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Joanne D 07-28-2002 01:11 PM

Hey There
I spent a good bit of sat. watching the Fox news channel.. I finally gave up and went to bed at 11.30 last night after I saw the minors were found alive. I woke up this morning with my husband saying that they got them all out alive..My son called me later to tell me they were all out so I guess he got caught up in it too. He said he couldn't go to sleep till he heard they were alive.
I also did some reading. Ofcourse that is something I do a lot of.
I went to church this morning and came home with a hope of getting back into the swing of weight loss. I have picked up a few and can't let it continue..Prey for me. I am tempted all the time.
It looks like rain and so far all we have is noise and some darkness.. I wish it would rain all day.. I am one of those people who loves the rain.
Hello All..Now I am going to try to get to my exercise..

Mima 07-28-2002 05:09 PM

Just got home from the mission weekend. What a wonderful time we had . I met so many wonderful people who are working in Asian countries. They work regular jobs and are missionaries at the same time. Lots of doctors and nurses. Lots in Afghanistan. What faith these people have!!!!!!!!!!The work for Interserve.Of course all the meals were served and I did not stick to my diet. I can't walk because there is something wrong with the top of my foot!I can't figure it out but I hurt it when my sneakers were too tight. Hi to all. Mima

MemeToo 07-28-2002 05:13 PM

There wouldn't happen to be any coin collectors here would there...or maybe your hubby collects coins??? I found a $20 gold piece at my moms yesterday and I haven't a clue as to how much it might be worth! I left a message on a couple of different coin sites but who knows when they will get back to me!? It says:
SMV CALIFORNIA GOLD TWENTY D. And has an eagle on the back. On the front is a picture of a lady and on her head band is printed PALDWIN. The date on the front is 1851. I also found several JFK half dollars and some other stuff that I think is just junk...don't know why Daddy kept them!

It is so hot and muggy here. And thundering now. I'm hurting big time. The picnic was ok but I was sitting right in the line of smoke from the grill and it was just too hot to really enjoy...plus the flies were awful. I don't ever remember seeing so may flies...they are just sitting outside the door waiting to get in!

Here's a picture of Paula's new house. She didn't want me to make any inside yet...she doesn't have any of her stuff on the walls, etc. It looks smaller than it is in the pic. It has 4 bedrooms but one is off the kitchen and they made it into an office. It has a formal dinning room that sticks out of the back with a deck off it...you can't see all that from the picture. (For those of you who don't know...Paula's my daughter and she just moved last weekend.)

Joanne D 07-28-2002 05:46 PM

Meme- You can find coin guide books in most book stores. Sears will most likely have them as they sell coins. Public Librarys sometimes have them . My hubby has one that is 7 yrs old. In it your coin could sell anywhere from 450.00 up to 2000 dollers. It all depends on the condition. Your JFK coins are around 4.50 dollers. Sometimes the mothers don't know the value of what they have.. Let us know what you find out. I would be very carefull on who You get to appraise it....Bye ,Joanne

Mima 07-29-2002 07:17 AM

What a beautiful house, meme.And what storms we had last night. Twice, the dog tried to get in bed with us. I guess the tenant used to let him do that. I've got to get ready to go to work for 4 days and unpack from this weekend. At the end of August we are going to the 1000 islands!!Anyone been there?Hope everyone is well. Gail

anagram 07-29-2002 08:07 AM

Aaah, fresh start Monday! Meme, the house is lovely! Mimi, we were in the 1000 islands once more years ago than I care to remember. Enjoyed it but I'm sure it's all different now. I'm sure we were there pre-kids and my oldest will soon be 40. Enjoy!

The miners rescue was surely a miracle, wasn't it Joanne? I grew up in an anthracite mining area and related to it all so much. My one grandfather was a miner - he died at 56 of "black lung". My other grandfather left the mines as a very young man to a job he considered "safer". Unfortunately it was in a munitions plant near Phila which was sabotaged and he was blown up after only a few weeks on the job. He was only 23 or so and left my Grandmother pregnant with her third child. She never remarried.

Anyway... it's Monday and I start over again as usual on the diet. I did not do really badly over the weekend but I've been in a flare (not the worst one) and didn't do as well as I might have. I sort of have that "built in" though because I've learned I can only do so much when IT kicks in. I'm off to the pool this morning again and then must do some banking. Dh is planning to mow the lawn before it gets deadly hot (he'd better hurry) and then one or the other or both of us must return some upholstery samples we picked up in a furniture store yesterday. It's expected to be 96 and HUMID here again today and tomorrow. Tuesday it's ONLY expected to be 90. Guess who won't get a lot done this week again?

Serenity62 07-29-2002 06:40 PM

Hi Gals

Sounds like everyone's doing well. We have the heat again but not quite so bad. This mosquitoe business is still terrible, the city is spraying every nite. Ther are 6 people in the hosp. to date with suspected West Nile Virus.

