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fatmad 02-01-2013 09:51 AM

February Chat
Well, I can start!

Sorry to be MIA, I have found that going back to work after being off for a while has been quite a challenge. Have not been on call this week, but the clinic was extra busy, and I have a new student and a new job share partner, so things have been a bit hectic. Not eating right either, and had a binge one night I must confess. (carbs beget carbs as always for me.) Don't have the results of my recent blood work yet, because the weather has been bad and the lab hasn't brought the results in yet. (they drop results off when the do pick-ups at the office)
I am more convinced than ever that I had mono or some other sleepy making virus in December, even with exercise I am very tired still.

FYI, recent New England Journal of medicine debunked some diet myths this week. One of them talked about breakfast.... how it isn't necessary, but DID reinforce that total calorie intake was important. SO for those who are not big breakfast people, in itself its not an issue, but making sure you have planned calorie intake for the day, (instead of unplanned binges when you do get hungry) is just as reasonable as any other diet plan.

Looking forward to hearing from you all!

Ruthxxx 02-01-2013 05:50 PM

Thanks for cranking us up, Mad. I closed the January Thread but forgot to start a new one. I think I was in shock after not losing one darned ounce in January. However, i did lose the wee bit I put on in Cuba.

Of course, having a little bit of a late afternoon Velveeta cheese and saltines yesterday did not help. I was really expecting to be below 190 this morning. Silly me!

Sounds to me as if you did have mono because it sure dragged on a lot. Are you OK now? Good news about the breakfast news. I must confess, when my BGL is good, I sometimes have just coffee in the morning before I go to the gym. My trainer freaked the first time I said that so now I just say nothing.

Hmmm - Groundhog Day tomorrow. Say Hi to Wiarton Willie if you see him.

pattygirl63 02-01-2013 07:30 PM

Just typed a whole post and lost it. So I'll try again and say hello. Missed everyone because thunderstorm that passed through here Wednesday night knocked out power for 6 hrs and when we got up yesterday we were without enternet until this afternoon when the provider had to come out and replace something on the box.

Madeleine I recently heard about the new findings about breakfast. Never ate breakfast when I was "naturally" thin. Never had a weight problem until I started eating it because everyone said that it was so important. Now it is a habit that I have a hard time breaking however I have to say that my fbs is better and I feel better when I don't eat it. Sure hope you are able to get your strength back soon.

Ruthie I think you did a great job of eating on your trip or you would have gained more. I figured that your small gain woud come off quickly. It was probably water gain.

Bonnie I'm so glad the principal had enough sense to do something about the boy bullying your daughter. Sorry about the problems in your home with your aunt. I was afraid things would not be too wonderful. After our experience with DH kids living with us, that it isn't that their ways are bad or wrong or that ours are... it is just that people have different lifestyles and ways of doing things. Then when we try to combine our lifestyles with theirs, it just doesn't work unless someone is willing to change and that seldom happens. Hope things get better for y'all.

Slmn and others :wave:

Have a good evening.

Ruthxxx 02-02-2013 07:32 AM

Good morning. No groundhog will see his shadow today around here as we are cloudy and snowy. It doesn't really matter as we will have at least another six weeks of winter anyhow.

Did OK on food yesterday with a huge arugula/spinach/HB egg salad for lunch and Taco Bake from the stash for dinner. Today may be more difficult as I am cooking prime rib for a gentleman friend tonight and will have to be careful to eat mindfully. (I've not had prime rib for over a year although it was a Sunday staple in my parents' house.)

Weight is down a smidge but still not out of the 190's. More treadmill is on the agenda today with a minimal breakfast and salad for lunch!

Enjoy your weekend.

fatmad 02-02-2013 10:17 AM

Ruth: you should be fine if you do mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes, and roast some nice veggies, like parsnip, carrots and yellow beets in another dish. Avoid making yorkshire pudding and you will do well. A good supper like that will be great, and do awesome leftovers for you for the week. Enjoy, and have a nice visit with your friend!

