lesbian mom looking for support,kid is five yrs old,i still haven't lost the baby fat

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  • Hi ladies. busy, busy so I'll do a quickie...don't start getting ideas Ellis you perv....I meant a quick message
    I'm still doing pretty well with my food...haven't been to the gym yet this week...last two days were really busy...today I only have two clients in the morning and then the day is mine.

    Well, I'll have my partner and daughter so I should say the day will be ours!!
    This afternoon we go to pick out our new kitchen sink and faucet...then all the picking will be finished...meanwhile, we've packed up a lot of the stuff that we don't use everyday...loaded up on paper plates...and I called the guy yesterday to say, you are starting on the 15th right??? He said, I'll let you know....uh,oh,here we go...

    ah, the contractor...always a free spirit...with a personal internal clock and calendar all his/her own...never to be held by the confines of the mundane, of the expected...devising a personal math...one week becomes two, becomes three, becomes four...

    Talk to you soon girlies...be well. Soozie
  • Redoing the kitchen, sooz? Poor baby...I mean...how nice! My one piece of advice...keep your eye on the prize...eventually you'll get it...don't fret about washing dishes in the bathtub for a month...because someone gutted your kitchen, BEFORE he made sure that he had the permits, (Which he didn't, which took a month to obtain, even though they had been applied for two months earlier by the original contractor, who, unfortunately died at an early age of a heart attack,unbeknownst to the family awaitng the new kitchen, cuz it happened while they were on vacation) ...oops...sorry...I digress...what I meant to say was...GOOD LUCK!
  • I'm rambling...
    good morning darlings

    Meanbuji, how many kids do you have? You don't like kids either, huh? I hear ya! I LOVE my own, but I prefer to keep my distance from other people's children. And actually; I must admit, there are very few adults that I like.
    Buji must have been a sweetie. And a real character by the sounds of it. I love that you use his name.

    Soozie, you're seeing your friend today! I hope you have fun!
    How dare you call me a perv. You know who's a real perv? Ruth. That "sweet, white-haired grandmother". She's probably reading this right now, aren't you Ruth? She expects us to respect her, but you're too much of a hellion to demand any respect from US, Ruth sweetie!
    You're smart to do the paper plate thing. Good luck with the contractor. Ours reroofed our rear attic room this spring. He still has to come back to replace some fascia boards. We keep seeing him driving by on his bike, and when he sees us he just waves and peddles faster. What is WRONG with them!? Are they so independantly wealthy that they don't need to work?

    Kat and Chris, what's new? How are you?

    We're going to visit my sister-in-law in a couple of weeks. My GAY sister-in-law. She is such a hoot. The kids can't wait to see her. They've been dancing around the house for days in anticipation.
    Oh, and my GAY good friend is coming for dinner tonight. (just wanted to remind you that you're not the only homo around here, Sooz, heh heh. I know how lonely it is for you around here.) My DH doesn't mind me seeing my friend, but my friend thinks my husband is hot, so I have to keep my eye on him. (I'm joking! Sort of )
    Oh my gosh... just got a thank you card from DH's nephew. He got married last summer. I guess he figured his first wedding anniversary was coming up and he'd better get those thank you notes out.
    Okay, it's finally payday. I'm flush with laundry detergent, so I'd better get down and wash some of the massive build-up on the basement floor. And toilet roll! What a treat!! We've been using paper towel for three days.
    And our spare fridge is stocked with food. DH is going to take a look at our fridge. I found a couple of good sites for repairing them, so hopefully it's nothing major. I really do like my fridge (even if it IS harvest gold, Chris!)

    gotta run (aren't you glad?)
    Have a great day girls!!
    xoxo ellis
  • hey there ladies. Still no exercise this week unless you count packing up the entire kitchen. My partner has lived here since 1976...that's alot of accumulated junk...
    We still have a bit more to do today and then we'll be ready on Monday.
    I still can't really believe that we're going to have a new kitchen and that all those nice things that we picked out are going to be in our house...including a dishwasher and garbage disposal !
    Ellis, congrats on the new fridge.
    Been doing well with my eating, its raining here so probably no paddle boating, gotta get my rear to the gym this week...
    Kat, did that stuff actually happen to you, sounded like a true story...
    Love, Soozie
  • You know what else is exciting, Soozie? When you get to put all of your "old" stuff back in the kitchen. The decorative stuff. It has a whole new look in it's new setting.
    A garbage disposal!? You lucky girls!
    When we went out and bought our new fridge yesterday, naturally I looked at all the other appliances. We bought a gorgeous black fridge with stainless steel doors. The freezer is in a pull-out drawer at the bottom. I'm so excited!! We get it in about 3 weeks. Anyhow, we also looked at the other stuff... "Wouldn't it be nice to have a matching stainless steel stove, microwave, dishwasher, range hood....?" Ah, well. Start small... one thing at a time. The fridge is NOT in our budget, but I figure if we're going to make such a big purchase, we may as well get something we REALLY like, even if it does cost hundreds more.

    I hope things go smoothly tomorrow, Soozie... let us know how it's going.
    Everyone else....where are you?
  • Hey gals...

    That stuff really did happen, sooz...Oh the stories I could tell...but...after all was said and done...we ended up with a beautiful new kitchen that I LOVE, so, in HINDSIGHT, it was worth it! (kind of) well...not the guy dying, of course...that was freaky enough...but then the kitchen was gutted on Sept 10. We all know what happened Sept 11...we sat glued to the TV while they continued to demolish our kitchen...wierd juxtaposition of events.

