3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Thighs Be Gone 11-15-2008 11:10 PM

Is this the challenge I joined for? So many threads sound so similar

Christian 11-16-2008 08:46 AM

Thighs Be Gone- Hi sis, I think you may be in the other one hun, You are welcome anywhere you want to post though and You are doing great according to your ticker, keep up the great work! :D

Good morning ladies!
I only have a few minutes before I have to get ready for church but had to wish you a wonderful blessed day ;)

urockmom 11-17-2008 09:52 AM

Good morning everyone! :wave:

Sorry I was so quiet over the weekend, we were just crazy busy running from one thing to another. So, I'll try to catch up with everyone today. :)

First, Fullsteam~ Awesome job on staying OP over the weekend, even when it included a restaurant trip. :bravo: Sorry about being stuck at weigh in but I am sure that if we both stay at it the scale will move eventually. I would love to take a walk on the beach when the weather gets nicer. Of course, that will be a few months but imagine how much thinner we'll be by then! :yes:

Hattie~You have been truly blessed by a husband of 27 years ! and by 2 fabulous children. You must be so proud of them!

Lene~I am PM'ing the sweet potato recipe this morning so I don't forget. :D Hope you had a terrific weekend.

Christie~Are the pounds still flying off of you? You have been doing so fantastic on your new program! :cheers:

Shy~You said that if you weren't posting that you were lurking and probably being bad :nono: and that we should yell at you. So, GET BACK IN HERE AND GET BACK TO WORK!!! :drill: We miss you and we know that you are off the reservation!!!

As for me, the scale remains stuck over the weekend despite my repeated attempts to will it to move by staring at it. :^: That being said, I have done pretty well on food. When we went out on Saturday night, I just had two small appetizers as I really didn't even want a whole meal. :D Had a really fun time as we went to a comedy show and I laughed so hard that my throat hurt and tears were flowing. :rofl: Laughing has to use calories, right? Maybe I'll look that up on FitDay. Anyway, I am determined to have a really focused week this week and to get that scale moving again. Am a little worried that if I don't get closer to Thanksgiving goal then whatever I have to roll into Christmas goal may make that unattainable and then a vicious cycle of not making it will ensue. Already got in my run this morning so off to a good start!!!

Oh, and today I am thankful for my husband of 19 years who is just the best guy in every way. Hope you ladies have a great Monday!!! Let's :kickbutt: !

Christian 11-17-2008 12:41 PM

urockmom- Well I can say this week my weightloss has stalled some, only 1/2 pound to report, BUT TOM is here as of today and maybe once that is gone, I will have a loss, we will just have to wait and see ;) Your weekend sounded like alot of fun, I love a good laugh too :lol: Oh and way to go on getting that run in early, that is AWSOME!!! And as far as not making our Thanksgiving goals, as long as we come in with a loss...well that more important or even not gaining this time of year os a big thing for me ;)
I only set my Christmas goal for 5 pounds because it is so hard that month and I know that whatever I have left will make my Valentines goal more attainable :yes:

Well all I have a slight headache so I am gonna go lay down for awhile, hope to catch you all a little later :hug:

lene1974 11-17-2008 01:32 PM

Thank you, thank you Fullsteam for the recipe. :hug: I'm going to make it up ahead of time and freeze it like you suggested. I can't wait to try it.

urock~Glad you got your run in this AM and sorry the scale is stuck. I'm sure it will behave in a couple of days and the numbers will go down. If not, throw it out the window. :D

Christie~ I hope your head feels better soon. I bet you will have a greater loss once TOM is over. You have been doing so great!

Hattie~ Hi, I hope you had a great weekend!

About me~ I ran my 3.3 miles yesterday and it was awful. It was really windy and I hadn't gone in a couple of days, it was just a struggle. Some days I go out and don't want to quit running. I feel like I can go on forever. But not yesterday. Enough about that! I ate pretty OP this weekend. I drank water like a fool (around 96ozs). And I have ALL MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DONE (with the exception of 2 gift cards) :spin: :dancer:

My thankful statement today is for my kids and DH who make my life so incredible.

