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Jane 01-27-2010 09:11 AM

Hi all,
Just a little pop-in to say, Lynn - I hope all went well during your cataract surgery! I'm sending prayers your way. :hug:

Bobbolink 01-27-2010 09:55 AM

We've got the cabinet maker due any minute so no time to chat. Zoe...I make up a weeks worth of Fiber One packets, add 1 Tablespoon ground flaxseed to them and store in the refrigerator. (ground flaxseed can get rancid if not stored properly) This makes it quick and easy to grab without thinking. I eat a fresh pear chopped up in the yogurt or a banana. I like to smush the banana into the yougurt. I make my own yogurt with powdered skim milk so it's really low in calories. Sometimes I sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top of the fruit.

I've been eating oatmeal for breakfast for months and months, now, but changed up after reading what Bobbi had to say about yogurt. For the past few mornings, I've had yogurt with Fiber One (the original) cereal sprinkled on top. It's pretty tasty. I think I'm going to alternate back & forth - a few days of yogurt, a few days of oatmeal. I'm going to put some flax seed in my oatmeal, too (thanks, Isabella!) and maybe some dates cut up into it. I'm liking dates a lot lately

My bedtime snack is always a bowl of hot oatmeal, it's warm and comforting.....puts me instantly to sleep. I've noticed I sleep much better with something in my tummy at night. I make my own packets of oatmeal too, right now I have Apple pie spice in the packets and I stir in 1/4 cup applesauce and the water into the bowl before I zap it in the microwave. Yum!
Lynn...Prayers with you..........catch ya all tomorrow.

Bobbolink 01-27-2010 09:59 AM

To Jane our moderator........I posted a picture of a famous baseball player below my 'exercising across the country' thread. We just keep editing our spots as we travel. How do I get rid of the baseball player? I don't want to start a new thread, can you tell me how to do it or remove it yourself?

jess1 01-27-2010 11:07 AM

Good Morning, All!

Lynn, GOOD THOUGHTS ABOUND. I hope today is the start of a time of calm, serenity, and good health for both you and your daughter.

Getting ready to... eiuuu, ick... SNOW here again. It's been such a nice reprieve! The mountains have been socked, and I guess it's our turn again, too. We won't get anything like MN has had, though!

Zoe, yes, I've been mindful of what I've eaten this week. Enough said, too...

Like you, Bobbi, I eat oatmeal almost every night before bed. It's like putting cereal into a baby before bed, and I sleep like a baby, too!

Everyone, onward and downward! Be safe and warm!

ellabella 01-27-2010 12:38 PM

Oh my goodness, ladies...I have a HUGE announcement to make! I walked along with Leslie Sansone for a mile this morning before coming to work. Twenty minutes....side steps, leg lifts, kicks and stretches! I was only going to do half (at one point in the video, she always says, "We're halfway there!!!" and I figured that would be enough for me, but when she said it, I was moving along pretty well, so I just stuck with it. I am amazed at myself! Now, certainly this seems like a minute accomplishment to those of you who walk miles and miles a day, but FOR ME, it's a real breakthrough after some months of lethargy. :carrot: My DH and I USED to do a mile or two with good ol' Leslie every morning, but kind of got out of the habit last fall sometime. I don't know why, to tell the truth.
Lynn, you and your daughter are in my thoughts today. :hug:
That's right, Donna...we're going to do this....(enough said! :D)
Hope things have warmed up at your place, Rosey -

retiredone 01-27-2010 04:43 PM

Zoe, I put yogurt in my oatmeal. I kind of layer it on the top so I get some in every mouthful. And my dear, one mile is wonderful, especially doing it before going to work in the morning. Maybe you've found something that suits your schedule.

Rosey, glad you're toasty warm again. Nothing worse than waking up to a cold house and no way to warm up.

Oh, Linda, do come and walk with us. And stay indoors if there are cougars and bears in your neighborhood! If you can't find the thread I'll post the link.

