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pattygirl63 02-05-2013 08:33 PM

Got the call today on the issue that was questionabe concerning DH surgery and looks like it is good to go. Our Primary is handling the warfarin/lovenox sceduling and hope he is allowing enough time for the INR to go down far enough for surgery. We will see him next Tuesday for our 3 month check up so DH can talk to him then. I just want DH to be pain free and us working on being healthy again.

Bonnie I don't know your situation but because of our situation with DH daughter and her family, I was very concerned about you moving in with your aunt. As much as we love them, it is something we both hope we will never have to do again. However, I will have to say that although things were strained at times, we did end everything with hugs and good wishes for everyone. DD has texted me almost everyday since they moved. They are happier in south FL and they had to learn that DH and I are happier her in northern part of SC. I am happy to say that we seem to still have a good relationship. I hope y'all can too. The part that is hard for you is the things your aunt said about your daughters. My Mama used to say "You never talk to a Mama against her children whether it is true or not". It is our nature to rise up and fight for them. So that will be a difficult hurdle for you and your aunt to get over. However, I hope y'all can move and things calm down between y'all. :hug: Prayers coming your way.

Slmn, Madeleine, Ruthie and others :wave:

Ruthxxx 02-06-2013 08:20 AM

Absolutely right! Never cross a Mama about her kids! Sure hope things are resolved quickly for you, Bonnie.

Trish, sounds like life is improving rapidly for you. So glad the kids are still keeping in touch.

Still bopping along with decent FBGL and a stuck scale. Of course eating some wonderfully fresh (and warm) Hot Cross buns yesterday did not help! My friend made them to practise for a baking contest at Easter and I just could not resist. Back on track today - at least, that's the plan. (I did not get to making the Shepherd's Pie yesterday as the local store had cauliflower at $5 a head! I'll freeze the beef and wait until I can get it cheaper.)

Off to the gym - late today because Donna is a way and can't nag me to get there for 7:30.

fatmad 02-06-2013 02:56 PM

Hi all: my scale is also still stuck at 180, I guess I will change my ticker, I must accept the truth.
BOnnie: hope you can make it through this with the family intact, at least auntie apologized, but thats may not be enough in the long run. I agree, don't mess with a mama.
Got to yoga today, a minor miracle, with 3 births in 3 days, 2 of which were all-nighters. But no deliveries so far today, so went to noon yoga and home for a shower before I do my last visit of the day. Hope to have a normal evening at home with DH and not be exhausted. That will be nice.
TIme to plan meals for the next week. Maybe that will help.

Butterfly50 02-06-2013 06:15 PM

Hi eveyone well no she didn't apologized she jest isnt talking to no one in the house today she only spoke to my husband and that's pretty much cause he is home sick as a dog. But oh well we will have to see what happens. I am starting to cough my head off so I will probably be the next one on the block with this crud.

But yes you don't mess with momma and they don't understand that.

Wannabehealthy 02-07-2013 09:26 AM

Bonnie, I am just getting over my upper respiratory thing that lasted a couple weeks in all. I hope yours doesn't last as long as mine.

Mad - I should change my ticker, too, but I'm giving it a couple more days to adjust. LOL

pattygirl63 02-07-2013 12:53 PM

Flyby as going for PT blood draw for DH. Weight is stable which should be a blessing but darn scale won't budge. FBS was high this morning. I just can't do popcorn. Another one of those things that I have to scratch. I'm thinking that once DH has surgery and things settle that I need to do bs check after foods again and learn what raises and doesn't raise my bs. Did that in the beginning. I think it is time to get back down to the basics of things.

I think this year has to be about getting my health back on track.

