3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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bambifox 04-01-2008 12:22 PM

Woo...that was tough (eviction). I had to have the sheriff remove a small baby today! I hate it when they know eviction is coming (they get notice) and they just wait there (with their kids) until the Sheriff physically removes them. Well...all in the life of a landlord!

Anyways...I'm still stoked about this Yerba Mate. It definately kills the appetite and works as a diuretic! Down 2lbs overnight! Yeah!!! That puts me back to 165! Hoping I can drop another 5 by this Saturday! I have a feeling that I must be retaining water cuz the mirror is showing more definition than ever and my pants and literally falling off my a$$!

SoulB - How has Yerba Mate helped you? Just curious cuz I want to find out other's experience with it...ya know. BTW, I checked out the new thread you started and all I have is two words for ya....LOVE IT! Finally, a place where I can post other positive changes (other than the scale!)...count me IN!

BAB - I love reading your posts too! I feel like I'm there with you...right there in that taxi...heart pounding! It's a shame you couldn't have had both "blokes" on either side of you in the pictures nustling close on either side...ooooohhh! Anyways...sounds like you may have gotten a pretty good workout in the adreneline rush alone!

Well, I'm going to go do my cardio today...I'm gonna try doing 15 min in reverse (ya know...work those glutes more) on the eliptical and 15 min forward. Hope I can hang in there for the 15 min. reverse...it's much harder to do it in reverse than forward...but wish me luck! I think I'm getting addicted to cardio...I just love the rush! I feel sooooo much better afterwards...it's just sometimes hard to get myself up and going, but after always feel like pure delight!

Hope everyone's day is going well. Chat with ya later! Joyce

monster66 04-01-2008 01:38 PM

Barely made it down the stairs at the Y after my class. My legs felt like spaghetti! I truly considered taking the elevator down but how would that look?? It will just be the treadmill for me tomorrow.
I am looking into that Yerba Mate. I like different and unusual things and maybe I will give it a try.

lynnar 04-01-2008 02:44 PM

Well, I'm yo yo-ing this morning. I got home last night and used one of my new ketstix and it was purple! Hurrah! Maybe tasting potato salad and spilt pea soup didn't throw me out of Ketosis! then this morning I did an unscheduled Weigh In (I was feeling light!) and I was up a pound. I didn't eat a pound of potato salad and spilt pea soup! Even adding in the weight of the no no's I succombed to on Friday, it wasn't a pound! Shouldn't that count for something! But for whatever reason, I gained. But it wasn't my real WI, so it doesn't count, right? There's still hope for a whoosh before tomorrow morning! I'm hoping real hard!
Fay, your adventures really are fun to read. And I know your aren't really that scary looking! I was thinking of you when I was at the gym just now and all four elipticals were in use. (But I need them more!!). Luckily one guy left before I turned around and went back to work.
I really did miss most of the controversy with the two threads, but it doesn't really surprise me. I've been on enuf message boards to know that sooner or later someone always gets mad. Sometimes, I think, it's just a tone thing. People come across differently then they think they do. And we're all here because we care about the WOE thing. We all want it to work. I've been guilty of "snapping" at people on message boards when I feel like they're telling me what I'm doing wrong without all the information. I don't like to be criticized.
We all know that there is no completely true answer. If someone can figure out what one thing works, we'll all be skinny. So I'm happy to listen to other plans, although I probably won't act on many of them.
Joyce, let me be the first one to say that muscles weigh more than fat, so definition without a loss at the scales is a good thing. looking like your picture is also a very good thing. Almost good enough to inspire me to do weights!
I'm also tempted by the Couch to 5K. I've heard about it for a while. I look at my very skinny 15 yo daughter (cross country team, dance team) who eats all kinds of crap and think, hmmm. But then I remember that I'm way too old and too overweight to be a runner. I think I'm too old... I think my knees would explode. But I do want to hear about Couch to 5K if you're still doing it Fay.

nasus40 04-01-2008 02:53 PM

BaB I just has the best laugh, Thankyou!! I know that clevage was spectacular no matter who was looking at it. and boy that gal just nestled right in there! LOL I can just imangine. I hope you can post a copy of the pict when you get it.

bambifox 04-01-2008 03:35 PM

Thanks for the encouragement Lynnar! I beg to differ though (about the running thing), I know you can do anything you set your mind to. Running is great (I used to run track in H.S. but jacked up my knees running on pavement too much). I did enjoy it a bunch...gosh...I didn't even think of it as exercise when I was a kid! I used to eat 5 snicker bars/day and was the skinniest thing (wouldn't try that now though:lol:)! Running will definately slim you up real fast! Lynnar, I'm 41 years old (on 4/29), I smoke 1 pack of cigs/day and before 1/5/08 was a major couch potato! Just the thought of me going full throttle on an elipticle machine for 30 or 40 minutes made me tired and hungry (probably for a Mickey's Dee's double fish filet which I had EVERYDAY!). What I'm learning about myself is that it was my MIND that told me I could never do certain things...my body always could do them, but because my mind told me, "NO WAY...You'll stroke out..you smoke too much and are getting up in age", I stayed away from exercise and dug myself deeper in my McDonald's hole! I started slow (first week 1/5/08), just a 10 min walk around my neighborhood 3-4 days that week and gradually built up the courage to jump onto my elipticle. My point is YOU CAN do it! I'm routing for ya! And...thanks so much for your very understanding comments girly!

