3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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jess1 09-23-2012 11:43 AM

Good Morning, All...

Gorgeous here in Colorado!

Carby - welcome! I love your descriptive "horribly overactive fork"... me, TOO!

CK - did you meet up with the grandkids? How was the visit with Mike? Hope it's all going well...

Errands and grocery shopping today... status quo and no complaints!! Have a lovely, lovelies!

Karen31 09-23-2012 11:48 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Good Morning! Well this is our last day in Colorado and it has been a busy but fun 3 days! Going to meet up with 2 of our grandkids this afternoon and visit Michael once again with them. We drove through some of the burned places from the fires out here and it is so sad. People are still struggling with insurance and all that goes with it. Very sad. I have been reading the posts but havn't had the time to answer to many right now. I tried to do an upgrade on my Iphone to the IOS6 system that it needed on Friday morning here in the motel--- after 3 hours it for it to complete it wiped out my iphone contacts, pictures everything and locked it up-- crashed dead!!! So I ended up buying another phone on Friday night and have been busy trying to get things back...Wanted to get the iphone4S but not while being on vacation!! Anyway....

The girls are doing great! Loving this having Mom and Dad right here in 1 room with them and we have been taking them everywhere we go. So they are really getting more spoiled then they were to begin with! I have a couple pictures attached here.

Need to jump in the shower and get ready for the day! Have a great Sunday!!

Wannabehealthy 09-23-2012 12:33 PM

Welcome Carbie! Sounds like we have a lot in common. The best way to start exercising is do 5 or 10 minutes a day. After you get used to making that committment, you can add a couple minutes every day.

The rest of you guys, is there any way I can post a video on here? We made a little video of my 4 YO grandson on my elliptical. He loves it, and jumps on every time he's over here. It's so cute.

Karen31 09-23-2012 01:06 PM

There isn't any way to post a video here. The only thing I could suggest is post it to YouTube and then post the link here or set up a facebook account. I'll bet that is cute

glynne 09-23-2012 01:39 PM

Hello everyone,

Rosey ~ glad your hunters got home ok ~ hope you get a few more apples.

Isabella ~ what adventure are you up to? Miss you

CK ~ Glad you are having a nice trip and enjoying getting to see your son and grandkids.

Bobbi ~ boy, it’s always something with these homes.

Donna ~ glad it is a nice day where you are. Sounds like it is a good day.

Freda ~ Hope you are having a good weekend at work.

Rie ~ Hope you are having a nice weekend. Maybe taking some time for you ~ you are always so busy.

Carol Sue ~ Sorry about your half sister’s declining health. Was it you that said you needed to find a new passion ~ something other than eating? Me too ~ unfortunately the things I enjoy are more sedentary things. I wish I could make myself enjoy and look forward to something that involved moving around.

K3 ~ sorry for your frustrating time with the bank and the flood insurance

Mary ~ did you have a fun time with your grandkids last night?

Ginger ~ did you have a nice picnic by the river ~ that sounded like such a pleasant time.

Cajun ~ enjoy the time with your friends and the fishing.

TN Donna ~ congratulations on reaching the 220’s and the new jeans ~ way to go.

Lucinda ~ how did your holiday celebration go?

Hello to Lynn, Marie, Zoe ~ miss you guys ~ wish you would come visit us.

Welcome Kitty ~ if it’s any comfort ~ you’re not alone in your struggles

Welcome Carbie ~ I liked your comment about the overactive fork ~ I can identify.

Hope you all are having a nice weekend.

glynne 09-23-2012 01:55 PM

Hello again,

I hope not to get scolded for whining a bit.

Feeling frustrated. I know they say about losing weight that it is hard, as are other things ~ so pick your hard. That doesn’t make it any less frustrating.

I get frustrated because I do the right things, but don’t see much progress. Then I return to my old habits. I don’t stick with doing the right things long enough to ever make any real progress. I know it is my own fault and so I shouldn’t be whining about it.

Usually what gets me started on the right path again is feeling crummy and achy. So I start trying again. Then like a dummy ~ when I start to feeling better, little by little, doing the right things falls by the wayside again. A vicious cycle.

