3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/)
-   Chicks up for a Challenge (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/chicks-up-challenge-159/)
-   -   21 Day Challenge to create a new/good habit (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/chicks-up-challenge/312192-21-day-challenge-create-new-good-habit.html)

wannaskipandlaugh 01-31-2017 08:38 PM

21 Day Challenge to create a new/good habit
It works like this: you decide you'll do something for 21 days straight, every single day, so keep it doable. Then you count ....one through 21.....and if you flub it, you MUST go back to zero and start over again. Everyone will be on different days. You can start anytime. At the beginning of the challenge you declare what level it is -- Level 1, 2, or 3. Level 1 means you feel it's a relatively easy challenge for you and means you only give yourself ONE pause day (see explanation of pause days below). Level 2 would give you two pause days and so on...
And taking NO pause days is what redballoon called "aceing a challenge," as in "I'm aiming on aceing this one!" Yowzah!!

With a pause day you pause in your counting and continue the next day with the number you left off with. Pause days are NOT substitutes for days, i.e. Day 12 -- Day 13 -- Pause Day -- Day 14..... I suggest taking a pause day late in the game (better to go back to Day 1 early on) if you need a break or screw up when you're well into the challenge, meaning, when you're on Day 15 or something like that.

In any case, the trick is to keep going. The momentum builds and it's great incentive to stick to your guns, cause if you don't.........back to START you go. And the really great thing about this challenge is that you are forming new habits that will wipe out the old! AND, you get to do it with a great bunch of really supportive people to whom you are accountable!

There is NO shame in starting over. Remember, it's not over till you give up. And our motto around here is:

NEVER GIVE UP!!...Just start OVER!!

wannaskipandlaugh 01-31-2017 08:40 PM

Hello, I remember this thread from 2013 and remembering that it kept me in gear to try and accomplish something besides loosing weight. Please join me. I would love the company!

Goal 8000 steps per day for 21 days Level 1 so just 1 pause allowed


flower1 01-31-2017 09:43 PM

I need to work on getting rid of clutter which is a level 3 challenge for me. I'll join and do 3 pause days.

2/1-Day 1: 20 min declutter
2/2-Day 2: Pause Day
2/3-Day 3:
2/4-Day 4:
2/5-Day 5:
2/6-Day 6:
2/7-Day 7:
2/8-Day 8:
2/9-Day 9:
2/10-Day 10:

wefrogy 01-31-2017 10:32 PM

Hello! I'm game and accept your challenge:D

For me I will be tracking my food, calories and macro's. I struggle with this and get lazy about it. I really need it to become a habit. I will consider this a level 1 with only 1 pause day

02/01 I wrote everything out and had all the calories etc tracked and ended up not eating any of my snacks for the day
02/02 day two and I track all foods, calories and macro's for the day. Just got a fitbit and even logged my foods in it
02/03 all food logged in fitbit and journal
02/04 all food logged in to fitbit and journal
02/05 every thing tracked!
02/06 all food tracked
02/07 pause day. bad day ate way off plan
02/08 back to tracking...did good

I blew it...went off plan for a few days and am now back on but have not really tracked what I have been eating in several days

wannaskipandlaugh 02-01-2017 07:27 AM

Hello Flower and Wefrogy! :)

Goal 8000 steps per day for 21 days Level 1 so just 1 pause allowed

1/31 8851

wannaskipandlaugh 02-02-2017 08:22 AM

I am back walking again :)

Goal 8000 steps per day for 21 days Level 1 so just 1 pause allowed

1/31 8851
2/1 9871 (walked 1.5 miles)

Sperrigo 02-02-2017 09:13 AM

I'm in! I'm going to stay within my weight loss calorie range (<1,300) for 21 days wo a pause day.