Have a good day.

fatmad 02-08-2013 06:45 PM

hi all. Just a brief hello. Lots of snow here today. I managed to get out to a birth, but roads were iffy. Much better now, but the snow keeps coming, we got about 30 cm (1 foot) here. Are you totally socked in Ruth?
Stayed on plan in spite of the early call out, I took food, and ate that. So today, pretty much on plan. DH has gone out to find food!
have a good one ladies

Ruthxxx 02-09-2013 08:52 AM

Mad, we got socked in too but we are more accustomed to it here. Right now there is a good 18" of light and fluffy white stuff on my side porch. I know that because it fell inside when I opened the door. I am lucky that Richard has already ploughed my lane with his big truck thing. Now I am going out to shovel a path to the car in the barn and clear a potty path for the doggage.

I have been way off track this week and have not been checking my FBGL. Strange how you can get out of habits more quickly than you get into them. Weight has been blipping the wrong way too - comfort carbs and some Chinese food is the culprit.

pattygirl63 02-09-2013 02:00 PM

Well, I got up today and realized that I have got to take control of my life again. Talked to my oldest son yesterday about Tai Chi. He used to do it years ago and said that he needed to get back to it. I told him I was interested but DH was afraid I would hurt myself doing it. He explained to me how it works in the body and that while it may look like your not doing anythig that it is even a cardio exercise. He told me that done correctly that you don't do anything that feels uncomfortable or hurts. I have three Tai Chi dvds so I decided to look at them and see which one/s I thought I could do. Never got to the 3rd one. I had been waiting until after DH surgery to start doing it, but I don't have to wait. I started today with the dvd for beginners, because if I can get the routine going, I can do Tai Chi anywhere even in the hospital room which are private rooms. And I can do this everyday. Starting slow and when I start feeling uncomfortable, I stop. This goes well with Intuitive Eating which teaches me to learn to listen to my body signals. I am also eating healthier foods now as I seem to be really into fruits and veggies right now for snacks and meals. I beginning to think that I am leaning more toward a modified form of Paleo/Prima. Not sure which as I get confused by which is which. I lean toward the one that isn't so strict.

Ruthie and Madeleine Stay warm and safe.

fatmad 02-09-2013 03:34 PM

Roads are clear again, and so glad, another delivery in the night. we have 2/3 of the months deliveries done now, so early in the month! I expect a quiet week coming, although I won't be on call anyhow.
went a little off plan today, too tired to care (and that isn't so good right?)
Will be back on plan for supper, as DH bought a chicken to roast with some yummy veggies. (golden beets, parsnips, carrots and potatoes)

Home for a quiet night.
Have a nice weekend friends

Ruthxxx 02-10-2013 07:32 AM

Glad things are a bit back to normal, Mad, and I hope the balance of the month goes well.

This has not been a good week and my ticker is in limbo for a while. I've started the day with good intentions but not taking my Victoza first thing. It's like I have a death wish! Not taking the med, makes me feel "hungry" and I've been giving in to it. (Wings for dinner last night!) This morning I am off to my Book Club which is a brunch meeting so I will be SURE to take the meds. Mimosas and quiche are on the menu - pray for me!

On a more hopeful note, I shoveled a lot yesterday and did not feel any pain this morning. Mind you the snow was very light but there sure was a lot of it!

This afternoon I'll make some mini-meatloaves for the freezer and will be doing a chicken/veggie stir fry for dinner with NO rice or noodles. Gotta get a grip!

Wannabehealthy 02-10-2013 07:15 PM

Mad - Yesterday I watched Martha Stewart do a segment on roasting vegetables. I wanted to climb right into the TV. LOL They looked so good! I've never done it because DH would not eat it and too much would go to waste. To him a vegetable is corn or peas.

Butterfly50 02-11-2013 01:57 PM

Sorry I have been MIA for a while but I have been sick as a dog. The hubby has been jest as sick he has to be on breathing treatments three times a day. I had to go back I seemed like I was getting better then all of a sudden started getting bad again. Now I am finally getting some of this crud out of my chest I am feeling better. The down size is I am back where I started not hard I lost mostly water weight so I must get back into the routine and make my way into it.
Things here seemed to of calmed down alot . Thank God hubby says he doesn't want to move right now its cause of our money situation . I basically told my 23 and 18 year old they need to get a life and move on . I think my 23 year old is gonna move in with his girlfriend now they are back togeather . My 18 year old says her and her boy friend is gonna start looking for a place of their own. I am jest praying . It would be so nice to jest to have to worry about my 15 year old. sure would make some things simpler around here .
I hope that everyone is doing good . I know we have lots of weather conditions out their I hope you guys are all safe.