Well folks...I did it! 15 min. in reverse and 15 min. forward on level 4/eliptical! Yeah!!! The last 15 min was in reverse and was sooooo much harder than just going forward. But my hamstrings and buttocks are "pumped" and I sweat twice as much (wonder if it's the Yerba Mate??). BTW, one of the side effects of Yerba Mate is increased exercise performance...sooooo...I don't know if it's placebo or it really works! I really do think it was the Yerba but time will tell. Can't wait for my damn caliper to come! Joyce

*EDIT* I second Nasus' motion for a pic BAB!!!

Azure 04-01-2008 04:04 PM

Fay...I love you. Every singe post you make is fantastic and amusing. You MUST write a book or something about your adventures in Thailand...and then have me fly down to have some with you ;)

lynnar 04-01-2008 04:09 PM

just came back to ask one question: Why am I hungry? I ate my salad with a good sized chicken breast and blue cheese dressing for lunch and I had two smallish hamburger patties with some cheddar cheese and mayo for breakfast. Shouldn't that be enuf? I had a couple of cups of coffee (with half and half and splenda) with my breakfast and a big glass of water with lunch as well as 20 oz. of flavored water (no calories, no carbs).
I'm disappointed because the very best thing about Atkins is apetitie suppression and loss of cravings. Here I am in my second week of induction (except for messing up this past weekend) and I'm not getting the best thing about Atkins. Just venting. Thanks for letting me. I'll go drink more water now.

petra65 04-01-2008 04:25 PM

Fay-you had me laughing my *** off. Good thing I didn't have any liquid in my mouth at the time.

I had an easy day at work which was nice. I'm home early and the dogs think it is dinner time-just out of habit. We are also having some ugly weather. I've discovered that I've already eaten all my carbs for today so I will either be having strictly protein/fat for dinner or going over my carb allowance.

monster66 04-01-2008 04:55 PM

Sorry about your weather Petra! Ours has turned into a beautiful day and I have kicked the kids outside and wont let them back in until dinnertime! We will all sleep well tonight!

nasus40 04-01-2008 07:27 PM

lynnar some times you will need ot up your fat intake to cut the cravings. I now that it sounds wierd and make sure you are eating enough your stomach was used to constant bombardment of food and a pile of stuff in your stomach all the time. you can increas your intake to several (up to 5-6 small meals in a day which will fillyou up nicely or increase your fat intake.

stayincalm 04-01-2008 09:23 PM

Soooo much to catch up on. My apologies for being remiss. Work has been insane and I have perament acid reflux right now. Fay, as always I feel like I'm having an experience right there with you THAT IS HOW GOOD YOU ARE AT WRITING! Maybe you should sit down and word smith a play yourself. God you are funny. BTW, I haven't shaved my legs in like 5 weeks. Everytime I go to put those Venus replacement heads in my shopping cart I get irritated that they cost like 15 bucks. SB, this may be a turning point in my life and it might hap be that I actually get to live that idealized life in the cedar lined home in the woods...except for the fact that I don't have any artistic skills that I can turn into a living. DARN!!!!Lynn: I have had those weeks where I want to...I think Aud said this once, "Eat the leg off of a horse and chase him down for another one"? Aud, if I credited that to you in error I'm sorry. I just thought it was soooooo freakin' funny that I still laugh about it. Petra: I'm glad you did not have a mouthful of beverage because when it comes out of your nose it can be painful:) Think of how painful it would have been if it had been the Yerba something tea served in the correct gourd! I'm ashamed that I don't know more about the kinds of things SB does. I have a rough time finding and putting on clean panties in the morning. Preferabley the kind that don't roll down while I'm shimmying up the hallway at work. Joyce: Always something new!!!!I'm going to start teasing you about being like your sister. tee hee.

HEY EVERYONE...I HEARD FROM BEACHIE!!! She is doing great on the WW and I told her we all missed her. They are still having some trouble with regards to Leo's coughing and she is a little scared about it (who wouldn't be?). She said she might pop in to say hi.

AUUUUUDDDDIIIIEEEEE where are you???? Please don't forsake us. We love you. LIIILLLLLYYYYYY.... now I'm getting really, really worried about you. Missing you and and I hope our collective insanity has not driven you away (OK...my insanity, I'll cop to it. Petra can give you a professional opinion. I'm a loon).