2/1 - 1,260 cals
2/2 - 1,290 cals
2/3 - 1,280 cals
2/4 - 1,273 cals
2/5 - 1,290 cals
2/6 - 1,270 cals
2/7 - 1,265 cals
2/8 - 1,290 cals
2/9 - 1,274 cals
2/10 - 1,700 cals (increased cals to break my plateau)
2/11 - 1,260 cals
2/13 - 1,280 cals
2/13 - 1,265 cals
2/14 - 1,500 cals (ate at maint level as I was extremely hungry today)
2/15 - 1,270 cals

Next Goal - 149 by Feb 6th - Met Feb 3rd :carrot:
Mini Goal - 145 by Feb 28th
Mini Goal - 141 by Mar 31st
Mini Goal - 137 by April 30th
Mini Goal - 133 by May 31st
Goal - 132 by June 7th


wannaskipandlaugh 02-03-2017 08:23 AM

Welcome Sperrigo!

Goal 8000 steps per day for 21 days Level 1 so just 1 pause allowed

1/31 8851
2/1 9871 (walked 1.5 miles)
2/2 8869

takingcontrol 02-03-2017 10:14 AM

Hello! I also remember doing this challenge back in the day and would love to get involved again. As I am already doing Feb weight loss and exercise challenges, I would like to make this first 21 day challenge about junk food. My nemesis. A level three challenge of no biscuits, sweets, crisps, cakes, desserts or chocolates bought and eaten by me on a 'normal' day at home or work. If I am out for dinner / have friends over etc. and make a decision through food planning to socially eat these things I will log it but allow it. I want to move away from 'treats' being junk and being junk eaten alone at home and instead make treats also include the social aspect and home treats being delicious well planned nutritious foods not junk.

This is something I have worked hard on over the past three weeks, but still struggle daily, or several times a day to make the choice NOT to buy those trigger foods. I have probably managed it all but two or three times a week, so want to drop that to three times in the 21 days max.

Day 1: 3/2
Day 2: 4/2
Day 3: 5/2
Day 4: 6/2
Day 5: 7/2
Day 6: 8/2
Day 7: 9/2
Day 8: 10/2
Day 9: 11/2
Day 10: 12/2
Day 11: 13/2
Day 12: 14/2
Day 13: 15/2
Day 14: 16/2
Day 15: 17/2
Day 16: 18/2
Day 17: 19/2
Day 18: 20/2
Day 19: 21/2
Day 20: 22/2
Day 21: 23/2

Weekend Boater 02-03-2017 07:48 PM

HI girls :) When I saw this thread, I thought what a neat idea. At first, I was not up to participating as I have so much on my plate already but after some thought, I felt what a perfect avenue to perfect my plan even more! I would so love to join you all! :)

A bit about myself, I am about 3 months into my journey (next Monday). Things have been going very well but I notice I am sliding in some ways. At first, I went literally maybe 6 weeks through the weekends and now I see I am starting to gravitate toward my nights out at Mexican restaurant here and there, even though I am making much wiser choices and my eating behavior has much changed, I see a dire need to buckle down! I want this to be another great month! It is so important to me.

At first, I thought I would use my journal as the 21 day plan as I have strayed from it and really want to get back. Secondly, I decided to miss the weekends (if I am going to reach goal this month this is a must!) so what a perfect opportunity! I am in!!!!!!!!!! I am going to a double whammy, meaning that I will have 2 goals! I will do the journal and no cocktails (I have a few social events coming up). For both things, I have decided to do a level 2 and or 2 pauses! I will begin tomorrow and join you all in your plight! Much success to us all and I look forward and am so excited to do this with you guys :)

I will report back tomorrow morning, happy weekend everyone!

wannaskipandlaugh 02-04-2017 07:48 AM

:welcome2: taking control and weekend boater ! very nice too see you here

Goal 8000 steps per day for 21 days Level 1 so just 1 pause allowed

1/31 8851
2/1 9871 (walked 1.5 miles)
2/2 8869
2/3 9588 ( walked 1 mile)

Weekend Boater 02-04-2017 10:44 AM

Thank you wannaskipandlaugh :) happy to be here. The goals are looking great!

Congratulations everyone on the days thus far :cheer2::cheer2: Wishing you all a great weekend.