Sorry for the babbling but I have to go find me some lunch. Looks like a Chicken breast Sweet potato and a veggie for me.

pattygirl63 02-11-2013 06:22 PM

Bonnie Glad you and DH are feeling better. Hope things work out good for all of your family. I think we are all in the process of getting back on track here. I'm starting to get the "desire' or "drive" to get with it again. Of course, having to go to the doctor tomorrow helps a lot. But also getting my life back to some sort of normalcy helps too.

I have been wanting to buy one of the new blender/juicer type gadgets out there but couldn't decided. Yesterday I watched the tv ad on the Magic Bullet and as I watched it I thought of all the things I could do with it. Went on line to see what they had to offer. It was a toss up between the Ninja and this one. TV offer was to purchase the $99 one and get everything. I really didn't want to spend that much money right now althought I do want to do some juicing. Well, I woke up about 8:15 this morning and decided to go see what Walmart had. They had lots of Ninja's and I almost didn't see the Magic Bullet. I bought a Magic Bullet and it came with 2 cookbooks. I'm sitting here eating a broccoli soup that was in the recipe. It made with yogurt or milk or water, chicken broth, broth and garlic clove. I used Greek yogurt and added a little onion. I don't like the texture with the yogurt so will probably use milk next time.

I am going to love using this little gadget. I made me a fruit smoothie this morning, I've got tuna salad made up for a few days and omelets will be a breeze. The really great thing about using this is nothing will go into the foods I eat that are processed so no hidden chemicals etc. I can see that if I decide to go back to low carb even Atkins that is will make cooking so much easier since the only ingredients will be what I put into it, there will be no hidden carbs.

3 month check up tomorrow. I'm not too excited about going there since I've not done very well. FBS is all over the place as usually but higher and weight will be where it is. I've decided that I'm going to get on plan eating right and exercise for the next 3 mos and if things aren't better by the time I go back at that time that I'm going to have a talk with him about adding some other medicine. I know he doesn't want me off of Metformin and I agree with him. However, I know from what I hear of some of y'all take Metformin and another diabetic bed so if I need to add something then we need to do it. I don't want to do it until I know that I can't do it with diet, exercise and the Met.

Didn't mean to make this so long. I haven't said a whole lot because I just haven't been able to get with it.

Madeleine Sounds like things are getting back to normal for you although busy with the births. We need more nurses like you.:hug:

Ruthie Hope you had a good day. You may have to make a check on a calendar for when you check FBS. I agree that it is so much easier to create bad habits than it is to create good ones. But WE CAN GET THOSE GOOD ONES GOING AGAIN!!! Let's do this together.

Slmn Are our hubbies kin? LOL The only veggies DH likes besides corn and peas are Harvard beets which are hard to find these days and cauliflower. And of course to him French Fries are a veggie too, but at least he doesn't eat a lot of those any more. But he isn't really thrilled about others although in a pinch he will eat some of them. LOL

Have a good evening everyone.

pattygirl63 02-12-2013 06:34 PM

Dr's appt went well. My A1c was up from 7 to 7.5. I told him I knew he could give me another medicine to go with the Metformin, but that I want the next 3 months to try to get it down without it. He said that I had done it before and I should be able to do it again. He also told me that 2 people that had been in this morning had lost so much weight that they were able to come off their diabetic and blood pressure pills. I hope to become one of those myself.

DH Alc was up from 8 to 8.3 and doc wasn't too happy with that with him having surgery. He doubled his diabetic medicine. I told him that things were settling down here and that we are both going to begin eating healthier as I plan to get rid of most of the processed food.

Quiet here today. Hope everyone is doing okay. Hope those of you in the snow are warm and safe. Hope those in the rains and flooding are dry and safe.

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