3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Nixmom 04-20-2009 09:22 AM

Morning girlies!

Back from Havasu. Back at work. Will check back later but wanted to pop in and mark my spot for where i need to catch up to! Maybe at break. Hope you all are doing well.


mothermavis 04-20-2009 09:34 AM

Eny, thanks for the PM, I was on vacation, so getting back and stepping on the scale, then getting your message ....inspiration to do better is staring me in the face!!

Purple, whatever you decide is right for your family, will be right. :hug: It's tough either way.

OK, so after Eny's post, i went back to look at my "sign up" goals. Today is a new day and I am in this for the long haul, but I have made no progress at all since Christmas.

Weight; I am hovering between high 140's and 150, I'd like to get to the 120's and we'll see what I think, from there
I'm hovering all right, hovered all the way back to 152.4 this morning
Inches; later, but I am thinking I am not far off, need toning more than anything Toning and about 3 inches off my hips, can't find the tape measure right now, guess you know how the Flylady part is going as well
Pants/Dress Size - 8/10, like to get to 4/6
finances/budget; Pay off credit card and OS first year of college, also not touch my savings for a withdrawal all year. Not so good with this either, but I am back from vacation, no excuses.
organization - Flylady
nutrition - Aim for healthy, not skinny
water intake 100 oz a day
exercise / fitness level - want to run a half marathon, exercise 6 days a week, at least 30 minutes a day
pampering/relaxation - have to think about that, tried a facial this year, didn't really care for that... maybe just time to read one book a month, just for fun!

Enygirl 04-20-2009 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by UrthWurm (Post 2705154)
Is there any chance I could get someone's opinion on my new avatar? It's a more recent picture. The one in color is me, and the person in black and white is my gf, Sam. They were two seperate pictures (you can probably tell) both that I took. I edited them in photoshop, and I happen to think it looks rather cute. What do you think, does it mesh well? ;]

Anyways, I'm extremely proud of myself. This morning when I woke up I actually spent a small portion of my day bettering myself. By that I mean working out. I did 24 minutes of Hip Hop Abs, and almost 20 minutes devoted to stretching. It might not seem like much, but it's more than I've been doing lately, which is nothing. Wonderfully I wasn't left in pain after my workout! :D

I LOVE the new avatar! It's beautiful! You both are beautiful!!!

Good job getting all that working out in! you're ROCKING GIRLY!!! :yay:


Originally Posted by StNessa79 (Post 2705311)
Hey All!!

I've been sick the whole time my in laws have been in town. I've had a sore throat & have been living on Ibuprofin. We've been eating out & I've been trying to make good choices. I've been drinking tons of water & have gotten my mother in law to drink more than usual too. Unfortunately she's in the restroom all the time though! But she said she's glad she's getting into the habit. She's put on some weight that she wants to take off before summer. I weighed myself today and I'm down to 191. I knew TOM & my water intake taking a dump was my reason for gaining. I feel back on track!

Purple - I wish you luck in whatever you choose. The two of you will find what is best for your family. Just may not be easy getting to the right solution.

Urth - The avatar is great! I was wondering if that was a photo of yourself or some movie :)

Well I hope all have enjoyed your weekend & that everyone is getting some nice warm weather!!!

Good job inspiring the MIL to get more water in. And what an AWESOME weigh in!!! that's #4 down from last week!! Keep it up hon!!! :cheer:


Originally Posted by mothermavis (Post 2705624)
Eny, thanks for the PM, I was on vacation, so getting back and stepping on the scale, then getting your message ....inspiration to do better is staring me in the face!!

Purple, whatever you decide is right for your family, will be right. :hug: It's tough either way.

OK, so after Eny's post, i went back to look at my "sign up" goals. Today is a new day and I am in this for the long haul, but I have made no progress at all since Christmas.

Weight; I am hovering between high 140's and 150, I'd like to get to the 120's and we'll see what I think, from there
I'm hovering all right, hovered all the way back to 152.4 this morning
Inches; later, but I am thinking I am not far off, need toning more than anything Toning and about 3 inches off my hips, can't find the tape measure right now, guess you know how the Flylady part is going as well
Pants/Dress Size - 8/10, like to get to 4/6
finances/budget; Pay off credit card and OS first year of college, also not touch my savings for a withdrawal all year. Not so good with this either, but I am back from vacation, no excuses.
organization - Flylady
nutrition - Aim for healthy, not skinny
water intake 100 oz a day
exercise / fitness level - want to run a half marathon, exercise 6 days a week, at least 30 minutes a day
pampering/relaxation - have to think about that, tried a facial this year, didn't really care for that... maybe just time to read one book a month, just for fun!