Hattie22 11-17-2008 04:23 PM

Hi everyone :wave:

Lene: Christmas shopping done?! I am one of those people that leave it to the last minute. I have gotten better in recent years but I remember shopping on Christmas Eve.. Can you believe that? I always say I want to be done early but I never am. I am envious of those like you that can do that. You also got in a great run!!! You go girl!!

Christian: I hope your headache is better. Way to go on that .5 pound!

urockmom: Oh that scale will move!!! You are doing an awesome job! Just appetizers? Way to go!

Fullsteam: You rocked it at the dinner party! Congrats! It is so easy to use an excuse of a bday to go off plan. It feels good doesn't it? Your numbers will be going down soon too! I just know it!

Turkey day...here we come!

I am eating OP and doing the treadmill, wii fit and strength training. I lost my voice on Saturday and I found it again on Sunday. I had an annoying cough last night and decided this morning that I would stay home from work. I slept most of the day... guess I needed it. No exercise today. It feels weird after doing it everyday.

Thankful statement for today: I am thankful for my job. Not only that the money helps but the fact that I am busy every day makes me thankful. I don't know what I would do if I were home every day. Probably..eat eat eat.
I work in an elementary school and I love being with children of that age. They are incredible! You can be having a bad day and a little kindergartner says to you that she likes your hair. So... I am very thankful for my job!

Christian 11-18-2008 12:10 PM

Good Tuesday Ladies!
Hello there Thanksgiving challengers!

Hope your day has been a great one this far ;)

Hattie- You are doing so wonderful, with your exercise and your eating, I see that you have surpassed your Thanksgiving goal already by a pound and I know that feels good :hug:

Today I am thankful for family and friends that are there when you need them, and a beautiful sunny day :D

Christian 11-18-2008 12:11 PM

lene- GIRL!! I have barely started my shopping for Christmas!! You rock chic!!
Oh and 3.3 miles??? :carrot:

urockmom 11-18-2008 12:33 PM

Lene~ Wow! Done with Christmas shopping? I have 2 of about 20 presents. I just can't get motivated to get out there even though I know I'll be scrambling around last minute.

Hattie~It sounds like you have a great time at school and I am sure that the little ones make you smile all the time! You are doing great on your exercise and eating and you are an inspiration to those of us who are still plugging away at our T-Day goal.

Fullsteam~I forgot to answer your question about my screen name. I picked it because when I do something special for my kids (pick up their favorite treat, find something that they were looking for, etc.) they say, "You Rock Mom!" So, by losing weight, exercising, and adopting a healthy lifestyle as I promised to do when I joined 3FC, I decided to do something for myself that would prompt a "You Rock Mom!" As a mom with 2 DDs I am really conscious of the body image issue in today's society so I want to be a good role model for them.

Thankful today for my 2 beautiful DDs. They challenge me everyday, make me laugh everyday, and make me remember all of my blessings everyday.

Oh, the scale moved a little bit this morning, just 1 pound, but you all were right-again! That means that you all have helped me lose 11 pounds so far on this journey. I couldn't have done it without you!!!! So, :hug: to all of you today and I hope everyone has a great day!!

FullSteamAhead 11-18-2008 03:52 PM

good afternoooooon my dear sweet ladiesssss :)

I just popped in for a minute to say hi. It's freezing in this room and I am in a little t-shirt, waiting for my clothes! lol. I wanted to say hi , miss you all much. I read your news and am happy you all had a nice weekend. Keep up with the wonderful work, let's keep trucking. I had a good weekend, I will tell you all more tomorrow.......heading downstairs, brrrrr : )
Leneeeeee, you are so very welcome :) we'll talk more soon girls :hug:

Hattie22 11-18-2008 08:51 PM

Hi my favorite chicks:wave:

I lost 2 more lbs. I almost get afraid to post it. Like it will go away in the morning. Since it has stayed for a couple of days, I guess it is ok to post. I really feel that for the first time in my life that this plan is going to work! I have lost more weight other times but I wasn't in the same frame of mind then. Now I know that this is for life....literally! Of course...I could not do as well without you all giving me encouragement and strength. I hope you know how much you mean to me. I feel like I have been adrift at sea and you chicks are waving me onshore. Or we are all in the water together and we give each other a push closer to shore.

