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jamsk8r 03-28-2009 03:48 AM

Hey DG, good luck with the calorie tweaking. I am stuck, too, this week..same as last week, actually up a little. :fr: Hopefully we'll both get it going the right direction this coming week!

Just got back from 3 hrs of skating. Tons of fun, but was already sore from yesterday's Crossfit workout, and will be lucky if I can walk upright tomorrow morning!

Lori259 03-28-2009 08:59 AM

Hey everyone Just checking in after A LONG WEEK.
Anyways~even skipped a few days of weighing But had good results since I am still on plan.
from 224 to 215 OH YEAH! 9 lbs lost of 15lb goal.
(I hope I make it~If not I am trying hard)
Went shopping and got a bunch of new clothes ~some tops /skirts/Jewelry/ & even shoes! For $50.00
Theres a new store in my town and they sale brand new clothes for 1.99 to 7.99 and brand new shoes for 1.99 to 5.99 (I WAS IN HEAVEN WITH THE WEIGHT LOSS IN THAT STORE!) anyways I ended up with 3 pairs of shoes, 4 skirts, 7 tops , 1 dress,1 Necklace and earring set all for $50.00

I went with skirts because they have a drawstring waist and I figured that I could use them for awhile..

Then I went on ebay and got some new Jewelry ~(I am a jewelry COLLECTOR LOL) Sterling silver stone bracelets/pendants/ & earrings !!!For super CHEAP!
(ANYWAYS~My Hubby Let me go on a shopping spree for a reward because I haven't done alot of that And I have lost 44.3 lbs so far!!! I am proud of that.
I just can't believe how easy I have had it with calorie counting (Sorta)

Oh if ya'll wanna see some before and after pictures Of so far....Click on the link below~then scroll down to where I posted to see my pics....I have came along ways I think. I am so happy.

JAM....Skating sounds like a blast~I hope your able to walk upright today!

Will check back in again soon...TAKE CARE EVERYONE AND HAVE A SAFE & FUN WEEKEND.

Hattie22 03-29-2009 08:54 AM

Lori: You look fabulous in your new pic! Awesome Job! Way to go on the shopping!! Enjoy, you deserve it!

Jam: You are so active!! I can't believe the weight is not falling off of you. You have to have some great muscle mass. You are so inspiring! Can you post a pic of the chicks? I would love to see them!

Oakey: Congrats on the 100 lbs!!!! :cheer2: times a hundred!! How long did it take you? I am at 58 lbs lost and am wondering?

Blasphemie: Congrats on ONEderland!!!:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: That is awesome! I can't wait to join you!

Nicki: Great job on making the Easter goal!!

I am still not exercising. The muscles in the neck and shoulder are still too sore. I don't want to stress them out and not be able to go to work again. I really miss the exercise though! I am still eating OP and haven't gained anything so that is good at least. Sure sign of spring...The forsythia is blooming! I am so excited! We went to our lake house last weekend and I tried on a pair of skorts that I had worn last summer. They literally fell off! They were tight on me before. It felt awesome! Sometimes, I can't believe how big I was 58lbs ago. I never felt that big.

Have a great day everyone!

Lori259 03-29-2009 12:30 PM

:hug:THANKS HATTIE~You are terrific:D

jamsk8r 03-29-2009 02:39 PM

Wow, Lori!! What a difference in just a few months! :congrat:

Hattie, I'll get back to you on the chicken pix. My memory card on the new camera is filling up, so I need to get my butt in gear and figure how to get the photos onto my computer. Once I can do that, then sharing pics will be a lot easier. I am loving the new digital camera, BTW. Yesterday I learned how to shoot video. It was super easy!