MM - You have always been an inspiration to me through this whole journey. YOu CAN get past the #140's - just keep working EVERYDAY!

I'm getting more and more weigh ins - which makes me happy :) The week #1 weigh ins are due by TONIGHT! I realize that it's quite early in some parts of the world - but I get excited when I see so many doing so well. :)

I'm also getting excited about being able to join back in with all of you! I'm SO glad that I didn't abandon the site when I found out I'm pregnant... even though I'm not working on losing weight - I am getting a lot of healthy habits formed - and continued inspiration from you all.

I started logging my calories again - I know that I haven't been too far off since I'm not gaining a ton - but it's a habit that I CANNOT afford to lose. It worked SO well for me before. I'm thinking after the baby's born I'll cut from the 1800-2000 calories a little bit to 1600-1800- since I'll still need the extra calories for breast feeding. I'll still beable to lose weight though. :) I'm not going to actually have a restart weight until Oct 1 - that'll give me a month to have it even out and get it under control and such. I'm going to have to talk to my Dr. about how many calories I'll need to be at while breastfeeding. I know in general they say 300 extra during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but my OB has me at 1800-2000 do to my low blood sugar issues.... so I don't know if I'll have to stay there, or if I can drop down to 1500 calories even during breastfeeding... hmmmm.... :chin:

Now I have to get my water intake up BIG TIME! One because I'm NO WHERE NEAR the 64 oz that's reccommended - or the 100 oz I should be drinking for the baby and I.

Oh - on another note - I have another Ultrasound today. Joe's going with me for the first time - so that he can see his son too. I'm thinking it'll make it more real with him and hopefully he'll be more willing to discuss names. :) Right now he's going by Baby Miles Church, or Little Man Miles Church. I guess 2 out of 3 parts of the name aren't to bad 19 weeks before he's born. :)

Alright - I'm off to check my messages and hoping that I there are a TON more weigh ins. :)

mayness 04-20-2009 12:03 PM

I'm up almost 2 pounds from last week! I know it's mostly pre-TOM bloating (and probably a little bit of damage from over the weekend) but it's kinda depressing. Oh well... I'll be on track for a good loss next week! :)

Yesterday I had a long talk with my husband about how I say I want to lose weight, but what I really want is to eat junk food and be lazy. And how whatever thing you want the most is the one you actually will do.

I'm sooo cold today, for no reason. The building I work in is consistently the same exact temperature every single day, so I know it's me and not the building, lol.

I've got a ton of studying to do, big exam tomorrow morning. But I'll be on tomorrow after the exam, eager to see this week's results! I hope everyone did better than me! ;)

JazzyPeggy 04-20-2009 01:43 PM

I need to update my signature, but after my exercise today which I am working on now, I will have 120 miles in since the Walk Across America Challenge started.

Eny, how exciting about your ultrasound today with your hubby.

StNessa, feel better.

Have a great day everyone. I still haven't learned enough names to remember enough to give personal replies yet, but I'll get there. I have been reading this thread, even though I haven't posted much.

I reported a maintain this week, I need to do much better if I expect to lose any weight.

freshmanweightorbust 04-20-2009 01:45 PM

Sigh... you knwo what they say about pride going before a fall, right? Yeah, so beginning this challenge, I dropped two pounds almost effortlessly, in a couple of days...I got complacent and ate pizza one day (an embarrasing amount of it) and Chinese the next day (less embarrasing, but still not very smart on my part) and now my weight is higher than it was when the challenge started. Oh well. I'm back now! I'm less discouraged and more just mad. I've gone for a forty-minute walk every day this week, even Sat and Sun, when I had a friend in town and hadn't intended to walk, and this morning, too, even though it's Monday and I'm busy, or at least I thought I was when I made myself go anyway. So I guess all I've really got to say is that I expect it'll take me a few weeks to get caught up to where I am on schedule with the challenge, but I'm going to be eating right (and balanced), chugging water, and walking forty minutes a day from here on out and we'll just see how the pizza and Chinese monsters like that!

I think what stings the most (besides my wounded pride) is that the weight gain put me back up in the next decade and back to being technically closer to 300 than 200. :mad:

Keillynsmom 04-20-2009 03:09 PM

Hi, hi,

It's been a very long time -- I thought I was completely lost and couldn't find my place back here but thank you so much Enygirl for the PM. I really want to find community and this seems to be a wonderful place for that. Should I post my current weight here? I was 272 lbs on Saturday, April 18th. I'll have to go find my original post on my goals. Wonder where I stand.

