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ars 03-04-2010 07:17 PM

@weebleswobble - Congrats on the smaller clothes! I need new pants for work (scrubs)...I am feeling like I'm in clown pants some days! Thank goodness for elastic waistbands! Don't forget to update your siggie!

babygrant 03-04-2010 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by ars (Post 3185029)
@weebleswobble - Congrats on the smaller clothes! I need new pants for work (scrubs)...I am feeling like I'm in clown pants some days! Thank goodness for elastic waistbands! Don't forget to update your siggie!

I feel like a clown in my scrubs too. I hate scrubs...but there's NO way I'm wearing regular clothes with the amount of...er...bodily fluids I deal with on a daily basis. HA!

Bigmid 03-04-2010 10:15 PM

Hi everyone I have been reading the posts but I have actually had a crazy week so haven't actually posted myself. I didn't take notes while reading this time so sorry no personals. I just hope that everything stays good with all of you and those who are still sick get well soon.

I have been trying to be good my eating is on track and so is my exercise. I will be weighing in tomorrow as I have that event on Saturday and there is no way I would want to post my weight on Sunday:) I am hoping for a loss tomorrow but I have been feeling chubby this week. I am still hoping for the best though.

Have a great night everyone.

dayoneagain 03-05-2010 03:09 AM

191.5! :D So four pounds down this week. Woooooo! :yay:

Shame the 3FC tickers aren't working at the moment - I wanted to see it FINALLY go down a bit.

Should be out of the 190s next week! :D

Hope everyone is feeling good.xxx

Mercy03 03-05-2010 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by dayoneagain (Post 3185435)
191.5! :D So four pounds down this week. Woooooo! :yay:

Shame the 3FC tickers aren't working at the moment - I wanted to see it FINALLY go down a bit.

Should be out of the 190s next week! :D

Hope everyone is feeling good.xxx



Originally Posted by Bigmid (Post 3185253)
Hi everyone I have been reading the posts but I have actually had a crazy week so haven't actually posted myself. I didn't take notes while reading this time so sorry no personals. I just hope that everything stays good with all of you and those who are still sick get well soon.

I have been trying to be good my eating is on track and so is my exercise. I will be weighing in tomorrow as I have that event on Saturday and there is no way I would want to post my weight on Sunday:) I am hoping for a loss tomorrow but I have been feeling chubby this week. I am still hoping for the best though.

Have a great night everyone.

Hiya Bigmid, nice to hear from you:)

@ Nella Back to 30day shred for me, what workout s are you doing?

@ Babygrant :carrot::carrot: on your weight loss

To everyone else, have a great day!

retiredone 03-05-2010 03:15 PM

Nice weigh in there Dayoneagain.

Weebles, I use the Goodwill all the time. Thrift stores are a lifesaver when going down in weight.

I've been sulking. I can't walk (back still not cooperating) and the weather is just plain nasty and I ate and ate and ate. Arrrrgggg. I'm still with the plan though just made a detour. I hate winter in March. We're in the middle of a nasty, cold and icy snowstorm. Yuck!

Ah, tomorrow is another day. Have a good weekend.

babygrant 03-05-2010 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by dayoneagain (Post 3185435)
191.5! :D So four pounds down this week. Woooooo! :yay:

You are so awesome!!! I was so excited to see your ticker!!!

dayoneagain 03-05-2010 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by babygrant (Post 3186617)
You are so awesome!!! I was so excited to see your ticker!!!

WE are so awesome :D

weebleswobble 03-05-2010 05:04 PM

we weigh the same but you are way taller than me. :)

ars 03-05-2010 07:56 PM

Hey everyone! I'm so happy the work week if over for me! It was rough. We have two people on vacation, so it was NUTS all week!

I think I will be using my first freebie for weigh in this week. I have been POP except for Wednesday (and even though it was off plan, Wednesday was at or near being a break even calories-in=calories-out day), but I must be retaining water or something as the scale is not giving me numbers that I want to see!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

babygrant 03-06-2010 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by dayoneagain (Post 3186650)
WE are so awesome :D

Hehe, ok ok, WE are so awesome. ;) I'm getting there, luckily, telling by your losses it doesn't look like you've fallen off the wagon.