Thankful statement for today: I am extremely grateful for: Christian, Fullsteam, Lene, urockmom, and luckymom! They have given me the gift of friendship freely and unconditionally!!! Thank You!

PS...Boy am I getting mushy in my old age..LOL

lene1974 11-18-2008 08:56 PM

Hi, sorry my post is a quick drop in post too. (Although I'm snuggly in sweats, not a little t-shirt like fullsteam.) I have to get my exercise in yet tonight and I have to be up at 4AM so I really have to be quick. Drank my water faithfully since Sat. :carrot: Have been eating pretty OP. :carrot: I have company coming tomorrow for dinner and already made that (just need to bake it tomorrow night before daughter's choir practice.) going to exercise and hit the sack. I hope everyone had a great day today!

I am thankful today for my nice warm home.

Hattie, I just saw your post as I was posting. 2 more pounds YAY! YAY! YAY!
You said you were afraid it would go away, don't be! Even if the number bobs up and down you have been working hard and you are achieving a loss that will be permanent. Go on with your bad self!!!

Christian 11-19-2008 09:12 AM

Hattie- 2 more pounds!!! :encore: You go girl!!!!!!! :cheer:
And we are all just as thankful for you chic, your the best! And I feel exactally the same way, I know without a doubt that if it wasnt for this team, I could not have stayed strong through the temptations, I am thankful that the Lord brought us all together :hug:

lene- Way to go on eating so well and getting in that water...you are just kickin it girl :D

fullsteam- Are you dressed yet??? :lol:

Well all I am now officially 2 pounds away from my goal and I am so excited, TOM isnt even over and my weight is falling off, also I had an exciting bodyfat test this morning and I am officially 31% from the 43.07% that I was March 29th and I have lost 23.5 inches overall since then too, so overall I am finally in a healthy bodyfat range and my BMI will be in the normal range once I hit 148 pounds so then I will be right where all the Dr.s say I need to be :carrot: GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!!!

FullSteamAhead 11-19-2008 11:39 AM

Good morning everyone :)

urockmom, ty for the encouragement about the weekend. It sure felt good getting through the weekend as planned. Congratulations on that scale moving and the 1 lb. loss :carrot::carrot: wtg! I agree that if we just stick at it, that scale eventually moves for us. Maybe you intimidated it by staring at it :lol: I will have to remember that one! lol. Teasing of course.
A walk on the beach it is ;) oh also, that's a really neat story behind your nick, thanks for sharing : ).

Lene, I was very happy to share the recipe with you and I can't wait for you to try it too and tell me what you think. :bravo: on having a good OP week and getting all that water in. Have a wonderful time at your dinner party tonight :).

Hattie, congratssss on another 2 lb. loss :carrot::cheer2: that is super! Good for you for your exercise regiment, OP, etc.......wtg hattie! keep up the awesome work. I am glad that you took the day off the other day to just stay home and rest up to take of that cold. I really enjoyed your metaphor about being out at sea, etc...... how so very nice. Ty for your kind words. As far as being "mushy", strange you should say that as I have said that about myself too! lol. You know though, I think it's a matter of certain realizations about life and not taking things for granted; thus, showing appreciation and love. I think that rocks, bringgggg it on anytime Hattie :). :hug:

Christian? yup! I am finally dressed! :lol: I too feel the same way regarding us all here together, without you all, I would probably have drifted further out to sea......ay ay ay! Christiannnnnn, oh you, congratulationssssss on the wonderful news, on your continued loss and BMI and inches lost!!!!!!!!! That a girl! wtg! :) :congrat::cheer2:

As for my news, It's been a good week and I got through weekend as planned. Sat. night I had that anniversary dinner I told you all about and then Sun. was my belated b-day party at my parents. I didn't deprive myself and ate in moderation and did as planned with the leftovers as well. I am so so happy about that because usually on that day I eat up a storm that night. I had a lovely time, it was so nice to see my family. Tomorrow morning I am heading over there to go to a heart failure clinic appt. with them (i missed the last one due to the bronchitis) so I will get to ride with them and then visit with them after :) which I am excited about as I just did n ot get enough of them the other day.
The week is going very well and OP and I feel lighter so here is to hoping for a loss this round. Monday I spent the day running errands and stocked up on my healthy ingredients for my plan. I finally made it to the natural grocer too to get my special tea that I am crazy about! ginseng, it's called sun eluthero and that stuff really rocks! I went baby clothes shopping as I am going to a baby shower this Sat. night (it will be held at a seafood and steak house). I just love baby clothes shopping! lol. The little outfits are so darn cute :). I am glad I did all of this on Monday because it got cold here, only in the 20's. It is nice and sunny though and on my agenda for today is to spend the day catching up with some cleaning and chores around here.
My kitties are doing much better and I am very thankful and happy for that. The little guy has not needed fluids in a whole week and is holding steady. THe female has low grade kidney disease but we caught it so early and are giving her k/d which is a special food for her condition. THey are both doing well and basking in the sun as we speak.
That is all my news for now ladies, had a lot to catch up on. Everyone is rocking it, keep up the awesome work :hug:.

I am thankful for my warm loving family and my wonderful and supportive freinds here (you ladies) :hug: Hope you all have a super and happy day, talk soon.

urockmom 11-19-2008 03:50 PM

Christian~That is such amazing news!!! I am so happy for you!!! It is a great reminder to all of us that it is not just about losing pounds, it is about gaining health, and probably years with all of our fabulous families!!! :congrat:

Hatttie~ :bravo: on the 2#s! I realized this morning that you and Christie have both lost 13 pounds on this challenge!!! :cheer:

Lene~How go the Thanksgiving plans? I just sat down with my mom to divide and conquer on the menu. At least with my family (DH & DDs) you can't have any changes on Thanksgiving. You can add something new but you can't leave out an old standard or great disappoint ensues! :dizzy:

I have had a good day food wise since I had some dental work this morning and so have only been able to eat yogurt. :D I did run this morning and was able to go the longest distance (4 miles) that I have been able to do for about a year & a half so I am feeling :carrot:.

One of the things that I do this time of year is coordinate Thanksgiving meal baskets for the needy families in my town and I have spent a lot of time this week trying to put everything together and to make sure that everyone has a meal. So, while we say grace before meals, I would like to be thankful today that I have a full refrigerator (or I will tomorrow after I go grocery shopping :D) and can provide a meal for my family everyday without worry.

Hope you gals are havin' a great day!!

Christian 11-19-2008 04:23 PM

urockmom- I am so proud of you girl! 4 miles!!!! You go girl!!! :cheer: :cheer:
Also You are such a blessing to share with others, that to me is what this time of year is all about and your so right...we have plenty and that is alot to be thankful for ;)

Fullsteam- Enjoy your parents tommorow :hug: I am so glad you get to spend the day with them...and I am so glad the kittys are doing better ;) And I am a baby clothes shopper here too, I love to hear about a new baby being born so I can go see what the newest things are at the store :dizzy: there is just way more than there used to be :yes:

Well ladies I am off here to make the girls some supper, looks like tuna and mac and cheese for them, and they love that! catch you all later tonight :grouphug:

Hattie22 11-19-2008 04:59 PM

Awesome Christian!!! :encore: Congrats to you!!! I hope to be there some day. Just think...two more and you are an official Maintainer!!! Do you have pics that you are going to post when you get there? How did you do the official body fat test?

urockmom: You seriously do ROCK!!! I have never been the kind of person that will go and help in the community. I always think that I should and will but never do anything. I admire you for doing that! I have donated and bought toys for needy families through my church...but never went further than that. Thank you for being the kind of person I wish I was!!!

Fullsteam: I love baby clothes too! They are adorable! I can't wait for my daughter or son to have a baby so that I can buy some.....oh wait a minute...yes I can...they are too young. I am so glad your kitties are doing much better!

Lene: Have fun with your company tonight!

Luckymom: I am not giving up on you! Where are you? We all miss you.

Thankful statement for today: I am thankful for heat in my house. (Just like Lene) It is freezing!! The only good things about being cold: Rings are loose and it makes you feel thinner, you can cuddle in a nice quilt, you are not sweating, you get to wear more clothes and not have to look at arm flab all day, you can wear cords (I love them), you can wear flannel nightgowns (even though hubby hates them), and you can get warm with hubby (if he is a radiator like mine) and get some serious exercise in at the same time ;)

Christian 11-19-2008 05:56 PM

Before Pic
1 Attachment(s)
Here is a shot of me at my highest weight....