DH and I had a nice heart to heart this am, and I am going out to ski around the yard while he shovels the snow, so I don't get stuck here on the couch since I got on the computer to check in. We will host a few people for superbowl/antisuperbowl games night and I have some salads planned, no pizza, just low carb will be served! And guests are bringing their own beer etc so we won't be tempted to drink. Whoot Whoot

Ruthxxx 02-02-2013 10:30 AM

Definitely will roast some Brussels and cauliflower and do oven roasted potatoes. My guest is my pal Dr Bob the endo and he will praise me for not having taters. I never really like Yorkshire but will do it for him. Apple crisp made with agave syrup is dessert, probably topped with yogurt and walnuts.

Awesome leftovers, indeed! - and two nice bones for the doggage! (I'll probably make a Shepherd's pie with cauliflower mashed.)

immaculate 02-02-2013 02:40 PM

Hi everyone! I'm new to this site and to diabetes. I was diagnosed with PCOS on January 8, Type 2 Diabetes on January 21, and started Metformin on January 28.

I've really been making an effort to get healthy. I started limiting portions on January 15 and began counting calories January 21. I've gone from 240 pounds to 233 pounds already and my fasting blood sugar has gone from 267 at diagnosis to 134 this morning.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

Ruthxxx 02-03-2013 01:16 PM

:welcome: Immaculate! Good results in such a short time! I'm sure you are pleased.

Well the dinner last night did not do too much damage. I'm hoping to see 189.999999999 tomorrow morning! I just had a very small sandwich on multi-grain bread with about 2 ounces of wonderful roast beef. Not sure what dinner will be but I'm leaning towards pea soup from the stash. This cold weather is making me want soup! I just hope it's not too carby and salty to affect my weight tomorrow.

This week I will get back into the habit of testing my FBGL - been letting that slip since getting back from Cuba.

I see several new folks posting in this part of the Forum. Please join us in the Daily to let us know how you are doing.

fatmad 02-03-2013 01:41 PM

Hi all: had an all-nighter yesterday, and just woke up. I had to eat some off plan stuff, as this was unplanned, went to be with a high risk client who went into labour early. We all thought it would be quick, but not. They have a healthy little boy now though, so all worth it.
Making food for the anti-superbowl party, will be atkins style, lots of salads and some chili and wings, no bread or crackers for me though!
Hope you all have a good Sunday, with or without football.

pattygirl63 02-03-2013 03:22 PM

A quick flyby. DH goes for preliminary stuff at hospital tomorrow afternoon for the neck surgery he will have in 2 weeks. I will be glad when he feels good again.

Ruthie I'm also getting back into a routine with my eating. I will keep my calories within a certain amount althought I'm not really counting anything, just kind of know what and how much to eat so I don't overeat so I can start losing again and get this bs where it needs to be.

:welcome3: immaculate and other newbies. Look forward to getting to know you.

Mad Thanks for the heads up on the TENS machine. I've been using it as well as neck stretcher and back massage and it is really helping my neck and back. DGS has a horseshoe shape neck pillow that he left here and I've been using it to support my neck when I sleep and it plus using the TENS etc, the neck pain is beginning to let up. I guess we just didn't get that stuff in time for DH, but thanks to your help and the advice I'm following that the doc who goes to my church told me to do for Tony that I'm using persoally, I won't need neck surgery or a pain management doctor.

Guess, I better get busy or this won't be a flyby. :dizzy:

:wave: To Bonnie, SLMN and everyone else.

Have a great Sunday.

Wannabehealthy 02-03-2013 05:56 PM

Mad, I never had Mono, but a co-worker did, and he was freezing cold, all bundled up, but sweat was pouring off him. I think if you had Mono you would have had some very distinct symptoms. I did have pneumonia, though. I had a slightly elevated temp (99) and was very very tired, napping off and on throughout the day. I only sought medical attention because it went on for so long, otherwise I would not have known I was sick. Wonder if that's what you have.

As for breakfast, sometimes I want breakfast and sometimes not. Usually, I have brunch, combining breakfast and lunch around 11=11:30. We usually eat dinner around 4, so I do have something later in the evening. I am eating 3 times per day, just not at the normal times. I lose weight better when I do the brunch.

Ruthie - I think the reason your trainer gets upset is because the effect exercising can have on your blood sugar. As long as you're checking it I think you have a handle on the issue.

