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ellis 04-10-2006 08:08 AM

The No-binge Challenge!!
If anyone is interested in joining, this is a committment to a week free of binges!

Here's to Day 1! :hat:

Marianna 04-10-2006 08:15 AM

Hello... I'm in.

Sorry I haven't been around too much lately. I have hit a bit of a rough patch.. but am recommitting myself this evening :)

2frustrated 04-10-2006 08:19 AM

Oooh yes I'm in - managed a day and a half binge last week - damn sickness! :rollpin:

I have Easter weekend in Cornwall to contend with too... clotted cream, pasties :eek: BUT I will have a beach to run along, so if I get myself motivated I can do that instead of eating cream and pies!

Stephanie Osborne 04-10-2006 09:51 AM

I am definitely in for this. I need a little extra accountability in this department.

sandisuze 04-10-2006 10:06 AM

Count me in too- I need this to prevent what i did these last 2 weeks.
need to stay OUT of the Easter candy areas. then need to stay out of the easter baskets and away from the chocolate.

snoody 04-10-2006 11:19 AM

I am in too! This time I am going to do real good:D

kimd2006 04-10-2006 01:44 PM

Count me in. Binging is my biggest downfall.

HarpoChicoGroucho 04-10-2006 01:44 PM

Oh, what perfect timing, ellis. I really need this right now. I will succeed this time around. I actually said last night that I'm aiming for a week of no bingeing. Good luck girls!!!!

Jynical 04-10-2006 02:11 PM

I'm in. :)

ellis 04-10-2006 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by HarpoChicoGroucho
I really need this right now.

I was thinking of you, hon. I know you've been having a rough time. :hug:

Snoody, this thread was such a good idea... thank you! :)

pinkgracelilly 04-10-2006 05:30 PM

I'm in too. I hope that i'm ready for this :) i haven't had a full regular binge in almost a week, so perhaps i'm ready to do this with some support from y'all...

here's to a great week, binge free for us all!!!

justjodi 04-10-2006 07:09 PM

count me in!!! i really need to do this!! putting all those bad days behind. here's to a great week!!!

HarpoChicoGroucho 04-10-2006 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by ellis
I was thinking of you, hon. I know you've been having a rough time. :hug:

Ahhh, love you ellis. Yes, definitely a rough week. So far so good today. And I finally exercised!

sandisuze 04-10-2006 08:26 PM

so far so good today- the only thing i binged on was water:)
I even avoided the cheesecake tonight and have calories left over even with a popcorn snack tonight- i just need to get thru the carb cravings - it takes about 2-3 weeks- if i can avoid the "bad" carbs then i can do this.
I can not buy pretzels, chips, white bread..
we can do this

Stephanie Osborne 04-10-2006 11:42 PM

Today went well. I wanted ice cream and I allowed myself a small portion of it. I did not comsume the whole thing, nor did I let the mere fact that it was ice cream downward spiral me into an eating frenzy. Day One is in the bag ladies!

2frustrated 04-11-2006 04:07 AM

I well and truly :censored: up ladies. :cry:

Biggest binge I've had in a long time, and I can't really figure out why.

Guess I'm out for this challenge :(

ellis 04-11-2006 08:07 AM

2frustrated, you're not out! Jump right back on the wagon, hon. This isn't about being perfect for a week. It's about doing the best we can with whatever strength we can find. :hug:

I had a clean day yesterday. I'm being weighed today. uh oh. :yikes: I'm a LITTLE apprehensive.
No matter... I'm still coughing, but I think (knock on wood) I'm starting to get better, and I'm going to make that scale go down if it kills me! :lol3:

Good going, ladies! :cheer:
Let's have another great day. :grouphug:

2frustrated 04-11-2006 11:06 AM

Thanks ellis :hug: back atcha ;)

I'm doing ok so far... I WANT to binge on refined carbs, but all I have is fruit, so that's a plus! :D I don't think there's much left in the house from last night's blow-out so I hope I'm ok this evening! I should be, since I'll be tired enough to go straight to sleep when I get in!

:crossed: for your weigh-in

teatree 04-11-2006 11:11 AM

Does this say lifesaver? It's a wonderful idea.

Even though I'm a day late, can I join now?

kimd2006 04-11-2006 11:51 AM

Yesterday was fairly easy for me...I had my meals for the day planned and doing that always seems to help. This morning though I went a little crazy and ate ice cream for breakfast. Thankfully it was just the Edy's No Sugar Added kind and I only had 1 cup rather than the whole carton.

Now I really wish I had ate my normal bowl of oatmeal. Much more filling and better for me. *sigh* Oh well. I'll do better the rest of the day.

Goodluck everyone! We can do this. :cheer:

ellis 04-11-2006 12:01 PM

Teatree, you're in! :wave: Absolutely!!

Kim, I think most of us can relate to your breakfast error. :lol3: But you kept it to one cup! I hope the rest of your day is good. :)

2frustrated, sometimes you just have to eat the house to get it out of the way for tomorrow. :lol: Can you get yourself some good food in? Enjoy your fruit. :)

I'm down another pound! 12 total. I'm almost ready to put up a weight tracker again. But as I'm very superstitious, I'll just wait for a couple more pounds to come off so it's definite. :D

Jynical 04-11-2006 12:33 PM

I did ok last night...I didn't get out of bed in the middle of the night and wolf down the cookies that are in the fridge.

It's helping that I have to write down what I eat...no matter what it is. Because I'm tired of lying to myself.

2Frustrated...:hugs: It's alright. You can get back on track. Don't let one day become 2 or 3...And be gentle with yourself. ;) You'll get there. We all will.

