Losing weight at 50

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  • hi all,
    Tuscany, I have lost almost an inch in height. yes, it is so unfair
    Thanks for sharing your plan. It seems very sensible and doable.
    And welcome all newcomers! Happy monther's day to all the mothers!!
  • Hello BBP

    Good luck with your diet. I like your idea of losing 5lbs at a time. I set myself mini-goals of losing 3lbs at a time because losing weight in my fifties is much harder than losing it in my thirties. Good luck to you with your protein diet.
  • LOLOLOL I thank you all for joining in on this thread and saving me from talking to myself and answering.. (that was the scary part LOL) Boy you all are very interesting and wonderful people. From all over the globe (and family members too)

    I have been doing Atkins since 1/6 (have done it many many times in the past.. ) but this time it is for good. Last week I had had my bad day (Birthday cake argh) and I ranted and stomped and got mad at myself.. but I knew it would go away and YEAH it did plus alittle extra.

    Losing weight after 50/Menopause just does slow down alittle as our metabolism is not running on high... but... at this age... we have learned (I am still learning) to have patience which gives us an edge over the younger people (My Opinion!!)

    I am in control again and sticking with it and feeling better every day. To me thats the best thing in life

    Can't wait to hear all of your adventures in this journey and our mutual support with each other.

    Now time to look for the walk to Mordor thread that I am all alone in too and talking to myself LOLOLOLOLOL

    to you all!
  • Back to the post from 5/8

    cajunlady..... I am soooooo sorry about the loss of your Dad.. I am so sorry. Losing family is just so hard and getting IB well that is just the emotion coming out in other ways. I send you a HUD and hope that you are ok... Camping is fun as can be. I am jealous.. as I used to camp with a really good friend and my Astronomy group about 6 times a year from the keys to Northern Florida. Looking for dark skies. I really enjoyed the fresh air and (at that time) NO PHONES! Now you can get phone bars just about everywhere.

    Thank you for joining and I am looking foward to your wonderful progress
  • I meant to do this first BBP, Just Dance Girl, Allisgirl (again), Muse 17 and Tuscany and of course Cajunlady. I am so happy to have other people to spend time with YEAH..

    I wish you all a good Monday and have lots of happy news to say
  • Hello everyone and thanks for your warm welcome and stories wannaskipandlaugh, you no longer need to speak to yourself!

    I got on the scales this morning and lost a pound overnight which is a good start to the day after a not very good night.
    Yesterday I was very down ( big relationship problems and big broken heart, partly caused by my mood swings). I had a big healthy vegetarian brunch ( but watching the fat and sugar content and portions). I wanted to go swimming for the first time in years but I sat there all ready to go for two hours first feeling very depressed and unable to move. But then after feeling deeply indecisive and neurotic I told myself to go out the door for an hour to walk or go swimming or any activity at all and took my swimming costume and a towel with me.
    I went to a public pool outside my area, maybe ashamed of my size, and because my local pool is where waif-like models go swimming or I had visions of groups of kids splashing me and diving on top of me, I even thought my costume would fall off and my boobs would jump out if I did the breast stroke too vigorously.
    But in any case I travelled to an outdoor pool, it was fantastic, only a few people so I was able to go in the slow lane and swim on my back. I also had invited a friend round in the evening so that I was not on my own and so had a quick dinner before he arrived. Later big traumatic phone calls with partner and lots of distress but afterwards I limited my comfort eating to a couple of prunes , and two naughty yummy bowls of yogurt, tahini and blackcurrant jam but stopped at two bowls!
    I think that having company, keeping busy, limiting the comfort eating and most of all the swimming has helped. I am dealing with many very difficult emotional and financial problems, even going swimming is a big expense, so I am going easy on myself in terms of slimming and exercise. Outdoor swimming pool was excellent, I found I float a lot better since I put on weight!
    Have a good day everyone!
  • Good Morning Ladies. Thanks for the warm welcome, wannaskip! Muse: I'm sorry about your troubles, but I'm pleased to hear the scales rewarded your efforts. And, you're right...whenever we feel down, sometimes we just have to force ourselves to get up and do something, as you did with your swimming.