Feb. 4-

takingcontrol 02-04-2017 11:11 AM

Thanks for the welcome wannaskipandlaugh It is great to be here, especially as in two days there have been two moments when those snacks would have ended up in my trolley but I thought about having to announce it here and said NO! Really hoping that 21 days will make this feel normal!

Day 1: 3/2 - TICK! (and on a day off too!)
Day 2: 4/2
Day 3: 5/2
Day 4: 6/2
Day 5: 7/2
Day 6: 8/2
Day 7: 9/2
Day 8: 10/2
Day 9: 11/2
Day 10: 12/2
Day 11: 13/2
Day 12: 14/2
Day 13: 15/2
Day 14: 16/2
Day 15: 17/2
Day 16: 18/2
Day 17: 19/2
Day 18: 20/2
Day 19: 21/2
Day 20: 22/2
Day 21: 23/2

takingcontrol 02-05-2017 07:22 AM

Yesterday's planned evening TV snack was strawberries, redcurrents and walnuts with plain unsweetened yoghurt, and, I blooming enjoyed it! Say no to chocolate, say no to potato snacks!

Day 1: 3/2 - TICK! (and on a day off too!)
Day 2: 4/2 - TICK! (supermarket trip included)
Day 3: 5/2
Day 4: 6/2
Day 5: 7/2
Day 6: 8/2
Day 7: 9/2
Day 8: 10/2
Day 9: 11/2
Day 10: 12/2
Day 11: 13/2
Day 12: 14/2
Day 13: 15/2
Day 14: 16/2
Day 15: 17/2
Day 16: 18/2
Day 17: 19/2
Day 18: 20/2
Day 19: 21/2
Day 20: 22/2
Day 21: 23/2

wannaskipandlaugh 02-05-2017 05:57 PM

Good for you TakingControl! :)

Goal 8000 steps per day for 21 days Level 1 so just 1 pause allowed

1 - 1/31 8851
2 - 2/1 9871 (walked 1.5 miles)
3 - 2/2 8869
4 - 2/3 9588 ( walked 1 mile)
5 - 2/4 13170 Disney walking lololol

Weekend Boater 02-05-2017 06:15 PM

Hi ladies, waving to all. Hope your having a great night. I just wanted to check in before doing some sofa surfing. Good thing I signed up here! I almost forgot to write in my journal last night and that would of been a flunk on day ! lol :) We can't have that! Speaking of which, going to go write right now as soon as I log. Keep up the great work everyone, catch you soon.

Feb. 4-:goodvibes

takingcontrol 02-06-2017 03:07 AM

Wannaskipandlaugh Disney, sooooo jealous!

WeekendBoater I love this thread and challenge for that. I almost planned and told myself I could have a small chocolate bar on Saturday, but remembered this and didn't. I didn't need one, the further I remove myself from chocolate the better.... thank you challenge!

Day 1: 3/2 - TICK! (and on a day off too!)
Day 2: 4/2 - TICK! (supermarket trip included)
Day 3: 5/2 - TICK! (21800 steps and no 'treat', the old me would surely have rewarded that with a feast of junk!)
Day 4: 6/2
Day 5: 7/2
Day 6: 8/2
Day 7: 9/2
Day 8: 10/2
Day 9: 11/2
Day 10: 12/2
Day 11: 13/2
Day 12: 14/2
Day 13: 15/2
Day 14: 16/2
Day 15: 17/2
Day 16: 18/2
Day 17: 19/2
Day 18: 20/2
Day 19: 21/2
Day 20: 22/2
Day 21: 23/2

wannaskipandlaugh 02-06-2017 07:29 AM

Goal 8000 steps per day for 21 days Level 1 so just 1 pause allowed

1 - 1/31 8851
2 - 2/1 9871 (walked 1.5 miles)
3 - 2/2 8869
4 - 2/3 9588 ( walked 1 mile)
5 - 2/4 13170 Disney walking lololol
6 - 2/5 8758

Weekend Boater 02-06-2017 04:30 PM

hi girls :)

congrats to you all on another successful day! :carrot:

takingcontrol yes, it really helps to keep ourselves accountable...glad I joined too! :) WTG on your goals! I was awed at your steps the other day! How is the weather where you are at?

wannaskip wonderful on the steps as well!

ok as for me...

