3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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RunningMyRace 03-13-2006 02:51 PM

Hello everyone!

Mkat, run after that wagon and jump right back on!:running: Don't sweat it, today's a new day and a new beginning.

Official weigh-in time, I've lost one pound.:goodscale I'd like to see more, but one pound's better than none. And considering that included two pieces of birthday cake this weekend, I think I did pretty well.

The older girls and I did the Power Yoga class before we left town--boy was I sore!:eek: Hey, and I learned I can still do a headstand.:yes: Today I did 20 minutes on the treadmill, then strength training for upper body. I'm not loving the cardio right now because I'm pushing myself to run as much as possible, but I'm really enjoying everything else. My daughters loved the yoga class, so I think we'll become regulars there. I REALLY need the help with flexibilty, too.

So, that's where I'm at. My goal is to eat my 1200-1300 calories per day and get to the Y six days this week. Hopefully, that'll help me get a better weigh-in next week. Today I feel like the little engine that could, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...:hyper:

I hope you all have a great day, and keep on chuggin' on :running: up that hill!

mkat321 03-13-2006 03:35 PM

Thanks :)

The wind is vicious out there. I'm going to take a shower and as soon as my hair dries, I'm going to take the kids for a walk around the neighborhood.

I'm doing alright with liquid intake. So far today I've had 3 thin-sliced pork chops {1/8 inch thick, 2 inches long, about 2 ozs} 4 glasses of kool-aid, 2 glasses of straight water, and that's IT! :) dinner tonight is going to be a slim-fast shake. My snack when DH gets home {midnight} is going to be another slim fast...

mamabear272 03-14-2006 02:11 PM

Robin, I take any loss as a good one. :lol: If I'm moving in the right direction, I'm happy! You should be very proud of your 3 lbs!

Chiraij, staying the same in the face of family drama is a good thing! I know in the past when my world has fallen apart, I gain. So to stay the same I'd take as a good thing. :hug:

Red, :welcome2: We're glad to have you!

Mary Pat, :rofl: I couldn't tell you the last time I did a headstand!! That is soo funny. I used to do gymnastics but I'm pretty sure I couldn't pull one off right now.

Mkat, I would go more by the clothes fitting better than the scale. I think I am going to weigh in heavier this week then last but I am attributing it to working out more. My clothes are looser on me and remember muscle weighs more than fat but fat takes up more space. It is about 3 times bigger. Here is a copy of a pic that shows 5 lbs of muscle and 5 lbs of fat:
I always keep this in mind when I step on the scale.

I hope you all make it a great day!

RunningMyRace 03-15-2006 08:31 AM

Good Morning everyone!

Sophia and I just finished breakfast and we'll be leaving for the Y in a half-hour or so. I've met my exercise challenge so far this week, and I'm feeling pretty good. My calves are sore this morning, but that means they'll be growing some muscle, so that's a good thing. Today is cardio and upper body. Sophia really likes the baby room, so that makes it easy!

Molly, my daughers were really surprised about the headstand, too! :rofl: They didn't do one, but probably could have if they tried. When I was a teenager, I wasn't athletic at all, even tho I had a boyfriend who was. Every Saturday we'd go to a friend's house where they played sand-lot volleyball. I always went and watched, but never played. They even carried me in my beach chair onto the middle of the court trying to get me to play, but I was very shy and afraid of making a fool of myself. They called me the 'Great Spectator'. Now, looking back, it makes me kinda sad. :sorry: Life's too short to watch everyone else have fun. I want to be part of the fun, too!

Food: :T Have ya'll ever heard of omelettes in a ziplock? You put a big pot of water on to boil, put two eggs (or 1/2 cup egg beaters) into a quart ziplock with ham, onion, peppers, light cheese, whatever--then squish it up. Zip the bag, pushing out all the air, write names on the bag if there's more than one, then throw as many as six bags at a time into the pot, set timer for 13 minutes. Voila, presto! You have omelettes, no dirty frying pan, no added oil. Great for a crowd, great for one--it cooks itself while you get dressed. That's what we ate this morning, yum!

I'm feeling really confident this week, and I'm really pushing to see the 160s by Monday.:yes: We'll see! Have a great day!

mkat321 03-15-2006 08:31 PM

Hey all. I am so tired and sad right now. I know it's the weather and the fact I haven't been able to get outside right now... but it still stinks. I have been having a rough few days, but working at pushing the food to the back of my mind and surfing the net & playing with the baby instead.

we sat down and did the math and realized that we can't really afford the Y right now. :( Membership would be $54 a month, and childwatch would be another $50 each month{1 hr/day 3 kids, 3 days per week} So I'm feeling stuck until the weather gets warmer. And I'm looking for a job, but the only ones that I'm qualified for, are far enough of a drive that I would be paying to work there once I account for childcare, afterschool care, and fuel there and back....