    I remained true to my diet and exercise plan over the weekend, although I wasn't able to walk outside yesterday, since it was too cold...so I did a few miles of WATP instead. It's supposed to continue to be cold or raining here until Thursday, whereupon it should warm up again. I can't wait for the sunshine so I can get back outside.

    A great day to all!
  • Good Morningm(afternoon for Muse) and Happy Monday all!

    I stayed the same from yesterday.. I just did not eat enough... sigh.. I have to remember to eat as that helps me lose weight... Only had breakfast... 2 eggs, 3 slices of bacon Lunch 1/2 cup of Peanuts and dinner 2 oz of Chicken in Queso sauce that was it... Lots of sodium there too... Need to eat a big salad for dinner today.....

    Muse.. I am so sorry about the heart ache and breakup from your partner.. I hope that the pain dimishes alittle every day. and GOOD for you to just decide to just GET MOVING and go do something. Sometimes just listening to our ego hurts us.. and listening to the little voice saying but this is good for you and that you just need to do it... Helps the mind too..

    Tuscany.. I am so sorry that it was so cold for you; but you got to work out anyway... That is so good of you!

    Have a wonderful day all and may the Magic Scale be kind to us all tomorrow or whenever you weigh next
  • Good morning everyone (although it is evening already for Muse17),
    Sue, thanks for the warm welcome. You are most certainly correct, menopause slows down the weight loss significantly, but I find my increased patience that comes with age is not transferring well to this process I will keep trying. That is why I like this thread for 50+... The young ladies progress so fast that I can't relate.
    Tuscany, great goal, the wedding will be lovely and you will look wonderful.
    Muse 17, I can so relate to the mood swings. I am sorry you are going through a difficult time. You say you are a musician- what do you play (or do you sing?) I studied flute and piccolo in Vienna from 1978-1985. That is where I met my husband. We moved to the Seattle area in 1985. I decided not to go into music professionally. I went back to school and became a nurse. But I still love to play. tell me more about your music (if you want to share). Anyway, I have frequently sat in my chair frozen, unable to make a move. Congratulate yourself for going swimming. There is a book I read when my depression gets really painful: A Lamp in the Darkness by Jack Kornfield. If you are short on money perhaps you could find it in the library. of course you may not like it, but I find it very comforting. I have a lot of depression and anxiety, but do not do well with the medications for these issues, so I work a lot with mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy to get me through. I am much better than I was, but still struggle some days.
    Anyway Muse, you will get though these tough times. I don't know your exact circumstances, but I don't need to. Pain is pain, and it hurts. You are doing exceptionally well if you are able to curb/control your comfort eating. And go ahead and lean on your friends. That is what friendship is all about.
    Food wise I did OK this weekend, but not great. I finally goto the scale yesterday and it read 217. The last time I got on it was 225. So that is good. My big problem is an irrational fear of the scale, so I tend to go by my clothes instead. I did take out three different pairs of pants and lined them up. They are my "goals", but I will weigh myself at least every two weeks. It's just that so many times I have been sure that I have lost weight, only to find that the scale has not budged or even gone up. That devastates me each time. ( I did mention that my fear is irrational- it is just a conditioned response). I am working on it
    So here is to a great week everyone! And yes, may the magic scale be good to us all!
  • Hello there
    It's 17.05 here.
    I am so glad I joined this thread. I don't usually socialise online as I value my privacy a lot and get confused between my "public" face and my "private" face. I am quite open really as you can tell just certain things I am secret about!
    You are all wonderfully interesting people and all very brave, I think to be a woman in your fifties you have to be brave in many ways and if the world outside doesn’t value us we have to value ourselves.