I feel kind of like I have flare ups with my arthritis. I will have times when I feel pretty good and not so stiff and achy. Then there will be a while when I am more stiff and hurting.

I am at the point of ~ gotta get back on that wagon again. Why oh why do I not learn ~ I have had a whole lifetime of falling off and climbing back on.

Just feels so hopeless sometimes ~ up and down the same few pounds. I just feel stuck.


Thank you for listening

Karen31 09-23-2012 02:31 PM

Oh Gayle!! I know just what you are talking about! It is frustrating and that is what makes it so hard!! I bought two pair of jeans for this trip, same size same brand, tried them on and everything. washed them and dried them in cold water and low temp dry. One pair I've worn on this trip even yesterday, took a shower this morning and put on the other pair--- NOPE! Not going to fit! I'm glad that I brought other clothes to wear or I'd be wearing dirty jeans today!! So it is so frustrating!!! Keep smiling, shake it off and get back on the wagon and do what make you feel good.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm never going to be skinny again BUT I'm already married and I'm not running for office so I want to be happy and healthy! Get tired of watching every bite...

deelee10 09-23-2012 08:46 PM

Hi Golden Girls,

Where do I begin? Very busy week. DM still in nursing care. The pneumonia is slowly getting better. The doc increased some of meds. My dad has no short term memory. He finally remembers that she is in nursing care. Still has to call for a reminder that the 4 digit phone number to her room is posted above the phone. I must have been overdoing it with my shoulder. It has been hurting a lot and I’m running out of the pain meds. I’ll call doc tomorrow. Social worker (who had to clean up one of my DF’s diarrhea blow outs) said she thinks after my mom’s pneumonia that they will both need to be in nursing care. I think my dad will hate that. It is also very expensive. It will run through their money very quickly although they can’t be thrown out after that at least. We did get my dad’s diarrhea under control. Hmm -
TMI! This is very tough. I know I don’t want to end up like this. Dr. Oz said 600 mgs of DHA will help ward off dementia on a show last week. It’s in omega 3 fatty acids. I increased my dose!

On a lighter note - I didn’t go to visit today. DB was there. He texted that DM announced that she and my dad had surgery today because my dad couldn’t, ah, have sex. OMG! Of course my father couldn’t remember…Then my DM’s roommate told brother that she was trying to tell my mom how to set the breaks on the wheel chair and told her to put her hand on the arm. DM said, “it feels like a nice pen**.” OH MY GOODNESS!!! My poor brother!!! My husband and I laughed so hard when he told us that tears were running down our face!!! It makes me laugh now! I’m afraid of what she’s going to say tomorrow when I visit her. Her roommate is scandalized.

Thanks for all of your support. I will get back for personals soon I hope.

glynne 09-23-2012 09:58 PM

Deelee ~ I'm sorry for the hard times with your parents. It must be really rugged to have both of them having dementia problems. Glad that your dad's pneumonia is improving.

Hope you are able to take it a little easier with your shoulder. Take care of yourself. :hug:

jess1 09-23-2012 10:02 PM

Dee - that "obsession" with sex isn't so unusual with people with dementia/Alzheimer's... and they do come out with some, um, like, colorful tidbits! Get used to it, I'm afraid!


Sorry your shoulder is still hurting...

Nice day, and I wish I were retired. I'm not interested in going to work in the morning!! Sigh.

Later, lovelies!

deelee10 09-23-2012 10:42 PM

Hi -

Donna TN - congrats on the jeans!

Carole Sue - very sorry about your half sister.

Cajun - so great about the smaller sizes!

Ginger - thank you for your prayers. It does seem that third Wednesday is an odd time - would have thought 15th too. So great that you’re fitting into your smaller pants! The room you’re decorating sounds very nice.

Gayle - sorry that work is annoying again or still. Seems like you get lots of inspection type things. I sure would get sick of it. The weight loss thing does get discouraging. You do what you can, when you can. I have to say that during this tough time in life I told DH that I had to have chocolate. Had MM peanuts which I consider slightly less evil, because of the nuts. But I think I did that for 2 days. And I have started having a glass of wine every night. Every, friggin night. Occasionally two.