Fortunately, I've been participating in my local Y's version of the Biggest Loser: three workouts a week with my team and one of the trainers, an expected 4.5 hours of outside cardio, and most importantly, a weekly weigh in for accountability. I always thought that once I got the diet and the workout thing together that the weight would just fall off, but it's been a bit harder than that. But I'm grateful for it -- with everything else happening, having my trainer and the accountability has been the only thing keeping me on track.

I'm still catching up on the thread...

thanks again, Eny...it meant alot to me to be called back...


ruth135 04-20-2009 03:15 PM

Hi Ladies!
I haven't been on for several days due to hectic busy life, but I managed to drop about a pound and am hoping for more than that this week. I've walked 125 miles (minutes) and plan on adding quite a bit more to that today. Just got caught up on all the posts and hopefully I'll be checking in more often now.
I did eat too much yesterday but it was a postponed easter dinner and it was delicious.

mayness: I am planning on having a good talk with my hubby about my weight loss, my problem is I try to force him to lose weight along with me and while he says over and over again how he wants to, he loves food (and pepsi)too much and his weight loss usually only lasts a few days. In years past he was much better about cutting out the overeating,eating out, and pop. And he complains and says as long as I'm not trying to make him eat boring food he'll do it. But he wants food that will not help me lost weight and I'm am not going to cook two different meals, grrrrr. I wish he was as cooperate as he was several years ago. I need to come up with another strategy, I'm pretty sure if I start losing a significant amount of weight then he'll start trying again, based on previous experiences.
Have a great day chickies!

mrsaugie 04-20-2009 03:15 PM

well i was up and up alot. i know what i did and what needs to be done this week so i am going to do that and see some results in a week.

Enygirl 04-20-2009 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by freshmanweightorbust (Post 2706088)
Sigh... you knwo what they say about pride going before a fall, right? Yeah, so beginning this challenge, I dropped two pounds almost effortlessly, in a couple of days...I got complacent and ate pizza one day (an embarrasing amount of it) and Chinese the next day (less embarrasing, but still not very smart on my part) and now my weight is higher than it was when the challenge started. Oh well. I'm back now! I'm less discouraged and more just mad. I've gone for a forty-minute walk every day this week, even Sat and Sun, when I had a friend in town and hadn't intended to walk, and this morning, too, even though it's Monday and I'm busy, or at least I thought I was when I made myself go anyway. So I guess all I've really got to say is that I expect it'll take me a few weeks to get caught up to where I am on schedule with the challenge, but I'm going to be eating right (and balanced), chugging water, and walking forty minutes a day from here on out and we'll just see how the pizza and Chinese monsters like that!

I think what stings the most (besides my wounded pride) is that the weight gain put me back up in the next decade and back to being technically closer to 300 than 200. :mad:

Please make sure to send me a personal Message with your weigh in... I can't keep track if everyone posts them in here. :) I'm assuming that you're at #251 - based on your ticker, but please PM me to confirm.


Originally Posted by Keillynsmom (Post 2706192)
Hi, hi,

It's been a very long time -- I thought I was completely lost and couldn't find my place back here but thank you so much Enygirl for the PM. I really want to find community and this seems to be a wonderful place for that. Should I post my current weight here? I was 272 lbs on Saturday, April 18th. I'll have to go find my original post on my goals. Wonder where I stand.

Fortunately, I've been participating in my local Y's version of the Biggest Loser: three workouts a week with my team and one of the trainers, an expected 4.5 hours of outside cardio, and most importantly, a weekly weigh in for accountability. I always thought that once I got the diet and the workout thing together that the weight would just fall off, but it's been a bit harder than that. But I'm grateful for it -- with everything else happening, having my trainer and the accountability has been the only thing keeping me on track.

I'm still catching up on the thread...

thanks again, Eny...it meant alot to me to be called back...


Barb - I'm SO glad your back! I've posted the #272 as your start weight. Please PM me of what your 2009 goal weight is. :)


Originally Posted by JazzyPeggy (Post 2706087)
I need to update my signature, but after my exercise today which I am working on now, I will have 120 miles in since the Walk Across America Challenge started.

Eny, how exciting about your ultrasound today with your hubby.

StNessa, feel better.

