April Weight Loss Challenge

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  • April Weight Loss Challenge List of Participants (so far!)
    If anyone sees something that they'd like to have changed in their info, please just let me know! I'll continue to add new people as they join in. Good luck to all! You can do it!

    FullSteamAhead: Lose 8-10 lbs
    Jassica: Exercise more; lose 10 lbs or more
    Theresia: Lose 5 lbs
    Dumplin: Lose 15 lbs
    CandyKisses0204: Get back in the gym at least 3 times a week; lose 7+ lbs
    Calisa86: Stay on track; push harder than in March; lose 12 lbs
    Saramommy: Lose 8 lbs
    CakeBatter: Reach 178 lbs; run 36 miles
    Jessacaca: Lose 4-5 lbs; get in 60 miles
    Icandoallthings6613: Lose 9 lbs; do the 5K in under 32 minutes; finish senior thesis
    Unwanted37lbs: Lose 6 lbs
    MissNovis: Lose 13 lbs; run at least 30 minutes 4 times a week during lunch break; attend weekly hip hop and zumba classes; play racquetball at least once a week
    Bronte155: Lose 5 lbs; ride stationary bike at least four days a week for at least 30 minutes each time
    Wyo_rose: Reach 186 lbs
    Naughtymonkey01: Push harder; eat better; don’t torture self about it
    Shrinkingleah: Lose 35 lbs from original SW by April 25th
    Timkerbelle: Lose 1kg/week to reach 86kg (189lbs); walk at least 10mi every week
    Wifey: Lose 8 lbs
    Desi: Lose 12 lbs
    FitSarah: Lose 10 lbs
    Fenderella5678: Lose 15 lbs
    Branflake: Stay on track the whole month; lose 10 lbs
    Strawberryeyes: Lose 10 lbs; exercise regularly
    Econ_nerd: Lose 10 lbs or more
    Jacqui_D: Lose 10 lbs
    OK_Lizzy: Lose 10 lbs
    Terapet: Lose 8 lbs
    Steviemcqueen: Do cardio (walking/jogging, aerobic class, etc.) at least three times a week; lose 8 lbs
    Ms_Perception: No longer be obese; lose 6 lbs; fit comfortably (maybe even loose-ish) into size 14 clothes
    Enchantedonyx: Lose 12 lbs
    JasonsLea: Get back into a routine at the gym; POP at least 85% of the month; very limited fast food
    Lewisempire: Do 62 miles of exercise; lose 1.5 lbs per week equaling 6 lbs
    Kswood87: Lose 10 lbs
    Mygritsconfessions: Lose 15 lbs
    Mothermavis: Lose 7 lbs
    Scarlet: Lose 8-10 lbs; keep on plan; work hard to overcome bad food addiction
    Zoochick777: Lose 7 lbs; fit comfortably into a size 11 jeans
    Dianee: Lose 10 lbs
    ValD: Lose 10 lbs; drop one pants size; walk at least 1 mile a day
    Wannabeskinnyagain: Stay on track; eat less/eat healthier; exercise in some way everyday; lose 10 lbs or more
    Petunia418: Lose 13 lbs
    Christian: Lose 5 lbs
    TatorTator: Weigh in the 180s
    ButterflyDiva: Lose 5-8 lbs; exercise 5x a week
    JulieBahrain: Reach 155 lbs by April 25th
    Losingnyc: Lose 8 lbs
    CollegeGirl: Lose 10 lbs
    Sjdphc: Work out Monday thru Friday for 1 1/2 hours; work toward reaching 160-170lbs by June 21st
    Hattie22: Lose at least 5 lbs; maintain a positive attitude; keep eating OP; keep exercising and trying new things; enjoy life!
    JazzyPeggy: Reach 275 lbs; exercise at least 20 times
    Dvdrumls: Lose 10 lbs
    Lene1974: Lose 5 lbs
    Efova: Reach 180 lbs
  • Good luck, Efova!
  • No time to do personals. Will catch up tomorrow. Just popping in. I a good weekend overall! Stayed withing points and worked every day. Have a good night!
  • Jacqui D: That's quite a list you've compiled. Thanks for the well wishes.

    Everyone: Hope to celebrate achieving our goals with you at the end of the month!
  • Hi ladiesssssss , hugs

    It's awfully late here and I am finally checking in! I was under the weather with TOM and all but happy I managed the walk with DH and got my grocery shopping done, thank goodness! It was so nice to see the sun today as it is going to be cloudy and rainy again come tomorrow.

    IT is so nice to hear from everyone, as always.