Bobbi - you sure keep busy. And all the things you make sound great. I’m going to buy some raspberries when I’m at the store.

Karen 31 - glad you are having a nice trip visiting your family.

Donna - LOL, I believe it!

Welcome Carby - I am a carboholic and foodaholic too. I think I might becoming I wino too!! Anyway, welcome to the group.

I better go relax while I have a chance.

A carbie 09-24-2012 09:41 AM

Good Monday morning Ladies!
Thank you for the warm welcome Karen31, Jess1, slmn11, Gayle, Deelee and anyone I may have missed.
Deelee, I'm an old LPN and Geriatrics is what I loved most. Your story about your Mom is sad, but it's so hilarious! Bless her heart.
I finally got a start on my kitchen yesterday. Washed most of the walls, taped around the cupboards on top where I was going to paint the trim around the suspended ceiling and got that painted. Now today I have to clear the counter tops and tape around them and wash the cupboard fronts. Then I'll paint the walls. I hope to have it done by the end of the day tomorrow. Then it's on to the dining room.

Let's all have a healthy week. Take care, .... till later, ..... Carbie

jess1 09-24-2012 09:54 AM

Good Morning, All..

Quick hello... I'm off to lather the lard and get my day going!

Carbie - is that a given name? There are lots of nurses here, both LPN and RN, so you should feel comfortable. Everyone kind of knows what everyone is talking about.

Speaking of which, but not at all.... where is Isabella (again)?

Had a good weekend, but it went too fast. Good thoughts, Bobbi, for an offer. Everyone, have a good one. Later, lovelies!

Bobbolink 09-24-2012 10:01 AM

Welcome Carbie and fellow Minnesotan, it's going to get in the 70's today so I'm hanging out the wash. You must live around Rochester? I think you said southeast Minnesota.
Dee...I giggled about your mom, wonder why she has sex on the brain.
Gayle...I like your new picture. We all yoyo on our diets, don't feel bad. I'm in my fat jeans again, need to get back on plan.
KarenMo...guess what I did this morning? Dug out all my winter jeans and tried on 4 pair before I found one I could squeeze my fat butt into. geeeeeez, glad I don't have to diet once I get to Heaven.
I loved the household tips you sent this morning via email.
Donna...I'm thinking Colorado is pretty nice this time of year for you, enjoy the season.
Rosey...did you see Sarah Palins daughter is back on dancing with the stars, looks like she's lost some weight.
To the rest of the gang, happy Monday. My washer just clicked off, gotta get the wet clothes out.


I bought two pair of jeans for this trip, same size same brand, tried them on and everything. washed them and dried them in cold water and low temp dry. One pair I've worn on this trip even yesterday, took a shower this morning and put on the other pair--- NOPE! Not going to fit!

Wannabehealthy 09-24-2012 11:00 AM

Karen31- I washed my new jeans in cold water and hung them to dry. I had to wash them to get the blue dye out of them, but I knew the dryer would shrink them, and they barely fit before they were washed! Did you try lying on the bed to zip them up? That's my old trick from back in the 70's. If you have to go to the ladies room when you're out somewhere, you're in big trouble! LOL

Dee - I think your mother's room has to be rated "R" or maybe even "X". No one under 18 admitted! My DH would love if I became more interested in sex.

I think Rie is our local wino here, wherever she is. Maybe she's on a bender!
I can't drink wine anymore. It makes me hot and turns my face beet red!

Gayle - I like the new picture and the hat. I went to a bridal shower last night. It was in a "tea room" and they had all these fancy hats everyone was supposed to wear. I didn't want to wear a hat that strangers had worn, so I didn't wear one. I told them they didn't fit me. I have enough medical problems without getting cooties! LOL

Carbie - All that work is giving you lots of exercise. You will be sore from it!

Right now I'm 99% sure I'm going to join Weight Watchers, but that might change by Wednesday morning. DH has just about come right out and said I will never lose weight, and I want to prove him wrong!

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