Love to all. I will be surfing a bit and check back. It is only 6:22 p.m. here in sunny CA.


p.s. Do you all think it is lame that I don't use the "go advanced" cute little picture thingy's? It is only because then I can't scroll back up and comment on the posts. My memory is fading in my advanced age. tee hee.

bambifox 04-01-2008 10:24 PM

Good Eve All! I'm finally going to get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight...yeah for me!

SIC - You are so funny! Yeah...I know...tee hee! But I think this is really it (Yerba Mate)!!! If not...by golly I'm going to finally find that weed/herb (not the kind that makes you laugh:lol:), that I can eat and watch all the fat just melt off! Just kiddin...would be nice though??

Well, hectic day..gonna turn in early (this is early for me!)..and, AS USUAL, BF is on his way over for some late night fun!...Yeahhh Baby! I told him to bring me over some diet coke (haven't had it in 2 days and totally feaning)...hope he doesn't f it up and bring regular coke! Good night all!

Ms Spotdog 04-02-2008 12:55 AM

Thanks for all being here, you guys. This is a very funny group and I was worried that the fractioned LC threads would split you up. I do miss the few that have gone on to greener pastures (or something like that) and those that are MIA (Lily, Robin). But I'm glad to see a few that have come back (Sue)!

A bit of of history: Way back when (in the beginning of time), LC was split into various groups by the different plans (Atkins, PP, Summerizing, CAD, etc. - geeezzeee, there were a lot back then) but then interest waned (wained?) and they were all lumped together into LC. So yes, I was suprised when there was an attempt at a split again. There aren't so many here these days and, as has been express several times the last few days, I think everyone benefits from hearing about various plans so we can tweak our own plan to fit our lives better.

The exchange of support, information, ideas and inspiration is always richer with more participants, I have found.

BaB - Your wit and writing is wonderful. You really have a knack for it and I bet you could earn a bit of spending money by writing a newspaper column, travel log, online blog, etc. I love the new terms I pick up from you: I've been saying 'bugger' and 'FECK' when frustrated lately. Your writing is very entertaining and reminds me a lot of Maeve Binchy. (altho, she is Irish, I believe - hope you aren't offended with the comparison)

Ok - back to lurkdom for me. Thank for the entertainment all - carry on.


nasus40 04-02-2008 05:30 AM

Hi Kel. Glad to see you still haning around. I do miss much of the old group, but I assume they like many have gone on to "greener pastures" too. This forum as with any weight loss attempts see many come and go some come back (like me) a few times some many, most with success and some with none. The bottom line is the support and companionship we find here. I do remember all the different forums. Wow there was quite a few. then SB came along and well it was so popular many went there. I like the easiness of plain low carb and I know it. I do not need to learn a new diet. I donot have the time or energy for that.

Well still up 2 of the 3 I had gained and I did not have ham yesterday (worried about the salt except a few bites when cutting it)

bambifox 04-02-2008 08:30 AM

Well then, WELCOME BACK Spotdog! Yeah...this is a fun group...eeeh? I enjoy being able to vent all my frustrations and elicit affairs, wacky new concepts and ideas, successes and failures here! Fay, ya see...I'm not the only one who thinks you really need to write a book or something. What about a Romance Novel?? Or a newspaper column would be great too! A good writer is able to make all who read, feel like they were there with you whether it be fantasy or real-life situations. Have you ever thought of really writing professionally? Maybe give it a second thought...as I'm sure we truly would all agree, that you definately have some hidden talents in that area!

Okay all...I'm really starting to get excited about this Yerba Mate sh*t! I don't usually check the scale so frequent, but since I'm trying this Yerba stuff, I'm checking it everyday. The scale is down another 1/2 pound...and I feel really lean! I'm still pee'ng like a racehorse and coupled with the definately enhanced workout yesterday...I'm completely stoked about this new product. I will be honest...these last few pounds are a b*tch to lose! The earlier pounds came off without such a hassle. I ordered some more supplements (natural) from bodybuilding.com. I will be adding CLA (Conju?? Linolic Acid), Nitric Oxide (naturally occurring in your body to help transport things in your blood...yeah real technical lango there!), Casein Protein (a slower digesting protein which is recommended before bed so that protein is fed to your muscles while you sleep), a better multivitamin (currently take one-a-day) and creatine (amino acid for building muscle). Do ya think that'll do it? Tee hee! We'll see...summer's right around the corner and I've been taking pics of my progress (I try to get a photo once per week). I'm also tracking my food through thedailyplate.com and keeping tabs on my macros. I am determined to look like Cory Everson by June 1st! I want to be the poster child for couch potato transformation! Wish me luck!