Christian 11-19-2008 06:04 PM

Another one
1 Attachment(s)
Here is a headshot...

Christian 11-19-2008 06:11 PM

And now...
1 Attachment(s)
From size 20-22 to size 12 :carrot:

Christian 11-19-2008 06:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I feel 10 years younger LOL But I am older now ;)

Christian 11-19-2008 06:20 PM

Hattie I got my body fat from a website that you put your inches into, it may not be 100% but it is what I got.. at www.nutrifocus.net ;)

Christian 11-19-2008 06:25 PM

I looked a little awkward in that last face shot so I had to post a better one
1 Attachment(s)
This one might be better ...I look evil in the other one :lol:

Hattie22 11-19-2008 06:35 PM

WOW!!! Christian you are gorgeous!! You do look younger. Thanks for sharing! It is so inspiring!

Christian 11-19-2008 09:09 PM

Thanks sis ;) I do feel younger even which is kinda funny :lol:

Christian 11-20-2008 09:50 AM

Well Ladies, One more day till the Concert!!! I am off to hear Third Day :carrot: One of my best friends is going with me and we are going to have a total blast I am sure, I will watch my food intake but for the first time in 20 days I will not be 100% on program, but hey, I deserve to relax a tad ;) Hope you are all having a great day, I will be on later today and maybe in the morning but then I wont be here till Saturday night and I will miss you all BUNCHES, keep each other going ladies we are just a week away from this challenge ending and then one to the next one :hug:

urockmom 11-20-2008 05:12 PM

Hi ladies :wave:

Well, as Christie said, 1 more week to go! *gulp*

I had another pretty good scale morning as I was down another 0.5 pound so things are at least moving around this week. I am hoping for a big drop in the morning to make next week at least reasonable. :D

I am going to the gym this evening-not my personal best time to exercise-since that is all I have available today. It seems that all the holiday craziness (e.g. having something every single day) has already started. Today it was baked goodies for DDs school. I have absolutely no idea what they tasted like since it was a new recipe and I didn't eat any but I haven't heard that any kids were poisoned so all is well. ;)

Christie-You have a tremendous time at the concert! You have been doing so well and I know that even one day slightly off plan won't derail you for long! We'll all be waiting to hear about it on Saturday. Ohhhh, and I almost forgot- the pictures are fabulous!!!!! I can't believe that it is the same person. I bet you can't either! You look loads younger and so much healthier and I love your hair!

Hope all of you are having a wonderful day!

I am thankful today for all of you-my 3FC Thanksgiving Challenge buddies-because I am feeling strong and successful on my weight loss journey and it is totally because of all of your support. So YOU ROCK CHICKS!!! :grouphug:

Hattie22 11-20-2008 10:33 PM

Hi everyone:wave:

Just a quick note because it is past my bedtime....

Everything is OP.

Christian: Have a great time at the concert. We can't wait to hear about it.

Urockmom: Good going on not tasting the treats!

I am thankful today for my dogs. They are so affectionate and give us unconditional love every day! They are big dogs that want to be small enough to get in my lap and curl up. Harley (my girl dog) lays her front half on my lap while her back half is still standing on the ground. She actually has fallen asleep like that! So today...thank you puppies for being in my life!

urockmom 11-21-2008 12:44 PM

Hi gals!

Soooooo cold here today. There was no way that I was going for a run. I had myself all ready to get on the exercise bike and school calls to remind me that DD has an early dismissal! Totally forgot that one. So, I rushed off-with about 1000 other people-to the grocery store to stock up for Thanksgiving and next week. Crazy, crazy. People bashing carts together, cutting each other off, diving for turkeys. :dizzy: I only hope that I have everything and don't have to go back on Tuesday or Wednesday when things reach a fever pitch. :D

So, anyway, I have been OP so far today and will try to get my workout in later today. Tomorrow I'll be hauling turkeys & fixings as of 6am so that might count as both my weight an cardio workout! Had my WI this morning and am down 2# for the week. That still leaves 4 pounds before Thanksgiving, which is probably not going to happen unless someone cuts some part of me off but I am making progress.

