3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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mlholston 03-11-2007 04:11 PM

Hello ladies!

Wow, so much has happened in the past day and a half! As for me, I went to Tulsa, OK yesterday for my cousins surprise sweet 16-birthday party! She thought that she was going to just go to the movies with a couple of her friends but had to stop by her mom’s “women conference” and turned out to be a huge party for her! It was awesome! However they had all bad food. So yesterday I did not eat so well. I had a hotdog for lunch and then on the road a ½ of a carmello candy bar, a couple of sour gummy life savors, and most of a mounds bar. When I got to the party, another hotdog and ½ of a cheeseburger (they were small), cheeto puffs and BBQ beans. Not to mention cake. Blah… On the way home, the other 1/2 of the carmello and a coffee. (Being that is a 2-hour drive home and we didn’t leave until 12:30am.) So today I have to be very careful about my calorie intake for my weigh in tomorrow. I’m not gonna to lie…I’m a little scared. I was supposed to start softball today but it has been rained out so I am spring cleaning! I haven’t been that great with the workouts or eating this week, not that bad, but not that great either. I guess we will see. O PPPPllllease be like 2 lb.!

Jellybeanz, Rockie, Catstounge, MyTimeToShine, and Bobsgal that is awesome. Keep up the hard work. It is definitely paying off! You guys are doing great!

Welcome Rockie, it is never too late to join! That is great that you’re working for something like that. I understand the feeling when some one that hasn’t seen you in a long time and you have changed for the better. There is just no way to describe it! May I ask why you haven’t seen each other in so long?

Velveteen…that was my favorite book growing up! Anyways, is 94 lb actual weight or what your wanting to lose or….? That was awesome that you decided to walk those 25 mins. Every little bit helps. Just taking the stairs or even parking further away so you have to walk.

Jellybeanz…you are such a hard worker. I was telling Kye, my fiancé about you the other day and how your son is so young and that you are already working out like crazy. He was so impressed. As for the job…I totally agree with FSA. Even though you would have to go back to work early, I would take the chance and try everything in my power to make it work. Or even really look at any childcare that gives you a bunch of flexibility. Congrats on the promotion and I hope the Gad leads you in the right direction.

JPennies…I totally get the whole sabotaging myself thing. I am a PRO! Just keep your head up and really make it your goal to set a time that you have to stop eating. And only if you are absolutely famished, you can have a small bowl of like fiber one with some skim milk or something along that matter that is easy for your body to digest. Also I definitely would try to start eating through out the day or even eating a set times. Your body gets used to those times and isn’t that hungry when your not supposed to be eating.

FSA…hang in there darlin…we have until tomorrow morning. I’m glad that weather is getting better there. I love being able to go for a walk and really enjoy the air.

OK ladies, sorry for such the long post. I guess I just had a lot to say! Good luck with anyone that weighs in this week. Even if it is not the best week, we still have 3 more to go until the end on the month! I am happy to be apart of your life changing experience and we can do this together with everyone’s support. If any one ever feels that they need to talk about something, please don’t be shy. You can always send me a private message if you feel uncomfortable! I would be happy to be a support wall for you. We can do this…We will do this!

FullSteamAhead 03-11-2007 08:39 PM

Hi ladies,

BObsgalllllllll, congratulations!!!!!!!!! :) on the 5.2 loss and now into the 2's :) :carrot: :carrot: :carrot: :carrot: :carrot: :carrot: OH, your doing so well, I am happy for you :) You are already so close to your goal and we still have 3 weeks to go. Needless to say, what you have done thus far in and of itself is amazing! :) I hope you have something special planned for yourself, whatever it may be! Congratulations once again :) Keep up the awesome work and keep us posted, and surely do treat yourself to something special. : )

Madiiiiiiiiiiii, hi :) Your posts are never too long, I always love hearing what you have to say. By the way, my DH told me the other day my posts are too long and you guys probably say, oh no, her again! :( ha! I said no no, we have more interest than you, lol. He took it back after when he saw it hurt my feelings a bit (he is so nice, I can hardly complain but that did make me feel a bit bad). Men! what do they know! lol ;) We have been getting along great but got into a tiff a few days ago because I told him he reminded me of the caveman on the geiko commercial! hahahahaha :) I am never going to live that one down! lollllllllll The guy is a sheer genius! anyways...

Madi , you know what? If it were me, I probably wouldn't go on the scale until TUesday. Not telling you what to do so hope you don't get irritated with me. Just that with me, oh god, I know how my body reacts to certain foods. I used to be a maniac with the scale and hotdogs (beef too) could really skew the scale up. Depends on the type of hotdog, but a real salty kind could actually spiral the scale up for me by 2 lbs. in one day! I know we are all different and our bodies react differently. After those foods I would take a day to eat light, low fat and salt , and drink lotsssssss of water. Just a suggestion. Your doing so great, a really good loss last week and I wouldn't want to see one days of fluid retention get in your way! I could be so totally wrong, I just thought I would mention it. As a matter of fact, I am having a birthday party for DH next Sunday! I am going to weigh in that sunday morning of the party orrrrrrr that tuesday. Not that I plan on going overboard, but I just know from now how those certain foods will affect the scale.

