been a really confusing week for me. I have been a week ahead of myself all week. I have to ask the date all the time and We have a calender in just about every room. :lol: I went to the gro. store and didn't buy some things I could use because I was thinking we were going away this weekend. Then my son informed me it was next week. Yeah! I know now I am getting younger!!
:lol: :lol:
Happy .I feel like the "mother" of the board today.But I did my exercises and tried to get some blood flowing.. It is trying to rain here. It will probably miss us again. Oleo/Margarine-one and the same.
Anagram... Lately I have not worked in the yard as I used to do..My hubby has taken over there.. He needs to do it. It is about the only exercise he does unless he is surfing the t v. :lol: I have plenty to do in the house. I have worked harder it seems since we retired than I did when I was nursing. Just not as much stress.
Candice ..Thanks for the recipe . How are you?
Hello Ally, Meme,Serenity...Bye...Joanne

Serenity62 07-24-2002 03:54 PM

Hi Gals

Hello and welcome to Anagram and Round woman

I was diagnosed by a rhuemitologist

WW this week - same weight as last week to the ounce. I have been on steroid pills - knew it would show on the scales - I am off now and should start loosing again by next week.

A lot cooler this week and had 2 thunderstorms but flowers still drying out in the yard. Have to water everyday.

I heard to day that the farmers in Ontario, are sending food for the cattle in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Railway cars have been donated.

Hello to all of you - seem to be very busy lately - funerals etc.

Our hot weather is coming back in a fewdays so will try to get some yardwork done today.


anagram 07-24-2002 07:10 PM

Happy, I'm in the South Central Area of Pennsylvania near the capitol city Harrisburg. Often the fronts that cut through here also cut through Maine.

Joanne, I'm sure you upped the travel date because you're just anxious to see your daughter. I don't garden nearly the way I used to be able to but I still do most of the weeding because dh doesn't recognize one when he sees one. He has been watering the flowers though. Gardening used to be a big stress reliever for me though. The bracelet you bought sounds lovely.

Today came in hotter than they predicted by about 9 degrees so far but not nearly as humid as it has been. Must enjoy the next two days or so before the humidity comes back. We've had a great day today. Ate a leisurely breakfast on the patio(we do that almost daily), then went to a neighboring park and walked. I was faster (without trying to be) than I've been for ages and walked a teeny bit more than I had planned. Then we came home and I did ONE chore. We then set out for "adventure".

Visited a refurbished 1904 hotel about 35 minutes north that we've read of but never visited. Had a good lunch there and the owner showed us around a bit. It's in a small town just off the Appalachian Trail and is favored as a "night off the trail" by hikers. Definitely NOT your Hampton or Comfort Inn but interesting.

Then we went further up in that area and visited an old sled works converted into an antiques (and junque) place. Been meaning to get to both of these for several years and finally made it.

THEN we came back close to home and went to the movies. Saw "Road to Perdition". A little too gory for me in spots but really a pretty good movie - well done. I'm pretty critical about what few movies I do see so am glad to say I enjoyed this one.

So now we're getting ready for dinner. Cold ham, corn on the cob and sliced cucumbers. I'm probably also in a good mood because I lost 2.4 lbs since last Wed. If only everyday could be this good. Hope everybody's aches and pains go away and tomorrow is good for all of us.


MemeToo 07-25-2002 12:52 AM

Drove all the way to Nashville today to have my breasts mashed, squeezed, bruised and tortured...waited 15 minutes...then they had to do it all over again. Don't you just hate when that happens? And I'll have to go back next Wednesday and let the Dr. mash them some more!!!!!!!

The blue stuff is really good but I think some of the over the counter stuff is probably about as good...but the blue stuff doesn't burn and doesn't smell as bad. I've used a half a jar of it...

