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Beila 06-29-2011 08:00 PM

JenDiet--Thanks for the links! I've never heard of this before! I love reading about stuff like this. Already, I'm a believer!

I'm a thyroid body type:

You Are A Thyroid Body Type
Your predominant characteristic is "weight gain all over".

You most likely have a stubborn or slowed metabolism and the type of fat you accumulate is a spongy, waste-like product.


Sample diet for Thyroid types:

T-Types are naturally slim and lithe, and when they gain too much weight, it goes to their hips and thighs. They crave sweets, caffeine and starches, but they should eliminate those as well as fruit. Their “plenty foods” are raspberry tea, eggs, poultry, and fish, and their ideal schedule is three meals in even amounts of calories.

I already eat like that! But eliminate fruit? Ughhh, I LOVE fruit, I would hate to do that. I love eggs and fish tho, and I do eat 3 meals and roughly around the same cals...so that's good.


I don't get it, so you ate your SO (btw, what is that stand for?)'s food and by doing so he is supposed to feel bad? He had stop overs to do. I'm sure he appreciates your hard work and availability, though it's tough to show it at the end of a long hard day of work. Hmmm...corn muffins sound good! I can't wait to have some once I'm off this darn diet and back down to weight! As for your salt cravings...I heard that sea salt is good to add to food because of it's larger crystals making the food taste saltier, and dissolves slightly slower upon taste. A lot of foods naturally have salt so watch the intake. I tried this herbed salt called herbamare from A.Vogel (from whole foods, but I think regular stores now have). I sprinkle it on my food and it makes it taste better, but you don't need a lot for the flavour to come out. It has just a tad less sodium than regular salt/sea salt per gram, but the combo with herbs makes it taste better. Well, I hope you feel better and the baby stops fussing. :hug:

krampus 06-29-2011 09:41 PM

Ugh babies, kudos to you for hanging in there jendiet. I'm sorry about the frustrations with your SO, I hope he shows his appreciation for your cooking.

Beila - That quiz isn't some end-all authority or anything, it's kind of BS. If you like fruit and can control yourself with it, keep at it.

Day 10 today and at my lowest weight since February. I need to be EXTREMELY careful, this would be the point at which I'd lose the plot and binge. I feel wary even admitting it on here. Weekend is gonna be a blowout with eating, drinking and celebrating the 4th of July in a city with a U.S. military base...

jendiet 06-29-2011 10:56 PM

Beila, i would NOT eliminate fruit. I would combine it with a protein source for sure.

I think the quiz makes sense too.

I have actually used the herbamare before. I have sea salt in the cabinet but was using it for a body scrub. Oh yeah SO= significant other. Yeah i know the thinking is bad. I mean I go through the trouble of cooking a nice meal, and then I call him, and he's "stopped at the shop" or "at Franks" or "Tank's" and I'm thinking. GET HOME and eat with me...and then I get mad and start to eat dinner without him, and that's when I am most likely to binge.

krampus, hang in there. maybe it is a "testing of the waters" for you. You are at a lowest weight and then you think--do you want a ball and chain diet for the rest of your life? so you need to widen the boundaries of your diet--to show that you can eat what you like and still stay slim and trim. REmember you said you can PARTY without a binge.

I think a lot of our binges come from a divergence of our ideal lifestyles...like not having a loving husband to come home to devote himself entirely to my awesome cooking and help me with the chores after his day of work--messes with my psyche and makes me want to binge.

fruitlady 06-29-2011 11:45 PM

I was eating all day, i just wanted to feel like a normal person. I ate anything i had. Ate 4600 calories. I'm starting day 1 tomorrow, not happy.

Beila 06-30-2011 01:51 AM

Just checking in...didn't exercise due to overeating...not binging though, thank goodness, but could have easily been that way. I stopped myself each time and asked if I really was hungry. Long story short, 2600 cals :( it was granola btw, so many cals per serving!! I have to control myself around it. Now I know what some of you have said before about wishing they ate something different if that's how many cals they were going to have. Like I would have held out for some cheesecake or something had I known I would eat that much granola.

Fruitlady--my gosh what happened? Would you like to PM me or anything? I hope things get better. We are all here wanting the same, to feel like a normal person. You impress me with your good days and you're really exhibiting good behaviors on those days. You are a stronger person inside, and I am confident that you will end the binging once and for all.

Jendiet--it must suck not having ur SO at home on time after setting up such a nice meal. Maybe he will learn to appreciate it more and make it a priority if he knew all the hard work that goes into it and what you were thinking the whole time you waited. Like you could even tell him struggles of the day and make sure he listens to your concerns about having trouble with binging around food that just sits there waiting for him. He should wake up to the fact that you need him there to enjoy the dinner with you. You can only go so long like this before one of these days you'll snap at him or wait too long and binge in his absence.

Krampus--remember how great it feels right now to be this low weight, as you party and celebrate this weekend. Don't fear the day of food, a normal person wouldn't. Just be confident that you will come out binge free and happy. You're doing good! You'll be my inspiration this week, as I try to make it past a week like you have! :)

krampus 06-30-2011 02:13 AM

Sooo hungry, it's 3:11 pm and I have about an hour left at work. At least dinner is already ready and waiting at home. I had peanut butter (big trigger food) and half an apple with lunch, hoping I can keep away from the rest of it tonight. With the weekend in plain view - and the theme being "singlets" (tank tops) - I can't be busting out of my clothes full of binge food.