Okayyyyyyy, I a m writing a book again, lol. Hope you all had a beautiful day. I went for my outdoor walk today and it felt like sheer heaven! So nice to be outdoors again. I have walks planned with DH for the next few days and cookouts! yipeeeeeeeee! keep up the great work all.

Rockie86 03-11-2007 09:18 PM

Thanks Madi! It's really gotten me motivated since sometimes I have a hard time getting started or exercising, but I've got a deadline looming now :p
My bf and I don't get to see each other much because he moved out to Alberta to work about a year ago, while I am still in Nova Scotia for school. We try to make sure we visit each other every few months for a couple of weeks, and we talk every day, but it's too expensive to visit more often than that (I couldn't afford to visit him at all if it was just up to me; being a student does not lend itself well to plane tickets! lol) So for the past 14 months or so we have done the long-distance thing, never spending more than two weeks at a time together, since that's all he can take off work at a time. After he comes home on the 28th, we will be together for five months... in the same place at the same time! lol It's going to be a whole new phase in our relationship, and I'm hoping it will help us get to know each other even better.... Thanks so much for the support, I know I will try extra hard knowing he'll be home to appreciate it soon ;) lol But even if I didn't have that to motivate me I would be doing this anyway, because I know I need to be happier with myself for myself and not anyone else. I'm pretty tall so no one really notices my weight except me though, so I feel the need to have something to strive for, otherwise I know I would be lazy.

jellybeanz 03-11-2007 10:21 PM

hey guys.

thanks sooo much for the words of encouragement. I've been a wreck with should I or shouldnt I go back yet. I have to go speak to the owner of the company tomorrow, he wants me to come talk to him. I do know that i am being considered by him as the person they want. I have my sister in law to look after the kids full time, and one of my best friends to look after them for the 11/2 hours in the evening until we get home. I just feel kind of guilty because in canada we get a year off for mat leave, and i have this feeling like im giving birth and letting someone else raise them. Truth be told, I am happier when I am working.

I managed to eat pretty good all weekened. I didnt go to the gym because I havent been feeling the best, and I took some time to just look after myself. I did go for a walk yesterday though and took the kids to chuck.E. Cheese's with a friend.

FSA... thank so much for your continued support and advise. It means alot to me.

ML...thank you also for the great words of encouragement. They are helping keep me on track, and the fact that someone else is maybe a little bit encouraged by what I am doing is great. It's amazing how we can get so attached to our online support/friends, without having ever met!!

Talk to you later, will keep you posted on the job situation. It looks promising. :grouphug:

knoxvillemom 03-11-2007 11:32 PM

Is it too late?
I know it's practically mid March now but I wanted to get in on the March weight loss challenge. I am attending a family wedding on April 21st but my longterm goal is for the big beach trip at the end of June.

Looking forward to catching up on things as I just joined 3FC a couple of days ago. I'm really not sure what to expect this week because I will weigh in tomorrow morning but had a stomach virus this weekend. So I'll get a big sticker slapped on my chest only to have it ripped off again on Thursday.:dizzy: Now if I could only get the last 2 days of my life back!


MyTimetoShine 03-11-2007 11:58 PM

Okay, all you Monday weigh-ins...Good luck tomorrow!
Hope to see you post a loss, this week. Keep the inspiration Flowing.

KnoxvilleMom - it's never too late to join in this challenge. Welcome aboard and happy losing.

FullSteamAhead 03-12-2007 01:45 AM

Hi all,

knoxville, welcome :) As I sure you have gathered by now, its never too late to join our club! welcome aboard!

MyTimeTOSHine, thank you ! your a sweetheart! :)

Too bad we did not live closer, we could plan an outing or whatever. A super hike, walk, orjust our , well just us! Keep it in mind! Maybe we can do that down the road, ok? It wont be easy, with us all over the globe but hey, you never know! Maybe we can arrange a reunion of sorts along the way! What do you all think of that?

As for me, I am exhausted, lol! I am wild though,a part of me wants to get on the treadmill (good sign) , yet i think I will settle for a hot bath. I am absolutely thrilled at the spring like weather and tht I can get outdoors! Tomorrow, I plan an outdoor walk and cookout! Take care my freinds and lets keep on truckin!

Lytricia 03-12-2007 10:54 AM

Hi Everyone

Glad to hear of all your success stories. I have been out of the loop a lot this month and today is a new day, new life.