I just got an email from a new mystery shop employer. This one is a doozy!!! If I accept (have to talk to hubby about dates) we'll get to go to a resort for 3 nights free. You know those resorts where you have to listen to a 90 minute pitch about buying property etc.? That's what this is. The company sends me a "fanny pack" with a tape recording devise inside. I tape the sales pitch and mail them the tape. For doing that, I get 4 days, 3 nights in a resort or a hotel tax free, $50 and another $85 for gas. Not a bad 90 minutes work, huh? We'll have to do it on a Thur., Fri. and Sat. so I'll have to see when hubby can take off...if he wants to! They want one done the last weeks in August, September and October. We are taking a week off not next week but the next (Aug. 5-10) to stay on the lake on a houseboat...getting that free too. The owner of the shop hubby runs owns it and he's letting us have it that week. Then we are taking another week to go to Gulf Shores, AL the first week in October. Add to that the 4 or 5 days I plan to be gone to NC in September and you have a LOT of vacation time in the next 3 months...he may not want to take another 4 days! Of course, I'm going to NC alone...

We got Paula and family all moved in. Her house is soooo pretty! She said now she doesn't want to go to work...she want's to stay home in her new house! HA

Now the work on Mom's stuff starts...I really dread all that! I have to call some insurance companies tomorrow about a couple of policies she had. I have an appointment with a lawyer at 3:30 to see if I need to file any papers, etc. She had quite a bit of money. She had sold a large 3 bedroom house when my dad died 13 years ago and bought a mobile home and put it right next to me. So...now I have to decide what to do with that! I don't know whether to rent it or sell it. If I DO rent it, I want to move it down, away from my house some. It's way to close for renters now. There's a lot of 'stuff' in it that I have to pack up, too. Just a lot to decide and a lot to do!!! Makes me tired just thinking about it all!

Mima 07-25-2002 07:38 AM

Hi guys !
I think Pennsylvania has about the same weather as MA. It is such a pretty state -especially Lancaster County. And I love all the brick houses. I'm going for a walk with my aunt today-right now it's like Sept. weather-so cool!!!We are going to stay in a cabin this weekend-some church conference that Brad loves. I hope I love it too. Meme-that's a lot of work straightening things out-sounds like some nice vacation time. We are going to upstate NY at the end of August. But I am going to work for 2 weeks first and the money will be put towards our cruise. We are going to take the cheapest room so we can stay longer on the cruise. Who cares-you are not in your room that much. Bye for now Gail

Serenity62 07-25-2002 07:43 AM

Hi gals

Sounds like you are all having a wonderful summer.

We have been a bit cooler but the humidity is 97 and it is supposed to get hot in the next day or so. What we really could use for the gardens etc, is a good rain. Droughts to the west and even tho we have had some rain, flowers are dying and not a sight of a tomato. I am watering everyday too.

Daughter and kids going to the lake for a few days. We are gettin g ready for family picnic on Sunday at Carman Manitoba. Some of my cousins, I haven't seen for 50 yrs. It sounds like it will be an interesting day.

Meme - you will likely find that things are slow moving when it comes to lawyers etc. My dad died in Feb. and we are still going to lawyers, things still not settled.

Was going to post a picture of my lilies, but it wouldn't copy and paste. How do you all get your pictures onto this site ?????

Have a good day.


anagram 07-25-2002 09:32 PM

Meme, it sounds like you more than have your hands full. You'll need all that vacation time to help you get through everything. The possible job/vacation sounds like fun too.

Mima, I liked what I've seen of Maine too but mostly what I've seen was on the coast. Where are you going on your cruise?

Joanne and Happy - hope you're both feeling a bit better.

I've been battling myself tonight. Craving something practically pure sugar for the first time in a long time. Had a pretty good day, went and did water exercises then had my hair done. Only got a few other things in. I really don't get all that much done most days anymore. But the weather was very nice and I enjoyed that. I think it is supposed to rain here sometime tomorrow and wonder if that's part of what's bothering me. It's not like I'm hurting from it yet (look out tomorrow morning!) but sometimes it's like I know something's off and don't know how to deal with it. Fortunately there's no candy, no cake in the house and I don't feel like the things I have would satisfy this vague craziness anyway so maybe I'll just go to bed early.