Bobbi, you reminded me of homemade yogurt. I was making it myself last year with the powdered skim milk. I must start doing that again. So much cheaper and easy to do.

Donna, I don't know if winter has been strange in your neck of the woods but I've never seen such a good and mild winter as we're having. Or at least it's been years. We usually have quite a bit of snow down by now and the temperatures are bitterly cold nearly every day. Last week we had really cold weather but today it's almost tropical. The guy who does the weather on the local news said last night he went to bed in January and woke up in late March.

Lynn, hoping everything went smoothly today.

As I was telling Donna our weather was wonderful today. I walked my fastest time today ever. I usually do the walk in about 80 minutes but today I finished in 70 minutes right to the back door. I had to get a shower as I was somewhat sweaty. I'm trying to do it in under 60 minutes but I'll combine the walk with jogging. So I'm really happy about today's time.

Gotta go clean up. SIL is coming to visit later on this evening and she's a clean and neat freak and I'm just interested in somewhat tidy and a lived in approach to housekeeping. So have a good evening and I'll catch you all later.

retiredone 01-27-2010 05:01 PM

Linda here's that link to Exercising Across the Country. http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/age-...ry-2010-a.html

Jane 01-27-2010 06:12 PM

Bobbi - I removed the baseball player, even though he was kinda cute. :)

akrosey49 01-27-2010 06:36 PM

Hi everyone..yup im toasty warm again and the fix was simple and not costly..lynn hope u are recovering and your dd is better :hug:..my dh had his stitches out today im ready for him to be healed but not as ready as he is..my diet is going pretty well..ive found if i increase the protein im not as hungry..still doing the exercies i learned in rehab..it feels good, and zoe im proud of you, as i hate exercise to :cp:..hope u all are having a good day :hug: rosey :wave:

Bobbolink 01-27-2010 09:20 PM

Thanks Jane, I like to keep things neat. Was that something I could have done myself? We like to add pictures to our travels but I'd like to remove them without bugging you.


Bobbi - I removed the baseball player, even though he was kinda cute. :)

ToBThinAgain 01-28-2010 02:14 AM

Hi everyone...

Thanks for the exercise thread link. I was looking in the wrong place - in the exercise section of the board!

This evening I had oatmeal with flax seed, wheat bran, wheat germ, raisins and applesauce. It was wonderful! Thank you all so much! (I forgot to get yogurt at the store.)

Time to go make vegetable soup. I stay up late so... I should still have plenty of time. I'm putting a lot of broccoli and cauliflower in this time... with cabbage, etc.. I miss my soup when I haven't had any for a few days!

See you later..........

:df: Linda

Deena52 01-28-2010 04:12 AM

Hi ladies.:wave:

Well, I lucked out. I called the Anne Arundel Food Bank and it sounds like they may be willing to take most of the furniture/household goods....and possibly even the clothing. They apparently network with all sorts of charities so they don't sell or rehab the stuff themselves but pass it along to various appropriate charities. The difficulty has been trying to work a decent schedule out. We're going down this Friday but turned out, they got a huge food shipment to pick up so the guy had to split the crew in order to do both. I'm just hoping they can get most of it done Friday. My brother was an internist and they can even take the medical supplies he had and get them to medical charities....possibly even get them to Haiti, the guy told me.

We do have to empty the water bed mattress so going tomorrow to rent a pump to do that. I will be so happy if they cart that water bed away. It's the size of a room...seriously....king size with a huge wooden canopy and mirrored ceiling (oy vey, just what one needs when one gets close to 60:D).
Looks like it weighs a ton. I don't even know how the heck they got it up there...hoping the guys can figure out how to take it apart.

Karen...I'm not an expert here by any means (though I am rather an Atkins diet maven) but if I remember correctly, the Crack the Fat Code diet has you go on a strict low-carb phase initially and then add carbs back in, correct? And I noticed on those threads that many experience significant loss during that early phase but then it slows down significantly.

