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Ali06 05-31-2014 10:41 PM

Lose 5lbs Challenge... #42

New Challenge Time!

Here how the story goes....first one to lose 5 pounds wins!!

It's not just about losing 5 pounds, it's about encouraging one another, sharing struggles and celebrating success! Now who's ready to win this next challenge?! Let's do it!

wannaskipandlaugh 06-01-2014 11:34 AM

ALI :woohoo: WAY TO GO! I KNEW you were gonna beat us all! LOLOLOLOL OOOOOOOOHHHHHH a new decade for you! WHOO RA! now for you to fly thru the 20's!

Me.. I am so close to getting outta them! soooo close.

SW 221.8

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!

Ali06 06-01-2014 04:20 PM

Thanks Sue!!! I have to say 329 felt sooooooooo good! Now I can't wait to kiss them goodby and get my teens back lol! :)

And SUE! OMG! Look how close you are to 100lbs gone! Holy moly!!! That is FANTASTIC!!!!! Truly an inspiration!

I did not weigh today - it's actually my b-day - hubby talked me into not worrying about the scale for just one day lol

My mom and/or grandma normally makes me a lemon mirangue (sp???) pie for my b-day, my all time favorite desert. But they thankfully did not this year lol

Today has been a great day - my mom and step dad came by and got me a gift certificate for a pedicure, which I plan to use ASAP lol, my mom and dad in law got me a outdoor fire smoker/pit which I have wanted for ages. My daughter spent the night with some friends last night and they got her some little crafts that she and her friend worked on for me - which was super sweet. And hubby and daughter got me some new flip flops, a new 2A shirt, and a new gas grill with complete accessories and currently working on fixing a scrumptious dinner - grilled pork chops and asapargus and I made cole slaw this morning to set up for tonight.

So I'll start my weigh in tomorrow. I'm still all on plan and no bad foods - went to my nephews 1st b-day party - it was a little difficult to stay away from the strawberries, the smell was intoxicating lol But I did - then they had chocolate cake and this lady that makes the cakes we use makes the best tasting cakes I've ever had - it was very very very very hard, but I resisted lol. My husband said he was pretty sure he saw me drooling at one point LOL Oh and my sis in law made home made hamburger buns which smelled fantastic. But me and hubby both stuck to it and only ate foods we could have.

Which by the way, I wanted to share what a great job he did too --- he has went down 10lbs in 4 days! He had gained some when we came back from out trip a couple weeks ago but all that and then some are gone and he's in a new decade too.

SW 329.0
CW 329.0
GW 324.0

6/1 - DNW

Mara 06-01-2014 04:58 PM

Congrats Ali! Woot woot!

Sue oh my goodness! You are doing awesome!

wannaskipandlaugh 06-02-2014 07:46 AM

ALI - You are a Gorgeous! I love that picture! (Avatar) :D Beautiful!!!!!
and your Birthday sounds just about perfect. I love your family and I can see how much they love and treasure you! Ah.. these are the good things in life and the ones to remember!

Mara..Thank you for your {{HUG}} I sure appreciate it and I am hoping to see you getting into the 30's really soon! My wish!

Me... well my fat fast netted me 2 lbs off! HOORAY! Happy Happy Camper here... not quite into the 2 teens.. but darned close!

SW 221.8
6/2 220.4 (-1.4) :D

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!

Mara 06-02-2014 09:01 AM

Way to go Sue. I am so excited for you to be in the teens! I will follow the trail you blaze!

I am down some. Still up from my lowest, but I do feel like I might be getting my head back in a good place. Went for a 4.6 mile walk yesterday and it was great. :) I plan I doing that about 5 times a week.

Sw: 244.6
Gw: 239.6

Traveler620 06-02-2014 09:38 AM

Ali-congrats! I am glad you had an excellent birthday! It sounds like a perfect day. I am so impressed that you stayed on plan. I always make excuses to cheat. Reading your posts really inspire me to stay on plan.

Sue- Nice work on the fast. How did you feel while on it? 2 lbs over one weekend is awesome. I predict a new decade for you tomorrow.

Mara-you are a walking machine. I hope the weather cooperates for you while you walk.