How goes the day for you ladies? Hope you are all staying warm. Hattie~Are you using the dogs as blankets?

Hattie22 11-21-2008 04:43 PM

Hi everyone:wave:

urockmom: CONGRATS! on the 2 lbs!! That is great! Who cares if you don't make goal...You are doing an awesome job!!! That is two less to roll into the Christmas challenge.

YOOHOO...Fullsteam and Lene... where are you? I hope everything is ok with you both. Probably just busy.

Thankful statement for today:

I am thankful for having a computer! I wouldn't have met you all without it!

lene1974 11-21-2008 07:02 PM

Hi! I'm here. Just crazy busy. My days are starting at 3 - 4 AM and it really takes a toll on a girl. I don't think I ever mentioned the fact that I decorate cakes in a bakery. I didn't, did I? The holidays are always very busy, but I love my job.

My challenge report~My exercise has been every other day and my eating was really great but I overate last night, not necessarily bad foods just too much. I am most definitely not making my turkey goal. I'm content just maintaining the next couple of weeks and then really trying to lose the rest (6 or 7lbs) after Christmas for our V-day challenge. I'm not wimping out I just feel really good about my body where it is right now and I love to bake and cook so I want to enjoy the season. I was going to take a picture to show you guys what my body looks like. I know 150 sounds doesn't sound as good as 140 but my 150 is a size 8 that is getting roomy on me already and you can see my ribs. When I have been 150 in the past I was still in a size 12. I think the running has really changed my body.
I need to still be careful not to overdue it so I am still in need of your support and would love to offer you mine as well. :hug:

Christie~ you are beautiful! You have come such a long way size 20 to a 12. Amazing accomplishment and I am so proud of you! I hope you have an awesome time at the concert. We know you have been looking forward to it for awhile now. Can't wait to hear about it.

Hattie~ Hi dear Hattie! I'm here. I'm here. :D You aren't going to let me fall off the wagon, are you? Your Harley is adorable! My parents had a golden retriever who used to sleep like that, it's the funniest thing to see. Our furbabies have no shame.

Urock~ Hi Girly! I know what you mean about the cold I got up at 3AM yesterday to try and run before work. It was dark out, 25 degrees, and oh yeah 3 in the morning. I couldn't make myself go. It kills me. SO I ran inside my house for 30 minutes. It was very ineffective plus I looked like a goofball. ( I think my dog was laughing at me) Oh,oh,oh you lost 2 more pounds WAHOO! Congratulations! Great Job! If you want a limb cut off to lose the last 4lbs this week, I'm completely qualified for a garage amputation. I have dull scissors and almost a RN nursing degree. Just give me a call< I'm here for ya sister!

Fullsteam!~Where are you woman!!!!! I hope you are just busy. Pop-in and say hi!

Shy~ hope you are doing well!

Thankful statement of the day- I am thankful for my brothers. I adore both of them and we truly have a great relationship. My older brother has been out of town for 5 weeks and as soon as he walked in the house and saw me he said "wow sis you look great". Gotta love that!

Dh, finally is home form work so I better get my gang fed. Take care my friends!

Hattie22 11-22-2008 09:32 AM

Hi everyone:wave:

Just checking in.

I am celebrating today! Lost 20 lbs? Reached final goal? Had a baby? NOOO

It is my birthday!

Today's thankful statement: I am thankful for my mom who brought me into this world. Thank you MOM!

FullSteamAhead 11-22-2008 12:11 PM

Good morningggggggggg girls. I can't beleive how many posts I missed, lot's to catch up on....where did the time go? that's scary! anyways , more on me later........

Hattieeeeeeee, hey you! :) :bday2you::bday2you::celebrate::balloons: HAPPYYYYYYY BIRTHDAY! :hug: I hope you have a beautiful day and birthday. Wishing you health, love and happiness...today and always. Have a wonderful time.
Thanks for posting a pic of mac : ), you really dressed up the pic nice with the background and foreground, how cool! Thanks for checking on me, yessss was very busy and the time slipped through my fingers somehow. Congrats on being OP Hattie, you really are doing super....keep on truckin : ).