I am quite active, and I do have some good muscle going on (finally!), but it's hard for me to believe I'm packing it on 2 lbs a week, lol, so I think I still need some adjustments in the diet. Yesterday I went back to my old (regular CC) way of eating, except still keeping the olive oil, but cutting it back just a tad, from 1 tsp per meal (3 a day) to 1/2 tsp, then cutting out the fat from my snacks. I will see how that goes with the scale! After 3 weeks of higher cals/high fat, I'm hoping that cutting the fat cals (just because they are the densest sources of cals, like the peanut butter) and some of the carb cals (leaving out the daily yogurt for now as a test) will be enough to get things moving, while still keeping me energetic for workouts and making good recovery. Hopefully I will start seeing some results now, plus I'm hoping to start using some "real" weights in the crossfit workouts, now that I've graduated from the beginner class. I feel like I lost some strength this past month, doing all those workouts with really light weights, and none of my usual heavy lifting. :(

So, I've got a few things to do today, but it is a lazy day for me, so I'll be around. I'm on a mission to figure out the digital cam/computer connection, get my workout clothes washed up for the coming week, I'm planning a long, easy run for the workout today, and just general house cleaning stuff I've neglected all week. :D

Lori259 03-29-2009 05:14 PM

Jam~If you have a local walmart~go to them and they will place your photos on a disc for you for about $2.50 or $3.00 then you just place the disc in and they will automatically load for you. Then you can erase the pics from your memory card & start over and if your computer ever goofs up or anything you will always have the photos on a disc....It's a cheap way to save pics...

AND THANKS FOR THE CONGRADS! I Look at my before Pic and just say YUCK YUCK YUCK & MORE YUCK! I was the "UGLY YUCKLING " hahahahahahahaha
And I still am waiting to be a swan~That may never happen though hahahahaha

Take care Jam

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

AngelMae 03-29-2009 08:48 PM

Jam- did your camera come with a USB cord. If so you should be able to hook that from your camera to your computer and it will transfer them!!

Made it to the Y today for an UBWO. I also did 10 miles on the bike and 15 mins on the eliptical. I feel awesome right now!! Hoping the scale cooperates this week!!

Have a great Sunday night ladies, I am gonna catch up on a bit of television!! :)

dgramie 03-29-2009 08:51 PM

I think my scales must be broken...lol Hubbys said they are fine because he is gaining.Guess I should be happy they are pretty much stuck on me.
I am increasing my calories up to 1500 starting tommorow.Today came in at 1300. I am also upping exercise. I am going in to get my blood pressure checked as my hand have been a bit puffy.I am thinking maybe they decreased my bp meds to much last time. It will also be nice to see what the nurse has to say about my stall.
I got some protien on hand to go with my frozen fruit snack.I think i need a better balance than what i have been getting.
logging in to the dailyplate starts in the morning.

oakeyson 03-30-2009 08:45 AM

Blasphemie congratulations on getting to onederland:carrot:

Nicki - congratulations on hitting your easter goal:carrot:

Jam - thank you for the flamey

Lori - love the pic. You are doing great.

Hattie - Congrats on the 58 lbs lost. :carrot: Keep it up. Since you asked it took me a year and 3 months to lose the 100 lbs. Some ups and downs along the way but I did it though calorie counting and gradually changing eating habbits to eat healthier. Also, a lot of exercise. Hopefully you will get to exercise again soon.

DG - good luck at upping the calories. I hope that helps.

I had a good weekend. On my birthday I went to the gym and jogged for 20 min - 2 miles. That is better than the 15 min the other day. I am excited to go for the 5k this summer. I got a new blister on my foot after running but I kept going with walking for 35 min after the run and then I rode the bike for 30 min. I told my husband about the new blister and he decided he would buy me a new pair of shoes for my birthday. I just got them and cannot wait to try them out. My other shoes were about a year old so it was time to get new ones. I am down another lb to 188.:carrot: 3 more to go for my easter challenge. Today I took off and we are going to the museum for my birthday and then out to eat. I hope I don't overdo it today.

jamsk8r 03-30-2009 03:09 PM

Oakey, hope the new shoes work out! I need some, too, but Costco doesn't have the ones that fit me right now, so I'll have to check some other stores to find a pair in my price range that will be comfy. At least my old ones aren't giving me blisters, though...ouch! :hug:

Lori, you will get there. It's just a matter of keeping on the way you've been doing. You're doing everything right, and can't help but succeed if you never give up, never quit!