Ruthxxx 02-04-2013 06:42 AM

Good morning. Dropped down to 188.8 this morning. Let's hope the trend continues. FBGL is a good solid 5.8. Since I dropped the evening Glyburide and switched to the new morning stuff, I've not been getting those scary lows.

Off to the gym shortly after a smoothie with almond milk, papaya and ground flax and Salba. I may throw in an egg for extra protein. I have my quilting meeting this morning but am planning to be home for lunch - maybe tuna salad on the rest of the arugula? On the other hand soup is appealing since I am always cold these days. Shepherds pies with cauliflower taters in on the plan for tonight.

Do something nice for yourself today. I am slathering my poor dry legs with cream.

fatmad 02-04-2013 09:56 AM

Hi all: a bit tired and stiff still after odd sleeping times the last couple of days, but mostly rested and caught up now. Planning yoga today, and clean eating. Yogurt and pineapple for breakfast today, yum. The anti-superbowl gathering went well, and I have yummy leftovers for a few days.

Trish: so glad the TENS machine is working nicely for you. Perhaps DH will find it helpful in the recovery phase after surgery. Sure hope it all goes well.

welcome Immaculate. Glad to have you share your experiences here too.

Ruth, have a good day at the gym, stay safe with driving in the icy conditions.

Happy Monday friends, I am off to work.

Butterfly50 02-04-2013 04:41 PM

So my life right is going in the toliet. I have been off plan last week and I am gonna tell you stress Stress stress I am sooooo tired of it I have to have something done I am gonna go crazy. So my aunt decided to go pick a fight with my 18 year old and her boy friend she told him that he was a bad boyfriend all because he dont take her out 24/7 and he like to hunt. so we have a big blow out here and the stress is still in the air . My daughters boy friend left didnt speak to her for a few days then he has started picking her up and leaving and not cumming in the yard or the house says he was hurt by the things she said and he isnt ready to play nice.

Well I be back later have to run.

Butterfly50 02-05-2013 02:37 PM

So I had to run to the pharmacy to get hubbys meds and now It is tuesday and I am gonna tell you the fire works went off. Well my aunt has been arguing with my daughter and her boyfriend she bought over some of his clothes here and my daughter washed them and when she was done my aunt came in here and told me that he could no longer wash his clothes here cause he wont accept her apology for all the nasty things she said to him. Went went into a whirl wind with me and I gave it back to her so she basically said we should find a new place to move so We are going to do that. I can't take much more of this crap from her here My kids are miserable here she was running around the house last week and keep telling everyone she wasnt running a whore house here to me she was basically calling my children a whore. I am so sorry if she can't afford her bills but she will be on her own and she will have to take care of her grandchild by her self. Lets see how far they make it I am sick of it the picking on my kids are over and its not gonna happen Hubby is out talking to some friends of his to see if he has anything open and it will be 2 hours away from her.....

Sorry but I am jest so pissed right now it is not funny so I am sorry that I vented and you guys had to be the one to hear it she wont listen to nothing I say...

Here it is hours later and Hubby is going to have a talk with her if she wants us to move he said we will but he said he is gonna have a good talking to her.

pattygirl63 02-05-2013 08:33 PM

Got the call today on the issue that was questionabe concerning DH surgery and looks like it is good to go. Our Primary is handling the warfarin/lovenox sceduling and hope he is allowing enough time for the INR to go down far enough for surgery. We will see him next Tuesday for our 3 month check up so DH can talk to him then. I just want DH to be pain free and us working on being healthy again.

Bonnie I don't know your situation but because of our situation with DH daughter and her family, I was very concerned about you moving in with your aunt. As much as we love them, it is something we both hope we will never have to do again. However, I will have to say that although things were strained at times, we did end everything with hugs and good wishes for everyone. DD has texted me almost everyday since they moved. They are happier in south FL and they had to learn that DH and I are happier her in northern part of SC. I am happy to say that we seem to still have a good relationship. I hope y'all can too. The part that is hard for you is the things your aunt said about your daughters. My Mama used to say "You never talk to a Mama against her children whether it is true or not". It is our nature to rise up and fight for them. So that will be a difficult hurdle for you and your aunt to get over. However, I hope y'all can move and things calm down between y'all. :hug: Prayers coming your way.