Feb. 4- :goodvibes
Feb. 5-:goodvibes

I will check back with you tomorrow..........have a great night :)

takingcontrol 02-06-2017 05:31 PM

Tough day today, but didn't break!

Weekend_boater my feet aren't so pleased with those steps, still giving me **** for it today! We are currently having a mix of beautiful blue skies and showers with temps (that I have to do in Celsius) of about 8 at night and 15 in the day. It's lovely when the sun is out.

Day 1: 3/2 - TICK! (and on a day off too!)
Day 2: 4/2 - TICK! (supermarket trip included)
Day 3: 5/2 - TICK! (21800 steps and no 'treat', the old me would surely have rewarded that with a feast of junk!)
Day 4: 6/2 _ TICK! (super stressful day at work, manic. Came home and cooked veggies to go with my mince and onions, no snacking!)
Day 5: 7/2
Day 6: 8/2
Day 7: 9/2
Day 8: 10/2
Day 9: 11/2
Day 10: 12/2
Day 11: 13/2
Day 12: 14/2
Day 13: 15/2
Day 14: 16/2
Day 15: 17/2
Day 16: 18/2
Day 17: 19/2
Day 18: 20/2
Day 19: 21/2
Day 20: 22/2
Day 21: 23/2

flower1 02-06-2017 10:49 PM

Hi Ladies - you guys are doing great. I'm going to start over because I forgot I was doing this challenge. I need to work on getting rid of clutter and I'm going to do 10 minutes of decluttering a day at a level 3 with 3 pause days because this is a tough challenge for me.

02/06-Day 1-10 min Done
02/07-Day 2-
02/08-Day 3-
02/09-Day 4

wannaskipandlaugh 02-07-2017 07:12 AM

I love all of our different habits. You all are giving me great ideas of what habits I need to start working on :)

Goal 8000 steps per day for 21 days Level 1 so just 1 pause allowed

1 - 1/31 8851
2 - 2/1 9871 (walked 1.5 miles)
3 - 2/2 8869
4 - 2/3 9588 ( walked 1 mile)
5 - 2/4 13170 Disney walking lololol
6 - 2/5 8758
7 - 2/6 8351

Weekend Boater 02-07-2017 09:49 AM

Good morning ladies :wave:

takingcontrol, hope you have a good day today and your feet are feeling better too! It is snowing here but not amounting to anything and tomorrow is supposed to be mild, so glad. I love the sun too!

wannaskip, this is fun, thanks again : ) yay on another day for us all!

flower, Thanks for the support. I am starting my spring cleaning! It is going to be a busy week for me but will be working on it a bit of time daily.

Hope you all have a great day ladies, check back soon

Feb. 4-:goodvibes
Feb. 5-:goodvibes
Feb. 6-:goodvibes

takingcontrol 02-07-2017 04:15 PM

Day 1: 3/2 - TICK! (and on a day off too!)
Day 2: 4/2 - TICK! (supermarket trip included)
Day 3: 5/2 - TICK! (21800 steps and no 'treat', the old me would surely have rewarded that with a feast of junk!)
Day 4: 6/2 - TICK! (super stressful day at work, manic. Came home and cooked veggies to go with my mince and onions, no snacking!)
Day 5: 7/2 - TICK! (bought snacks for a meeting at work today and didn't eat any, or buy anything for me on those high risk aisles in the shop)
Day 6: 8/2
Day 7: 9/2
Day 8: 10/2
Day 9: 11/2
Day 10: 12/2
Day 11: 13/2
Day 12: 14/2
Day 13: 15/2
Day 14: 16/2
Day 15: 17/2
Day 16: 18/2
Day 17: 19/2
Day 18: 20/2
Day 19: 21/2
Day 20: 22/2
Day 21: 23/2

Davisag 02-08-2017 12:09 AM

Ok.. I'm in!!... I will begin tomorrow. I know its mid week but not going to delay. I was going to just do a sit up challenge. Then I said no... I need to make a harder challenge. Make it stick. Well I am going to commit with NO PAUSE DAYS!!!

