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Cajunlady165 09-21-2012 09:58 AM

Hello Goldie's,
We've had a change of plans. First we were supposed to go to the camp and finish cleaning it. Last night we got a call from one of our hunting buddies and his wife that have a camp on a lake. They want us to come spend the weekend fishing out on the dock with them. That's better than cleaning a camp. I'm excited. We will leave after work. It's about an hour from here. Let's hope the diet survives. His wife is doing a diet similar to mine so that might help me stay on plan.

Rosey~ Im sorry you are sad. Hope your family gets back safe.

Carol sue~ I know how hard it is. I struggle every weekend. My weeks are not bad. It's the weekends.

Bobbi~ enjoy your outing. Sounds like fun. I'm sure the lemon will go fast. My oldest son loves lemon pie. I'm going to use your recipe.

I have some packing to do for our weekend. Hello to all.


Karen31 09-21-2012 10:34 AM

We made it to Colorado last night ad it is so good to be of the road--- sure wish they could MOVE Kansas out of the way!! I could visit so many many more people much more often!! Going to visit our oldest son this afternoon after he gets back from hisday program and then having dinner with a friend this evening. I think this weekend is going to go by way to fast!!!

Karen3 09-21-2012 11:25 AM

Double Grrrrrr and then again.....After the big hurricane season 6-7 yrs ago our bank talked us into getting a 100k line of credit as a form of insurance. So that if we needed a new roof post a storm it would be there to use until insurance claims were processed. No cost No problems....UnHuH...turns out after a few years that this is considered a mortage and the bank demanded a copy of our flood insurance. Okay gave them a copy and asked to drop the line of credit....Was told it would cost couple thousand to drop it. grrrr Then last month the bank notified me that apparently we had moved our house to a different zone and the flood insurance was wrong. Turned that over to our agent. Then while I was at the bank for another problem I asked again and this time for $10 they dropped the line of credit(never used!). Yesterday we got a letter from the Insurance that the bank had changed our zone and they were dropping our Flood Insurance. Let me just say I understand Postal Rage alot better this morning.....BBL when I can think straight k3

jess1 09-21-2012 02:48 PM

KarenFL - oh, my sympathies are with you! I know we can all recite multitudes of injustices done at the hands of those damn banks and insurance companies... and they'll charge you a fee for anything. Good luck! Good luck!

Nothing much going on here. I have a load of work left to do, but I'm pacing myself (obviously!!)... weather is beautiful, SamCat and Sabrino are healthy, no complaints, life is good. Have a good weekend!!

akrosey49 09-21-2012 06:31 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Happy weekend everyone. im glad to have the old moose hunter home.their trip out was exhausting becuz of all the rain we havehad made all the swamps, and creeks flooded. they had to rescue a friend who is 82,he zigged instead of zagged crossing leaf creek and swamped his truck. i'll try and post the picture. also steve brought me the very 1st apple from the trees he planted 7 yrs ago. maybe i'll get enuff for a pie good wishes and hugs. rosey :wave:

glynne 09-21-2012 11:14 PM

Wow ~ Rosey ~ glad your DH was able to help that friend. That looks scary ~ glad everyone is ok. Maybe there is one of those "in a mug" recipes for apple pie that you could make with the one apple ~ until you get more apples.

healthyginger 09-22-2012 12:37 AM

I Did It! I finally finnished clearing out and cleaning and redecorating my kids old room- my new guest-meditation room. Cajun I kept Daddy's chair and covered it with a comfy flannel sheet. My DD left me several sets of bedding she no longer wanted. I had a blast playing mix, match and pillow pile to act as headboard- Also large oriental fan. I always wanted a room with an oriental theme and now I have one. I bought black with red scene painting bed tables and tall dresser a few yrs ago ( when I thought those grown children were gone. I also have a lovely oriental 6' tall mirrow I inheritad from Mom that was an anniversary present from thier best friend and my "honorary" uncle. I'm makeing one wall my heritage- family wall and am pulling out all my photes and all those old family photoes from my parents home that nobody else wanted. It's a long wall. A fun project ahead with that one-I'm 1st painting it with blackboard paint. I'll chalk in names and let my GK's do artwork on it. A large green Dragon is from close friend on the dresser, Special books also and my crystal collection and candles are on evry flat surface. Happy Person here tonight. Tired one also. The 16 x 12 room was a dumping ground for 4 kids as they left.

Carol Sue: I'm sorry to hear about your sister. with 6 siblings, I'm 2nd oldest, it's hard to imagine being the last. Scary, in fact. This has to be the hardest part of growing older.

Cajun: So cool getting that makeover. I'm getting tired of my long grey hair as well. HMM???