Slmn, Madeleine, Ruthie and others :wave:

Ruthxxx 02-06-2013 08:20 AM

Absolutely right! Never cross a Mama about her kids! Sure hope things are resolved quickly for you, Bonnie.

Trish, sounds like life is improving rapidly for you. So glad the kids are still keeping in touch.

Still bopping along with decent FBGL and a stuck scale. Of course eating some wonderfully fresh (and warm) Hot Cross buns yesterday did not help! My friend made them to practise for a baking contest at Easter and I just could not resist. Back on track today - at least, that's the plan. (I did not get to making the Shepherd's Pie yesterday as the local store had cauliflower at $5 a head! I'll freeze the beef and wait until I can get it cheaper.)

Off to the gym - late today because Donna is a way and can't nag me to get there for 7:30.

fatmad 02-06-2013 02:56 PM

Hi all: my scale is also still stuck at 180, I guess I will change my ticker, I must accept the truth.
BOnnie: hope you can make it through this with the family intact, at least auntie apologized, but thats may not be enough in the long run. I agree, don't mess with a mama.
Got to yoga today, a minor miracle, with 3 births in 3 days, 2 of which were all-nighters. But no deliveries so far today, so went to noon yoga and home for a shower before I do my last visit of the day. Hope to have a normal evening at home with DH and not be exhausted. That will be nice.
TIme to plan meals for the next week. Maybe that will help.

Butterfly50 02-06-2013 06:15 PM

Hi eveyone well no she didn't apologized she jest isnt talking to no one in the house today she only spoke to my husband and that's pretty much cause he is home sick as a dog. But oh well we will have to see what happens. I am starting to cough my head off so I will probably be the next one on the block with this crud.

But yes you don't mess with momma and they don't understand that.

Wannabehealthy 02-07-2013 09:26 AM

Bonnie, I am just getting over my upper respiratory thing that lasted a couple weeks in all. I hope yours doesn't last as long as mine.

Mad - I should change my ticker, too, but I'm giving it a couple more days to adjust. LOL

pattygirl63 02-07-2013 12:53 PM

Flyby as going for PT blood draw for DH. Weight is stable which should be a blessing but darn scale won't budge. FBS was high this morning. I just can't do popcorn. Another one of those things that I have to scratch. I'm thinking that once DH has surgery and things settle that I need to do bs check after foods again and learn what raises and doesn't raise my bs. Did that in the beginning. I think it is time to get back down to the basics of things.

I think this year has to be about getting my health back on track.

Have a good day.

fatmad 02-08-2013 06:45 PM

hi all. Just a brief hello. Lots of snow here today. I managed to get out to a birth, but roads were iffy. Much better now, but the snow keeps coming, we got about 30 cm (1 foot) here. Are you totally socked in Ruth?
Stayed on plan in spite of the early call out, I took food, and ate that. So today, pretty much on plan. DH has gone out to find food!
have a good one ladies

Ruthxxx 02-09-2013 08:52 AM

Mad, we got socked in too but we are more accustomed to it here. Right now there is a good 18" of light and fluffy white stuff on my side porch. I know that because it fell inside when I opened the door. I am lucky that Richard has already ploughed my lane with his big truck thing. Now I am going out to shovel a path to the car in the barn and clear a potty path for the doggage.

I have been way off track this week and have not been checking my FBGL. Strange how you can get out of habits more quickly than you get into them. Weight has been blipping the wrong way too - comfort carbs and some Chinese food is the culprit.

pattygirl63 02-09-2013 02:00 PM

Well, I got up today and realized that I have got to take control of my life again. Talked to my oldest son yesterday about Tai Chi. He used to do it years ago and said that he needed to get back to it. I told him I was interested but DH was afraid I would hurt myself doing it. He explained to me how it works in the body and that while it may look like your not doing anythig that it is even a cardio exercise. He told me that done correctly that you don't do anything that feels uncomfortable or hurts. I have three Tai Chi dvds so I decided to look at them and see which one/s I thought I could do. Never got to the 3rd one. I had been waiting until after DH surgery to start doing it, but I don't have to wait. I started today with the dvd for beginners, because if I can get the routine going, I can do Tai Chi anywhere even in the hospital room which are private rooms. And I can do this everyday. Starting slow and when I start feeling uncomfortable, I stop. This goes well with Intuitive Eating which teaches me to learn to listen to my body signals. I am also eating healthier foods now as I seem to be really into fruits and veggies right now for snacks and meals. I beginning to think that I am leaning more toward a modified form of Paleo/Prima. Not sure which as I get confused by which is which. I lean toward the one that isn't so strict.