    Must get back on track eating today...fell HARD off the wagon these past few days...this is me, picking myself up, dusting myself off and starting again. I'll get this right, eventually.

    Have a good day, my friends...
  • Hey all you girlies out there!! Sorry I haven't posted in here for awhile. I've been busy eating donuts...oops, I meant to say I've been busy with the kitchen remodel...but, I did buy the guys donuts twice this week and I did eat four donuts myself this week...and Burger King fries for dinner tonight...

    I haven't been to the gym at all and haven't even had time to go out for a paddle boat ride on the lake. Tomorrow is my weigh-in. We shall see where the donuts have landed!

    I just can't believe there's not one big 'ole lesbian out there who wants to write to us on this message board...where are you fat lesbians...have you segregated yourselves...is there a website somewhere called threefatlesbians ???

    Good night all. Have a great weekend.

    Love, Soozie
  • hey soozie-chick...

    Where have all the lezzies gone? Come on gals...Lez-be-friends!
    Hope all is going well with the remodeling, sooz...although it must be or you wouldn't be rewarding them with Dunkin Donuts, now would ya? Or is that just a cover up, so you can get them into the house? "Yeah...they're for the...uh...construction guys...that's the ticket!"

    So how was weigh in? I have been totally off the charts with eating...I'll blame PMS, but I think I'm really just a I have lost all motivation, can't seem to get it back. I will, I know, but in the meantime...I'm floundering...glub glub...

    What do you suppose ellis is up to? No good, I'm sure...how about meanbuji and christina...maybe they are out scouting for lesbians too. Gee, there's plenty where I work...

    Gotta run...I'm packing for a 3 day visit to sister's beach house...can't wait to grab my book, plop my big butt in a beach chair, soak up some sun and chill....

    back Tuesday night...see you then...
  • Hey Kat, Ellis went away for the weekend...she mentioned it in alternachicks...I don't know where the other gals are...as you said...maybe lesbian hunting...

    Hope you have a good time at your sister's...know what you mean about eating like crazy...I did lousy today...donuts and chocolate candy...my weighin wasn't too horrible. I had gone up during the week cause I did jump on mid-week even though I'm trying to do just one weighin per week. So, I was down from where I was midweek but up from last Saturday. I was up one pound.

    Can't wait to get back into a schedule that includes the gym. I know that exercise will make a difference. You're so right about the donuts...I've eaten more than they have...well that is a bit of an exaggeration...but, next week I'm only buying a few so there won't be any leftovers and none for me!!!!!!

    I did find some lesbians...well, one lesbian, she was over on Rosie O'Donnell's website in the Chub Club...wouldn't you know it.

    well, gotta go...we're sanding two of the walls in our kitchen, they're knotty pine and we're keeping them instead of drywalling everything. So, gotta sand and stain before the guys get back on Monday.

    take care and eat as if your life depended on it...cause it does...
    Love, Soozie
  • Kat darling, I was NOT hunting for lesbians! I love my lesbian friends, but it's purely platonic, I ASSURE YOU!!
    Have fun at your sister's beach house!! It sounds divine. oh... you're back tonight! Hope you had fun!!
    I'm floundering too, Kat. I just can't get it together. I'm going to start again today. The weather has cooled off, and my DH is freaking out because he's bordering on 200 pounds (he's 5'-8"). It's all on his stomach (and no, it's NOT beer. thank god).
    Okay girls... I weighed in at 187 this morning. (197 on my doctor's scale, but we won't worry about THAT!)
    We must lose weight!!! Come on... let's do it!!

    Soozie, get your hand off those donuts. (Hey, what's that chocolate candy that you're eating? My mom used to make something that we called chocolate candy... it was a Mennonite recipe involving cocoa, icing sugar, corn starch and butter.)

    My psychologist has told me that I must join a gym. I'm going to join in September when the kids are back in school. I'm a little apprehensive about it, but it's good to be TOLD by your doctor that you MUST do something!

    Okay girls... are you ready to lose? If so, weigh in and let's do it!! I'm sick of being FAT!!
    xo ellis
  • I'm with you Ellis. I'll get weighed first thing tomorrow morning and give you guys the low down or high up whatever. Gotta go back to work now. Just ate nice light lunch and then wolfed down TWO donuts!!!!!!!!!!!!! ttyl Soozie
  • yeah, okay... I just ate a small bag of chips. Weigh in tomorrow morning? Are you with us, Kat?
  • Weighed 190 this morning ..Goal is to loose 50lbs by this time next year...short term goal is 11lbs by September 15th. What do you think girls. Gotta go drink alot of water and put my kid to bed.
    Love, Soozie
  • Okay, I weighed 188 this morning. And I just did 20 minutes of Tai Bo as reported on Alternachicks, and you're SUPPOSED to be congratulating me!!
    Of course you can lose 11 pounds by september 15th. So can I. Let's do it, girl!!
    ps... get over there and congratulate me, wouldja?!

    I guess I know who the BIG one of this group is! Last weigh in (at work on the wheelchair scale) I weighed in at a whopping 258. That was before I went away... I'd like to think that I didn't do TOO badly, foodwise...or alcohol-wise, come to think of it. Perhaps some sensible habits are beginning to form...

    Of course we can lose 11 lbs by 9/15...any particular reason for the number (11?) or the date? Just being curious (Nosy)

    I am ready to start some clean and pure livin' once again...my body is SCREAMING for fruit and exercise. Thursday is the day. OK?

    See you then...