    Hello wannaskip, sorry the scales were the same, but sometimes I think scales don’t tell the full story. I sometimes react quite badly to not losing weight and just head straight for big bars of chocolate ( while no one else is watching) thinking nothing I do makes any difference but we all know that it does and that in a few days you’ll have lost weight again.

    Hello BPP
    Thank you for all your kind words and wishes. Congratulations on losing 8lbs!!!! I like the idea of lining up pants ( or in the UK we call them trousers, pants are underwear here). I like to sew , although I am bad at it and take forever making things and some of my old sewing projects are two sizes too small for me now). How interesting you studied music, I am a self-taught musician I came from a background where my family and school would not let me do music, too noisy at home and I was considered too academic at school to waste my time on music!!!!( silly people). I mainly write songs and compose many types of music, but also sing, play guitar, am good with computer music, also I play a little teeny bit of keyboards, sitar, and a rare zither from Indonesia . My son has recently encouraged me to perform my wild electronic music again, otherwise most of my songs are acoustic voice and guitar, my other compositions are electronic/world music/strange things! I always have a zillions projects on.

    Hello Tuscanny
    Thanks again for all your support. I’m sorry if I was clumsy when explaining what happened on my previous diet, really didn’t mean to be off-putting. I guess whatever way we follow we need to be aware that afterwards the weight has to stay off somehow. I admire your determination. I have no idea what “WATP” means, I googled it and it said “ We are the people” or “We avoid Tax People” but I guess it might be one of those computer programmes.

    I have a dirty secret….: at home I love to close the curtains, and find Britney Spears, Beyonce and Madonna pop videos on youtube, yes I know they are awful , and not good role models for young girls, but I have great fun pretending to be them and falling about laughing trying to do the moves, it is a great aerobic work-out and is free, but please follow medical advice first! I like to dance to “Womanizer” and “Toxic” the best, but only in complete privacy!!!! I laugh so much and feel so young and great when I do these. I like to dance to old Michael Jackson videos too and my absolute favourite one is Technotronic "Pump up the Jam"(the D.O.N.S. Feat video version has some great moves but the original is great for a basic workout too). I am sure you could use clips of ballet, Irish dancing, heavy metal head-banging or any type of dancing you like and just have fun.
    OK I have written a lot but only because I have too much time today so I might not be so wordy next time. Good luck this week and thanks for your lovely support.xxxx
  • Hi Muse: No worries...you weren't clumsy or off-putting in the slightest. We all have to do what we feel most comfortable with and, as you say, the important part is that once we lose the weight, we must then keep it off.

    Oh and sorry for my short-forms! WATP stands for "Walk Away the Pounds", which is a DVD by Leslie Sansone. Not sure if her DVD's are available in the UK, but she's very popular over here. All of her videos involve walking sequences plus some other simple moves, such as kicks, knee highs, sidesteps along with a few toning exercises. I can't keep up with many of the DVD's, such as Jillian's 30-Day Shred...I'd be shredded to bits if I tried that. Leslie's WATP DVD's are more my pace. I prefer to walk outside, but when the weather doesn't co-operate, I pop in a DVD.

    Finally, we share a similar dirty secret. I don't do videos, but I commonly put on my favorite music and dance away. I like the oldies...Rock Around the Clock, the Twist, etc. I also bought myself a hula hoop a few weeks back and I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I don't have curtains on my windows, but I live in a very rural area, so the only ones likely to see me through my windows are the squirrels or the birds, plus my cats, who seem to think I've recently gone nuts.

    To BPP: Boy, you have wonderful self control, not stepping on the scales other than every two weeks. I'm on my scales daily...I know I shouldn't, but I just can't help myself. My curiosity gets the better of me. I do try not to get disappointed when they go up a bit or don't move, and try to focus on the long-term and the bigger picture.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Hello ladies
    I had a very good birthday/mothers day weekend. I did eat off plan last night when dh cooked for us. Mil brought favorite birthday cake. I had 1 piece and sent the rest away. It took all I had in me to give that cake away and ot save a piece for this morning. I felt really guilty last night for eating off plan but dh suggested I do a little extra jogging this morning. That's what I did. It's behind me now and I'm looking only forward.
    Dh and I spent the night at our camp Saturday after a wedding. We had a very relaxing time. Very seldom do we do nothing. We are always on the go.