Ruthie and Madeleine Stay warm and safe.

fatmad 02-09-2013 03:34 PM

Roads are clear again, and so glad, another delivery in the night. we have 2/3 of the months deliveries done now, so early in the month! I expect a quiet week coming, although I won't be on call anyhow.
went a little off plan today, too tired to care (and that isn't so good right?)
Will be back on plan for supper, as DH bought a chicken to roast with some yummy veggies. (golden beets, parsnips, carrots and potatoes)

Home for a quiet night.
Have a nice weekend friends

Ruthxxx 02-10-2013 07:32 AM

Glad things are a bit back to normal, Mad, and I hope the balance of the month goes well.

This has not been a good week and my ticker is in limbo for a while. I've started the day with good intentions but not taking my Victoza first thing. It's like I have a death wish! Not taking the med, makes me feel "hungry" and I've been giving in to it. (Wings for dinner last night!) This morning I am off to my Book Club which is a brunch meeting so I will be SURE to take the meds. Mimosas and quiche are on the menu - pray for me!

On a more hopeful note, I shoveled a lot yesterday and did not feel any pain this morning. Mind you the snow was very light but there sure was a lot of it!

This afternoon I'll make some mini-meatloaves for the freezer and will be doing a chicken/veggie stir fry for dinner with NO rice or noodles. Gotta get a grip!

Wannabehealthy 02-10-2013 07:15 PM

Mad - Yesterday I watched Martha Stewart do a segment on roasting vegetables. I wanted to climb right into the TV. LOL They looked so good! I've never done it because DH would not eat it and too much would go to waste. To him a vegetable is corn or peas.

Butterfly50 02-11-2013 01:57 PM

Sorry I have been MIA for a while but I have been sick as a dog. The hubby has been jest as sick he has to be on breathing treatments three times a day. I had to go back I seemed like I was getting better then all of a sudden started getting bad again. Now I am finally getting some of this crud out of my chest I am feeling better. The down size is I am back where I started not hard I lost mostly water weight so I must get back into the routine and make my way into it.
Things here seemed to of calmed down alot . Thank God hubby says he doesn't want to move right now its cause of our money situation . I basically told my 23 and 18 year old they need to get a life and move on . I think my 23 year old is gonna move in with his girlfriend now they are back togeather . My 18 year old says her and her boy friend is gonna start looking for a place of their own. I am jest praying . It would be so nice to jest to have to worry about my 15 year old. sure would make some things simpler around here .
I hope that everyone is doing good . I know we have lots of weather conditions out their I hope you guys are all safe.

Sorry for the babbling but I have to go find me some lunch. Looks like a Chicken breast Sweet potato and a veggie for me.

pattygirl63 02-11-2013 06:22 PM

Bonnie Glad you and DH are feeling better. Hope things work out good for all of your family. I think we are all in the process of getting back on track here. I'm starting to get the "desire' or "drive" to get with it again. Of course, having to go to the doctor tomorrow helps a lot. But also getting my life back to some sort of normalcy helps too.

I have been wanting to buy one of the new blender/juicer type gadgets out there but couldn't decided. Yesterday I watched the tv ad on the Magic Bullet and as I watched it I thought of all the things I could do with it. Went on line to see what they had to offer. It was a toss up between the Ninja and this one. TV offer was to purchase the $99 one and get everything. I really didn't want to spend that much money right now althought I do want to do some juicing. Well, I woke up about 8:15 this morning and decided to go see what Walmart had. They had lots of Ninja's and I almost didn't see the Magic Bullet. I bought a Magic Bullet and it came with 2 cookbooks. I'm sitting here eating a broccoli soup that was in the recipe. It made with yogurt or milk or water, chicken broth, broth and garlic clove. I used Greek yogurt and added a little onion. I don't like the texture with the yogurt so will probably use milk next time.