How's things going for everyone this morn! I'm feeling refreshed....hmmmm...wonder why??? could it have something to do with last night's visit from BF??? :lol:

stayincalm 04-02-2008 10:41 AM

Good morning all! I"m bopping quickly in since I am slow out of the starting gate today (its 7:30 here). Hi Spotty! Joyce, as always, jealous of the sumpin' sumpin you get all the time.

Just a quick note: DD9 is now no longer obsessed with reruns of Tila Tequila A Shot At Love. Now we have to endure, "That's Amore". My brain hurts and I have a sore jaw from grinding my teeth!


lynnar 04-02-2008 11:32 AM

I'm no longer yo yo-ing. Now I'm just depressed. I checked my Keystix last night and am still in ketosis, but I was up another pound at my official WI today, so that's three pounds over my ticker. I have no excuse for not changing my ticker. I just don't wanna!!! I've been on plan, in spite being hungry, since the weekend and I wasn't so terrible Saturday and Sunday. Just a few minor slips. I really really wish I had a doctor to discuss this all with, but our GP is always too much in a hurry. He's a young guy and I know he looks at me and thinks "doesn't eat right, doesn't exercise, too old to worry about." I do exercise more than anyone I know Well, anyone I know in real life (except the substitute aerobics instuctor who has to be anerexic. She bounces all the time which is easier if you weigh 97 pounds!) So sorry for the downer. I gotta go run DD from school to the orthodontist and back. A great way to waste 90 minutes!! BBL Lynn

Azure 04-02-2008 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by lynnar (Post 2129711)
I'm no longer yo yo-ing. Now I'm just depressed. I checked my Keystix last night and am still in ketosis, but I was up another pound at my official WI today, so that's three pounds over my ticker. I have no excuse for not changing my ticker. I just don't wanna!!! I've been on plan, in spite being hungry, since the weekend and I wasn't so terrible Saturday and Sunday. Just a few minor slips. I really really wish I had a doctor to discuss this all with, but our GP is always too much in a hurry. He's a young guy and I know he looks at me and thinks "doesn't eat right, doesn't exercise, too old to worry about." I do exercise more than anyone I know Well, anyone I know in real life (except the substitute aerobics instuctor who has to be anerexic. She bounces all the time which is easier if you weigh 97 pounds!) So sorry for the downer. I gotta go run DD from school to the orthodontist and back. A great way to waste 90 minutes!! BBL Lynn

Hey, Lynn...I'm wondering if you're tracking your calories in addition to eating LC? You could be up a couple pounds because you're still consuming more calories than you're burning in a day, even if you are sticking to a very low carb plan and are in ketosis. Your problem could also be the opposite! If you're hunger is so satiated by being in ketosis that you're not eating enough, your body could be putting the breaks on weight loss. I'm just wondering if you've been tracking calories at all, and if you haven't, I might start! If you already keep track of everything you eat, plugging it into somewhere like FitDay will give you a general idea--and if you don't, you can keep track of what a few "normal" LC days are for you and THEN do that. :hug:

aud 04-02-2008 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Ms Spotdog (Post 2128996)
. . . A bit of of history: Way back when (in the beginning of time), LC was split into various groups by the different plans (Atkins, PP, Summerizing, CAD, etc. - geeezzeee, there were a lot back then) but then interest waned (wained?) and they were all lumped together into LC. So yes, I was suprised when there was an attempt at a split again . . .

WOW . . . never knew that - must've been b4 "my time." Sounds like chaos!

I'm trying to get my Induction Groove firmly in place at the moment so loving the Atkins Section - good to "cya" Ms.Spottie!:hug:

lynnar 04-02-2008 01:24 PM

Thanks Azure. I'm sure you're right about keeping track. I promised myself I would do that this time and I do have the Fitday account, but I just can't seem to keep up. I just hate taking the time to log it in. I don't think it's too few calories though. With the high fat diet, I may be eating too many, but I thought that was O.K. with this WOE. Sorry to be such a whiner, but its discouraging. I have a long history with dieting, and it's a pattern. I go along pretty well for a few weeks and lose that first 10-15 pounds, and then I stop losing, but I keep trying and keep getting discouraged until I finally give it all up and gain back, 20-25 pounds. I think I wrote this same post on a different message board last spring when I was doing Atkins for maybe the second time. I might have also written it in 2006 when I was getting ready to cancel my Weight Watchers membership. That's why i think a weight loss doctor might be able to help me, but I'm pretty sure there isn't anyone around here. And I don't want to spend any more money on weight loss plans that don't work. Besides the WW membership for several years, I've done the supplement thing and prescription diet pills on a couple of occasions. I'm running out of WOE!
But again, I'm sorry to be so depressing! And I hope depression isn't contagious!