Karen 3 : Do you mean a weightloss book or other? I'm reading several weightloss ones, but the one I can't put down is " Thin For Life: 10 Keys to Success from People who have lost weight and Kept it off" By Anne M. Fletcher, M.S.,R.D.. AS the title says its all about people who have lost thier weight and kept it off from 10 pds to over 200 pds from early 20's to over 70 yrs old. Very inspiring and filled with tips, esp on maintenance. It was written in the 90's but you'd necer know it. I'm also reading : If I can forgive so can you by Denise Linn. Great page turner, reads like a novel , autobiography. Also Spiritual Solutions by Deepak Chopra. Another diet book I'm enjoying ( and wasn't sure I would) is Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?" by Peter Walsh. Thanks for the hint about Palmers cococa Butter. Many moons ago I used it for sunbathing. One good thing shame about my size did do is stop my daily hrs of suntanning. I'd probably have skin cancer by now otherwise.

Rosey: That was a scary pic. Good thing he was in a truck.

Bobbie: I almost bought a house just for it surrounding shade garden under old live oaks till my husband balked at wires stapled to most of the outside walls and tiny kitchen. Today the "Hungry Girl" was cooking on the Dr. Oz show. She added butternut squash to boxed mac and cheese- therby bulking it up to where a 2 cup serving had close to same calories of 1 cup of mac&cheese,

Bobbolink 09-22-2012 08:48 AM

Happy Week-end girls..........We have lots of work to do today, we are going ahead and putting in the new septic system. Around here, country people have to put the septic in above ground to meet code. We lowered the price of our home and were going to let the new buyers put it in. But that's not working so we'll put it in ourselves, cost is about $15,000.
Rosey...where do you have your apple tree? I thought midnight sun folks like you grew everything quickly and large?
Ginger, I've made mac and cheese with butternut squash before, you can't tell the difference. It's really good! I've also made pudding with squash and pumpkin pie spice.
Cajun...I always think of my dad when I make lemon pie, was his favorite too.
Where's Lynn and Marie?
k3...will have to purchase some cocoa butter. Are you still mad at your insurance guy? Send the croc after him.
I need to get out and cut down the rose bush DD purchased for me, then move it. It's in the way of the new septic, DH has to move two small apple trees also. Speaking of apples, the trees are only about 4 feet high and one of them produced 2 apples this year. But the trees are out in full sun, makes a difference. Rosey, that's why I asked where yours are planted. Gotta go, Hi everyone else, working Glynne? Hi Dee, Carol Sue, Donna.....who'd I miss?

healthyginger 09-22-2012 11:07 AM

Happy Fall Equinox Y'all !!!

Just a quickie Good Morning before we head out. My DS , Penny Puppy and I are headed for a picnic day at A River Park nearby. I'm hoping not too many people have the same idea. We usually get the place to ourselves-except as fishermen launch thier boats. DS and I share a love for nature and animals. OH! And I'm wearing pants and T shirt! haven't fit any of my pants in 3 yrs!!! Lost 1 pd this week for a total of 35 since I began on the Summer Soltice.
For the 1st week of the Equinox be sure to send out into the world your intentions . Imagine in your head what you want your life to be like- then let it go with " Or even better" as so often God & Universe can imagine better than we can.:)

glynne 09-22-2012 12:11 PM

Good morning GG's,

Sorry I have neglected you all. Upsetting things at work ~ I have been in too foul a mood to come here.

I started to describe the goings on, but it got too long and complicated ~ so I decided to spare you. Lets see if I can make it brief (I have trouble with that ~ LOL). Basically they are having to move stuff around to be in compliance with the government inspectors that are due in November. It is going to affect my work space. I understand their need to make these changes, but the people who are deciding where to put the stuff, don't seem to care about how it turns out for the people who actually have to work in the space after they have made their changes. Grrrrr

It is a beautiful sunny day out. Maybe I will go out on the deck for a little sun therapy.

Bobbi ~ Missing Lynn and Marie also ~ Lynn has been posting her miles on the Walking to Colorado Springs thread, and Marie has been posting on the 2012 Challenge thread.

Ginger ~ I like what you said: Imagine in your head what you want your life to be like- then let it go with " Or even better" as so often God & Universe can imagine better than we can.

I want to imagine being retired and out of that place. I'm calling to you God and Universe ~ help my imaginings come to be :)

Hope you all have a nice weekend. Will try to get to the personals later.

jess1 09-22-2012 12:58 PM

Good hola, All...
Gayle - how much longer do you have until you can retire (not until DH SAYS you can retire!)? It sounds like it's a bad work environment!

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful day here! I LOVE Fall...

Bobbi - sorry you're having yet another expense! Will you adjust your asking price upward again, now that you're putting in the new septic system? Were the last lookers serious, do you think? Good luck!