I am going to love using this little gadget. I made me a fruit smoothie this morning, I've got tuna salad made up for a few days and omelets will be a breeze. The really great thing about using this is nothing will go into the foods I eat that are processed so no hidden chemicals etc. I can see that if I decide to go back to low carb even Atkins that is will make cooking so much easier since the only ingredients will be what I put into it, there will be no hidden carbs.

3 month check up tomorrow. I'm not too excited about going there since I've not done very well. FBS is all over the place as usually but higher and weight will be where it is. I've decided that I'm going to get on plan eating right and exercise for the next 3 mos and if things aren't better by the time I go back at that time that I'm going to have a talk with him about adding some other medicine. I know he doesn't want me off of Metformin and I agree with him. However, I know from what I hear of some of y'all take Metformin and another diabetic bed so if I need to add something then we need to do it. I don't want to do it until I know that I can't do it with diet, exercise and the Met.

Didn't mean to make this so long. I haven't said a whole lot because I just haven't been able to get with it.

Madeleine Sounds like things are getting back to normal for you although busy with the births. We need more nurses like you.:hug:

Ruthie Hope you had a good day. You may have to make a check on a calendar for when you check FBS. I agree that it is so much easier to create bad habits than it is to create good ones. But WE CAN GET THOSE GOOD ONES GOING AGAIN!!! Let's do this together.

Slmn Are our hubbies kin? LOL The only veggies DH likes besides corn and peas are Harvard beets which are hard to find these days and cauliflower. And of course to him French Fries are a veggie too, but at least he doesn't eat a lot of those any more. But he isn't really thrilled about others although in a pinch he will eat some of them. LOL

Have a good evening everyone.

pattygirl63 02-12-2013 06:34 PM

Dr's appt went well. My A1c was up from 7 to 7.5. I told him I knew he could give me another medicine to go with the Metformin, but that I want the next 3 months to try to get it down without it. He said that I had done it before and I should be able to do it again. He also told me that 2 people that had been in this morning had lost so much weight that they were able to come off their diabetic and blood pressure pills. I hope to become one of those myself.

DH Alc was up from 8 to 8.3 and doc wasn't too happy with that with him having surgery. He doubled his diabetic medicine. I told him that things were settling down here and that we are both going to begin eating healthier as I plan to get rid of most of the processed food.

Quiet here today. Hope everyone is doing okay. Hope those of you in the snow are warm and safe. Hope those in the rains and flooding are dry and safe.

Ruthxxx 02-13-2013 06:41 AM

Patty, sounds to me like you have a doctor who actually listens. My Dr Jack says our relationship is a partnership and I am in charge of 99.99% of the work.

He would not have been pleased yesterday though. I had forgotten that I was going to eat at the pancake supper, not serve, and ended up taking my friend Barb there and falling off the wagon badly. (Barb is waiting for a knee replacement and is sort of down so I promised her I'd do pancakes with her so she could get out of the house.) Yes, I ate pancakes and syrup and loved every mouthful. No good deed goes unpunished.

How's this for a menu? Pancakes, maple syrup and butter, sausages cooked in syrup, baked beans ditto and for dessert - maple cheesecake. Now really!

The scale, ticker and FBGL tester are not pleased with me this morning. It will be a clean eating day and I will not eat the goodies at the Pampered Chef Party tonight.

On we go trudging over the Wednesday hump. We're getting halfway there through February too. :)

Butterfly50 02-13-2013 12:19 PM

Trish I know what you mean I have a diabetic check up here cumming. Susposed to be today but I am going in the next few days here. I am jest so sick of coughing.

Been home most of the day by myself so far I need to get the energy to get up and get busy doing some workouts going or at least set all my stuff back up and in place. I got tons of Dvd's of Leslie and Jillian and Biggest looser so I dont have a excuse for not doing some things here.I would like to do it in mid week so that I have no excuse to fail on the weekends.