Christiannnn, yowsa you! lol :lol: I checked out all of your pics, quite frankly, I was awed! You look absolutely amazing, beautiful! I also love your hairstyle as well......nice! Your rocking it sweet girl! :) Congratulations on all of your accomplishments. I hope you are having an awesome time at the concert and looking forward to hearing your news.

urockmom, hi there : ) congratssssssssss on the 2 lb. loss! :carrot::cheer2: I lost 2 lbs. this week as well! It was nice to see that scale go down this week! As far as the Thanksgiving goal goes, i agree that progress is numero uno! I signed up for the challenge when there were exac. 7 weeks remaining and set a goal of 15 lbs. I had just completed 1 week of my plan prior to that and had a hefty loss of 5 and figured 2 per week plus 1 for good measure was attainable. My dear lady, I lost a total of 7 which would leave 8 lbs! I think the main thing is making progress and Christie said it best when she said a loss is great and now during the holidays! It's nice not to gain for a change! Thank god for you all here. It feels really great to be losing and not gaining. When this week is over, I will just start with a clean slate and set a goal from then to christmas.
It was freezing last night! lol. Stay warm indeed! It is very cold today too but thankfully we have the sunshine at least. God bless you for helping those in need :hug: Have a great day and be sure and bundle up.

Leneeee, hi there :) Tyyy for checking up on me :hug: Congrats on staying OP. I think that your thoughts and goal are very reasonable. Just maintaining right now through the holidays (and given your current weight) is a great goal in and of itself. You know something? I am the same height as you and about 3 yrs. ago was a size 8 at the same exact current weight as you! :lol: I was exercising of course and oh yeah, it makes a difference. I felt dynamite at that weight, I looked and felt great. I have a long ways to go now but my goal is to get back there and then lose more for good leverage, lol. I don't know if it will be the same though, I will need to exercise consistently this winter to pehaps see the same results as last time. In a nutshell, how one feels is more imp. than the number. You are doing wonderful and are an inspiration to me! : ) You all are.

As for me, the scale finally went down this week (cause I was good over the weekend most likely) 2 lbs. I went and spent the day at my parents the other day and it was a great visit as always. Got to bed early last night and caught up on some sleep, which I needed. I am going to a baby shower this afternoon into evening at that rest. Hoping there are some healthy choices available, I will be mindful of what I consume. I am sooooooo glad I already got the gifts, card, etc. I hate leaving things for the last minute and it is soooo cold out there today. I best be getting a run on, I want to try on my outfit for DH now that he has stuck his head out of the basement! lol. He took the whole engine apart on one of the carssss, big job! It's good we are going out tonight so the guy can get a breather. I hope you all have a super day and night. Happy weekend girls, luv ya :hug:

lene1974 11-22-2008 03:24 PM

:bday2you: :bday2you: :woo:
Happy Birthday Hattie!!!! :gift: My present to you is this little sumo guy :sumo: and an exercise bike :ebike:, they were hard to wrap. Also I think you should let little sumo guy ride the bike too. He needs more cardio in his life. :D

I hope you have a wonderful day today!!!

Fullsteam~ There you are! Congratulations on the 2 lbs. Enjoy your the baby shower later today.

Nothing new from me. Have a great weekend ladies!

SBD Sass 11-23-2008 10:19 AM

I am out of my funk! I just had to do some adjustments. I've been putting in a lot of fitness time and realized last week that I need to up my calorie intake. I went from 1700 day to a little over 2000 calories a day. I've been dropping pounds in a steady fashion and have seen great results over the past week. I think I'm going to reach my goal after all!!!! OMG this is great!!! :bravo: to me!

Hattie22 11-23-2008 10:39 AM

SBD: Awesome job!!! CONGRATS!:bravo:

lene1974 11-23-2008 09:56 PM

Wonderful news Sass! Congratulations! :carrot:

I did my 5K run tonight. It was 26 degrees but I ran my little backside off. I have to admit part of my motivation was because I ate poorly this weekend. I said the other day I was okay with where I'm at, but I definitely don't want to gain anything. I'm stressed so I ate. It has always been that kind of cycle for me. I need to really behave the next couple of days to get back on track.