Dh has his annual cardiologist appt tomorrow. Since he had a valve replacement in 1990, I am always relieved when we get a green light again for another year. If that's what's bothering me, a peppermint pattie wouldn't really help or change anything.

Didn't hit those weeds again today. Maybe tomorrow (in the rain = they come out easier then anyway).

Happy Canuk 07-26-2002 12:21 AM

Help!!! It is so stinkin' hot here I can't stand it anymore. It just builds up and up. Feel like I am about to explode. This heat is worse than the cold. I feel like I am living in :devil:

Went to the park this afternoon. Ashley played in the wading pool and at the playground. Then tonight, we took here down to a rec. center and rented a little pedal boat. Well, that was an experience let me tell you. Both my husband's and my legs feel like jello. I will be really sorry tomorrow!!!!! I was outside most of the day and it was in the 90's. Sure loved my car, when I got in it and turned the air on:lol:

I think I am sweating off pounds - sure don't have much of an appetite the past few days.

Meme - don't you EVER stop. I used to think I was busy, when I worked, and had the kids home, but boy, I don't think I could keep up to you.

Hope you are all well.

MemeToo 07-26-2002 12:41 AM

I had a really nice day today...for a change! First, I slept late. That's a real treat for me! But...I'm back taking the neurontin so I don't really have a choice...can't get up in the mornings now! Then, I straightened up the house a little and made beds, got dressed and did my nails. Hubby came home early and we went to see the lawyer...got a nice surprise there! I have a sizable inheritance with absolutely NO taxes, etc. and no papers to file! Mom had her CD, a savings and checking account and her trailer PLUS 2 bonds I was holding for her in my name. Everything she had was in both our names and since I have no siblings it is all mine, uncontested, tax free...over $70,000 after funeral expenses! Then, I stopped on the way home at a huge furniture warehouse and bought a new burnished oak diningroom table and 8 chairs. I'd been meaning to get a bigger table forever but just never got around to it...when everyone was here after the funeral I told hubby wish I had gotten that table! Well...I finally did it today. It is soooo pretty. Now, with my 4 bar stools, I can seat everyone...us, all the kids and my in-laws...for BD dinners, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. Then, we went to Logans Steak House for dinner...a free dinner I might add! I had 2 meal vouchers and 3 appetizer and/or dessert vouchers that were sent to me for doing a mystery shop there. We had $46 worth of food...FREE! Whew...we were stuffed! And we didn't even use one of the appetizer/dessert vouchers. We got one appetizer, our steaks, potatoes and salads and split a piece of cheese cake. I may not eat again for a couple of days! Oh...I forgot...I have to go to a picnic/grill-out at a friend's house tomorrow night! GROAN!!!

Anyway...I'm still full...but it was a great day! One of those days you just don't want to end! Hubby has been sooooo great lately!

It is still really hot here...I kind of dread that grill-out tomorrow night. It isn't until 6 but it is still really hot at 6! Saturday I'm going to go through Mom's papers. I need to get a death certificate for my Dad...I'm hoping she had an extra one left! Can you believe she never did change her life insurance policy after my Dad died and it stills says it is payable to him...13 years later! I talked to the lawyer about renting out the trailer and he is going to draw me up a contract that specifies no alcholic beverages on property, no pets inside, no junk cars, etc. He says I can specify anything I want in a contract since it is a private dwelling and not a public apartment building or something. I make the rules and if the person wants to live there they can sign it...if not they can find somewhere else. He also said since it is a private dwelling I can refuse anyone I want for any reason I want! That has made me feel a lot better about renting!!!

Keep cool and have a good weekend!