bambifox 04-02-2008 01:35 PM

Ooohh...I am really sorry you are feeling down Lynnar! I totally feel your frustration. Please don't give up. Consistency wins in the end. One thing that I want to add to Azure's excellent advice is that I was like you too with the whole "food journal" thingy! I NEVER thought I'd do it...NEVER! But, after getting so frustrated after hitting a 4 wk stall, I finally gave in and started. I find that www.thedailyplate.com has more pre-programmed food in it and I haven't had to manually enter any foods making it a whole lot easier for me. With that said, one thing that I am learning is that at the end of the day CALORIES DO MATTER. Unlike how I originally thought when I started Atkins, I'm finding that while certain foods have more "thermogenic" qualities and thereby take more calories to digest than others, it is still down to the same concept CALORIES IN - CALORIES OUT = WEIGHT LOSS/GAIN. You exercise and that's great. Congratulate yourself for that cuz that's helping your metabolic rate. How do your clothes fit? R they loser? What about your BF%? There are so many other ways to gauge success other than the scale (which we are all addicted to!), but you may be making more progress than you know! This is just my thoughts and I couldn't just not say anything. I hope my post in taken in the context in which it was meant...to be helpful, encouraging and educational. Wish you the best. Joyce

Azure 04-02-2008 01:36 PM

:hug: Oh, Lynn! Don't get discouraged and definitely don't give up! Seriously, I would keep track of what you're eating--EVERYthing you put in your mouth for a few days then log it into FitDay and see where you're at. I think with Atkins it's possible to eat more than on a higher-carb diet and still lose weight. With that said, Dr. A also says that even then, if you're getting too many calories, it's still not going to result in weight loss! Most people can regulate by hunger on Atkins--because ketosis is an appetite suppressant, but that's a general rule.

I would also encourage you to have your thyroid levels checked with your Dr. If your thyroid is out of whack, your metabolism could be lower than it should be, which would cause a weight stall/gain, even at a good calorie level.

stayincalm 04-02-2008 04:05 PM

Lynnie Love: I'm sorry you are feeling down. The scale is so upsetting sometimes. If you look at some of my old posts exactly the same thing happened/happens to me. I stopped using the scale and have pretty much popped on once since then. I've been relying on my measuring tape. Don't give up though! I too can't keep up with fitday. I use a little spiral notebook to write everything down and hold myself accountable. Mainly the problem with the scale for me was focus too much on the destination and not enough on the journey. Does that make sense? I was making myself miserable. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!!!

bambifox 04-02-2008 05:38 PM

Hello All! Hope this posts actually reaches you:

Well, it seems my time here at 3FC has come to an end. As you all know...I have always been one to "speak my mind". I am also open to hear others opinions. Sometimes, I agree to disagree. This is me. However, at this time, I am unable to enjoy the one thing that made me choose 3FC's forum over the 50 million other forums on the net. That is "free expression". Recently, I was engaged in what ended up being a pretty heated discussion with harsh words being thrown back and forth. I felt disrespected, censored and ostrisized and I fought back.

<-- edited discussion per forum rules -->

So there ya go...as to the reason I must depart. But before I left, I just wanted to say how nice it was chatting with all of you and send you all my very best...specifically the following people:

SIC - What can I say...you are the best! Stay the way you are (big/small/tall/short)...I LOVE YA! You are one **** of a lady!

Lynnar - All the best to ya...try not to be down...I'll send you my "positive vibes" and stay with your exercise...at the very least, it'll make you hang around alot longer for your daughter!

Nasus - It was a pleasure to have met you in cyberworld! You seem really nice and I wish I could've gotten to know you better. Hang in their girly! All the best!

Petra - Oooooh Petra...I was really diggin you! Your a doc, PP'r and an ex PA'r...how could I not love ya! Seriously though...I love the way you dance to the beat of your own drum. You have all the creditials in the world and could totally be "preachy"...****...we pay for people like you (Doc's) to be preachy to us! But your not...you are open-minded, intelligent and kind hearted. Take care of your doggies....I see why you love them so much...Yeah...I've fallin too for little MAX! Maybe we'll bump heads of the protein power threads one day!

BAB - Oh my sweet Drew Barrymore lookalike...but sooo much better! I'm sooo going to miss reading your stories. It swept me away for a moment to Thailand! It's the only vacation I've had all year (well, mentally that is:lol:)! I am soooo proud of your accomplishments. You are beautiful, talented and smart, with a heart of gold. You are also a fiesty one too! Unafraid to speak your mind with a well-balanced way of looking at life. Open-minded and all that good stuff. I'm thinking at the rate you are going you will reach goal way before you expect! Anywho...good luck to you. I'll be waiting for your new book to reach B&N's!

*EDIT* Oh..SoulB - Couldn't forgetcha! I just wanted you to know that I have much respect for you (one of few Vegans here) as you are an inspiration for strength and independence! I hope everything works out well for you and DH! Keep doing you and good luck (although I know you won't need it).