Originally Posted by weebleswobble (Post 3186748)
we weigh the same but you are way taller than me. :)

She's only 4 inches taller than ya! That's not too much. ;)


Originally Posted by ars (Post 3186985)
I think I will be using my first freebie for weigh in this week. I have been POP except for Wednesday (and even though it was off plan, Wednesday was at or near being a break even calories-in=calories-out day), but I must be retaining water or something as the scale is not giving me numbers that I want to see!

Don't feel bad for using a freebie! Next week I bet your number will rock once you "whooooosh!"

babygrant 03-06-2010 11:15 AM

Because I started out this week a few pounds higher than my last weigh in that I used my freebie for, my weight won't show as much of a loss at all. As of today it's 0.2 lower than two weeks ago. But I started out monday at 202.0 lbs and as of today I'm 199.6 lbs.

BUT..I started the 30 Day Shred on Monday and my hubby did my measurements for me on monday and then again yesterday after 4 days of doing the 30DS and I've lost 2 inches off my upper arms, 1 inch off my tummy, and 1/2 inch off my thighs and hips. :carrot: So I'm keeping up with this workout and going to throw 3 days of 20 or 30 minute cardio into there and I know it's going to work for me!

weebleswobble 03-06-2010 11:16 AM

well, I weigh the same as I did on Sunday, I guess I was really dehydrated last week. Going to go let the doggies pull me through the cemetery, it's nice out today (finally)...

Maybe I can pull off a .2 loss. :( sorry guys!

maryshady 03-06-2010 11:31 AM

I am dropping out of the competition. I don't have the time to come here and support everyone anymore. Hopefully there will be a summer challenge again this year. Good luck to all who are still in it. You are all doing great!!!

babygrant 03-06-2010 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by weebleswobble (Post 3187560)
Maybe I can pull off a .2 loss. :( sorry guys!

Maintaining is better than gaining! :D

babygrant 03-06-2010 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by maryshady (Post 3187589)
I am dropping out of the competition. I don't have the time to come here and support everyone anymore. Hopefully there will be a summer challenge again this year. Good luck to all who are still in it. You are all doing great!!!

Sorry to see you go. :(

Doragone 03-07-2010 03:47 AM

Hi there blue ladies!!!
Sounds like we've got some big losers here! I didn't gain, actually lost .2lbs, even with cake and ice cream twice this week!!! I worked in the yard some too though, but the knee is back out of whack (I sympathize with you retired one, I also have a back issue, groan - but the knee is taking the lead for now). Nonetheless, I'm trying to eat better and am willing myself to that elliptical . . . someday.

Sorry to lose Mary -

enjoying the group that is left - thanks for being who you are . . .

Say, where's Echo?

Love you guys!!!


Mercy03 03-07-2010 09:36 AM

Good Morning everyone:)

@ Maryshady. good luck to you!

@Weebleswooble. The weight will come off next week.:)

@ Echo ??????????????????????

Good luck on the scales today!

babygrant 03-07-2010 11:02 AM

I have a love hate for todays number. Last week I took a freebie because I went on a weight loss hiatus and actually gained over 2 pounds. So last week I weighed in at 202.0 lbs but used my freebie. I managed to lose those 2.2 lbs plus 0.2 lb but unfortunately I'll only be able to add 0.2 lbs to the team. I'm happy that it's going down though....and no more binge parties for me!!

On a happier note though, I'm THRILLED with my measurements. We did them earlier in the challenge as well so I think whoever wants to update them should!


Bust start: 42.5 Bust now: 38.5 Difference: -4"
Abdomen start: 46.5 Abdomen now: 44.5 Difference: -2"
Hips start: 49.5 Hips now: 48" Difference: -1.5"
Thighs start: 29.5 Thighs now: 27 Difference: -2.5"
Calf start: 15 Calf now: 15 Difference: 0"
Upper arm start: 15 Upper arm now: 13 Difference: -2"


Bigmid 03-07-2010 11:03 AM

Hi everyone,
Sorry I haven't been around much this week kind of a crazy one and I have not been myself this week. I weighed in on Friday and put that as my weight for the challange. Had my scrapbook convention with lots of goodie and put on 2.8lbs so we are going with Fridays weigh in and hope for the best by next weekend.
Congratulations to everyone with losses, you ladies are doing great. I hope the next challange actually sees some pounds coming off of me:)
Maryshady - sorry to see you go, I hope all is well with you.

weebleswobble 03-07-2010 02:39 PM

:) Well, my ticker shows that I've lost a pound! woo! 189, isn't that soo far into onederland!

