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TIARA 07-09-2010 02:03 AM

hope4me.. yeah girl.. so whatcha gonna do with all that $$$.. are you guys gonna start another bet?

popcorn.. hey girl im here.. im doing suprisingly well but .. my downfall is weighing myself everyday. i cant let that # make or break my day. im gonna be hard core.. lol and give my sister my scale and only weigh in once a week. wish me luck because i usually get the itch and sneek the scale back ..lol

okay.. so far so good i didnt get my exercise in due to lazyness..lol yes i admit i was tired too much tv watching.. haha.. well 2mo is another day..

mothermavis 07-09-2010 05:57 AM

Good morning!

Hope4me!!! :carrot: :carrot: Congratulations! That is awesome.

I am looking forward to the weekend. Have an open house tomorrow, but most of the rest looks free.

W 100
E Ran yesterday for 3 miles and lifted, so today is just about moving, maybe a nice walk tonight, or a short hike with hubby after work
E POP, because it works....

jcatron243 07-09-2010 09:13 AM

Hope: :bravo::cp::cb::dance::dancer::high::congrat:

Tiara~I quit the scale habit. I cant let the scale send me into a frenzy. I w/i weekly, but its not changing much these days. I'm stickin 141-145. I guess I will just be maintaining her until I find that big urge to workout 2 hours a day again.

MM~good run and workout!!!

Today I am babysitting my newphew. First workout then swim team. after swim team we are heading to the library for story time. Then to the park to give my DH some alone time with a financial aid guy. Then home and who knows what my evening is FREE!

PopcornGal 07-09-2010 11:47 AM

Congratulations Hope4 me!!!!!!!!!!! That is fantastic!!!!!
I think you should spend the money on some fun new clothes.

Jen - so do you only work three days a week then? I suppose that is the best shift to have.

Tiara - I made the same mistake on weighing in the other day. I know better than that. So only once a week for me too. I weigh in on Saturdays because it forces me to behave the first night of the weekend.

Emily - I have the same problem as you with work interferring with getting my eating act together at home. That is why I am making a more concerted effort to do things for the week on Sunday evening. I am hoping that will make me succeed. It is hard when your kids are young. Keep up your efforts.

Mothermavis - what is POP? I thought OP was on plan but I get confused.

Yesterday's WEED went well. I was able to get a mile walk in.
Today is a barbeque at work. I will eat what I want but small portions of it. I hope to take a long walk after work. Then a salad for dinner. I am really excited about tomorrow because hubby has the whole day off. It has been a long time since he was off on a Saturday. I feel like it is date day. I think we will do something fun and active around town with the dog during the day.

Today's WEED -

W - 64 oz.
E - walk 4.5 miles
E - 1200 - 1400 calories
D - spend quiet evening with hubby

mtiger 07-09-2010 04:37 PM

POP- Perfectly on Plan.

Hope- CONGRATS!! that is awesome. Have fun with the $$$.

Well for me life is stressful. Nobody is working, or not enough, and all of this falls on my shoulders ultimately. It is getting to be too much to bear. My son applies for a job almost everyday and is calling daily trying to get the ones's he has applied for. Nothing is happening. My ex (currently on unemployment) isn't doing much of anything. My daughter works part-time and isn't getting anywhere near enough hours. AAHH!!!

Weight is just holding around 178. Not bad, not great. I was hoping to join a gym for $20.00 a month. There is no way I can do that now. I will just have to keep doing what I've been doing at home. Hopefully it will be enough.

Did a 3 mile walk/jog with sprint intervals last night. It's funny how quickly 3 miles goes by these days. It used to seem so long. Tonight I think I need a good long 5 miler, just to have time to clear my head.

jcatron243 07-09-2010 11:24 PM

:hug: Mindy I'm so sorry you are going through this. Will not having a job hasn't truly hit us because today was his last check. He does have a good prospect on a part time job which can lead to full time. Its union so it should pay well. We know the owner so its really a good chance.

Popcorn~ I work a weird shift every other week is different opposite. So this week I am off Fri, sat sun mon ~on shift Tuesday~Off wed thurs Then my next week starts~On shift fri, sat, sun, mon~off Tues~on Wed thurs.