My husband is starting Atkins for real this week. I am excited because it will be motivating for me. When he decides to do something he does it.


newme12 06-02-2014 09:55 AM

You guys are doing great!! I think I will be recovered and ready to catch the next challenge!
Sue! Sue! Wow! You are so close... :D :D :D

Ali06 06-02-2014 10:19 PM

Wellllllllll I didn't weigh again today lol Oops! I had a dr's appointment this morning to try and figure out why TOM is being such a pain in the rump - doc is thinking PCOS, so I go back Fri for labs and then meet with her on 6/25. Considering that TOM just finished a 3 week visit, I am MORE than ready to have a break.

TOM did just end yesterday so I honestly think I'm about a lb or so - I usually do on the on the last couple days. At the dr's office I weighed 331.4 - with my clothes on of courseso I'm thinking I may have gained a little or at best just held steady.

SUE - Aww, ya made me blush lol :) I took that in my office the other day, was a little bored HA! nice job on the fat fast (what is that btw??) Good start to winning this challenge and hitting that 100lb mark!!

TRAVELER - Yes you are right, when SO is on plan as well that is a huge help. I couldn't be doing this right now if mine wasn't. He's also one of those people that when he makes up his mind, that's it! lol Of course I kind of am too really. Good luck to you both!!!

On the cheating, it's never easy to muster up that willpower - but I ask myself each time is it worth it? Is it worth giving up pounds I've worked so hard to drop? Is it worth sabatoging the progress I've made? Is it worth even stalling the progress I'm making? The answer is always no... no it's actually not. That giving in mentality is what got me where I am - so I'm not giving in - maybe later we'll plan some cheat days/times here and there, but for now I need that laser focused dedication or I'll derail - just how I operate, kind of an all or nothing gal lol

Now, with that being said - this weekend is my husband's grandma's b-day party - and one of his cousins makes her famous eclair cake -- if I make it through that without cheating then I think I can not cheat on anything ever LOL But that's a great big fat IF!

MARA - WOW, nice walkin!

SW 329.0
CW 329.0
GW 324.0

6/1 - DNW
6/2 - DNW

wannaskipandlaugh 06-02-2014 10:38 PM

Hey Mara.. thank you for the hug and I am hoping that this weight stays off too and yours is now going in the right direction! I believe you will do well! I believe it as much as I believe your doctor will help you (insides) and get well! :)

Traveler... I felt kinda good the 2nd day.. the first day I was alittle jittery and hungry as 5- 200 calorie meals was small for me.. used to eating 3- 400-500 cal meals LOL But I did it. Each time I wanted to eat something not 80-90% fat filled... I told myself NO.. You can do this for 2 days... Just 2 days and I did! :) I might (like induction) do this every 6 weeks or so... hhhmmmmmmmmm :)

Thank you Carol (newme).. I hope you are back in the game really soon.. I have missed your posts! and missed you!

Ali.. :) I feel like you are the desert of our posts! I love to read yours!! :)... A fat fast is eating foods that contain 80-90% of the calories are Fat calories... Cream Cheese... Macadamia nuts.. Mayo etc... There is a cool Book from Dana Carpender (google her) that I just ordered... Thinking of the sugar free peanut butter and cream cheese.. Ah YAY!

sarahinparis 06-03-2014 04:27 AM

All right, since the scale did NOT do a magic bounce down today I'm sucking it up and putting today's weight as a starting weight for this challenge - hoping, of course, that this is just water weight that will WHOOSH off & I'll leave this challenge victorious in a couple of days... But even if it's not, it's coming off!

SW : 188.0
CW: 188.0
GW : 183.0

188.0 June 3

wannaskipandlaugh 06-03-2014 07:36 AM

Sarah... that water will Woooooooooooooooooosssssshhhhhhhhhhhh and flush away Pronto! :) I bet you are telling your water yourself.. Go Away NOW Go away NOW! LOL Its listening!

Me.. I am up only .4 oz.. only a 20% uptick on the loss.. Not bad! as I know its water too... :) Happy.. but now need to lose that and more!!!! I have to give Sarah a race! or at least a challenge! :)

SW 221.8
6/2 220.4 (-1.4)
6/3 220.8 (-1.0 so up .4) eh.. ok!

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!

smith1313 06-03-2014 11:08 AM

Big Congratulations Ali!!!

I wish I had the willpower, share?