Candicej 07-26-2002 03:42 AM

Meme..you deserve every penny of it! Enjoy your new dining room set! Be careful about renters, we have had nothing but trouble with most of the ones that live upstairs in my sons house. They do not live up to the contract Young college kids and they do not pay unless you get an adult to cosign with a decsent job. They smoke when they aren't supposed to and they have pets when it says none.

Happy hope you can cool off!

Where is Baby ally????????

Hi..Ellen, Joanne and Mima and roundwoman...........

Joanne D 07-26-2002 10:05 AM

Hey There
Candice- I made your Blueberry muffins yesterday. So far I have only had one and half. My hubby has gone through abour 8. Gave my son 3. I told hin they were low in cal.He almost didn't take them. He normally won't eat anything F/F or low fat. This guy is fighting the battle too!
Anagram..I took a allergy med. I think that might be my problem. It did help the headache. I will try to do my exercises today and I don't have to look far to find something else to keep me busy.
Meme..I guess you did luck out.I guess sometimes all the bad times can be made better in the end. I don't think I could put up with renters. Like Candice says they will tell you anything and then do as they please. Sometimes it is a pain trying to get rid of them.
Mima.. I have some friends who took one of those trips to Alaska and loved it. But said they would never do it again. I hope you enjoy yours.
Happy. It is really hot here. We stay inside a lot. I get a really cooped up feeling after awhile and have to get out somewhere. We have a lot of people down here from Canada during the winter. Some decide to stay year round..
There was a heck of a storm come through last evening. The rain was nice. Only lasted about an hour.
Hello Ally, Serenity..Bye....Joanne

Mima 07-26-2002 10:13 AM

Cruising down the Mississippi to New Orleans-going to Natchez, etc. Meme. Yes you do deserve it all. My sister-in-law is an only child and her dad is generous but she is so devoted to him!!!!My mom used to threaten me with her will because she didn't like me getting married again-said his kids were going to get it all from me-he died and I got it all and when she died there was nothing left because she went into a nursing home..Soi much for inheritances. Brad and I have worked it out nicely!!!!there is something wrong with my toe-from my sneakers-hope it goes away soon. Going away this afternoon-still packing leisurely. I send my pictures to Meme because I never can copy and paste. She is a computer genius. So is Anne!!And probably everyone but me. See you Mon. Gail

Serenity62 07-26-2002 07:12 PM

Hi Gals

Sounds like you are all doing good.

It is hot here was 39 in my back yard at 11 a.m. Don't know what it went up too but HOT.

The mosquitoes are terrible - city spraying every nite - and doing larveciding program.

They believe that there are now humans here with the virus. Just waiting for confirmation.

We are trying to stay indoors and keeping the dogs in. I will be so happy when all this is over.

The have brought a herd of bison to Manitoba from a drought area in Alberta. more than 200 head.

I guess we Canadians will have to buy meat now before the prices go up. There is not enough foor to winter the cattle in Alta.
They are also shipping them here as that is apparently easier than shipping hay to them.

Drinking enough water to float away - but ate a cinnamon bun this morning while out. It was organic - wish that would down the points lol.

Hope you all have a good weekend.


Ally0306 07-27-2002 12:28 PM

Hi Guy!!!! I haven't been in the computer room all week. Hello newbies Anagram and roundwoman. Am I still the youngest????
Happy.......Blue Stuff is good for sore muscles in a particular spot, did wonders on my corns on my toes, and helps with headaces although it stinks. But Meme is probably right...the active ingredients are MSM and aloe vera. Lots of other lotions have it in them too.
This week I ordered digestive enzymes and Immune Pro from iherb.com. I read so much about toxins etc, and feel that I just need to clean something out of my system. So the theories behind that made sense to me and I am going to give it a try. I go on vacation next week, but when I come back I will give it a try and let you know.
Only scanned your last weeks worth of stuff...so I am probably missing something good. No is pregnant or anything, right???:lol:

anagram 07-27-2002 08:27 PM

Ally, you're still the baby as far as I'm concerned. I'm more in competition to be the oldest.