    Muse whatever we do for exercise is good no matter how silly. Did you ever try zumba? It really fun and can get your heart pumping in a few minutes. Hope you get through your troubles and start feeling better. Just remember you are important and beautiful.

    Tuscany I have that walk cd. I would love to hear more about this hole hoop. Did you buy it at walmart in the toys section or find an adult size somewheres else.

    BBP I'm also in menopause and I don't lose like in use to. I also get upset when the scale don't move. Sometimes I just want to go eat junk. It won't matter anyhow but I try not to listen to that lil devil sitting on my shoulder telling me its ok to eat off plan.

    Sue I'm glad I stumbled on your board. Camping seems to refresh my life. I love sitting by a campfire. But it is very hard to diet when camping. My brain seems to think I have the green light to eat what I want. That lil devil is always on my shoulder encouraging me to eat. I'm never at peace with my eating.

    Will be back later.

  • Another newbie here. I'm 54 and it seems being post-menopausal certainly slows your weight loss down! I've probably gained and lost 300# in my life time.I can lose weight but I haven't figured out how to keep it off. I didn't really have serious weight problems until 11 years ago when I quit smoking. I've also had some very stressful family events---abandoned/shunned---by an adult daughter for no real reason that I can tell. I have colitis, degenerative disc disease, spondylitis, and peripheral neuropathy and deal with chronic pain. How do I deal with all of that? Well I ate carbs of course! Cookies, pastries, bagels etc. Anyway, I've been on Atkins for 5 weeks and lost 14 lbs. I have 69 more to lose. Today's Atkins plan allows lots of veggies. Anyway, I'm happy to be here to get the support I need. Let's help each other!
  • I am laughing Muse17. I think your dirty secret is a pretty common one. Too have been known to put on the old rock roll and dance like crazy. It's good exercise- go for it!!!
    To Cajun, my husband and I boat a lot. We have a sailboat. This means a LOT of sitting. Sure, there is a little exercise, but not much. So it's a lot like your camping situation. This summer we are really going to try to stick to our salads,and other healthy options, but it is hard!! Camping and boating just seem to scream junk food...
    Cincorn, welcome! My weight struggles started also with smoking cessation, back in 1994.... I still say we are better off for not smoking though. I am sorry to hear about your daughter's actions. How painful. My kids are doing OK, I have 2 boys in their late 20s, But they certainly have not "turned out" like I had imagined..it's is definitely a different generation. Way to go on 14 pounds in five weeks! That is impressive. I am also sorry for your physical problems. Your weight loss will certainly help alleviate some of the pain, so keep going! That is one of my main motivators. I have not been diagnosed with anything specific, but I am so stiff when I wake up, and my back starts to ache after almost any light activity. This getting older is not for sissies.
  • Hi Cincorn...you're doing terrific so far, especially considering your health issues. Keep up the good work! BBP...I'm the same as you. When I get up in the morning, I'm really stiff, mainly my legs. I have to force myself on my treadmill in the mornings, although I seem to be much more mobile once I've done my 30 minutes. So, perhaps it's a good thing I force myself on.

    Glad you enjoyed your birthday, Cajun! One piece of cake worked off with some extra jogging sounds pretty good to me. As for the hula hoop...stay away from the kids section. That's where I started, but the child-sized one was only good for a laugh. No way was it staying up. I subsequently found an adult-sized one at a local store in Toronto, and I'm getting pretty good at it. You want to ensure that the hoop is at least 42", although 44" would likely be even better. There's a great thread on 3FC about hula hoops and the first post has a section listing online sources for hula hoops in the U.S. I've put the link to the thread below. Alternatively, you can just google hula hoops and your city and see what comes up...that's what I did and I found a local source. Hooping is a lot of fun!