My boys got into it Friday, vet early Saturday, both on antibiotic and now surgery today.....its going to be killer hot and they are re-doing the pool starting today. My BIL is coming to stay to help with the dogs due to drilling, grinding, pounding and the dozen plus people who are going to be in their yard. Construction crew is digging up right down the street....Life is an adventure! I am now pooing and farting up a storm but it stinks, ick!

SW 179....AGAIN

sarahinparis 06-04-2014 04:40 AM

Ok, some movement, whew!

SW : 188.0
CW: 185.2 (-2.8)
GW : 183.0

188.0 June 3
185.2 June 4

Traveler620 06-04-2014 07:55 AM

Sarah - that is a lot of movement. I hope that happens to me tonight.

Smith - I am sorry to hear about your dogs. Did they get into a fight with each other? Also, too bad about no pool while it is so hot outside.

Sue - I saw macadamia nuts at Costco yesterday. I was surprised at how expensive they are. They were over $11 a pound. I imagine a pound would last for a long time, though. 5- 200 cal meals would be a huge adjustment for me as well. I am really bad at having multiple small meals.

Ali - At this point I would be surprised if you had the eclair cake. If I had some cake, not surprised. You, however, have made it through a lot of temptations.

CW: 171

wannaskipandlaugh 06-04-2014 08:04 AM

Sarah. NICE water drop! :D Who Ra!

Traveler.. Down no for you too! :D

Smith.. Just take every day and do the best you can... I know you will as you have done it before. Most of the extra is water and that will go bye bye! :) I Betcha!!

Mara and Ali doing ok?

I am sticking right around my loss no from last weekend tho I have not P***ed in 3 days.. so that will yield a loss when that happens. OOOO I have to start Marketing today (I am NOT a marketer... but our business is slow and I have a feeling that my long term employment is going to depend on business I can bring in.. yikes.. I am an Escrow/Closing officer - not a sales woman..(well we all sell stuff to our friends by our words).. but putting myself out there... EEEYYYKKKKKK Scared silly!

SW 221.8
6/2 220.4 (-1.4)
6/3 220.8 (-1.0 so up .4) eh.. ok!
6/4 220.6 (-1.2 total)

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!

Mara 06-04-2014 11:33 AM

Hello everyone. I managed to get into the doctors yesterday. They had a cancellation. I was really tired afterwards from the tests. I am going to have surgery to remove the uterine fibroids and hopefully get my periods/bleeding/pain/etc. under control.

Trying to get with the coordinator now to see what dates are available.

Sarah, Traveler, and Sue way to go! :)

Ali I hope they figure out the issue soon.

Smith you will be shedding the weight again in no time!

Sw: 244.6
Cw: 243.8
Gw: 239.6

wannaskipandlaugh 06-05-2014 07:58 AM

Mara.. Did you get a surgery date? I had a fibroid hanging outside of me from my uterus and they did an office snipping... It hurt alittle as the doctor kept tugging on it (???) But It was gone in a quick and I hope your fibroids have a small place of attachment and can be snipped or lazered with little to no troubles and scars!!! and then... YOU WILL BE GOLDEN!!!!! and have that worry stress taken off your shoulders!! ((HUG)) bunches of ((HUGS))

Well... I made it to the 2 teens and I LOST 100 POUNDS! WEEEEEEEEE

SW 221.8
6/2 220.4 (-1.4)
6/3 220.8 (-1.0 so up .4) eh.. ok!
6/4 220.6 (-1.2 total)
6/5 219.6 (-2.2 total) :D oh so happy and wired!

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!

Traveler620 06-05-2014 09:03 AM

Hello everyone

Sue- CONGRATS! That is a huge milestone. You should do something special today.

CW: 170.6

Mara 06-05-2014 11:34 AM

Oh my goodness Sue!!! That is amazing! I am so happy and proud of you!!! :D

Traveler you are off to a good start. :)

One of the fibroids is inside the uterus on the back wall. It is being removed so it does not grow and become an issue later. The main culprit is is in my canal and causing issues. They are going to do the Da Vinci Procedure. I will have four small scars in different places on my stomach and will be out of work for a week and a half. I am nervous, but I am ready to feel better. :)

newme12 06-06-2014 04:34 AM

Ok SUE...I know I already celebrated on the july 4th challenge but really...you deserve two celebrations!!