Catsgetnhealthy 03-07-2010 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by dayoneagain (Post 3185435)
191.5! :D So four pounds down this week. Woooooo! :yay:

:woohoo: That's awesome!!!


Originally Posted by babygrant (Post 3187557)
Because I started out this week a few pounds higher than my last weigh in that I used my freebie for, my weight won't show as much of a loss at all. As of today it's 0.2 lower than two weeks ago. But I started out monday at 202.0 lbs and as of today I'm 199.6 lbs.

BUT..I started the 30 Day Shred on Monday and my hubby did my measurements for me on monday and then again yesterday after 4 days of doing the 30DS and I've lost 2 inches off my upper arms, 1 inch off my tummy, and 1/2 inch off my thighs and hips. :carrot: So I'm keeping up with this workout and going to throw 3 days of 20 or 30 minute cardio into there and I know it's going to work for me!

:cp: :bravo:That's amazing inches gone in such a short time!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Me I've had a sucky week :mad: Monday was awesome, Tuesday went to work and started feeling like :censored: I guess I got some weird stomach thing, it felt like I'd been punched repeatedly in the stomach. Hurt to walk, hurt to lay down. I only got in a mile a day on Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Even my belly dancing class was canceled Thursday night as the teacher had a stomach thing going on too. I'm so far behind on my goal for the month. But am feeling better this weekend and got in my 4 mile punch up your walk. So I'm hellbent on making up those lost miles to catch myself up. I was surprised that I even lost a pound this week. But I really want to make the goal I set for this challenge too and a pound a week ain't going to cut it! I'm hanging in there and WILL NOT GIVE UP OR IN!!!! I will not let myself down anymore when it comes to get healthy.
I hope everyone has a great rest of the day. I taped BL, so will probably watch that tomorrow sometime.
Talk to you tomorrow.

retiredone 03-07-2010 08:17 PM

Hello ladies. I lost 1 of the 2 pounds I gained last week so there's hope. My back is feeling much better so tomorrow I'll venture forth on my walking again. Hope next week is another good one for everyone.

Nella 03-07-2010 09:36 PM

I haven't been on here much girls sorry... I've been otherwise occupied ;) Trying to make babies is time consuming, lol.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!! I actually got some gardening done today. Planted all my veggie beds.

Did my measurements tonight. Since the end of January I have lost an inch in my waist and hips, .5 inch in my thigh and fore arm, 1.5 inches in my bicep, and my calves have stayed the same, lol. I can't really measure chest easily, but I am down to a 33 for my ribcage measurement. I was a 37/38 when I started losing.

So the weight is stable, but I'm losing inches. That makes me feel tons better! Thanks BabyGrant for reminding me to do measurements!

weebleswobble 03-07-2010 09:52 PM

Nella! :) Lol :) ha ha ha.

Are you really planting veggies already? We are just now starting tomato and pepper plants in Indiana. Soooo jealous.

Isabella, can you swim or something? I am anxious for you, you must be climbing the walls!

Cats, will the extra 2 weeks help you get to goal? :)

babygrant 03-07-2010 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by weebleswobble (Post 3188997)
:) Well, my ticker shows that I've lost a pound! woo! 189, isn't that soo far into onederland!

YAY!!!! Great job. BTW thank you for your response to my other thread, you know which one it is. ;) I updated there this morning...not sure if anyone has responded yet.


Originally Posted by Catsgetnhealthy (Post 3189219)
Me I've had a sucky week :mad: Monday was awesome, Tuesday went to work and started feeling like :censored: I guess I got some weird stomach thing, it felt like I'd been punched repeatedly in the stomach. Hurt to walk, hurt to lay down.

Ooh, that doesn't sound good!!! :( I wonder what was wrong!!!


Originally Posted by retiredone (Post 3189373)
My back is feeling much better.

There's nothing worse than a sore back. I'm so glad it's feeling better!


Originally Posted by Nella (Post 3189433)
I haven't been on here much girls sorry... I've been otherwise occupied ;) Trying to make babies is time consuming, lol.



Originally Posted by weebleswobble (Post 3189448)
Are you really planting veggies already? We are just now starting tomato and pepper plants in Indiana. Soooo jealous.

That's what I was thinking! We have another 2 months before we can plant. :(

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