On the Atkins diet we do an initial phase also, called Induction (only 20 Gm. of net carbs...net carbs = carbs minus fiber). But most, including me, stay on induction until we reach goal and then go on maintenance. Why? Because you lose much, much faster during induction/low-carb. In that phase, you are in a total metabolic fat-burning mode.

Now this is just me but I can't figure out why, when people have great luck in the initial phase and then slow down thereafter....they don't figure out that this is a version of the Atkins diet, basically....but then after induction, they switch to much more liberal carbs. And...although the premise/theory is great, it often doesn't work all that well for many, esp. us older women. Add rather liberal carbs back in and you turn off the fat-burning/ketosis mode. Basically....you switch from a metabolic diet to an almost calorie-counting diet...which I can't really figure out. From my perspective, one should do one or the other, as they work in totally different ways.

I've lost almost 55 lbs. in about 7 months on Atkins Induction (with added almonds after the first 2 weeks)...and gone down 4 pants sizes. I continue to lose at a steady pace even extremely close to goal. And I don't exercise...just walk daily.

Don't get me wrong....calorie-counting works fabulous for many. AND many can also have huge success with only modified low carb (just cutting out the "white" items) but there are many, like me, who MUST keep the carbs very low in order to have success on a metabolic diet like this. Basically, all I'm saying is that if you have huge success in the initial phase (called Induction on Atkins) but then see the loss slow to a trickle when you add the carbs back in, you might want to consider doing more of a strict Atkins/low carb in order to keep the weight loss moving at a much faster rate.

This is just a suggestion based on what I read on not only the Crack the Fat Loss Code threads but also on the Fat Smash threads...yet another version of Atkins. I feel so bad when I see so many slow down so much when they move out of phase one and want so badly to tell them this but am leery to look like I'm pushing my views on them. I do try to be careful about that....but at the same time, want to help them also.

deena :)

ladyinweighting 01-28-2010 06:57 AM

Good Morning,

Have 1 eye bandaged & am holding glasses on other eye - they won't stay on over the bandages unless I hold them.

Everything is good - thank you for all the good wishes -

Check back later - after doctor takes off the bandages,


Bobbolink 01-28-2010 09:20 AM

Good Morning Girls.......gosh, the month went fast. Can you believe it's the 28th already? I have a desk top calendar with daily quotes from Crabby Maxine, today's quote: "Things even out. I don't look as good naked as I used to, and guys my age don't see as well as they used to. " Ho, Ho, Ho!
Linda...Yummo! I keep vegetable soup on hand always. I make a batch, feed the ingredients into Fitday and ladle it up into individual containers and freeze. It's so easy to nuke for lunch meals and keeping track of my calories. I eat pretty much the same breakfast and lunches, never get bored with it. I'm too busy in the day to think about my 1st two meals.

Time to go make vegetable soup. I stay up late so... I should still have plenty of time. I'm putting a lot of broccoli and cauliflower in this time... with cabbage, etc.. I miss my soup when I haven't had any for a few days!
Deena...glad everything is working out for you, that water bed sounds interesting!

It's the size of a room...seriously....king size with a huge wooden canopy and mirrored ceiling (oy vey, just what one needs when one gets close to 60:D).

Best Wishes for you Lynn...what a trooper holding up your glasses and typing on the computer one handed. :rofl:
Jess...I always save enough calories to eat this, it's very important for my sleeping routine. I love the apple pie spice and applesauce in it, makes it taste like pie.

Like you, Bobbi, I eat oatmeal almost every night before bed. It's like putting cereal into a baby before bed, and I sleep like a baby, too!
Isabella...I'm jealous of your walking time, wish my feet weren't so bad.:( I also wish we didn't live on a gravel road, it's hard on heel spurs and plantar fasciitis! My stepper is hard on my left knee, what am I going to do? I do put 20 minutes in on it and haven't been counting my steps correctly. Lynn does 5 minutes equals 1 mile, I'm going to start using that formula, maybe I'll get out of Iowa quicker.