As for me...well, I've accomplished what I set out to. I've gained total control over my eating/exercise habits. I've lost a great deal of weight and most importantly fat! I'm pretty lean and feel healthy (with the exception of the cigarettes which I will battle on my own or perhaps reach out to a "help me stop smoking help group")! I'm okay...I have become my own "drill sargeant" and my own "workout buddy" and my own "motivator". I have been for a while, but I stayed here cuz I liked chatting with you ladies (in general) and giving helpful advice (sharing my experiences). But really, it's okay for me to go. It's a shame it had to be this way and while I do feel that the treatment of me here by some has been "dispicable" I'm really okay to move on. Love to you all! Peace. Joyce

aud 04-02-2008 06:12 PM

DID make it by the Docs' office and never thought I'd be happy to maintain @ 234lbs . . . but I is!:carrot:

Glad to be getting an Induction Grip tho'!

lynnar 04-02-2008 06:26 PM

Joyce, I'll miss you. I love your enthusaism. And I appreciate you're truly trying to help. Hope you check in here once in a while. I know you'll continue to be successful.
And thanks to everyone else who took the time to encourage me. I feel a little guilty whining so much, but it really does help, especially when I get the nice responses. I guess I keep going on Atkins and I'll look at the other journaling site. Gotta go home and make sure DH is cooking the pork chops like I told him to!!!

SherryA 04-02-2008 07:26 PM

Lynn, you sound like me. I get that way too. Discouraged depressed, expecting it to all happen over night. I lost really well last week, now this week for the last two or three days, nothing.

I think it is normal. Our bodies drop a bunch of weight and then some mechanism steps in and says HEY slow down there!

Just keep on keeping on. The weight loss will start again, stressing about it will only make it harder to lose, those stress hormones you know....

Make sure you eat breakfast (which is what I think I've been doing wrong, not eating early enough). Eat 6 meals a day if it helps to keep your metabolism revved up. (small snacks for the in between meals).

Drink lots of water, don't eat lots of salt. Recheck to see if you are really still on induction level. Do you do the ketostix thing? Sometimes that is a reassurrance.

Today I was noticing my pants and how huge they look on me all of a sudden. I don't remember them looking this way even a few days ago and I know if anything the scale has taken a brief upward swing and hasn't settled back down yet, although it seems to be trying to. Still we can keep on losing fat on this diet without really losing pounds for awhile. Remember that. Use a tape measure if you are inclined to get discouraged, and measure. Weight isn't everything. Weight can involve retained water (which will happen if we eat too much salt, or are on low carb, but not drinking enough water).

I'm not one of those who believes in consuming gallons of water and forcing it all down, but I do try and make sure I have plenty particularly when I'm thirsty.

Hang in there. It hasn't been that long. Remember too that one deviation during induction can throw off the whole process for a few days. If you've been really good and everything else is ok then I would try cutting out the splenda. I really believe that it stalls me. I try and avoid it but lately I've let a little creep into my diet and that is just about the same time as I stopped losing. Hmmm. must be more than a coincidence don't you think?

broadabroad 04-02-2008 08:38 PM

Lynn - sorry to hear you've been feeling so down! Totally understand - it's so bloody DISHEARTENING when the damn scale stays still, and worse when it goes up. I've been glaring at mine this past week, trying to will it to go down and wondering whether I just misread it in the first place - maybe it never WAS at 214? How has it gone up to 215? What did I do wrong? This morning it seems to think I'm at 212. Please God it stays there - whether this is as a result of missing lunch yesterday (very much not normal) or because I'm feeling ill today or because my TOM has just arrived (maybe I was retaining water in PMT?) or WHAT, I don't know. I just know that it's difficult not to react emotionally to the damn scale.

It does help, though, that in the past 2 days 3 people have come up and complimented me on how much weight I've lost. Although it kind of horrifies me too - maybe I just managed to not really look at myself properly before, because right now I'm still horrified by how fat I am, and the thought that I used to be way fatter is kind of shocking. Um.

I'm sorry that things evidently went boom with Joyce. Wishing much healing and continued success with the weightloss all round.

So, I am having a Day Off Work. It is the first time I've been off work in a year and a half, but I've got a definite stomach bug & don't plan to stray far from my bathroom for the foreseeable future. Luckily it's a very easy day for my kids, and only a half-day at that, with most of the time taken up with assembly and 'splash day' in the pool (celebrating the Songkran Holiday, which is basically a holiday where you throw water at each other to cool down because Thailand is So Damn Hot).

This evening we have another play rehearsal. Will I be well by then? Will I carry on displaying NO social skills around the bloke I fancy? What will happen next?

nasus40 04-02-2008 08:44 PM

lynnar usually at some point in the weight loss journey you will stall for severasl reasons

1 being you are at a level that the body says hold there I need to catch my breath and I think you are starving me so I am holding on to every thing I got for now. Once you find that you are not starving your self then the weight will whoosh off

2. you are at a point that your body is and was seeing weight loss and much fluid loeave yoru body it is afraid of dehydration to it is clsoing the water works. (slowing it down) this is relieved by stikcking ot the diet and keeping the fluid intake up then the body will see that you are truly losing weight and not dehydrating that will be a sudden wosh of several lbs at once.