Beila, granola and cereal in general is possibly my worst trigger food. I can't control myself or have it in moderation at all and it never takes the hunger away, go from craving and hungry to craving and sick-full. I'm happy to see you didn't flat-out binge though! Overeating days are frustrating but it's just one day - one binge free day!

fruitlady, I completely understand the "normal person" feeling and can empathize. Which "off limits" foods did you have? I saw in another thread you had some "taboo" things.

Beila 06-30-2011 02:33 AM

Krampus--why is that your worst trigger? Any mental associations? Granola is not a trigger for me, and eating too much too fast hurts my mouth! However, I like a little granola with my yogurt, that is why I bought some, to make my yogurt not taste so plain. My greek yogurt has no sugar practically. I got the low fat kind of granola, but still, 210 cals per serving! And one serving = 3/4 cup! Seriously, who can just eat that much? Also PB is not a trigger for me, it just has too many cals per serving too, like as much at oil! So I can buy it without fearing it, but if I have some, I would have like 2-3 tablespoons, which is one too many for my diet considering the cals.

My worst triggers are cookies and cake. I asked if you have any mental associations with granola because I have major associations with cake and cookies. My mom would bake them when I was small and she had them ready for me and my siblings to eat after school. Also, she would make cake all the time (betty cricker type). But we never ate more than a normal person would eat, like just one piece. We were always normal weight or just a bit under weight. So now when I see cookies or cake around me, it brings back those memories of being a happy kid with a mom that cared for me and baked for me. Maybe that's why I eat them more now, cause I'm feeling alone or sad.

Anyways, I hope you get through the afternoon. Have some water :)

girlonfire 06-30-2011 02:46 AM

Ugh, I took that quiz and I got "adrenal gland" type. I didn't see a sample diet for me though, but basically to lose weight I have to fight against everything. I'm hoping the moderate exercise I do will help decrease my cortisol levels, but everything they said about adrenal glands is me. That quiz was so disheartening because it seemed to be telling me I was doomed to be fat and that I have to be just. perfectly. right with my eating and exercise (not too much, not too little). So frustrating.

krampus- it's so interesting that cereal is a binge trigger for many people around here. I am the exact opposite; I usually have to eat a reduced portion size because it fills me up so much. I feel you on peanut butter though; once when I was in binge mode and desperate, I dug into the peanut butter! Ice cream is still my biggest trigger.

fruitlady -I'm sorry to hear you had a bad day, but remember that tomorrow is a brand new day! :hug:

As for me, I just finished Day 6 today! Ate a little bit off plan, but 2 cups of air-popped popcorn isn't exactly going to break my calorie bank. Got 30 min of cardio in, plus some strength training so I feel good. Here is getting through tomorrow and exactly ONE WEEK binge free. Good luck ladies; we can do it!

krampus 06-30-2011 09:35 AM

Oh jeez, peanut butter. I overate peanut butter out of the jar tonight after dinner but I wouldn't call it a "binge" because there is still peanut butter left. Sometimes there isn't. Went over calories for the day, feel a little bad about it but not too bad. Tomorrow my weekend starts.

10 days binge free but just barely.

Vixsin 06-30-2011 10:20 AM


desiresdestiny 06-30-2011 11:07 AM

Day 32......wow this is so hard trying to stay present and also make conscious decisions as well as handle the stress and emotions....

missunshine 06-30-2011 02:16 PM

finally i'm over with exams for two months. that means i can think and decide what to do with myself. first i need to find a job and then start studying again, redecorate my room and appartment...uuu i can't wait. and i can't wait to start exercise again. last few weeks i've been riding bike to town and school and it's awesome, i thought it would take me forever to get to school but it only takes me 25 min and 2x a day it's already a part of exercise. but it's too hot sometimes for cycling. i still feel a lot of pressure since i haven't made all the exams bu i hope it'll go away in a few days. i'm so frustrated that i won't b able to go to the beach bcs all my bathing suits are too small now and i refuse to buy new ones so i'm planning a trip to london instead. :)

ok so i've been binge free for 11 days and i hope i can keep it up.
and i wish all of you girls a lot of luck

Beila 06-30-2011 03:10 PM

Day 3....

oh goodness, gluten free waffles are actully good! had 2 already...no more!

Beila 06-30-2011 03:53 PM

How sad it this...I'm running low on money and I just looked at my food budget, I have less than $100 to spend on food for the rest of this month (July I mean). My gosh...binging and overeating has to STOP!

I spend too much on food. Another reason to stop overeating and to ration food better.

fruitlady 06-30-2011 07:31 PM

Thanks to all for your support!!

Yeh, yesterday was bad at 4900 calories, I really wouldn't say I was out of control, but I'm starting over. Ate way past the point of full. Krampus- I ate foods yesterday that I have not eaten in 3 yrs. Ground beef(hamburger barbeque), white rice, pierogies. That besides the whole 12 pk of cookies after breakfast & ice cream, was pretty bad. I just ate what I wanted, I felt the freedom! Learned alot also, 1. Red meat, pierogies & white rice are not that great, 2. I'm not missing anything 3. i would much rather eat my healthy food. 4. The only thing I really missing eating is the desserts & peanut butter.

I gained 3.8lbs overnight, the water bloat is not budging yet. That means I'll weigh even more tomorrow. But I felt great this morning, wide awake & energetic. Not sick like usual. I stopped eating at 6:30pm yesterday and didn't eat til breakfast today at 11am. My over eating is getting to be more frequent and is a problem, I am going to start counting over eating as well as binge free days. Even if I over eat, I'm starting over!

Today is day 1- Ate all healthy food, it helped that there is nothing here I'd want anyway.

Good luck to us all over the 4th weekend, we have to be strong!!

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