Mima, the cruise sounds great. Hope you enjoy. I loved New Orleans. Computer genius - not I. I can barely send e-mail (but learn a little more all the time). Depend on ds for lots of help with the hardware, etc.

Meme - sounds like you had a long overdue day when things went well. How was the cookout. And enjoy the new dining furniture.

Happy - we were cool here yesterday (like a high of 71). I did damage to some weeds but they're way ahead of me.

Joanne - What did you do this weekend instead of visit dd?

Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy our cooler weather because I've been having a minor flare. Not totally miserable, just not too peppy, hurting all over, half a headache. Grrrr! But managed to get a walk in yesterday and again today. Dh got flying colors from the cardiologist so I sure feel better about that. DD called this morning, said they didn't leave for vacation today as planned because dgd woke up feverish, throwing up and complaining of stomach pains. Haven't heard since how they made out at drs. Hope they get to go tomorrow or Monday to get some benefit because they won't get their money back, I'm sure.

Well, our heat comes back tomorrow:dizzy: It wasn't overly hot today but muggy all day. Ate two meals out today - lunch was very diet/nutrition correct; supper wasn't. Not HORRIBLY BAD if you count potato chips as a veggie:s:

Gee, I didn't mean to write a novel.

Ally0306 07-28-2002 10:25 AM

Novels are OK. Candice really likes them....ha ha.
Sorry for the spelling errors, still haven't got my keyboard unstuck. Tried to give that responsibility to my son who is on here all nite instant messaging some girl in S. Carolina.
Going to Hershey PA tomorrow thru Thurs. So don't look for me til then!!! Have a nice week all.

anagram 07-28-2002 10:53 AM

Hope you enjoy your trip to our lovely Central Penn Area. Hershey is about a half hour from me. Be sure to hit the outlets there. A nice small restaurant (owned by my neighbor) is Fennici's Ristorante on the main drag through town - Chocolate Avenue.

Going to be hot - in the 90s all week but with the humidity breaking a bit by Tuesday. The smell of chocolate is a bit more intense when it's humid - temptation! Is this your first trip there?

Joanne D 07-28-2002 01:11 PM

Hey There
I spent a good bit of sat. watching the Fox news channel.. I finally gave up and went to bed at 11.30 last night after I saw the minors were found alive. I woke up this morning with my husband saying that they got them all out alive..My son called me later to tell me they were all out so I guess he got caught up in it too. He said he couldn't go to sleep till he heard they were alive.
I also did some reading. Ofcourse that is something I do a lot of.
I went to church this morning and came home with a hope of getting back into the swing of weight loss. I have picked up a few and can't let it continue..Prey for me. I am tempted all the time.
It looks like rain and so far all we have is noise and some darkness.. I wish it would rain all day.. I am one of those people who loves the rain.
Hello All..Now I am going to try to get to my exercise..

Mima 07-28-2002 05:09 PM

Just got home from the mission weekend. What a wonderful time we had . I met so many wonderful people who are working in Asian countries. They work regular jobs and are missionaries at the same time. Lots of doctors and nurses. Lots in Afghanistan. What faith these people have!!!!!!!!!!The work for Interserve.Of course all the meals were served and I did not stick to my diet. I can't walk because there is something wrong with the top of my foot!I can't figure it out but I hurt it when my sneakers were too tight. Hi to all. Mima

MemeToo 07-28-2002 05:13 PM

There wouldn't happen to be any coin collectors here would there...or maybe your hubby collects coins??? I found a $20 gold piece at my moms yesterday and I haven't a clue as to how much it might be worth! I left a message on a couple of different coin sites but who knows when they will get back to me!? It says:
SMV CALIFORNIA GOLD TWENTY D. And has an eagle on the back. On the front is a picture of a lady and on her head band is printed PALDWIN. The date on the front is 1851. I also found several JFK half dollars and some other stuff that I think is just junk...don't know why Daddy kept them!