3you are losing fat and gaining muscle. if your exercising a lot then you may be replacing the fat with muscle and muscle is much more dense that fat, so you may actually be dropping fat gaining muscle (which will increase your metabolism) and not drop a lb.

just remember to gain 1 lb of fat you need to take in over 3500 cals over what your body burns. so say resting your burn 2000 cals you need to take in over 5500 cals to gain 1 lb in fat in one day. so physically it is impossible (except I can do that) to gain 1 lb in 1 day, so it is water a galon of water weight 7-8 lbs so it is not much to gain 2-3 lbs easily in water retention, in one day. Please remember than when you look at that evil scale. I also am up 2-3 lbs depending on which way I lean I am suffering from the fluid intake battle

han in there we both will be peeing it off in no time.

lynnar 04-02-2008 09:07 PM

Hi, I've just been to the Daily Plate website and I do think it's easier than Fitday (thanks Joyce, whereever you are). Maybe I can do some food journaling for a while at least. I was surprised by my carb number (25) and I think I may have put in my salad wrong, but I didn't take the time to investigate. I saw 15 carbs for a salad and my salads are mostly lettuce. I don't even put cheese on them! And I counted my chicken breasts separately! I'll try again tomorrow.
This is my third time on induction this year and I've always believed I was resistant to weight loss, so I really try to keep the carbs low. But I also try to balance it with enough fiber that I don't have to turn to metamucial or something. So I always eat one salad and I was planning to add a second veggie and monitor with keystix to see if that worked. I guess I'll go ahead with that plan because I really do hate that fiberless feeling - if you know what I mean.
Fay, sorry to hear about the stomach flu. Hope you make it to rehersal.
Sherry, I can only wish my pants looked big!! They aren't quite as uncomfortably tight as they were right after Christmas, but I'm not exactly ready to go down a size!
I know there's lots of reason for the scale to stall, but unfortunately I don't think I can claim the fat into muscle one! I do exercise, but I always have so the muscles are kind of old.
But thanks again for all the encouragment. And DH did not have the pork chops on the grill when I got home!!!!

petra65 04-02-2008 09:09 PM

well, I will miss bambi and her off the cuff comments.

Faye-hope you feel better soon. Being sick sucks!

Lynn-since I'm the only doc on the board, I'll give myself permission to give you some advice. I don't know if you read my post on another thread about there being no shortcuts to this journey. One of the reasons I had trouble getting back on the wagon is because I didn't want to have to do all the annoying things I have to do to lose weight-plan my meals, journal all my food, spend time talking to other dieters on the web. blah,blah,blah. It's time consuming but if I don't do it, I don't lose. I think more people are like me than not. Not many can lose without doing those things most of the time. The other advice about knowing how many calories you are eating applies. Calories are not AS important on low carb as they are if you are on a low fat/low cal plan but they do still count. You can typically get away with eating a few more but not a ton more. If you journal religiously, you may also discover that you are eating more carbs than you thought.

nasus40 04-03-2008 05:44 AM

:carrot: 2 of the three I gained droped off this am. I am glad, it was getting frusterating. Funny it did not seem like I pee'd overly much yesterday. but who is complaining?? Now my ticker is right. I still can not fit into my jeans that are not stretch not even close. the zipper is about 3-4 inches from getting close. (and they fit so nicely last summer. that really kickes me in the butt. ) It just amazes me how eaasily it goets on, whenyou are not looking. I am sure it had nothing to do with the eating of the doughnuts or bread or pasta or several bowls of cereal or the candy. NOTHING!!! :lol: My stretch jeans will fit me for several sizes and that is what I have been living in except sweats and scrubs. It was when I had to get bigger scrubs as i was afraid i would bust out a seam on the road that i got a bit woke up, then the doc and her **** diagnosis Diabeties that kicked my butt.

I just want to say thanks guys. You know I love it here and always have, If I ever go missing can somebody please come and fine me????

petra i agree that you have to do all that to get your life in order. Journal drink plan and stick with your support. even just read but it sure helps to vent and not just about the diet. that is what I do like about this place, you are not judged by who you are, or what you do or how you look. You are a person in need and are accepted as such. One more thing you do need to do is want to change ,desire to change. and really like/ love your self to make the changes. Or you will sabotage your self. the only way to lose is to keep focused and to do that you need to be accountabe for each morsel of food you put in your mouth. I tend to do what I call mindless eating stuff food in my mouth with out even realizing what I have done. and that is why I need to be accountable for everything.