Have a great day everyone. I still haven't learned enough names to remember enough to give personal replies yet, but I'll get there. I have been reading this thread, even though I haven't posted much.

I reported a maintain this week, I need to do much better if I expect to lose any weight.

The ultrasound was great! If there ever was a thought that this baby isn't a boy - there is definately NO DOUBT now! :lol: The baby is measuring perfectly, the heartbeat is in perfect range, and he's adorable. :) Ok - it's actually hard to tell what he really looks like from an ultrasound - but I'm bias anyhow - so he's ADORABLE!!! :D

Alright - I'm still missing over 1/2 of the weigh ins... GET THEM INTO ME GIRLS!!! YOu' DO NOT WANT TO START OUT IN THE HOLE!!!!!

Hattie22 04-20-2009 05:25 PM


From the pic in your signature...He is adorable!! LOL How did hubby like it?
It is sooo cool to see a little one that is growing inside you. Congrats!

Purple: I am so sorry you are going through so much! Try to focus on you and the kids. It will get better. I am sending :hug: to you!

I am still out of commission on the exercise because of the pinched nerve.


Drum Roll Please.....

I am now in ONEderland!!! I hit 199 this morning! It felt soooo good!!

I wish I could dance on the ceiling or at least on a table. I would probably end up with more injuries though.

McKenziesmomma 04-20-2009 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by freshmanweightorbust (Post 2706088)
Sigh... you knwo what they say about pride going before a fall, right? Yeah, so beginning this challenge, I dropped two pounds almost effortlessly, in a couple of days...I got complacent and ate pizza one day (an embarrasing amount of it) and Chinese the next day (less embarrasing, but still not very smart on my part) and now my weight is higher than it was when the challenge started. Oh well. I'm back now! I'm less discouraged and more just mad. I've gone for a forty-minute walk every day this week, even Sat and Sun, when I had a friend in town and hadn't intended to walk, and this morning, too, even though it's Monday and I'm busy, or at least I thought I was when I made myself go anyway. So I guess all I've really got to say is that I expect it'll take me a few weeks to get caught up to where I am on schedule with the challenge, but I'm going to be eating right (and balanced), chugging water, and walking forty minutes a day from here on out and we'll just see how the pizza and Chinese monsters like that!

I think what stings the most (besides my wounded pride) is that the weight gain put me back up in the next decade and back to being technically closer to 300 than 200. :mad:

Don't be mad! It is okay :hug: Just learn from your mistakes! Sounds like you are doing great with the walking! If food seems to be your problem you have several options....#1. You can figure in a weekly splurge meal into your calories, #2. You can do extra workouts through out the week to "earn back" some calories for a splurge meal #3. you can learn to make lower calorie versions of your favorite foods......for example...I'm like you ....I love pizza! I can't do without it, so I have learned to make a healthier homemade version of it. I get tortilla shells and bake them in the oven and then add pizza sauce, cheese, a few pepperonis (cut in quarters and spread out so I only use like 3 pepperonis), and veggies! They are really good too. My hubby and I like making them together. Try it!


Originally Posted by Hattie22 (Post 2706387)
Drum Roll Please.....

I am now in ONEderland!!! I hit 199 this morning! It felt soooo good!!

I wish I could dance on the ceiling or at least on a table. I would probably end up with more injuries though.

Congratulations Hattie! I'm so happy for you! :bravo:

McKenziesmomma 04-20-2009 06:16 PM

Okay so my weigh in sucks this week.....up to 259! But I'm sure TOM is in volved. I'm going to up my water intake and hope for my post TOM whoosh in a week or so!

diary 04-20-2009 08:41 PM

Rosie - it's ok - GET BACK OUT THERE SIS! I know you can do it - I am so proud of you and the positive changes you have made these past 6 months! And so is Grandpa, I just got off the phone with him!

I am 191..... but I worked out in the evening so I think it's up a lb or 2. I usually weigh myself in the AMs after working out, but before eating too much.

I did the step class this evening - man, that was a wakeup call. I still feel awkward and have trouble following the more complicated moves in that class and in cardio boxing. Oh well. I plan to keep on keeping on - hopefully it will get easier for me to do.

Ufi 04-20-2009 08:54 PM

Well, I maintained this week. I ate well, exercised every day and walked for TWO HOURS on Saturday, even have the sunburn to prove it. I even resisted the siren call of the ice cream truck. How frustrating! ERRRR, TOM.

I like the avatar. Neat idea.

Congratulations on hitting ONEderland! I'm waving from a distance.

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