I have had a funeral to deal with at the beginning of last week, and was totally sick in bed by the end of the week, but it's Monday and although I am still congested and down...I need to get back on track! I have never in my life been so out of sorts and out of control as I have in the last month or so and I am not going to stand for it any longer. Time to get back to being organized and staying focused!

Here's my plan: I am going to get to the gym 4 times this week, seriously and honestly journal all my eating and exercising accomplishments...and failures and start my personal 84 day challenge fresh today with my goal of losing 10 lbs in the next 3 weeks still intact...but if I don't make it I will not beat myself up, I will just keep my spirits and determination high for April!

I'm not sure whether the rest of you feel the same way, but just knowing that you all are out there makes me feel like I am not doing anything alone and that someone else actually cares and knows how hard this is.

I always get a hard time about my obsession with weight control from my extended family because I am not as overweight as they are and they feel that I am somehow mocking them when I say I need to loose 35 lbs when they are 100+ lbs overweight, but as anyone who has had even 10 pounds to lose knows...it doesn't matter how much has to go it's still hard!!! :tantrum:

But enough of that...please pray for me so that I can get started and stay focused and I will have good news to share with the rest of you by the end of the week.

Thanks friends :hug:

JPennies 03-12-2007 11:57 AM

Didn't do so hot this weekend...altho I wasn't particularly focused on it either.
MyTime, BobsGal, & Rocky... way to go on your losses! That's fabulous!

JellyBeanz - I totally understand how you would feel torn btwn work and your child... but I think the girls are right. If you go for it and get it, you can cross that bridge when you get there... at least then you gave it a shot! And in the meantime, you can keep your eyes peeled for options in childcare...

Welcome Knoxville! Never too late to join! ;)

Lytricia - good luck with this journey. I agree with you... sometimes the closer you are to goal, the longer it takes to lose... I'm there with you! We can do this!

FSA - we love your imput... your man is nuts saying otherwise! ;)

Good luck ladies... I forgot to weigh-in before bfast (which is the same time I weigh-in every day) so I am going to wait til tomorrow...I'm a daily weigher so losing one day won't kill me. lol.

This weekend I didn't eat too well... had a social event Friday evening with some friends so we had beer, wine and pizza but I ate and drank moderately so I was sure not to weigh in Saturday morning lol. :p Then Saturday was a good day until it came to night... more binging! EW! :( So I am going to nip this in the butt now. I really need to stop this. It just puts me in a funk. Sunday was okay... had a date w the boy - we ended up eating dinner at 9pm though so I'm sure my weight would have been around a pound higher than the norm due to the late night dinner, although it was relatively healthy.

Bfast - egg & veggie wrap
Lunch - 2 cups of whole wheat pasta w tomato sauce
Snack - Cookie (I can only indulge before 5pm...aka before the gym. So it's my lil naughty thing for the day)
Snack # 2 - banana
Dinner - 2 1/2 to 3 cups of veggie salad w hard boiled egg mixed in for protein!

2 hours of capoeira at the gym....might be preceded by cardio or weights depending on how I feel. Currently exhausted so it looks like it will just be Capo tonight!

JP :dizzy:

4amy 03-12-2007 02:24 PM

Hi everyone.I maintained this week.Oh well,i guess i have to get use to the fact that i won't be losing every week.:?: I still have 2 weeks left to meet my march mini goal.Hope everyone is having a great day.

mlholston 03-13-2007 03:25 AM

Hi there ladies. I am exhausted so I'll make this one quick. I lost 1 lb! Honestly better then I thought that I was going to do because of this last weekend. This week will be much better! I still like 2 weeks until final March weigh in and measurement time!

Lytricia...I am sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that all is well and that your get better soon.

amy...It's ok..maintain is just as hard as losing sometimes.

knoxville...great to have you.

FSA...how did you do today?

O I forgot to tell you. I found a couple of web sites that post how many calories that you burn while doing your everyday house work.


Check it out. I'm hitting the sheets.

JPennies 03-13-2007 10:32 AM

Yesterday didn't exactly go to plan... skipped my weigh-in.
Morning ladies! Once again I didn't weigh-in this morning. :^: Was honestly afraid to. We had a farewell dinner last night for a friend who's moving out of the city due to family complications so we ate dinner from 10pm-midnight...not to mention it was Cuban so it was greasy! (My stomach wasn't so happy - it's been a while since I ate fried anything...) :o

Hope all is well and you're all sticking to plan. Today I'm planning 30min-1 hr of cardio, then 1 hr of weights and 1 hr of belly dancing! Bfast and Lunch will be breakfast burritos (whole wheat wrap w egg and veggies) and dinner will hopefully be a salad... fingers crossed! ;)

Have a great Tuesday! (Mine's off to a shady start since I was 7 minutes late and my boss came over and said something to me about it...eesh!) :(


FullSteamAhead 03-13-2007 12:19 PM

Hi everyone : )

I couldn't wait to come in this morning and see how everyone is doing. I didn't get a chance to come in yest. after weigh-in, last night I couldn't get off the couch! Both DH and I were not feeling well, don't know what that was about but I am happy it was short lived! I still managed a 15 min. upper bod workout and a 15 walk later on, but we were wiped after that. ANyways, on the good news! I dropped 2 lbs. so I am very happy with that.