We went downtown to the Forks Hist. Site at the juction of the Red and Assiboine rivers. Talked to some tourists from Arkansas. They said they thought they had mosquitoes but had never seen anything the like of here. Found it hard to believe, and I said you should have seen what it was like before they started spraying for them. Because of all the rain south of the border, the Red River is still very high and all the river walks are still under water.

There has been storms all around us, but not here in the city.

Yesterday was my family picnic at Carman, Manitoba. Saw cousins that I have not seen for over 50 yrs. People were there from B.C., Alta. and Ont.

Coming home we drove thro a terrible rain storm, cars were pulling over etc. and several cars stalled on the shoulder of the Hwy. It was quite a scary drive.

The farms we passed all looked good altho the grass in the yards was pretty brown looking. The sunflowers don't look too good either. About half their normal size.

My points are over of course, but not too bad. I expect that I will be up on Weds. as a result of the prednisone. I will be down next week for sure.

The house looks beautiful - I still haven't been able to paste into this site.

The North American Indigenous Games are on here and of course that brings in lots of tourists, especially from the US.

Hope you are all enjoying the summer weather.


Candicej 07-30-2002 05:30 AM

Did someone say storms???????????? We have a terrible mess to clean up, hudge tree limbs down, lawn furniture in the trees and the garden looks like I took a baseball bat to it! Oh my :eek:

The phone lines were out for a few days to which ment no computer!:mad:

My arms are hurting again and now all this extra clean up..Mother Nature is not very kind!;)

Joanne I take it you liked the muffins??????????

Meme..nice house and keep digging in that pot of gold you found!

Happy..how is that arm????

Ally..did ya have a good trip?

Mima...have a nice trip...

Serenity and anagram........hi:)

Joanne D 07-30-2002 10:07 AM

Hey There
Candice...I am not a big fan of any kind of cake/muffins unless they are chocolate..My hubby plowed into them. He has a sweet tooth. We are having our regular summer storms. They go through fast drop a lot of rain that runs off fast. Not a real good soaking. Florida sand does not soak up the water when it is like that.
Anagram- I read in the paper that the owners/bosses of the minors have not so much as sent a card or made a phone call to the trapped minors..What's their problem?I wonder if they think that they might get sued or get something on them. Too bad!!
Monday was start over day in my house too. I think carbs are a problem as well as salty snacks. I am addicted.I am about 10 lbs over what I want to be and don't seem to find the will to get it down..It is so hard and I get real tired of the trying sometimes..
Meme..Your daughter is going to have a great time in her new home..It looks really nice..
Mima...I have never heard of the 1000 islands. Hope you had a great time..
Hello Ally, Serenity, Happy... Joanne

Happy Canuk 07-30-2002 01:03 PM

Hi. Had quite a week. Had Ashley (grand daughter 4 yrs) with me from Tuesday until Saturday. Had to try to remember what I did with my kids when they were that age. Found that the wading pool was still there (took my son there 23 years ago for heaven sakes). She had a great time and since it was so hot, it kept her cool. I took along a lawnchair and sat in the shade. Really quite enjoyable. Then we hit the Pedal Boats out on our Ponds here. We rented it for 1/2 an hour and we were finished in 10 minutes:lol Not ideal for a person with FM and a husband whose legs got really tired. That is certainly a lot of pedalling. Anyway next time, he says, he will rent a boat with a MOTOR:lol.
Ashley really enjoyed it, however. She saw ducks up close, and a beaver swimming beside us. She thought that was great.

On Saturday, we took her home - a two hour drive - and we stayed over until Sunday. Visisted my aunt and uncle, my brother and sil and some very old friends (I have known since I was just a little kid - parents of one of my friends). I really, really enjoyed that visit. He is 85 with the best sense of humor around, and she is 79. They are both not so well. He has heart problems and has had a stroke and two heart attacks. She has Oseoporosis, FM very bad, diabetes, and heart problems as well.

Sunday we came home late and on Monday morning I had company - one of my friends daughters and her two children. They just left at 10:00 this morning and now I THINK I am back to normal. Just tired and having a little bit of a FM flair. Should be ok by tomorrow. Just need some decent sleep, I think.

It is MUCH, MUCH cooler here. Some of you would probably freeze. It is only in the 60's right now and will be for the next few days. Looks like by Monday, it will be back into the high 70's, which is just perfect for me. That is where I feel good.

Am trying to stick on this ww diet, but I think that it allows way to many carbs. I don't believe I do well with carbs at all. So, I am now in the process of switching back to putting more protein and less carbs in my diet. This will probably make me more tired, but I might be able to lose some weight. It is very discouraging to be on the ww diet and just maintain and not lose. I will take matters into my own hands now and see what happens.

Hope you all have a fantastic day:)

Happy Canuk 07-30-2002 01:04 PM


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