Atkins sweet tooth

  • Hi just discovered they sell Atkins bars in boots cheaper than on the Atkins website. Never had them before but wanted to try them. Just munching on one now and I love it.
  • Quote: Hi just discovered they sell Atkins bars in boots cheaper than on the Atkins website. Never had them before but wanted to try them. Just munching on one now and I love it.
    Although the labels on those Atkins bars say "appropriate for Induction" and the newer "Atkins" books say they are ok .....NOT! They contain ingredients like milk, soy & peanuts, which are not on the acceptable foods list for Induction. They are common stallers for lots of people.
    You may want to read this to understand Atkins bars and sugar alcohols better. Its quite an education for sure.

  • Thanks or the info, hopefully I will be ok cos I am only intending have one every so often for the induction, not more than one a day if that. We'll see how it affects my weigh in at the end of the week, if its a problem I will stop eating them and maybe introduce them later on.
  • There are lots of Induction friendly desserts on Linda's low carb site. Anything marked with an * is safe for Induction.

  • I find that the bars cause me to stall, and they are sooo darned good that I was endulging a little too often (daily). So instead, I chopped them into little bite sizes and would simply pop a little bite into my mouth if I really HAD to have one. I LOVE the peanut flavored ones....but I finally gave them up completely.