sorry for the pity party post...

mamabear272 03-16-2006 08:55 AM

Mkat :hug: that stinks, I know. I had a Y membership last year and we had to let it go cause we didn't have the money either. So dh put an elliptical on lay away at Wal Mart for my birthday. It was only $240 after tax, which was 4 mos of a Y membership. I work out every day now and I don't have to worry about child care. I just do it when the man takes his nap. There are also other things you can do at home. I have a pilates dvd that I was doing before I got the elliptical. It's only 20 min then abs on the floor for about 10 min. It's a good workout too!! More like an aerobic routine. I know right where you're coming from. PM me...I have an idea for you. And keep your head up!!

RunningMyRace 03-17-2006 09:16 AM

Mkat, I'm so sorry about the Y membership. :( I must get a fabulous deal, because I pay $55 a month for a family membership, and I don't have to pay extra for the childcare. We're in a new subdivision, so maybe that's why the great deal? Anyway, there are other options. You could start looking for a treadmill, weigh equipment, etc. in the papers second-hand. Molly has a good point about dvds/tapes, too. There's "Walking Away the Pounds" tapes and all kinds of toning tapes you can get for about $10. If you want to exercise bad enough, you can find a way! :yes:

Well, my kids are home! It's good to have them back, but boy is it noisy around here. :blah: :gossip: :blah: I'm trekking on, working hard and controlling my eating. I'm so close to the 160s I can taste it. (Hoping anyway!):hyper:

So, all you lurkers, how are you doing? I'm thinking of all the people who posted here when I joined, and all the new joiners. Post a little something, we need your help, and want to help you, too!:hug:

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

RunningMyRace 03-20-2006 01:41 PM

Good Morning!
Alright, I feel a little like I'm talking to myself this morning, ut I want to post what I'm up to. I'm waiting a day or so to weigh in because of TOM.

I got up this morning at 5am (ack!!) to work out, then went work with my DH for 4 hours. That was alot of fun, but getting up so early was tough! I'm trying to get into the habit of working out early, so I can get everything done during the day I need to. I've got to get to bed earlier, tho. Think I'll take a little nap with Sophia.

Have a good one!

mamabear272 03-20-2006 06:01 PM

Nope Mary Pat, you aren't talking to yourself. I have been out of commission for the last three days. My fil went into Hospice on Saturday and passed yesterday. I was with dh, mil and sil making funeral arrangements today.

I am up 1.2 from last week. Or at least I was on Thursday. I think I wiggled my way back down and then some since then though. My scale here had me at 201 nekkid and I was at 204.2 at WW. Now home scale says 196 so I guess WW scale would say 199. I'll let you all know next weekend though.

How is everyone else doing?

Crystal0103 03-20-2006 06:05 PM

hey there! so i don't know about losing 30 lbs by may, but im shooting for at least 20 by the 19th of may. but i thought id join you ladies in encouraging eachother and what not. ive had a not so good weekend, but it seems like every time i eat something thats bad for me, or when i stuff myself i sit there and think of all the healthy stuff i have in my fridge that would taste so much better and make me feel better too. oh well, today is a new day! well, this afternoon i can start...haha, i missed breakfast (job interview) and then had some pizza rolls for lunch...bad bad bad. i know, but im about to pack up some snacks to take to work...an orange, some string cheese and some water...and im not taking any money with me so i have no way to buy crappy things :D heres to making tonight better than yesterday!hope you all have a great day!

chiarij 03-21-2006 08:05 AM

Thanks for all your support everyone. And a special thanks to mamabear272.
I am pulling out of the 30lbs by May challenge. At this time I am unable to stay focus with the family drama thats going on around me.

I will continue to check the boards to see how everyone is doing and once this matter is resolved I will return to the challenges. Thank you everyone...

mamabear272 03-21-2006 08:46 PM

Chiarij, make sure you keep in touch with me! And let me know if there's anything at all that I can do! I'm wishing you the best. :hug:

chiarij 03-22-2006 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by mamabear272
Chiarij, make sure you keep in touch with me! And let me know if there's anything at all that I can do! I'm wishing you the best. :hug:

Thanks for your concern mamabear272, I will keep you updated. :hug: :hug: :hug:


literaryfitz 03-22-2006 08:21 AM

Good luck girls!

EARTH2TERRA 03-22-2006 09:18 PM

Hey Ladies,

Remember Me? Its Been A Long Long While ....work Has Been Hectic And That Is Where I Had Been Posting From As Well As The Fact That I Seriously Fell Off The Wagon I Know I Cant Make The Goal, But I Would Love To Try To Come Close Any New Words Of Wisdom And Encouragement Would Be Great. I Will Check In Tommorrow

Best Wishes To Everyone

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