:carrot::carrot::cb::cb::dance::cp::bravo::congrat ::broc::woo::carrot::carrot:

Way To Go!! :D :D

wannaskipandlaugh 06-06-2014 08:36 AM

MARA.. Oh wow.. When is your surgery? and that you are going to be out of work for that length of time.. that is a major snipping job.. Shoot.. and Ouch... But YOU WILL be healthier and more normal (lady wise) when this is over. I send you strength and send you thoughts of positiveness!.. Once it has been completed and done you can relax your shoulders and say goodbye to the stress and look forward to feeling great again! ((HUGS!))

Carol... Thank you again... OOOOOOOO I like parties BIG TIME! LOL Now I just have to get back to that weight again - gained 2 lbs last night BOO! (Salt from Longhorn dinner - tho totally Atkins friendly - salad and Parm Chicken... (only 1 breast) total 18 carbs.. I did good.. but the salt Oyyyyeeee Vey!

SW 221.8
6/2 220.4 (-1.4)
6/3 220.8 (-1.0 so up .4) eh.. ok!
6/4 220.6 (-1.2 total)
6/5 219.6 (-2.2 total) oh so happy and wired!
6/6 221.6 (-.2 total only) Boo and GRRRRRRRR

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!

Traveler620 06-06-2014 08:42 AM

Mara - The surgery sounds tough, but will be great after it is all over. A friend of mine had a similar procedure and she is much happier now. I wish you a speedy recovery!

Ali- how are you doing? I feel like this challenge might be over the next time you post....with you as the winner!

Sue- Longhorn is some good stuff. I am glad you celebrated!

CW: 169.6

Mara 06-06-2014 09:21 AM

Thanks ladies. I am waiting for the dr office to call. They have to make sure there are no other tests, procedures, etc. they need to do before we set a surgery date. I guess one of them would be to make sure the bleeding is not making me anemic. But I know I have to hang in there and keep working on getting healthy. The doctor said he would like for me to get to 190 eventually. I told him I was aiming for 170. :)

Sue I just cannot get over how excited I am in your progress. You are doing so amazing. And I love the chicken parm from Longhorn. Delicious!

Traveler moving on down on the scale. :) Keep going.

wannaskipandlaugh 06-08-2014 08:23 PM

Hello All!! I hope everyone is having or had a great weekend! I thought of you all everytime I thought of off plan food! I think I need a boost sometimes and this weekend it was all your kindnesses and comforts! and it worked.. !!! I lost almost all the water weight gain from Thursday nights dinner! :D

Mara... I know that you will be better and healthier after that surgery and that it just is a minor blip in your mind and not tooooo scary.. (is someone going to be there with you and to take you home - Outpatient or inpatient?) I will be thinking of you that day and sending comfort and strength and healing your way... then after that I will send the woosh fairy! :)

SW 221.8
6/2 220.4 (-1.4)
6/3 220.8 (-1.0 so up .4) eh.. ok!
6/4 220.6 (-1.2 total)
6/5 219.6 (-2.2 total) oh so happy and wired!
6/6 221.6 (-.2 total only) Boo and GRRRRRRRR
6/7 221.2 (-.6 total) okay going right way!
6/8 220.2 (-1.6 total) Even BETTER and after my morning walk I was 218.2! WOOHOO!

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!


wannaskipandlaugh 06-09-2014 08:31 AM

SW 221.8
6/2 220.4 (-1.4)
6/3 220.8 (-1.0 so up .4) eh.. ok!
6/4 220.6 (-1.2 total)
6/5 219.6 (-2.2 total) oh so happy and wired!
6/6 221.6 (-.2 total only) Boo and GRRRRRRRR
6/7 221.2 (-.6 total) okay going right way!
6/8 220.2 (-1.6 total) Even BETTER and after my morning walk I was 218.2! WOOHOO!
6/9 219.2 (-2.6 total) YAY! Now I need for this to be my high weight for the week! :)

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!

Mara 06-09-2014 11:40 AM

Way to go Sue!

They think it will be outpatient, but there is a chance I would have to stay one night. My mom will probably be there the first few days and then my Aunt will probably check in the rest of the time. :)

I really appreciate you and the other people on this board. :hug:

Sw: 244.6
Cw: 243.2
Gw: 239.6

Traveler620 06-09-2014 04:13 PM

Hello all,

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. The weather great in Northern Virginia. I hope it was nice for all of you.