21 Jump Start with Denise Austin. I did at 21 and it worked great. I thought faster, I felt the difference, and I was not hungry. Back then I lost 3 sizes in 1 month... just hoping for 1 now. LOL

Ok let's do this!!! :carrot:

CW 237
Mid GW 190
GW 145

wannaskipandlaugh 02-08-2017 07:37 AM

Goal 8000 steps per day for 21 days Level 1 so just 1 pause allowed

1 - 1/31 8851
2 - 2/1 9871 (walked 1.5 miles)
3 - 2/2 8869
4 - 2/3 9588 ( walked 1 mile)
5 - 2/4 13170 Disney walking lololol
6 - 2/5 8758
7 - 2/6 8351
8 - 2/7 8608

paper_clip 02-08-2017 08:50 AM

I know I'm going to regret this in the morning, but I'm going to run 2 miles through my local wood everyday for 21 days no pauses.... 'gulp'

Day 1: 9/2
Day 2: 10/2
Day 3: 11/2
Day 4: 12/2
Day 5: 13/2
Day 6: 14/2
Day 7: 15/2
Day 8: 16/2
Day 9: 17/2
Day 10: 18/2
Day 11: 19/2
Day 12: 20/2
Day 13: 21/2
Day 14: 22/2
Day 15: 23/2
Day 16: 24/2
Day 17: 25/2
Day 18: 26/2
Day 19: 27/2
Day 20: 28/2
Day 21: 1/3

takingcontrol 02-08-2017 04:38 PM

Allowing myself a pause day tomorrow, I gave myself three for a reason. This challenge is about moderation but being realistic, not total abstinence...

Day 1: 3/2 - TICK! (and on a day off too!)
Day 2: 4/2 - TICK! (supermarket trip included)
Day 3: 5/2 - TICK! (21800 steps and no 'treat', the old me would surely have rewarded that with a feast of junk!)
Day 4: 6/2 - TICK! (super stressful day at work, manic. Came home and cooked veggies to go with my mince and onions, no snacking!)
Day 5: 7/2 - TICK! (bought snacks for a meeting at work today and didn't eat any, or buy anything for me on those high risk aisles in the shop)
Day 6: 8/2 - TICK!
Day 7: 9/2
Day 8: 10/2
Day 9: 11/2
Day 10: 12/2
Day 11: 13/2
Day 12: 14/2
Day 13: 15/2
Day 14: 16/2
Day 15: 17/2
Day 16: 18/2
Day 17: 19/2
Day 18: 20/2
Day 19: 21/2
Day 20: 22/2
Day 21: 23/2

Davisag 02-08-2017 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Davisag (Post 5300167)
21 Jump Start with Denise Austin. I did at 21 and it worked great. I thought faster, I felt the difference, and I was not hungry. Back then I lost 3 sizes in 1 month... just hoping for 1 now. LOL

Day 01 - 2/8/17.... Did my DDD, danced for 15 mins for my aerobics, ate great healthy foods.

CW 237
Mid GW 190
GW 145

Davisag 02-08-2017 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by paper_clip (Post 5300228)
I know I'm going to regret this in the morning, but I'm going to run 2 miles through my local wood everyday for 21 days no pauses.... 'gulp'

Day 1: 9/2
Day 2: 10/2
Day 3: 11/2
Day 4: 12/2
Day 5: 13/2
Day 6: 14/2
Day 7: 15/2
Day 8: 16/2
Day 9: 17/2
Day 10: 18/2
Day 11: 19/2
Day 12: 20/2
Day 13: 21/2
Day 14: 22/2
Day 15: 23/2
Day 16: 24/2
Day 17: 25/2
Day 18: 26/2
Day 19: 27/2
Day 20: 28/2
Day 21: 1/3

Well that is a commitment. You are going to do it too!!