DG, good luck with the calorie tweak. I'm feeling your pain, but the scale is moving the last 2 days, so I'm hopeful that what I'm doing now is going to work for a while! Love the new avatar!

Angel, you're rockin' the workouts these days! WTG!

So, I went over my budget for April, and decided to wait on the crossfit membership. They offered to let me come in and pay when I can, but I'm just not comfortable with doing that, since my income is not set in stone. I really can't count on what's coming in until it's in my hot little hands, and don't want to end up owing money I can't pay in a timely manner. So, my plan is to try and put the money away a month ahead of time, and only start when I can be sure of paying in advance. Hopefully I can put the money away this month, and start next month, then keep it going over the summer, so I can get a good foundation on the olympic lifts before the winter utility bills start coming in again, and force me to go back to training solo.

In the meantime, I've got enough stuff to practice to keep me busy for a month, and I think I'll do a strength building phase of bodypart split lifting, so I can go back stronger and get the most out of the crossfit workouts when I do start up.

AngelMae 03-31-2009 04:08 PM

Jams- Thanks!! I love the rockin workouts, makes me feel a ton better!! Did you get your camera figured out??

:wave: Everyone!! Sorry just a a quick Hello for today. I have sooo much housecleaning today and no one else seems to want to do it. So I guess I have to!!

I did LBWO today and lots of Abs. I have been neglecting my abs but I figure I should start working on them a bit more. I also did 15 mins on the elliptical, I managed to do 1.25 miles in 15 mins, for me that is really good!!

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday night!! :)

retiredone 03-31-2009 05:44 PM

Just checking in after about 3 weeks of absence. My FIL died and my gorgeous, sweet grandson was born so I've been away from home and on the run more than I ever wanted to be. Eating has been awful and exercise non-existent so I'm not weighing until I get control of things which started today. I'm guessing my Easter goal has gone down the tube but that's how it goes at funerals and births.

Have a lovely on plan day.

Lori259 04-01-2009 12:14 AM

Thanks oakey!~& you to jam!
I am in a hurry tonight...But wanted to say I am 214.8 so I am still dropping.(YIPPIE!)
I got 5 more lbs to go to reach my goal for this challenge but so far I have lost 10 of the 15. So I am thrilled with those results.I am sure I will be close but If I do not reach my goal I am still Excited with my results.
12 more days To go!!!


jamsk8r 04-01-2009 09:42 AM

Morning, all. :coffee:

Well, I've got things moving the right direction on the scale again. I got a new low today, only a little lower, but after hovering near the 180 mark for a week, I'll take it! (176.4)

Heading to the crossfit gym this morning for a workout. I was going to wait till May to start going there, but my trainer was freaking that I would mess up all the work we did in March, or that I wouldn't be working out as hard as I should be, something like that. Some peeps have control issues, lol! So, she wants me to keep coming in, even though I can't afford the membership right now. She said I could have April for free, so I didn't have any good excuse not to show up for workouts. I thought that was pretty cool, so I'll go in and make her happy. Hopefully driving the space shuttle (my sister's old truck with the 454 gas guzzling engine in it) isn't going to eat me out of house and home in the meantime. My van is still in the driveway, waiting for one more part. (see my eye twitchin'?)

I'd better finish this up and get ready to go. I'll check in with you peeps later and do replies! :wave:

oakeyson 04-02-2009 09:34 AM

Jam - Congratulations on your new low and one month of the crossfit for free. That is great.

Lori - Great job on your loss so far. I bet if you stick to it you can reach your Easter goal.

I am at 188 so 3 lbs away from my Easter goal. Last night was a much needed exercise break. I realized I had not given my body any rest in over a week. I talked to my brother last night who is almost finished with his survival training in the air force. He wants us to train to do a marathon next March. I don't know about that but I am sure we could do a 5k or 10k. So far I have only used my new shoes once and they are working well. I jogged 2 miles the other day. I really want to get up to 3 miles soon to get ready for the 5k this summer.

Good luck to everyone in the last few days left to the Easter challenge.

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