It is so hot and muggy here. And thundering now. I'm hurting big time. The picnic was ok but I was sitting right in the line of smoke from the grill and it was just too hot to really enjoy...plus the flies were awful. I don't ever remember seeing so may flies...they are just sitting outside the door waiting to get in!

Here's a picture of Paula's new house. She didn't want me to make any inside yet...she doesn't have any of her stuff on the walls, etc. It looks smaller than it is in the pic. It has 4 bedrooms but one is off the kitchen and they made it into an office. It has a formal dinning room that sticks out of the back with a deck off it...you can't see all that from the picture. (For those of you who don't know...Paula's my daughter and she just moved last weekend.)

Joanne D 07-28-2002 05:46 PM

Meme- You can find coin guide books in most book stores. Sears will most likely have them as they sell coins. Public Librarys sometimes have them . My hubby has one that is 7 yrs old. In it your coin could sell anywhere from 450.00 up to 2000 dollers. It all depends on the condition. Your JFK coins are around 4.50 dollers. Sometimes the mothers don't know the value of what they have.. Let us know what you find out. I would be very carefull on who You get to appraise it....Bye ,Joanne

Mima 07-29-2002 07:17 AM

What a beautiful house, meme.And what storms we had last night. Twice, the dog tried to get in bed with us. I guess the tenant used to let him do that. I've got to get ready to go to work for 4 days and unpack from this weekend. At the end of August we are going to the 1000 islands!!Anyone been there?Hope everyone is well. Gail

anagram 07-29-2002 08:07 AM

Aaah, fresh start Monday! Meme, the house is lovely! Mimi, we were in the 1000 islands once more years ago than I care to remember. Enjoyed it but I'm sure it's all different now. I'm sure we were there pre-kids and my oldest will soon be 40. Enjoy!

The miners rescue was surely a miracle, wasn't it Joanne? I grew up in an anthracite mining area and related to it all so much. My one grandfather was a miner - he died at 56 of "black lung". My other grandfather left the mines as a very young man to a job he considered "safer". Unfortunately it was in a munitions plant near Phila which was sabotaged and he was blown up after only a few weeks on the job. He was only 23 or so and left my Grandmother pregnant with her third child. She never remarried.

Anyway... it's Monday and I start over again as usual on the diet. I did not do really badly over the weekend but I've been in a flare (not the worst one) and didn't do as well as I might have. I sort of have that "built in" though because I've learned I can only do so much when IT kicks in. I'm off to the pool this morning again and then must do some banking. Dh is planning to mow the lawn before it gets deadly hot (he'd better hurry) and then one or the other or both of us must return some upholstery samples we picked up in a furniture store yesterday. It's expected to be 96 and HUMID here again today and tomorrow. Tuesday it's ONLY expected to be 90. Guess who won't get a lot done this week again?

Serenity62 07-29-2002 06:40 PM

Hi Gals

Sounds like everyone's doing well. We have the heat again but not quite so bad. This mosquitoe business is still terrible, the city is spraying every nite. Ther are 6 people in the hosp. to date with suspected West Nile Virus.

We went downtown to the Forks Hist. Site at the juction of the Red and Assiboine rivers. Talked to some tourists from Arkansas. They said they thought they had mosquitoes but had never seen anything the like of here. Found it hard to believe, and I said you should have seen what it was like before they started spraying for them. Because of all the rain south of the border, the Red River is still very high and all the river walks are still under water.

There has been storms all around us, but not here in the city.

Yesterday was my family picnic at Carman, Manitoba. Saw cousins that I have not seen for over 50 yrs. People were there from B.C., Alta. and Ont.

Coming home we drove thro a terrible rain storm, cars were pulling over etc. and several cars stalled on the shoulder of the Hwy. It was quite a scary drive.

The farms we passed all looked good altho the grass in the yards was pretty brown looking. The sunflowers don't look too good either. About half their normal size.

