Monday, March 29th

  • Good Monday Morning All,

    What a beautiful weekend we had, the weather was awesome, even the little one got sun burn on the back of her neck, go figure, who'da thunk one could get sun burn in New Jersey in March ???

    Yesterday I went food shopping in the morning, started cooking for the week, cooked a meat loaf, pot roast, roaster chicken and coleslaw for the week, so we should be pretty set for dinners, I also cleaned and chopped up 6 heads of cauliflower (froze 4 heads) 2 heads of lettuce, and 3 cucumbers (for salads - lunches). Cleaned my van out and vacumed, it took me a couple of hours, its amazing how filthy it was, looks great now (until dd eats something lol ). The inlaws came over for an hour so I hurried and vacuumed the living room b/c the dog had crumbs all over the place from her doggy biscuits, and I did 5 loads of laundry, but its not folded yet, I'll do that tonight and I need to wash my upstairs dusty bathroom down, so prob tonight also. OY.

    Any plans for the up and coming week? Nothing here sosdd. Except tomorrow, I have a Podiatrist (foot doctor sp?) appointment, I think I have a spur between my heal and arch, sucker can be painful at times, so I'll get that checked out. Other than that its work work work.

    Gonna get me some coffee now
  • I gotta tell you all this because I literally laughed out loud. When returning from shopping yesterday, I got an email from our Pastor saying that we should have attended church because the nutcase WASN'T there. Oh that man is so funny! He's very kind, but he has no patience with her. I will miss him so when he leaves.
    As I type, R is gathering signatures on documents to sent to the "higher-ups" in regard to ur "calling of a minister. We've decided to call a young man who is just graduating from the seminary. I figure that he will be full of enthusiasm and have no bad habits!
    Had a bad night. I couldn't sleep so I sat in the recliner last night with a blanket. I fell asleep and had one of those dreadful nightmares that really don't make any sense. I woke myself and R up shouting. Gosh, I hate when that happens. The heart was a-beatin' and I swear my hair was standing on was his as I scared the poor man!
  • Good Morning Gang!

    Leenie - I saw on yesterday's post that you had done a bunch of cooking for the week! you go girl! I have never frozen caulfilower before - it freezes well? I love cauliflower too, as you know!

    Tippy - so sorry you had a bad night. Hope you sleep better tonight! hugs

    I am giving my niece a bridal shower on Saturday, so I have some running around and errands to do this week to get that ready, and I'm sure I'll have to go at least once to the nursing home during lunch, but the rest of the time, I hope to get in my walking during lunch and run my errands after work. Picked up some extra pizzas and hot pockets for the guys so they can have those for supper this week. I don't think I'm gonna worry about doing much cooking this week. They will survive!

    I started up the weekly food log last night, for anybody that wants to jump in with me.

    It was the most beautiful weather this weekend. It's fixing to pour outside now, but I sure enjoyed the weather over the weekend. typical monday.

    later gaters,
  • Cathy, I've never frozen cauliflower myself but I do buy it already frozen, so I figure why not, I could use it easter (less work for me).

    Tip, ya feeling better. I yell in my sleep also, I'll actually stand up and talk or I'll wack DH. Poor thang.
  • Wow Lynnie!! Yer one busy bee!! Thats good though!! All of that activity burns up the calories.

    Well I went to bed around 10ish PM and got woke up at 1 am by a sick child. So I didn't lay back down until 6 am! Now that I am up again I am doing my forum work then going to go work in the yard for a bit. Not sure what's for dinner yet..that's usually hubbys department. I hate cooking!! That's why I do the yard work. HE hates it. Hahahahaha...

    Check back in later!! Have a good day all!!
  • Tippy sorry you had a bad night. I know all to well how that feels. Heres some extra hugssssssss

    Well i tank my eating healthy over the week of my son being sick and being busy. Agggr.
    But plan to start again tomorrow. Not really waiting to start but that will be my start of counting again.
    Not much going on , just meeting myself coming and going this weekend.

    Miss you all over the past few days.
    Hugs to all

    Love flower
  • hiya gang!!!
  • Hey girls !

    Oy Flower, sorry you fell off the band wagon but its okay really it is. Like you said you'll pick up where you left off........great attitude. How is DS feeling now ?

    Noodles, tell hubby he can come here and cook for me too. I hate cooking when I don't have the time otherwise I really do love it. Plus being on atkins there's really not much of a challenge when it comes to cooking anymore How's the little one feeling ?

    April, Lizzy, Kem, Jenni, Donna, Sweetpea, Judomom, Jane