Davisag 02-08-2017 09:41 PM

Hi Weekend Boater.. Hope your doing well.. Just didn't see your post today or the 7th. Little worried about ya. I just started mine and good to see you on here. I have seen you around the forums. Hugs


Originally Posted by Weekend Boater (Post 5300029)
Good morning ladies :wave:

takingcontrol, hope you have a good day today and your feet are feeling better too! It is snowing here but not amounting to anything and tomorrow is supposed to be mild, so glad. I love the sun too!

wannaskip, this is fun, thanks again : ) yay on another day for us all!

flower, Thanks for the support. I am starting my spring cleaning! It is going to be a busy week for me but will be working on it a bit of time daily.

Hope you all have a great day ladies, check back soon

Feb. 4-:goodvibes
Feb. 5-:goodvibes
Feb. 6-:goodvibes

wannaskipandlaugh 02-09-2017 07:11 AM

you all are incentive for me!

today = the crud found me :(

Goal 8000 steps per day for 21 days Level 1 so just 1 pause allowed

1 - 1/31 8851
2 - 2/1 9871 (walked 1.5 miles)
3 - 2/2 8869
4 - 2/3 9588 ( walked 1 mile)
5 - 2/4 13170 Disney walking lololol
6 - 2/5 8758
7 - 2/6 8351
8 - 2/7 8608
9 - 2/8 8342

paper_clip 02-09-2017 11:57 AM

Day 1: 9/2 ✔ (and so it begins...)
Day 2: 10/2
Day 3: 11/2
Day 4: 12/2
Day 5: 13/2
Day 6: 14/2
Day 7: 15/2
Day 8: 16/2
Day 9: 17/2
Day 10: 18/2
Day 11: 19/2
Day 12: 20/2
Day 13: 21/2
Day 14: 22/2
Day 15: 23/2
Day 16: 24/2
Day 17: 25/2
Day 18: 26/2
Day 19: 27/2
Day 20: 28/2
Day 21: 1/3

paper_clip 02-10-2017 11:04 AM

Day 1: 9/2 ✔ (and so it begins...)
Day 2: 10/2 ✔ (Ran with my dog today, starting to feel the ache in my thighs. But not giving up, day 2 conquered)
Day 3: 11/2
Day 4: 12/2
Day 5: 13/2
Day 6: 14/2
Day 7: 15/2
Day 8: 16/2
Day 9: 17/2
Day 10: 18/2
Day 11: 19/2
Day 12: 20/2
Day 13: 21/2
Day 14: 22/2
Day 15: 23/2
Day 16: 24/2
Day 17: 25/2
Day 18: 26/2
Day 19: 27/2
Day 20: 28/2
Day 21: 1/3

takingcontrol 02-10-2017 02:36 PM

Day 1: 3/2 - TICK! (and on a day off too!)
Day 2: 4/2 - TICK! (supermarket trip included)
Day 3: 5/2 - TICK! (21800 steps and no 'treat', the old me would surely have rewarded that with a feast of junk!)
Day 4: 6/2 - TICK! (super stressful day at work, manic. Came home and cooked veggies to go with my mince and onions, no snacking!)
Day 5: 7/2 - TICK! (bought snacks for a meeting at work today and didn't eat any, or buy anything for me on those high risk aisles in the shop)
Day 6: 8/2 - TICK!
Day 7: 9/2 - TICK! (decided it would be a pause but then didn't buy any snacks)
Day 8: 10/2 PAUSE - bag of haribo and then stopped, which for me is impressive!
Day 9: 11/2
Day 10: 12/2
Day 11: 13/2
Day 12: 14/2
Day 13: 15/2
Day 14: 16/2
Day 15: 17/2
Day 16: 18/2
Day 17: 19/2
Day 18: 20/2
Day 19: 21/2
Day 20: 22/2
Day 21: 23/2

paper_clip 02-10-2017 03:46 PM

Good job takingcontrol, I don't think I could of stopped myself after a bag of haribo. You really took 'control' there :), I just don't let any snacks inside my house otherwise I'll eat them all.

takingcontrol 02-10-2017 04:03 PM

I don't let them in either. BUT, if this is going to be forever, I need to be able to eat my treats and move on. I actually said yesterday would be my pause day but after 20 minutes walking up and down the snacks aisles I couldn't work out what to get so left with nothing. I had the haribo after lunch and thought of this challenge and thought ahhhh well, I have paused now so I can eat more. Luckily at that point I was back home, without temptations so the need soon passed, had lean steak and salad for dinner and am perfectly satisfied with my treat day!