My points are over of course, but not too bad. I expect that I will be up on Weds. as a result of the prednisone. I will be down next week for sure.

The house looks beautiful - I still haven't been able to paste into this site.

The North American Indigenous Games are on here and of course that brings in lots of tourists, especially from the US.

Hope you are all enjoying the summer weather.


Candicej 07-30-2002 05:30 AM

Did someone say storms???????????? We have a terrible mess to clean up, hudge tree limbs down, lawn furniture in the trees and the garden looks like I took a baseball bat to it! Oh my :eek:

The phone lines were out for a few days to which ment no computer!:mad:

My arms are hurting again and now all this extra clean up..Mother Nature is not very kind!;)

Joanne I take it you liked the muffins??????????

Meme..nice house and keep digging in that pot of gold you found!

Happy..how is that arm????

Ally..did ya have a good trip?

Mima...have a nice trip...

Serenity and anagram........hi:)

Joanne D 07-30-2002 10:07 AM

Hey There
Candice...I am not a big fan of any kind of cake/muffins unless they are chocolate..My hubby plowed into them. He has a sweet tooth. We are having our regular summer storms. They go through fast drop a lot of rain that runs off fast. Not a real good soaking. Florida sand does not soak up the water when it is like that.
Anagram- I read in the paper that the owners/bosses of the minors have not so much as sent a card or made a phone call to the trapped minors..What's their problem?I wonder if they think that they might get sued or get something on them. Too bad!!
Monday was start over day in my house too. I think carbs are a problem as well as salty snacks. I am addicted.I am about 10 lbs over what I want to be and don't seem to find the will to get it down..It is so hard and I get real tired of the trying sometimes..
Meme..Your daughter is going to have a great time in her new home..It looks really nice..
Mima...I have never heard of the 1000 islands. Hope you had a great time..
Hello Ally, Serenity, Happy... Joanne

Happy Canuk 07-30-2002 01:03 PM

Hi. Had quite a week. Had Ashley (grand daughter 4 yrs) with me from Tuesday until Saturday. Had to try to remember what I did with my kids when they were that age. Found that the wading pool was still there (took my son there 23 years ago for heaven sakes). She had a great time and since it was so hot, it kept her cool. I took along a lawnchair and sat in the shade. Really quite enjoyable. Then we hit the Pedal Boats out on our Ponds here. We rented it for 1/2 an hour and we were finished in 10 minutes:lol Not ideal for a person with FM and a husband whose legs got really tired. That is certainly a lot of pedalling. Anyway next time, he says, he will rent a boat with a MOTOR:lol.
Ashley really enjoyed it, however. She saw ducks up close, and a beaver swimming beside us. She thought that was great.

On Saturday, we took her home - a two hour drive - and we stayed over until Sunday. Visisted my aunt and uncle, my brother and sil and some very old friends (I have known since I was just a little kid - parents of one of my friends). I really, really enjoyed that visit. He is 85 with the best sense of humor around, and she is 79. They are both not so well. He has heart problems and has had a stroke and two heart attacks. She has Oseoporosis, FM very bad, diabetes, and heart problems as well.

Sunday we came home late and on Monday morning I had company - one of my friends daughters and her two children. They just left at 10:00 this morning and now I THINK I am back to normal. Just tired and having a little bit of a FM flair. Should be ok by tomorrow. Just need some decent sleep, I think.

It is MUCH, MUCH cooler here. Some of you would probably freeze. It is only in the 60's right now and will be for the next few days. Looks like by Monday, it will be back into the high 70's, which is just perfect for me. That is where I feel good.

Am trying to stick on this ww diet, but I think that it allows way to many carbs. I don't believe I do well with carbs at all. So, I am now in the process of switching back to putting more protein and less carbs in my diet. This will probably make me more tired, but I might be able to lose some weight. It is very discouraging to be on the ww diet and just maintain and not lose. I will take matters into my own hands now and see what happens.

Hope you all have a fantastic day:)

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