Lots of food gifts will be coming in the door... yikes.

  • Gifts of food are so common this time of the year. Let's face it, it's mostly sweets. I don't handle all of that very well. DH loves all the goodies coming in the door & doesn't have a weight problem, He eats like a thin person, however. He can have or two and be satified.

    How do you handle/deal with all the food gifts? In the past I've given it to my neighbor who has five boys that will eat everything. I've also thrown it away at a last resort. Better in the trash than me.

    Do you have any hints or strategies to suggest.
  • I'll bring gifts like that into work for the break rooms... Everyone appreciates having them around this time of year... Even the people that I work with who are on diets appreciate having gift baskets around, because even if there is nothing in them that they want to eat... It's the thought that counts...
  • Thanks, Tripswitch... I wish I had an office to take the goodies too. I am self employed and have an office at home.

    I think I'll had this to the daily discussion thread.

    Thanks again.