I had a few minor cheats this weekend, but nothing too bad. I went to help a friend who just had a baby so I did not do very well in the exercise arena. I am still trying to get myself motivated to exercise today. :-)

CW: 168.6

sarahinparis 06-10-2014 04:42 AM

Alright, facing the music - actually it's helpful, because despite a really terrible weekend I see I'm pretty much where I was a week ago...

SW : 188.0
CW: 188.6 (+0.6)
GW : 183.0

188.0 June 3
185.2 June 4
DNW June 5
186.0 June 6
DNW June 7
190.4 June 8
DNW June 9
188.6 June 10

wannaskipandlaugh 06-10-2014 07:53 AM

Mara.. I am glad your mom will be there for you! and I do hope it is outpatient. Just keep thinking that this proceedure will make your life so much better! and TOM will be easier and I bet (clear throat) other things will be easier too.. Oh I send you another big hug! You just let us know if you need to talk...

Traveler.. you are moving that scale downward! YAH!

Sarah... You had had time on your own - writing while the family was away a few weeks ago and the stress of completing that project... well things happen.. I am so glad you came back. That gain will go away and you still might WOOSH away to the 179's!! Just never know.... :D

SW 221.8
6/2 220.4 (-1.4)
6/3 220.8 (-1.0 so up .4) eh.. ok!
6/4 220.6 (-1.2 total)
6/5 219.6 (-2.2 total) oh so happy and wired!
6/6 221.6 (-.2 total only) Boo and GRRRRRRRR
6/7 221.2 (-.6 total) okay going right way!
6/8 220.2 (-1.6 total) Even BETTER and after my morning walk I was 218.2! WOOHOO!
6/9 219.2 (-2.6 total) YAY! Now I need for this to be my high weight for the week!
6/10 218.4 (-3.2 total) Oh Hooray! Induction eating and getting close to a full moon! Weeeeee

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!

Mara 06-10-2014 09:44 AM

Woot! Woot! Sue you keep going!!! Almost got this challenge in the bag.

Traveler the scale is going down even with the minor cheats. You are doing awesome!

Sarah I am with Sue. That gain will be gone in a snap. :)

I was running late this morning so no weigh in for me. But fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Ali06 06-10-2014 04:04 PM

SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! I'm so happy to log on and see you over that 100lb mark!!! WOW!!! Congrats!!!!

Traveler - hey we're neighbors! I"m in SW VA lol :)

Sorry been absent a bit - I was swamped at work last week with my boss being on vacation - never got a chance to breathe! lol

TOM is still going nutso - went to the dr Monday 6/2 after just ending a 3 week TOM visit - and so help me God, started again on 6/5. I went for some labwork on 6/6 and am seeing the doc again on 6/25 - it cannot get here soon enough!

Mara - good luck with your surgery!!

I did finally weigh lol - last time I weighed was when I won the last challenge, so was happy to see a loss on the scale.

And, I"m happy to report I held out on the eclair cake - I did not give in to the temptation. Still going strong with no cheats, while I want the sweets, I just want the weight loss more! lol And being in this group with all these challenges and accountabiilty makes me want to do well all the more.

SW 329.0
CW 329.0
GW 324.0

6/1 - DNW
6/10 326.0

wannaskipandlaugh 06-11-2014 07:02 AM

Thank you Ali and Mara for the Horns :)

SW 221.8
6/2 220.4 (-1.4)
6/3 220.8 (-1.0 so up .4) eh.. ok!
6/4 220.6 (-1.2 total)
6/5 219.6 (-2.2 total) oh so happy and wired!
6/6 221.6 (-.2 total only) Boo and GRRRRRRRR
6/7 221.2 (-.6 total) okay going right way!
6/8 220.2 (-1.6 total) Even BETTER and after my morning walk I was 218.2! WOOHOO!
6/9 219.2 (-2.6 total) YAY! Now I need for this to be my high weight for the week!
6/10 218.4 (-3.2 total) Oh Hooray! Induction eating and getting close to a full moon! Weeeeee
6/11 218.8 (-2.8 total) Strange as I weighed less when I went to sleep??

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!


Mara 06-11-2014 09:37 AM

Hi Ali! i hope the doctors can get you some answers soon. But great job resisting the cake. I am tempted just seeing it listed. LOL

Sue that is strange, but I know tomorrow will be a new low # for you!