But I guess I better Be going and will check back later...

pattygirl63 02-13-2013 04:29 PM

Ruthie I do have a really great caring doctor. I told him as I left yesterday that I so appreciate the way he takes care of us especially DH. He won't let anyone take over DH treatment for the Warfarin but him. He refused to let Tony's cardiologest take over the treatment of it and I think it is because the cardio should have run the tests etc to find the clot and treat it, but he didn't. I so appreciate that he cares about helping us get well or at least live a better life. He sent us to see a skin specialist one time because he didn't know if some moles on DH back were cancerous or could become cancerous. Specialist asked DH "Who are you?" When we asked why he said "Your doctor sent instructions like we were to treat you like VIP". Good luck with eating clean at the party tonight.

Bonnie Hope you feel better soon.

Got up early and did my exercise. So far eating is clean, healthy and OP. Got 3 months to turn this all . Actually isn't too bad. I'm already beginning to think about how I can eat at the hospital next week so that I can stay OP. I'm sure it won't be difficult. I might use Atkins drinks and then buy one or 2 meals at the hospital. I'm hoping we will only have to stay one night, but regardless of how long I am staying OP.

Madeleine and Slmn and lurkers :wave:

fatmad 02-14-2013 07:22 AM

Hope we can all enjoy St. Valentine' Day. DH and I celebrated last evening, as he has dental surgery this am.
I had higher carb meals the last 2 days, and it shows. Even with "good" carbs, complex carbs etc. I was getting about 100g carbs each day, and today's fbs was a shocking 6.9!!!!:(
Back to normal this am. I am quite tired as well, which likely goes with the sugars. All symptoms are here, including excess thirst.
I DID get to yoga last evening. Its my weekend off, I am hoping to get some good exercise this weekend in general. THe workweek has been busy, and I tend to be just exhausted when I get home, makes it hard to exercise then. I went to yoga straight from the office last night. On Monday, I came home first, and was too tired to go out later to yoga. So the key is to just keep going and collapse when I get home.
Ok girls, kick my butt, I really have to get hold of myself and get losing weight again.

Wannabehealthy 02-14-2013 10:17 AM

Bonnie - Hope you are starting to feel better. This is probably effecting your BS too.

Trish - I could have written your post. My BS is so bad right now and I know why. I too need to get back to business and eat right and exercise.
My friend's mother lost 50 lbs with diet and exercise and she no longer has to take her meds or test her blood. I want that. We are going to do that, Trish! That woman is no better than we are!

My husband will eat broccoli and cauliflower if it's in cheese sauce. LOL He lives on fried potatoes and can not go 2 days in a row without them. He knows nothing about nutrition and doesn't care. He tells me that he has been eating this way all his life and has never had a weight problem. He does eat very small meals, they are just not healthy foods. He says he will not eat tasteless cardboard and then die anyway.

Everyone have a happy Valentine's Day!

pattygirl63 02-14-2013 03:22 PM

When I told my doctor that I might have to go back to basics and test bs after foods agai to see what my body tolerates, he said "You should already know that". He is right I know that there are certain foods that I might can eat occasionally but not on a regular basis. So it is time for me to get with it. Didn't do as well as I wanted yesterday, but I think I know what set me off. However, I am happy to say that I didn't eat any sugar yesterday. So there was progress.


Ruthxxx 02-15-2013 05:55 AM

Along with Mad, I'm in the line-up for butt kicking! I have made absolutely no progress in weightloss. (I've gained ten pounds since last February!) I know this will affect my next HA1C reading and am seriously P'd off with myself.

Off to the gym this morning and then nose to the grindstone to get those T4s issued. (That's record of earnings and deductions and has to be issued before the 28th.)

Maybe reducing my workload will reduce my body. ???

fatmad 02-15-2013 08:55 AM

stayed on plan yesterday, and got exercise doing laundry and not just sitting on the couch last night. Also, we did a dance at a meeting for the billions rising celebration.
I am off call for the weekend, plan to go to yoga at noon hour and do a bit of admin work at the office this morning.
DH's dental surgery went well. I slept in the guest room for us both to sleep better, we have both had some restless sleeps lately and wake each other up. I slept well, and with him healing, so did he. But don't read any problems into not sleeping in the same bed on Valentines day!
Have a lovely Friday friends.

Butterfly50 02-15-2013 12:07 PM

Good afternoon hereit is 11:52 so close enough. Well Been busy here I am so tired I feel like I am gonna fall over I am so Sick of coughing. I will be going to the Dr again sometime this weekend.I spend half of the night coughing when I take the syrup it wires me up and I stay awake so I dont win either way.