I think everyone is doing great! Madi, congrats on the 1 lb. loss, and also to you Amy for maintaining! I think thats great! bravo girls. I agree with Madi that maintaining is good work too! I know how frustrating it can be to see no loss or a small loss, I think we all want to see those numbers go down and fast but keep in mind that a little loss here and there really does add up over time! I need to remind myself to be patient all the time. Typically, after I have a good loss one week, my body maintains it the next week. I see it as my body stabilizing the weight loss and I often have to work hard to maintain that loss! Sometimes I feel jilted, frustrated, or just darn impatient when the scale doesn't move but then I think about what I would do in the past.....get discouraged, go off plan and gain it all back real fast! Yikes! anyhow, by hanging in there and keep going, that bugger needle does go down!

Yesterday marked the 6 week point for me. I lost a total of 11 lbs. and I am a pant size down! (alomst a 2lb per week average). Last week I had no loss and I think before that it was 1 lb. and even with that bad week I had, the pounds lost are tallying up so hang in there and keep at it! We still have almost 3 full weeks until Monday, april 2nd! Hmm, I am going to shoot for another 6-7 the next 3 weeks. Given my current track, I know I can do it......I'll take more too if I can get it! lol Let's keep on truckin!

Lytricia, I am sorry to hear of your loss and also that you were not feeling well. I am glad your feeling better . I absolutely love your plan, good for you! :) I so agree about not beating yourself up if you don't lose your goal weight the next 3 weeks. I feel that just your plan and overall mental attitude (part. after such a hard month) is so great in and of itself! That is what is the most important right now and a big step forward, I smiled when I read your plan, thoughts, etc. :) good for you! I would just concentrate on that plan right now (that's paramount right now) and whatever weight loss comes your way, that's fine.
What you said about knowing how everyone else is out there too and not feeling alone in this, etc. I absolutely feel the same way. I feel it makes a world of difference and it's so nice we have each other to support one another, etc.
I so agree with you that regardless of the amount of weight that has to come off, it's still hard! It may be difficult for someone with a lot more to lose to not be as empathic if or when you get frustrated regarding your weight loss or in general(I am not saying for all, just maybe for some individuals) and if this is indeed the case, I would be cautious of saying too much. I'm sure it is not directed at you personally, but it's rather a frustration with one's own weight to lose. In a nutshell, I think your plan is wonderful! :) You CAN do it! As far as having good news to share with us at the end of the week, I honestly feel the best news of all will be your sticking with your plan (that will help you in so many ways), the weight lost will be gravy! Good luck, we are behind you 100 percent. Keep going, day by day :)

Jpennies, thanks you! :) hang in there and keep at it, the weekends can be a bit harder sometimes. Your meal plan for yesterday looks dynamite! good going :) Regarding weighing in today after a farewell dinner last night, etc. Jeesh , I don't blame you. I would be torturing myself if I did that, lol. Hope you have a great day. Are you taking belly dance lessons? I have always been awed by the beauty of that dance : )

I best be going. I have a lot to do. I am having a birthday party for my husband this Sunday and I want everything just so! I like to get all the cleaning done during the week and save sat. for food prep and finer details. OH, guess what? Tomorrow it's going to hit 70 degrees here! :)

WIshing you all a super day. Let's keep it going! ciao for now : )

pigginpodgey 03-13-2007 01:21 PM

Yet again no loss. Sigh. Once again i didnt deserve it either. Work and life seems to have taken over a bit recently, Im taking a step back and focusing on myself, im on day 2 of succesful healthy eating this week, im going for a swim tonight after work, so im feeling positive that next monday I will be able to report a loss!! I guess at least im not gaining though right?!
Well done everyone on weight loss and goals acheived this week ladies, lets keep pushing!!

mlholston 03-13-2007 07:51 PM

Hello ladies!
It is freaking BEAUTIFUL today. I could not have asked for a better day to be off. As soon as my son wakes up, we are going for a walk. I am so exited!

jpennies...I completely understand. A couple of weeks ago I had a really bad week so I just skipped the weigh in and pretended that the last week never happened. For me, I didn't want to be discouraged about the gain so I never weighed myself to see what it was.

pigginpodgey...it's okay babe. No big deal. You have already lost 30 lb!!! That is awesome. This week will be so much better! You will succeed!

FSA...I'm happy that the weather will be great for you tomorrow. I have jury duty =( Sounds like your husbands birthday will be great. Good luck!

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