My workout today was a short 30 minute run. My kids have realized the joy of sleeping in. So my workout was pushed out. I ran while Mak was at practice (but the treadmill placement is where I was able to watch). After Maks practice was library story time (fun fun fun). Then we went to a park for lunch and playing in the splash pool. After that I was exhausted. (Oh did I mention I was babysitting today?)

Tomorrow~workout first thing~go to a parade my little sis is marching in, then hang with my mom. FUN! (babysitting again!)

Night all!

mothermavis 07-10-2010 06:57 AM

I have a busy day planned. Open House from 11-2 then off to the Y with my older son to play raquetball for a couple hours. That should cure my cardio for today!! Then I am going to do two rounds of the weight machines and call it good. Tomorrow after church I am taking a boot camp class (hear that Kris?)

Jeni, hope you enjoyed your free evening!

Mindy :hug: Look how far you've come, clearing your head by running 5 miles!!

Popcorn, enjoy your date!!!

W 100 harder on the weekends for me!
E Racquetball and weights!
E POP - Did great yesterday considering we went out for dinner, but fingers are heavy today, so too much sodium and scale shows that too
D One day at a time!!

Shout out to Aud and Nurse Michelle. Miss you both!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PopcornGal 07-10-2010 08:27 AM

Yesterday's WEED was successful. I lost 4 lbs this week - net 3 since I was a lb over my starting weight.

Today's WEED -

W - 64 oz.
E - walk 3 miles
E - 1200 - 1400 calories
D - spend the WHOLE day with hubby!!!!!!!!!

jcatron243 07-10-2010 10:20 AM

Saturday morning. Yay. I'm looking forward to my day in the sun. Actually I got a sunburn yesterday. I wasn't even in the sun for long. (and usually I wear it, I just didn't yesterday.)

mothermavis 07-10-2010 11:14 PM

Peace out everyone, got to hit the hay!

Tomorrow, I am going to boot camp!

TIARA 07-11-2010 04:24 AM

hello ladies.. i havent been feeling well .. mostly just dead tired. but the weird thing is that i am sleeping. im hoping i can shake this feeling. i dont have energy to do anything after work and working at my job its like im on auto pilet. hope you all have a nice sunday.. i must work then its off to sleep...

e rest
e1200 - 1400
d sleep

mtiger 07-11-2010 09:47 AM

The ex and i went to my parents yesterday to cut down a tree. My job was hauling the "branches" away. Okay some were small trees and others were logs, but it was work. They took us to dinner...chicken quesadilla. I ate 3/4 peices. I was impressed with how far I could toss some of those branches.Today the scale said 177. Not bad.

I really want to join this gym. It is $20/month. We are short about $200/month with ex's unemplyoment. If my son gets a job (keep fingers crossed pleased) Maybe I'll be able to do it. He has a couple of good prospects in the works. It would certainly be a huge help.

jcatron243 07-11-2010 12:00 PM

Tiara~get your blood iron level checked. Thats how I was feeling and my doc said I had low iron. once I took supplements I was much better.

Mindy~I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your son. I think a gym would do great things for you. I hope you get to join soon.

Yesterday I had A GREAT RUN!!!!! Man, sometimes I forget just how much I love running. My workouts have been slow and steady but Ive been doing them. Yesterday I bumped my speed up so I could get in a great workout and it worked. I'm still not at my pre injury runs but I was up to 6.5 mph for 5 minutes. Thats a good start for me.

Today I wont be working out. My mom is taking the kids while I do some good shopping from costco.

PopcornGal 07-11-2010 12:03 PM

Yesterday's WEED went well.

I didn't feel motivated today as far as exercise. Fortunately, hubby offered to go with me. So I got a hard 3 mile walk with several steep hills in this morning.

Tiara - sorry you are feeling bad. Get some rest and hopefully you will be better tomorrow. Thanks for checking in - I was looking for you.

Mindy - the gym is nice but sometimes I like to save my money for other things when I can exercise outside and get a good workout in. Good job on using the tree removal as exercise. Plus extra kudos for eating only part of your dinner.

Jeni - did you enjoy your day in the sun?

Mothermavis - how was boot camp? How many days and how many hours each day is it?

Today's WEED -

W - 64 oz.
E - walk 3 miles (done - woo hoo)
E - 1200 - 1400 calories
D - do some ironing.

mothermavis 07-11-2010 12:57 PM

Popcorn Gal, boot camp is offered 3 days a week at the Y, this was my first one! It was great. Trying to find 3 classes I like at times I can go and combing that with my running to step it up!! Glad you got a great walk in!