Me and the hubby has been talking he has a friend who lives in saluta Sc and has a two bedroom house he said we could have it but he would like to finance it himself so we can buy it. I told hubby i has to be legal or no way. It will only me me and the hubby and my 15 year old I told the two oldest to get out on their own they have till the summer.

So I went in to a rampage last night I was kinda pissed cause all it seems like I do is cook and then have to do the dishes for everyone everyday I am so tired of it. I told hubby last night I am going to buy stuff for sandwiches and they can eat it or go somewhere else . I am so tired of it all. Our aunt has her granddaughter here all day and is constantly shoving food in her and then when she leaves to go home she come in and says she has to go here or their and takes off and I get stuff cleaning up after everyone from the whole day.I was so mad It was valentines day and I had to stay up and clean. Mean while my two oldest was out on dates and his aunt was holding her daughters hand while she was at work.

Sorry for that it has been on my mind all night I done told the kids that I am not putting up with it and that I am done. Not saying anything to the aunt cause I know she will fly off the handle she has been using her back as a excuse for her not to do any work around here and now it is getting old no one wants to do it any more.She tells the hubby she can't help him do the yard stuff but she has all the energy to have the grandkid over all day .

Well I need to figure out how to get some of this togeather and start working off all this weight .

Butterfly50 02-15-2013 12:49 PM

I went over and was looking at the blogs I have not been their in a while and people left some pretty rude things on my page so I wont be using that again. So I hope you guys dont mind if I write a little and you dont have to read it if you dont want to but It might help to get this out. I have been thinking about this alot. This may be my main problem and if you have any ideas how to help please do.

When I was born I only weighed 4 and 1/2 pounds I was two months early I was in and out of the hospital most of my 1st year of life the Dr's told my mom I would be lucky to live and if I did have a normal life with out some delays or mental problems I would be lucky. As you can see I am alive and well and the one problem I know I have is that I am FAT and it is because I kinda hoard food. But I dont have a self or a hide out I eat it. So i guess u could say that my stomach is the hide out or storage where I keep it all.

As growing up we never had food I could never go into the kitchen and open a cabinet and jest get some food out and cook it. from the time I was able to remember I would go to school I would eat breakfast at school a and then I would eat lunch when I got home their would be no telling if we had dinner. Summer time was the worst . I was number 8 in 12 children the first 5 was grown up and then their was the 5 of us that was from my dad and then 2 from a step dad. When summer rolled around we would be home with at the time taking care of the younger kids we did all we could to make sure they were feed. my mom decided that she didn't feel like paying rent so she moved us to a camp ground . Me as the oldest at home and my 3 younger sisters and a brother . We had no food but the potato's and corn they went and made us pick up out of the fields in town. so leave it to me as I was like 8 to start a fire and cook corn on the cob and potato's for the kids. My mom would get up when she woke up and she didnt come home till wee hours in the night.

When my brother in law got stationed here in SC he told my mom as long as she could pay to bring us with. We stayed their a year with them 9 people in a trailor. she finally got a place of our own and we still never had food even though she got food stamps and a check she seemed to buy some grocries and then sold the rest. It got to the point where me and my two sisters would rake leaves and stuff for money to go buy food for the little brother and sister. As I got older and in middle school I was being teased by kids for not wearing the up to date clothes and stuff. So I go embarrassed and stop going to lunch so I would spend all day in school and not eat when I got home I would hunt for food and eat till I couldnt eat any more. As I got to meet my hubby I got to where when I was around food I would eat cause I was so scared that their would be none tomorrow . I started packing on the pounds and when I got pregnant I only used that as a excuse to eat more. I see it now that when their is food and especially something sweet I would eat it like I couldnt let no one else have it I jest eat the whole thing. I couldn't stop it the urge to eat and eat till their was nothing left. I find that I still do that now. I am so sick of it I know I will have food in my house tomorrow but for some reason I can get it to click into place I shouldn't have to hide food from people jest so I can have it all . I don't know what to do I jest feel so hopeless any more. I jest don't know how much longer my body can endure this.

Thank you guys for letting me write this it helps so much to tell someone something..

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