Weekend Boater 02-10-2017 05:22 PM

Hi everyone :wave: Nice to be back! Keep up the great work everyone, still with you! I lost internet for a few days, thank god I have it back! lol and my phone and T.V!

I need to go prepare dinner so I will post and catch up with my schedule tomorrow!

Davisag and paper-clip :welcome2: great goals, looking forward to our journeys together! Davis, thank you! :) I have seen you as well, so nice your in here too! I hated not being able to come online here, lol smiling. Thank you for asking! Hugs right back at you! : ) Oh btw, looove Denise Austin! She is an old time favorite of mine! I look forward to hearing about your challenge you are doing! Super!

wannaskip You really are doing fantastic! Please don't let that one pause day make you feel like a failure, or even if you had more since then! You really have been doing great and all those steps are a lot of steps! Every day is a new day and a fresh start! Let's keep it going! :carrot: I allowed myself 2 pause days and already used one of them! Hope you having a great weekend, that you all are.

takingcontrol Bravo for resisting those temptations! :carrot:

Sorry if I missed anyone, as always

I will catch up with you all more tomorrow. Have a super night and start to the weekend.

takingcontrol 02-11-2017 03:03 PM

Great to see you back Weekend Boater! I would hate a prolonged period minus internet, how annoying!

Realised I recorded my pause wrong yesterday so am re-doing my list. On plan again today, with a walk to and from work, home work out and some strength work focusing on my arms. Very pleased.

Happy Saturday night all!

Day 1: 3/2 - TICK! (and on a day off too!)
Day 2: 4/2 - TICK! (supermarket trip included)
Day 3: 5/2 - TICK! (21800 steps and no 'treat', the old me would surely have rewarded that with a feast of junk!)
Day 4: 6/2 - TICK! (super stressful day at work, manic. Came home and cooked veggies to go with my mince and onions, no snacking!)
Day 5: 7/2 - TICK! (bought snacks for a meeting at work today and didn't eat any, or buy anything for me on those high risk aisles in the shop)
Day 6: 8/2 - TICK!
Day 7: 9/2 - TICK! (decided it would be a pause but then didn't buy any snacks)
10/2 PAUSE - bag of haribo and then stopped, which for me is impressive!
Day 8: 11/2 - TICK!
Day 9: 12/2
Day 10: 13/2
Day 11: 14/2
Day 12: 15/2
Day 13: 16/2
Day 14: 17/2
Day 15: 18/2
Day 16: 19/2
Day 17: 20/2
Day 18: 21/2
Day 19: 22/2
Day 20: 23/2
Day 21: 24/2

paper_clip 02-11-2017 03:52 PM

Hello Weekend Boater , I know how you feel about losing the internet. You never know how much you rely on it until it's gone.

Day 1: 9/2 ✔ (and so it begins...)
Day 2: 10/2 ✔ (Ran with my dog today, starting to feel the ache in my thighs. But not giving up, day 2 conquered)
Day 3: 11/2 ✔ (I got to admit, I nearly missed today. But the thought of starting all over again got me through. Day 3 mission accomplished.)
Day 4: 12/2
Day 5: 13/2
Day 6: 14/2
Day 7: 15/2
Day 8: 16/2
Day 9: 17/2
Day 10: 18/2
Day 11: 19/2
Day 12: 20/2
Day 13: 21/2
Day 14: 22/2
Day 15: 23/2
Day 16: 24/2
Day 17: 25/2
Day 18: 26/2
Day 19: 27/2
Day 20: 28/2
Day 21: 1/3

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