Jeni, great job on the run. 6.5 is awesome!

Mindy, you are going to get through this plateau! You are doing great!

T, feel better!

W 100
E Done, and likely a walk with the dogs this afternoon
D Love thyself!

love2b150 07-11-2010 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by PopcornGal (Post 3377001)

love2b150 - don't worry too much about the measuring. The way your clothes feel is another indicator.

Have a great WEED day everyone!

Thanks PopcornGal :) I attempted to measure yesterday and obviously don't know what I'm doing because the numbers where all horrid. hehehe I need to find someone to do it for me that will do it correctly

Hope4me, Congratulations, oh my goodness, I'm happy for you :carrot:

Jeni, you go Girl, 6.5mph wow.

Mindy, best of luck to your son in finding work. I've been looking also but no offers. :crossed: for all of us job seekers. I wish we had some place around here that was only $20 a month. I called Sports and Health they said $50-80 a month, Curves is $40 a month.

Mothermavis, Do they charge for the boot camp? The YMCA is about 40 minutes away. There is supposed to be one built out here by 2011 or 12, I think that's what the sign says. They have a boot camp trial at Bally's but that's another long drive. ugh

Tiara, hope you get the rest you need and feel better soon

Going to the Cub Scout pool party this evening so hopefully I can get the kinks out of my shoulder/upper arm and have some fun too.

This weeks W.E.E.D. =

W~64oz plus, I did well last week
E~gonna start doing a workout tape that I tried before and could only do 20 minutes ... gonna complete it this go around
E~Stay OP, not miss any meals and no Slim Fast drinks this week (too easy to do)
D~Get this house straight and make the kids keep it that way :) I'm such a push over

:hug: to ALL

mothermavis 07-11-2010 04:59 PM

Love2b, I have a family membership at the y and the class is free with the membership, the only one I have seen that they charge extra for is spinning, thinking of trying Zumba this week too.

love2b150 07-11-2010 05:14 PM

Oh OK, thanks. I'll have to check into it. We are a family of 7 so everything cost more, I'll see. Have fun with Zumba, it was too hard for me, but I'm sure I'll try it again. Don't know anything about spinning. :) Thanks again.

hope4me 07-11-2010 10:37 PM

Thanks everybody for the congrats!!

Just a quick stop in to say hi. I'm beat from work. I've been reading but haven't had time to post or do personals. Hugs to those struggling with money. :hug: I know the feeling.

W: hardly any
E: none, should have worked out before work but didn't get up in time
E: 1665 calories
D: bake 2 birthday cakes for work tomorrow and try not to eat either :D

TIARA 07-12-2010 02:10 AM

popcorn.. good for you. i personally hate incline.. but hopefully i will grow to like it someday.
jeni.. im really struggling with the idea of going to the doctors. what am i suppose to tell them um im extremely tired. i can hear their perscription. GO TO SLEEP..lol But i probly will end up going my gma thinks im anemic. but i take a multiviatmin. i use to take prenatal for my "hair problem" but stoped it after 3 months seeing how it fixed it . Im gonna go to sleep really early tonight seeing how im off 2mo and see how i feelin the morning.. if not better then its off to the doctors i go.. can anything eles go wrong..

Thanks every one for the get well wishes i hope so too..

w 64
e sleep
e 1400
d sleep by 6pm omg thats what time my gma sleeps lol ..

KimL1214 07-12-2010 03:39 PM


Hey everyone! I'm sorry I have been so MIA lately! I have to be out of my house that I've been renting by Wednesday, so I have spent an incredible amount of time up there trying to get as much stuff out as possible, as well as cleaning. I spent almost 3 hours yesterday moving 2 cords of wood from one end of the lawn to the other, and then stacking it under the porch. I was amazed this morning to find that I'm not sore. My muscles are definitely tired, but not sore. I guess carrying 40+lb. trays of food 4-5 times/week 15-30 times a night has built up more arms more then I thought! Speaking of which, I have to get ready for work now...

6/13/10 WEED

W~ 100oz H20
E~ Waitressing
E~ Stay within WW points
D~ Get at least 7 hours sleep!

jcatron243 07-12-2010 04:58 PM


Here's week 2's thread.

Kim, I'm sorry you have to move.

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