3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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dolphin8191 01-29-2008 11:02 PM

I'm in
ok I am in on this one. My man is coming on the 15th of February for a long weekend and I would like to be well on my way to my first mini-goal which is 180. I know that I cannot lose 18 pounds in two weeks but would like to be at least 5 pounds lighter.
I am on a 1200 calorie a day diet and walk 2 miles a day. Except for today since we had horrible storms come through.
Good luck everyone!:carrot:

horsey 01-30-2008 12:52 AM

Tonight I didn't want to but I made myself do 20-25 min of weight lifting, hard without breaks so it was semi cardio too. This am I took a 25 min walk. So it was about a 45 min day. I'm aiming at 1 hour per day of hard cardio, at least 45 but I'm going to have to up calories, it doesn't seem that 1200 is enough to have energy to workout like this. However I lost a lb and likely 2 in the next day or two. So it's working...

horsey 01-30-2008 12:58 AM

NOTE: I've read in numerous articles that for weight loss it's best to split workouts into 2-3 higher intensity workouts then just one long one. I read that again tonight in Prevention. I don't usually workout 45-60 min at a time anyways but I'm trying to push it in late Jan and thru Feb. This article and others say that even if you want to work out an hour, to take a break half way through for about 20 min or so. Somehow you burn more calories this way, revving your body up more then once during the day. Even shorts bursts of minutes - like going up your office stairs instead of the elevator - are helpful...

sockmonkey70 01-30-2008 03:45 AM

Hello new faces! I was on plan today...Don't think I ate enough calories, but I just didn't have time to stop and eat when I was supposed too. I am sure it won't kill me though :)

Have a great day everyone!

tkglenn 01-30-2008 12:09 PM

I want to take up this challenge. Haven't done anything for the day yet. I'm feeling really sluggish and I need to get into gear. My goal is to lose at least 10 pounds by valentines day. I know I can do it. I've really gotten off track lately and need to get back on. Since I've stopped, I haven't felt all that good about myself and I'm not as energetic. I'm excited about this challenge and will check in every day. My goal is to cut out carbs and eat healthier, even if it means to add a salad to my meal. I'm gonna eat less but more healthier and exercise one hour a day. I've got to get into gear so I challenge myself to working out 5-6 days a week. I know I can do it. I want to fit into my sexy red dress. Will post later when I exercise. Thanks for the challenge.

dolphin8191 01-30-2008 12:24 PM

Ok I feel really out of it today and all I can think of is it is because I did not get my walk in yesterday. I know my dog was crazy this morning too (he is my walking buddy) So I am going to try to do 3-4 miles tonight instead of my usual 2. I weighed this morning and lost 2 pounds since 2 days ago. I am excited about that but alos know that thebeginning of the diet is mostly water weight any ways... but hey I will take it....
Good Luck to all my sister chicks out there!!!!

Lekhika 01-30-2008 02:29 PM

food was spot on yesterday, a load of good hard cardio and weights...feeling good and virtuous today!

dolphin8191 01-30-2008 06:23 PM

OK I just got back from my walk in the 28 degree weather!!!! Even though I felt like crap before and did not want to be in the cold I forced myself to do it and that is HUGE for me :)
My dog is finally laying downm and I feel better so it was good for both of us.
I have about 400 calories left for the day so that should be good for a light dinner and snack before bed.
I hope I can stay this focused....
Good luck everyone. I enjoy reading all your posts. They give me inspiration.

Lekhika 01-31-2008 10:17 AM

Busy day today. I'm prepping for my daughter's birthday a week early because of an unexpected hospital stay coming my way midweek during the coming week.

She's having a make your own pizza tea party. Should be interesting. I've decided to go all out and make it Italian night so the prep work is relatively easy.

Plan on eating well and working out tonight and staying away from that scale.

horsey 01-31-2008 01:51 PM

I didn't see the scale drop today - of course I'm obsessively getting on it every am... BUT I think I've lost more weight then it shows, I'm lifting weights so I'm gaining muscle, YET I KNOW because my clothes fit better. I gain in my stomach and it's slimming down. Cardio and lots of it seem to be the trick. Honestly I think it's easy to lose 10 or so lbs, I've done this before, but it's hard to maintain. So once this FEB (and maybe March CHALLENGE is over I'll need to join a maintain club if I've lost what I need to...

Tonight I'll do 45 min of exercise, gotta work today, busy. However I met with a client today for breakfast, I had oatmeal for goodness sake at Village Inn where I loved the skillets, just imagine the calories in one of those! I've done some minor "cheating" like a glass of wine last night and rye crackers - I'm not so sure low carbing it with intense working out is the healthy way to go so I'm going to add in some very limited carbs even though I was trying to do phase I of the South Beach diet. Most articles are saying calorie cutting is the way to go, with some whole wheat and fruit (only the ones on the list of low glyc.) for energy. So 1200 calories most days, and 1400 on a few days with some very limited carbs is my plan - guess it's called phase II of the South Beach diet, and even the author of the program says that if you have 10 lbs or so to lose you can skip phase 1, it seems to shock the body too much to go to an extreme.

horsey 01-31-2008 09:46 PM

I weighed myself at night tonight, which I never do and I'm down 2 lbs in a week! Yahhhhoooooo..... I have seven lbs to go by the first part of March to meet my goal of getting down to 160, but the truth is I need to get to 155 again. Seven lbs in Feb here we come.

Dolphin, a walk in 28 degree weather, now that's DEDICATION to the CAUSE.

Let's stay focused - hey Feb is a short month 28 days of BOOTCAMP here girls!

Twentytogo 01-31-2008 09:51 PM

I'm off to a great start, pray I can keep it up. Yesturday did 102 minutes of Slim N Six, an additional cardio workout and an additional ab workout. It felt great. Today was TJ Cardio Party, Ab Jam and a 30 minute walk/jog for a total of 92 minutes. YES!

horsey 01-31-2008 10:21 PM

Twentytogo, wow, you are doing amazing workouts. Imagine keeping THAT up for a month, you'd be down to your goal in no time!

vertigoskyy 02-01-2008 09:54 AM

Can I still jump in since it's February first? :)

Twentytogo 02-01-2008 08:39 PM

I thought I worked out a little too hard, my back was sore all day. I considered taking the day off, but then decided to work through it. Actually the soreness practically went away! Another 80 minutes, YES. At work the girls ordered pizza for lunch. I thought I would cave and have some, but then the more I thought about all the sweating this week, it wasn't worth it. I had 2 thin slices turkey, low fat cottage cheese and an orange. It felt wonderful to finally have some willpower, and I can fianally see that IT WILL pay off.

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