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mothermavis 01-14-2013 06:08 AM

Welcome Momtopands! We are glad you are here!

Kris, Sorry Saturday was "less than stellar" in your words, but so glad you came right back at it! That dinner sounds yummy by the way!

I have been trying to cook more too! The last two weekends I had made a huge pot of soup from recipes I found on Pintrest. Then I am divvying leftovers for the week's lunches. Saving me $ and calories!

Espresso, what plan are you using for half marathon? I am a long way from that, but did download a 10k plan for when I finish my C25K and have plans to move to half marathon after that. Direction is appreciated!

Hope everyone else is doing great too!!

W 100
E Elliptical, crunches, plank and stairs x2. Did get my 20 minutes run yesterday without stopping!!:carrot: I could possibly be the slowest runner in the US, but I do not care!!
D Monday, ick. Just do it!

momtopands 01-14-2013 11:09 AM

Thanks for the welcome!

W - 64 oz
E - Do first Interval for the week and complete boot camp missions for today
E - Stay on plan. Unpack groceries and set up snack station
D - Positive focus for today: What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny
matters compared to what lies within us

emiloots 01-14-2013 08:02 PM

Welcome momtopands!

Mavis - great job on the running!

Kris - dinner sounds yummy, never tried lentil tacos before

Espresso - best of luck with the 1/2 marathon training!

Been good, logging my food everyday on myfitnesspal, pretty closely sticking to my calories, definitely been slacking in the water department though. I should stop weighing myself every day because my weight fluctuates by up to 2+ pounds on any given morning. Going to put the boys to bed and walk the dog then it's time to have some tea and relax. Hope you all had a great day!

W - 100+
E - walk dog, abs, come up with a more formal workout plan
E - OP, track calories
D - Stay positive, weight doesn't lose itself!

mothermavis 01-15-2013 06:16 AM

Momtopands, what is snack station?

Emi, I like myfitnesspal too.

Kris, Hope all is well!

Mindy, How goes it?

W 100
E C25k, finishing week 6 today! Stairs x2, crunches and plank
D One step (choice) at a time!

Espressowhip 01-15-2013 02:14 PM

Looks like everyone is doing well!

Is it cold where you are? It could be worse, at least we have sunshine!

W: No problemo, although I had some Sprite Zero, I was able to hold off until it was a treat, rather than a substitute for actual hydration.
E: The support from the other training participants is unbelievable!
E: I can't control much of the food, but I can control my portions - so I'm doing that. Example: All the macaroni and cheese is gone, and I didn't have a bite! I'm so proud of myself! My dad is unhappy about all the leftovers, but he supports my efforts to eat for reduction.
D: "You're lapping everyone on the couch."

@Mavis: I did what you did, after I worked through a phone app (Runkeeper) c25k, I started on the Beginner Half marathon training, and I'm on week 8 of 16. But for this event, I joined an offline training group that meets twice a week, with two extra workouts on your own. I'm running alone, so I joined this training group to make friends so that I'm not running alone! Everyone is so supportive and fantastic. It's amazing!

momtopands 01-15-2013 03:37 PM

mothermavis - I don't remember where I read about it but a snack station is when you divide snacks into portion controlled sizes like in baggies or gladware and keep them in a specified place, a shelf in the fridge or a spot in the cabinet. That way when I need to pick up a healthy snack it's already portioned out so i can grab it quickly without having to weigh it and prepare it everytime. Sounded like a good idea for me and for my kids so I wanted to try it. I haven't set it up, however, because while I shopped I forgot to pick up any baggies, lol.

W- 64oz
E- Complete no excuses workout fitness test, boot camp missions
E- stay on plan, try to eat something every 3 hours
D- I can hurry up and fail or take my time and win! I am taking my time to win!

Espressowhip 01-16-2013 04:00 PM

W: It's only 1pm and I'm half way to 2 liters.
E: Did my workout as planned
E: Didn't "celebrate" with food yesterday!
D: Brutal Honesty

I meant to also say that I use a Heart Rate Monitor - it tells you if your body is getting the right workout or if you are slackin' off! If you are a walker, it's really helpful because it's all too easy to walk really fast, even break a sweat, but still not be in the fat-burning zone.

But as a runner, I'm not using it as a workout tool (yet), rather to give me peace of mind that I'm not in any danger. I'm over 250lbs, and 45 years old, and although my high blood pressure is controlled, I worry that too much physical stress will put me in danger. It only happened once after an bad night's sleep. If I didn't have the monitor, I probably would have tried to push past my body's protests and ended up fainted!

mothermavis 01-17-2013 06:21 AM

Great info Espresso on the training and Momto about the snacks!

I'm crazy buried in a home sale right now, be back later or this weekend to chat with y'all!!

W 100
E Ugh, back sore. Stairs x2, likely all today, aim for 10k steps
E POP, if exercise if off, food cannot be!
D Organize, check it off!

Espressowhip 01-17-2013 07:13 PM

W: All good
E: 4th day of official training complete and I'm no worse for the wear!
E: Opted for a cup of veg. black bean chili, instead of the fish&chips options at group dinner last night! I wasn't disappointed!
D: Recognize your limitations without letting them defeat you!

I'm getting worked up about how early the training starts on Saturday. 7am. That is, we start running at 7am! That is, we have to be there, and warmed up, and ready to roll out at 7am! "Warmed up" during a cold spell at 7am...hilarious. The training team must be full of comedians. :joker:

Nixmom 01-17-2013 11:29 PM

Bad, bad me. Has been super crazy. I'm off tomorrow. Looking forward to resetting and catching up. Hope you all are doing well. Be back tomorrow!

Be good to you!

mothermavis 01-18-2013 06:09 AM

Kris, I was starting to worry, glad you're back!

Espresso, Are you doing "team in training"?

Mindy, Emi, hope all is good!

W 100
E Has been a crazy week, think I will repeat W6
D Ugh, one thing at a time!

Espressowhip 01-18-2013 02:26 PM


W: Good
E: Rest day - 50 min. run tomorrow in the ccccold!
E:Portions are great! That's 3 days in a row! I'm Happy!
D: Positive thinking evokes more energy, initiative, and happiness.

@mavis No, it's a locally sponsored event, and the organizer (Fleet Feet Sports) offers training for various events and personal goals.

emiloots 01-18-2013 03:50 PM

Hi ladies, gotta run but all is well. I'll catch up tonight!

momtopands 01-19-2013 04:43 PM

W - 64oz
E - Boot camp day 6, Complete interval#3
E - Stay within my points
D - Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done
without hope or confidence

mothermavis 01-20-2013 07:43 AM

Happy Sunday. I am exhausted.
I am going to stay right here on the couch for an hour or two. Then go clean the house and run on the dreadmill.

W 100
E run week 6 again, crunch DONE!!!!
E POP make food for the week too
D Be good to yourself

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