BaB I would like one of those days where you just throw water at everybody. Sounds like fun!!

petra65 04-03-2008 08:54 AM

Well so far, my grain free living hasn't resulted in any major changes on my scale. I think I'm going to give this a couple weeks before deciding I need to make any other changes. There are some other things I could cut out before I get to dairy-because I really don't want to have to cut out dairy.

I go on call today for the next week. It gets annoying afterwhile and I will have to work this weekend. Today is also my nursing home day. I always go out to eat when I am there because it is too inconvenient to take a lunch and because it is just draining to be there I need to get out of the building for a few minutes. I can usually find a decent salad somewhere. Eating out always has a few hazards in it.

Jennifer 3FC 04-03-2008 09:11 AM

Hi Lynn, be sure and double check your entries at the Daily Plate. I used to use it regularly, but I started coming up with a lot of inaccurate (or just incomplete) nutrition info, such as entries for eggs with no protein. The user submit/user edit thing works pretty nicely for Wikipedia, but not so much for The Daily Plate.

lynnar 04-03-2008 09:43 AM

Hey, quick check in to report that my ticker is correct again! Today is not my official WI, but I jumped on the scale and it's actually 3 pounds less than yesterday, so all the energy I spent inputting my food must have burned up three pounds!! Just kidding. It's probably a water weight thing altho I don't know what I did to retain and then expel the water. Maybe the brisket I was eating??
Ahh, Petra, no short cuts? No magic pill? Kidding (again). I've been doing this long enuf to know you're right, but I still resent the time spent inputting food.
Thanks Jennifer, for warning me about The Daily Plate thing. I do believe a salad with 15 carbs is not the salad I usually eat. I'll be careful with it. But Fitday never seemed to have the stuff I ate listed. I think the Daily Plate is easier and I'm all about easy. Careful, but easy. I may be back to eat lunch (salad, of course) with you all. See Ya

SoulBliss 04-03-2008 05:16 PM

Hey, no time for personals, just wanted to say I am still here, still working away! Love to you all! :hug: :belly:

stayincalm 04-03-2008 05:36 PM

Hi All: Stepping in briefly.

Lynn: I must have caught your voracious ravinisitus from the other day. I didn't have breakfast but just finished a sizeable tuna salad (including the lettuce) and then ate 4 1/2 ounces of pepperoni and provalone cheese. Ya know what? I could still eat something else! This is insane. I'm not hungry. I just want something.

Petra: I have been meaning to ask how the dog is doing? Tammy right? I for one completely understand the need to get away from a work environment sometimes during lunch. In particular I can't imagine the challenge of trying to keep from being depressed when an environment is sort of depressing. How do you do it? I also wonder how oncologists do it. For some reason the ongologists I have met are the most opotomistic and positive people. It is a marvel.

Nas: It's gonna get better! You will be swimming in those scrubs soon!

Aud: WTG on the Dr. Visit and the maintain. Sending you mojo to keep on track.

Sherry: Wise words on allowing things to creep into ones food agenda. Sometimes it is a good idea to cut everything out including artificial sweeteners and get back to basics. Besides, who knows if we may be using something that our body can tolerate at the time but slowly that item impacts our ability to metabolize fatty tissue?

Azure: How is the podcast coming? I'm excited!

Fay: Hope you get over the bug soon. Why did you have to miss the fun, play in the water day? No fair. Why couldn't you have missed, say, "let's immunize everyone and watch them cry day" or "Lets bring people in to entertain but have them wear big scary costumes that freak kids out by mistake day" or "We must talk to crazy parents day'? It's just not fair. I hope you feel better though and that either bloke that you fancy or hot sultry chick that you fancy falls at your feet soon...or, WAIT THIS IS BETTER, they fight over you! Awesome.

Lastly: Bambi, I'm sad to see you go. I did not open threads to read until rather late yesterday evening long after work and dinner. I will miss the funny updates, wacky adventures, misadventures of the BF (like when he brought you fat free instead of sugar free candy) and your enthusiasm for new things. I too hope you check in on us from time to time.

Have a wonderful afternoon/evening all!


Ruthxxx 04-03-2008 05:38 PM

Big wave and hugs to Nasus and Mrs. Spotdog from another golden oldie. I'm hanging out in South Beach these days but sure am aware of the need to watch those carbs.

stayincalm 04-03-2008 05:42 PM

Aaaahhhhh SB! We cross posted. How are you doing sweetie? I love the dancing genie. Been worrying about your troubles from the other week. Sending wishes of serenity and happiness for you to the powers that be...or the powers that "she"...whomever is in charge up there. Hope all is well.


stayincalm 04-03-2008 05:44 PM

Hi Ruth: I also cross posted with YOU. I read the South Beach boards now and then. Love to see everyone's progress. Especially love the posts from the one that says something like, "went to the beach xyz day and still on the beach today!" Gets me everytime.


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