Alright...here's to another day. Another chance. :)
Peace and Strength,

HarpoChicoGroucho 04-11-2006 01:40 PM

Broke the binge fest!!! One day down for me!!! I did go over calories yesterday, because I ate something my mom cooked and had no idea how many calories was in it. But I didn't binge.

justjodi 04-11-2006 04:58 PM

great job so far ladies!! let's keep it up!!

i ate clean yesterday. planning on doing the same today, since i am going to the gym this evening and i never want to ruin the work i put in with a binge. heck that tells me something right there....get my butt to the gym more often lol. i'm feeling much more in control this week.

congrats on your pound ellis!! keep it going!

snoody 04-11-2006 09:02 PM

Hey everyone, I am so proud of myself because I have not binge out!!!! yea

justjodi 04-11-2006 09:15 PM

great job snoody keep it up everyone!!!!

sandisuze 04-11-2006 09:17 PM

again day 2 is good- no binging 2 in a row. :carrot:
feels good-
i was tempted today by someone bringing in those apple cinnamon mini rice cakes and the carmel ones..i took 2 out of each bag and of course they LEFT them in my office.. I picked up both bags and took them to the far end of the building- put them in baggies & closed the door. i am happy to say i didn't sneak back and eat both bags. Temptation was there but i was ok .
and then my MIL brings out the cheesecake- chocolate cheesecake. i have been know to eat a whole one in one sitting. I decided to take a walk - so I walked for 30 minutes-until cheesecake was eaten by others and wasn't going to call to me at 4 a.m.
best wishes to everyone for this week and i am really happy for everyone and their accomplishments.

HarpoChicoGroucho 04-11-2006 09:51 PM

Ummm, I had a weird night, I really didn't binge. I mean all out eat til I hurt go out of my way to find more food binge. I ate 20 Hershey's kisses. I'm just not sure if I would consider it a binge. Maybe it was just an over-indulgence. I think it was sort of a victory, because usually when I eat something off plan, I go ahead and say, "the day is ruined, might as well run it into the ground." But I didn't. I think it's the first time I ever stopped a slip up from turning into an all out binge. Okay, it was a victory! But I'm still a bit mad at the extra calories. And I started my strength program today! I was really anxious to start it, and it was pretty good. Not too challenging, and I did break a sweat.

Great jobs girls!!!! Keep it up!!!

britomart 04-11-2006 10:15 PM

Guys, I had to look back in my FitDay to find the last day I binged.... It was three whole days ago! April 8th I made a batch of cookies and ate half of it (it made 55 cookies..... yikes). It's always my own baking that gets me in trouble. Someone take my rolling pin away from me!!! :dizzy:

Wow... Three days..... Doesn't sound like a lot but it's actually pretty amazing when I think about the usual every-other-day binge trend.

We are all SO awesome!! :D

snoody 04-11-2006 11:04 PM

I am so proud of everyone:dance:

2frustrated 04-12-2006 04:58 AM

Hooray for your pound ellis! :bravo:

I managed yesterday without a binge, but I did eat a bag of Maltesers. :doh: I turned to them in times of stress too! :tantrum: Rest of the day was spot on though :D I felt like bingeing after the Maltesers, but I ate a pear! :lol:

Had a strange icky brekky this morning! I made egg whites on toast, BUT they were the egg whites I had left over that had Splenda in them! :lol: tasted VERY strange! So I only ate a few bites and had a banana. I was starving hungry so I had my morning meal earlier, I think it will fill me up till lunch - it did yesterday so :crossed:

I've only got a fruit bowl to binge on anyway! :rofl:

sandisuze 04-12-2006 07:48 PM

I am now in day 5 of being binge free- day 3 of challenge-
FIL brought home a triple layer choco oreo cake tonight :frypan:
I can do this..i can continue to be binge free

HarpoChicoGroucho 04-12-2006 09:25 PM

Hey, I only ate ONE hershey kiss tonight instead of 20!!! YAY!!! But I did eat some uneccessary hard candy today (Werther's and a sucker), but I'm sure I came under my calories today, and I managed two workouts. And no bingeing!!! 2 days!! I've got to make it a week. I'm hoping I can make it the month.

justjodi 04-12-2006 10:37 PM

you can do it harpo!!! great job!! keep it up!

all the rest of you chicks too good work!!

me?? i had another healthy day, so sign of a binge in sight!! i can do this!

2frustrated 04-13-2006 03:30 AM

I made yesterday without a binge, although I did "mindlessly" eat 3 tiny cookies - it was 11pm and I was tired. Ok so I know why... just have to not do it again!

ellis 04-13-2006 08:33 AM

Ladies, you're all doing so well! :grouphug:

I had a great day yesterday, and I'm looking forward to another today. :hat:

purplepansy912 04-13-2006 03:13 PM

binge free for me today... good luck everyone!

HarpoChicoGroucho 04-13-2006 09:21 PM

I hate posting this before my "vunerable time," but I'm binge free again today. I played with my nephew and niece in the park for 3 hours today (in 90degree weather too) and I am beat. I don't even think I have the energy to binge. I'm going to take a nice COOL bath, haven't had ones of those in a long time.

purplepansy912 04-13-2006 10:02 PM

good for you harpo!!

sandisuze 04-13-2006 10:43 PM

YAY! Harpo ! :bravo:everyone!
I too am another day binge free
i also survived a trip to panera bread factory-
bread is my downfall and will set off a binge in seconds flat
I am 5 days bread free
I can do this

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