    Efova, welcome happy to see you! glad that you joined in with us here in the April challenge as well . I think you did super in the March challenge and well...great your here

    mothermavis, congrats on the loss!!! When do you leave for vacation? I know what you mean about not undoing your hard work! I have a lot of things coming up this month and was thinking along the same lines. I am going to have to be super good around all plans and even on them! lol. Keep up the great work and keep us posted! : ).

    Jacqui D, great! : ) Glad your having a great weekend and so happy to have you here too! hugs.

    Leneeeeeee, ty aw you so happy your here. wtg on the workouts! Lene, the girls talk about that 30 day shred all the time! It is so popular! which one do you start with? THere is level 1, 2, 3...i think? THey have it on comcast exercise t.v , or at least they did. From what I hear, it is quite some workout! wtg on getting your runs in again LEne , that is awesome!

    MsPerception, wtg on the OP day today, goodluck with the WI tomorrow. I hope it goes as you want it too and if it doesn't, just remember.......it will! You are doing awesome! Keep kicking it girl

    Cakebatter, wtg on staying within points and the workouts and all : )

    How is everyone else doing? Scarlet, how was your weekend? I hope it was good for you. Fenderella, are you still learning new recipes? and to all of you lovely ladies...hope you are well , keep in touch girls .

    As for me girls, today was a great day (well planwise) and feelwise, so so but tomorrow I will be just fine, yipee! lol. So glad I will have TOM out of t he way! Overall, I would rate the weekend pretty good, though I did indulge in my shaninigans! Last night I was in the kitchen at 1 in the morning eating wheat thins and cream cheese (f.f) SO yes, I didn't adhere to my cut off point and it was just one of those days w here I felt like snacking and extra hungry! Thankfully today was much better. I never know what to expect with TOM and all and I just consider myself unscathed and lucky if I get by on a good note! Regardless of what happens, during TOM or any other time, we pick ourselves right back up and keep on trucking! I hope everyone had a great weekend and if off plan a bit, well, tomorrow is a new day! Let's keep on fighting dear ladies, we have all week long to be good before Easter!

    I did go to the market and get my ingredients for the next few days. Turkey worked so well for me the past 2 weeks so I picked some up again (thin and trim turkey from deli). I get a 1/2 lb. and it lasts me for 3 consecutive days for lunch! I use the small oat, flaxseed, wheat pita (only 60 cals ) and put some hellmans low fat mayo or just some mustard and lettuce and wrap it over. I also put some tomato's in it if I wish....voila! I love it! and here I am having bread and losing! Finally found the ticket. Same with the tortillas, (I have beef once a week) I get the whole wheat and they are pretty good on the fiber count.........does not impede my weight loss! Oh I am again . I should go to bed, it is awfully late here and I have much to do tomorrow. I hope you all sleep well and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow Get ready for our new day! Hope everyone wakes up to the sunshine, to you all, let's keep on truckin'.
  • Good morning ladies! I'm at work so I don't really have time to read all your post right now, but I wanted to check in and force myself to be accountable. I was horrible this weekend, I didn't workout at all and ate way too much. Oh well here's to a better week.
  • Good Monday morning ladies!!!!!

    to the new ones especially :hugs: and I cant wait to hear about your success as it comes rolling in

    Lene- MISSED YOU GIRL!!!!! Glad to see you are working it hard and getting those results, you rock!

    Ms Perception- I am loving your new avitar pic, your so pretty girl, and way to go on staying on plan, your my inspiration