Nothing to report... blah, blah, blah, and blah... Have a good Saturday, everyone!

Karen3 09-22-2012 03:39 PM

Blah....Fall?? Just because it is only 86 instead of 90 doesn't make it Fall down here....good thing I made extra chicken yesterday because I have absolutely no desire to cook or even plan a meal. Still fretting about the flood insurance. Bobbi it was the bank that did this not our agent. She's trying to straighten it out. Thank God there are no storms out there!

We have been in a drought for 6 years and the water table has been pitifull, but the daily rains have done it's job and our lakes are full. Doesn't effect us much but do worry about our magnum springs. Another month of the rainy season should be just fine.

Rosie...that zig instead of zag looked dangerous! Is that a honey crisp apple? OMG I love them! DH is looking much better.

Gayle...Sorry love but I can promise you "it ain't gonna git better." Never happens when people who are clueless are in charge. Start your retirement planning and continue to practice the fingers in the ears and humming to maintain your sanity.

Donna...can you bottle Fall to save for the long winter nights coming??

Okay created a dessert...now have to redo so less calories, but they were so good. Bought cheap tube of crescent rolls. Opened and separated each. Placed 5-6 chocolate chips on the dough and rolled. Baked 13 minutes at 375 and then sprinkled with pinch of sugar. OMG good. The roll is 100 cal plus the chips....so not bad if you can only eat 1...ha!

Cajun...what kind of fish are you gonna catch? Down here they go in the swampy areas for stumpknockers......kind of crappies.... and of course bass.

Yesterday I was washing the dead love bugs off the windshield and more were jumping in the wash water drowning as I scraped the carcasses off. Another government import that went wrong. They literally eat the paint off you car if you don't scrub off. They are called love bugs because they are always mating and flying stuck together...Nothing loveable. Welcome to Florida at least they don't bite.

I can see such a diff in my skin but haven't hear a word from DH. I will not ask I will not ask.....later K3

maryea 09-22-2012 08:56 PM

Just popped in to say hi. Busy days. We are babysitting overnight and they will be here soon. I am fixing a chicken and green bean stirfry for dinner. Not sure if it will be just us or the kids too for dinner, but I think they will eat it if they are hungry. Do you like to read weightloss stories? Here's one:

A carbie 09-23-2012 11:11 AM

Hello all GG's
I'm new at this so please forgive me if I make some mistakes at first.
I've been reading this thread and wonder if you would mind if I join you all.

I suppose I should give you a short Bio of myself first.
I am 68 yrs old, a widow for 39 years, have 6 sons and 16 grands and 1 great grandson.
I live in Minnesota. Have for most of my life. Moved away for very short periods a couple of times when I was young, but I love my state as I think it's so very beautiful here. I know there are equally beautiful places, but this is home to me.
I am retired, for the second time. I retired in 2006, got bored after about 8 months so got a job that was suppose to be part time but quickly turned into full time, at an assisted living home. Worked there for 5 years then decided to retire again and try getting some work done on this old shack I live in. I guess I shouldn't call it a shack, but it's 114 years old and naturally needs some renovation. So, the contractors and I will be at that for several months.
I'm going to do the painting of the inside of the house, and can only do the kitchen, dining room and basement for now as the plumbers, electricians and contractors will be tearing walls down and causing all kinds of dust etc so I'll just wait till they're all done to paint those rooms.

I wont write to individuals this time but want you all to know that you all seem to be very interesting people.

I'm very overweight. 5' 3" and weigh 245 lbs. I want to lose 105 pounds, but will take ANY loss for now. Seems so hopeless sometimes. I'm not only a carboholic, I'm a FOODaholic. I'm sure it's out of boredom, and perhaps a bit of depression. I love the outdoors, but just can't seem to make myself get outdoors and go for a walk every day. Maybe coming here and talking with folks will give me some incentive.
I guess it doesn't help that my thyroid doesn't function, and metabolism slows greatly with age and I have a horribly overactive fork.

I need to go get dressed now. yes, .... 10 AM and I'm still in my PJ's. :o
Have a great Sunday everyone! Later, ..... Carbie

Karen31 09-23-2012 11:34 AM

Welcome Carbie!! So happy to have you join us! Just pull up a chair and just right in. Don't worry about trying to remember all of us--it will come with time. Shoot some of us have been here for years and have gotten to know each other pretty good.. I'll bet you do love your home. I always thought it would be so nice to fix up a older home. I drive by my aunts home now where we all grew up and it is so sad to see.. so run down and just makes me want to go in and shake the people that have it now!! Makes me cry when we g by there.

Anyway, just wanted to say Hello and Welcome!!

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