Sw: 244.6
Cw: 242.8
Gw: 239.6

wannaskipandlaugh 06-12-2014 07:34 AM

SW 221.8
6/2 220.4 (-1.4)
6/3 220.8 (-1.0 so up .4) eh.. ok!
6/4 220.6 (-1.2 total)
6/5 219.6 (-2.2 total) oh so happy and wired!
6/6 221.6 (-.2 total only) Boo and GRRRRRRRR
6/7 221.2 (-.6 total) okay going right way!
6/8 220.2 (-1.6 total) Even BETTER and after my morning walk I was 218.2! WOOHOO!
6/9 219.2 (-2.6 total) YAY! Now I need for this to be my high weight for the week!
6/10 218.4 (-3.2 total) Oh Hooray! Induction eating and getting close to a full moon! Weeeeee
6/11 218.8 (-2.8 total) Strange as I weighed less when I went to sleep??
6/12 218.8 (-2.8 total) Same Bat time same Bat Channel....

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!

Mara 06-12-2014 09:10 AM

Sue it must be in the air because I am holding steady too. :)

Sw: 244.6
Cw: 242.8
Gw: 239.6

Traveler620 06-12-2014 02:20 PM

Hello all!

CW: 167.8

I don't expect this to last.....I went running in the morning and weighed myself afterward. I usually don't work out until midday. I even removed my hair tie so dip below 168. :-)

wannaskipandlaugh 06-13-2014 07:50 AM

LOL Traveler.. I try to shed everything! GOOD weigh in for you!

Mara - Welll I hope you have a down tick.. I had an uptick.. but that was due to my Twix episode from Wednesday night showing up this morning (the 2 day rule) GRRR...

SW 221.8
6/2 220.4 (-1.4)
6/3 220.8 (-1.0 so up .4) eh.. ok!
6/4 220.6 (-1.2 total)
6/5 219.6 (-2.2 total) oh so happy and wired!
6/6 221.6 (-.2 total only) Boo and GRRRRRRRR
6/7 221.2 (-.6 total) okay going right way!
6/8 220.2 (-1.6 total) Even BETTER and after my morning walk I was 218.2! WOOHOO!
6/9 219.2 (-2.6 total) YAY! Now I need for this to be my high weight for the week!
6/10 218.4 (-3.2 total) Oh Hooray! Induction eating and getting close to a full moon! Weeeeee
6/11 218.8 (-2.8 total) Strange as I weighed less when I went to sleep??
6/12 218.8 (-2.8 total) Same Bat time same Bat Channel....
6/13 219.2 (-2.4 total) SHOOT.. IT WILL BE LOWER TOMORROW!!!

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!

Mara 06-13-2014 09:05 AM

Way to go Traveler! I too shed everything before weighing. LOL

Sue tomorrow will be a new low for you. I just know it. :)

I am up a little, but I knew that would happen. I did eat a brownie last night. Caved to a little stress eating. But it is a momentary glich on my downward push. :)

Sw: 244.6
Cw: 243.2
Gw: 239.6

wannaskipandlaugh 06-14-2014 11:14 AM

Mara.. You and I are following the same pattern! LOL Funny how that works. I see that with some other threads I belong too :) Well.. I went down today.. So YOU will too! :)

SW 221.8
6/2 220.4 (-1.4)
6/3 220.8 (-1.0 so up .4) eh.. ok!
6/4 220.6 (-1.2 total)
6/5 219.6 (-2.2 total) oh so happy and wired!
6/6 221.6 (-.2 total only) Boo and GRRRRRRRR
6/7 221.2 (-.6 total) okay going right way!
6/8 220.2 (-1.6 total) Even BETTER and after my morning walk I was 218.2! WOOHOO!
6/9 219.2 (-2.6 total) YAY! Now I need for this to be my high weight for the week!
6/10 218.4 (-3.2 total) Oh Hooray! Induction eating and getting close to a full moon! Weeeeee
6/11 218.8 (-2.8 total) Strange as I weighed less when I went to sleep??
6/12 218.8 (-2.8 total) Same Bat time same Bat Channel....
6/13 219.2 (-2.4 total) SHOOT.. IT WILL BE LOWER TOMORROW!!!
6/14 219.0 (-2.6 total) Well I am LOWER! LOL a scooch! Tomorrow MORE OFF!

GW 216.8 (Jaw drop)!

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