    Full Steam- I LOVE turkey here too and it really does help with the weightloss, I am sure you will reach your goal by the end of the month, and TOM is going to visit me anyday So I will just have to be really good and try to avoid the eatfest that I usually have
  • I'm having turkey for lunch today also! Yeah. I think I went out to eat for lunch everyday last week. No more of that. I'm on a roll now. I really want to see the 150's. I have not been there in three years. Today was 160.5. Sooo close.
  • Hi all! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I am so happy to report that I am down another 1 lb! Yay!!! I think when I exercise twice in a day that I drink a whole lot more water to make sure I'm hydrated and with that combination and healthy eating, the scale moves. I'll have to consider picking up my exercise twice a day more! I hope everyone is doing well with their healthy eating and exercise efforts!
  • Alright, I did not come out of the weekend unscathed! I went overboard a few times this weekend...so much for a loss. UGH! Well, I am OP today and that's all I can do. I may have to try the 2x a day exercise to get back on track!
  • Hello everyone. So far everything is going great, I haven't had a single day off plan so far this month. And exercising more than usually, so I hope I see some good numbers on the scale soon. TOM is visiting right now, so I skipped todays weigh in. I hope for a loss next monday. If not this eastern-weekend kill all my healty plans..
  • Hey sorry I sorta disappeared from this thread, I've been busy with filling out financial aid forms and getting ready for my boyfriend to come visit (he's gonna be here tonight! It's the first time we will have seen each other since January). I want to read everyone's posts and respond once I get the time to later. Just wanted to let you know I'm still here lurking! :P
    Oh and FSA- I'm still learning new recipes. I just learned how to make quesadillas last night and they are AMAZING. Plus only 700 calories for a full circle (though I can't eat that much, I'm full after 2 wedges). Taco Bell ain't got nothin' on me. lol Now I'm all excited to cook for my boyfriend. ^^
  • HI girls, Im back from a rough weekend. I was not very good at working the plan, or working out! oh well, Just like Ms Perception, I am back on plan today, and that is all I can do! With that said, I did fit into some size14 capris, and shorts given to me by a friend! AND I could breathe!

    Cakebatter- Geocaching is like treasure hunting. You use your GPS to find "caches" (pronounced "cashes") That other people have hidden. Some have little trade items, and some take you to really neat locations! It is just a great way to get out and get some exercise... If you want, you can check out geocaching.org it is free to sign up for a basic account. I absolutely love it!

    Fenderella, Sounds yummy! Have you tried quesidillas with the corn tortillas, and light cheese. I usually turn mine into a tostada by adding lettuce tomato, salsa......OMG I am hungry now! I LOVE mexican food!

    Theresia-Awesome job on staying on plan. (I am gonna trying to be like you this week! ) Keep up the good work!

    Jaqui- Yay, 1lb after a weekend is something to be proud of!

    MsPerception- I am right with ya on getting back on track!

    Terapet- OOOO so close! You can do it!!!!!

    Christian- welcome back!

    Wanna- You can just jump on the " playing catch-up wagon" with me and MS. P! Here is to a better week!

    Fullsteamahead- glad you got to get your groceries, I know that makes all the difference! I am about chickened out right now, so maybe I will follow suit, and try some turkey this week!
    Gosh all this food talk is making my stomach growl! I think It is time for dinner!
    Hope everyone has a great night! I am gonna eat beans and cornbread tonight (as planned), and plan tomorrows menu! catch you all later
  • Heyyyyy ladies hi! I finally get to sit down and write! I don't know where the day went, it was just so busy! I will be gone for most of the day tomorrow and had a lot I wanted to accomplish today. I did pretty good but boy oh boy, I was pretty spent by the time all was said and done and I couldn't wait to just come in and sit and write to you all!

    Wannabeskinnyagain, good for you for posting! Here is to a good day and start of the week for you! Tis a new day!

    Hi Christian, oh I hope so girl, we shall see! I sure will try! Good luck sweety and hope you feel okay during it all...hugs .

    Terapet, great! On a roll indeed! keep it going girl! wtg on the roll! I so hear you! let's keep it rockin'.

    , yayyyy girl! wtg on your additional lb. lost and your workout! nice! As far as my workouts go, I don't always do them at once! I often break them up. ANyhow, I think your rocking it jacqui...nice! and ty for inspiring me and reminding me to keep up with my water intake hugs.

    MsPerception? I am going to cut right to the chase! Me, I had a great loss the last week of March, more than many of the weeks! Then, another great loss in the very beginning of our new month! That was so cool for me and breakthrough point. Now then, If I am not mistaken, pretty much the same thing happened for you!. We are all different, I know......but let me tell you that after such a great victory on my part personally, to expect myself to lose again ove r the weekend would of been sort of setting myself up , especially with TOM, lol)...it's great to strive for it.........but remember what you have accomplished, okay? Hope I am not coming on too strong but ah sorry, I have seen you work like the dickens and kick some major *** so I dont want no little weekend to get your butt...........gather your feathers and lets keep going . You will rebound from it just like you always do, not worried here

    anyways, in a nutshell, i wouldn't let the weekend challenge get my tailbones, lol. Becareful of your new idea too! You work out so much already and your moving next week! Becareful eh? Your in a good place, stay there!

    Hi theresia, welocme and wt g on agood month thus far

    Lewisempire, hi sugar wtg on fitting in the pants, Oh i love mexican too! lol. Lets share some recipes when we can. I am getting chickened out too baby, lol. Keep on truckin hugs
  • lose 5 pounds