I'm trying to do it in under 60 minutes but I'll combine the walk with jogging. So I'm really happy about today's time.

Zoe...:carrot::carrot::carrot: Yeah, you go girl! I used to have those tapes, they must be buried in the basement. Please join us in the exercising across the country, it's fun!


I have a HUGE announcement to make! I walked along with Leslie Sansone for a mile this morning before coming to work. Twenty minutes....side steps, leg lifts, kicks and stretches!

Rosey...keep up the good fight, I don't know how much cooking you're able to do but making a large batch of vegetable soup like Linda and I do sure helps fill you up for very low calories.

..my diet is going pretty well..ive found if i increase the protein im not as hungry..still doing the exercies i learned in rehab..it feels good.

ellabella 01-28-2010 09:59 AM

Morning, all!!!! Yes, she did! Lazy girl walked another mile with Leslie this morning! Oh, Bobbi, I'd LOVE to join you, but at a mile a day, I couldn't even make it into Connecticut before they put me in the nursing home!!! :rofl: Maybe when I get up to say, two miles a day? Y'know, I think what I need is one of those pedometers. This new building of ours (at work) is HUGE, and just walking from one department to the other is probably a half mile. (Oh, okay. Maybe an eight of a mile or something...but it all adds up, right?) Also, we are now in a large, new office park, and the road goes around in a big circle - I'm thinking to walk it at lunchtime once the weather gets a little nicer. They're saying snow later today, and MUCH colder - frigid, in fact - over the weekend. Oh, joy! One other thing, Bobbi - do you have your vegetable soup recipe posted in the recipe section? I make soup of course, but I make mine with chunks of chicken breast and use fat free/salt free College Inn chicken broth as a base. Sometimes I put lentils in it, sometimes black beans, but I always put carrots, celery, onions and kale. I haven't found a vegetable soup recipe that seems hearty enough for someone with a lumberjack appetite (me) so if you could point me in the right direction, that would be great! I really am trying to cut back on having to have meat (well, not red meat, of course, but we do eat a LOAD of chicken, pork, and just now found a frozen Tilapia entree at Trader Joe's that I really like) at every meal. Isabella, if you have anything exciting you could point me towards for a main dish, I would really appreciate it, too. I'm actually leaning in the direction of eventually becoming pretty close to a vegetarian, although probably not a vegan.
Deena, I did Atkins for about 13 or so years after my son was born, and never went much past induction - as you said. I think it really is very difficult to add carbs back in without losing your momentum, and in most instances, coming to a standstill. I stayed at my ideal weight for all that time, but never, ever ate up to 20 carbs a day. My diet was mostly (red) meat, chicken, turkey, tuna fish, eggs, cheese and small green salads. I really think that I managed to reach my limit with all the red meat I consumed, because now I can't even stand to THINK about eating it.
Rosey, I'm glad your heating problems were easily solved. I absolutely cannot stand being cold. This new building's heating system apparently requires a rocket scientist to operate, because they can't seem to get it right. It's been pretty cold since we got here the first of the month, and all we hear is that "they're working on it". So, I am really bundled and layered up, including sweater knit tights. I have them in all kinds of colors and patterns - stripes, polka dots, plaids, etc. - to match all my clothes, and I wear them with boots, or even with dress pumps. I guess people here may think I'm a tad eccentric, but so far, the comments range from "chic" to "Where can I get some of those?" so I guess they won't be calling the people in the white coats to come for me anytime soon.
<looking around> So where's my psychic twin? Donna? Good Lord, I hope you're not snowed in, girl! My DH says winter's nearly over. Right.....
Lynn? I'm glad you checked in. Hope your daughter's doing okay, too.
Hi Linda - and Freda? Where are YOU?
Okay. Gotta do some work, here. have a great day, everyone!

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