I hope everyone had a great weekend especially our birthday girl. Talk to you tomorrow.

urockmom 11-24-2008 04:20 PM

Hey everyone! :wave: I'm back....

I have missed so much over the weekend!

First, :celebrate: :woo: :bday2you: Hattie!
I got you :burger: and :chockiss: and :jeno: but then realized, NO, Hattie doesn't need those for her birthday so I :eating2: them myself. And instead am giving you :dust:.
How's that for a friend?

Lene~Glad that you got your run in. Do you find that you run faster when it is colder because you are just trying to warm up? And then, you are doubled over on the side of the road gasping for air? Or, probably, that's just me! :D Sounds like a completely reasonable plan for you over the holidays. I know that when you work in a bakery you might get tired of the stuff but :yikes: you are working in the epicenter of calories. :bravo: for losing weight and doing so great under that kind of temptation!!! I am a complete slut~and I do mean complete, don't even ask what I would do for it~for cookie dough so I would be head in the mixer rather than running around the house!

Fullsteam~You have been doing great and should feel terrific about being 7 pounds thinner this Thanksgiving. I know just what you mean. I am not happy when the :devil: scale isn't moving down but I am ballistic when it is moving up! I think that we have all been doing great with this challenge even if we don't make it all the way to the finish line. I had set 16 pounds, which was probably ridiculous but now at least I have a better idea of what is possible over a longer time frame. :)

Christie~Did we lose you at the concert? Have you run off to become a groupie? Were you shakin' that skinny butt so hard that you completely disappeared? Are you still somewhere :dancer:?

Shy~We're still out here supporting you girl!

As for me, I had a terrific-albeit incredibly COLD-day on Saturday. We provided Thanksgiving meals for nearly 100 families so that is awesome! Plus, I can say this with great authority that frozen turkeys are really, really heavy and are a great weight workout! Sunday was the usual round of church, DDs sports stuff, laundry, getting ready for Monday, laundry, etc., etc. I was a bit off plan on Saturday since I had a bowl of clam chowder to warm up but it doesn't seem to have done any harm since I am the same weight as Friday. I am pushing through to Thursday to see how big of an appendage Lene's going to take off me. So glad you're willing to help as DH is a little squeamish with the chain saw. ;) Too bad there's no way to magically remove just my belly. Oh wait, right, lipo & a tummy tuck! Well, that's not in the cards so I'll just keep eating OP and doing crunches. :D Hope everyone is having a great Monday!

Hattie22 11-24-2008 04:48 PM

Thank you for the wonderful bday wishes!

Lene: I love my gifts! I don't have a bike. Yes..I will share with the sumo. As long as he doesn't break it!!! :club:

urockmom: I laughed about the gifts you gave me and then you ate them..:rofl: I love the dust much more anyway! You are a true friend! Way to go on the food given to 100 families!!! You are the best!! You deserve the turkey award: :turkey:

Fullsteam: Congrats on the 2 lbs!!! :congrat: :cheer2::cheer3:

Christian: You must have had a great time and needed time to recover...but we do miss you :smug:

Question: How do you weigh yourself? Clothes or no? Before eating or after breakfast? Morning or night? I can be up to 2 lbs lighter before breakfast and exercise. I have been weighing in after breakfast and exercising. Just curious..

Thankful statement for today: I am thankful for friends. You all of course! Friends from work and friends outside of work. I don't know where I would be without all of them. Thank you friends!

SBD Sass 11-24-2008 09:55 PM

OK so I'm getting nervous...I've been coming up with eating scenarios for Thanksgiving and putting calorie numbers on it. The goal is to eat 1800 because I know I'm not going to workout that night since I have two homes to visit for Thanksgiving. If I try a little of everything (I got the menus from where I'm going) and I keep going over...so I'm trying to omit this and that if I eat this and add that...I love cranberry sauce!!! I love lemon cake...I love candied yams. OMG. If only I could just stay home for Thanksgiving then everything will be fine, but I can't get out going out for Thanksgiving...mom will kill me and the boyfriend will feel a little down because he's cooking - all unhealthy foods - and he knows I don't eat like that anymore. Oh the horror! :(

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