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jess1 01-18-2010 11:25 AM

Good Morning, All...
Feeling very fragile today. I don't think the cold is going to amount to much more than stuffiness, but I just feel like, well, caca... This, too, will pass.

Lynn, I'm glad the cookie recipe worked for you. Here's another, and it's from Fiber One, so you should be able to hide a lot in there! http://www.fiberone.com/Recipes/Reci...y.aspx?cid=406

Have a good day, everyone. I think I'm going back to bed!

retiredone 01-18-2010 12:24 PM

Good afternoon ladies. Lot's of activity on the board yesterday.

Ha, ha Lynn, so funny about hiding the fiber in the cookies. We do what we have to do. About your great grandfather. I suppose we all have a few scoundrels in our family trees if we look close enough. Heck, some of us have them living.

Hope you're feeling better soon, Jess.

Zoe, reading what you do with dates has my mind in a whirl. Think I'll toss a few in my next salad. Sounded really good. The pics you posted of the family are charming. Can't wait til we can really do things with our DGS.

Deena, I couldn't have said it better.

But that I wanted her to know that nothing ever tasted so good as looking normal feels now.
I'd give you a high-5 if you were close.

My lower back is in a seized state this morning. I'm in no real pain but when I sit I can feel things I shouldn't. I'm fine walking and standing but as soon as I go to sit I can feel the sore muscles. Not sure what brought it on. Maybe I slept on a pea. It was really cold this morning when I went out for my walk -14.8 C (5.3 F) degrees and there was wind! My fingers nearly froze off my hands so I've got to find something warmer for my digits or we'll be having fingers for supper.

I'm in a baking mood today. I made chocolate cake which DH has been eying lovingly but we're not eating it. I'm freezing the thing for when I need a dessert to take somewhere or unexpected company decides to drop in. I also made Angel Biscuits (plain and cinnamon buns). I used part whole wheat flour and had a plain one with my dinner. Really good. Are you all familiar with Angel Biscuits. They're a cross between a baking powder biscuit and a yeast raised roll. Really fast, really good. DH will enjoy the cinnamon buns.

Must go buy bananas. Have a good day and I'll catch you all later.

akrosey49 01-18-2010 05:19 PM

Hi everyone..hope u all had a great weekend..my dd and family where here as my grson was in a bb tournament this weekend..it was so much fun and they won all their games..noisey and chaotic(sp?) today i got back with the program..i realized ive slacked to long..back on ww with a diabetic twist..it feels good to do something positve..being handicapped is my life now but not an excuse..i do well on ww points as when my pts are used up im done for the day..being diabetic i count carbs too..im hopeful and as soon as my dh 's foot heals and he can get me out of the house i will pursue the surg..thats a 6 month process from start to finnish and my dh has had two surg now and has been laid up since july..even so i can follow an approved diet and do what exercises that i can instead of being with the poor me i dont care attitude..willie is all mended now and doing great he evn lost some weight which is good as he was pudgy..hes back ripping and tearing around with the other furry babies..hugs for all :hug: rosey :wave:

jess1 01-18-2010 07:11 PM

Hey, Rosey........ good news about Willie!!! Never want to see those furry babies hurt...

Bobbolink 01-19-2010 09:06 AM

God's artistic beauty!

Bobbolink 01-19-2010 09:15 AM

Two more pictures, it's really beautiful outside this morning.

ladyinweighting 01-19-2010 09:28 AM

Good Morning Everyone,

Went to eye dr this morning for left eye post-op check & right eye pre-op check. My left eye has gone from 25-50 to 20-25! I LOVE this surgery! Get the right eye done next week.

Rosey - love that "can-do" attitude. You go, girl!

Bobbi, wonderful that you can still find winter beautiful!

Donna & Isabella, hope you feel better soon.

Zoe, still keeping my fingers crossed!

Bobbi & Isabella, I'm going to try going back to the gym tomorrow so I can get to Reading, PA! Wish me luck.

Check back later,


Deena52 01-19-2010 10:45 AM

Hi ladies!:wave:

OK, I have a situation here that I could use some suggestions/input on. My brother (who died) had not only an apartment full of stuff, including 2 big walk-in closets full of clothing...and good clothing too (Ralph Lauren, etc.) but he also had a large garage packed full of stuff. There's a nice big desk with cabinets, a leather sofa and chair, a recliner, multiple beds, all sorts of household goods, kitchen goods, lamps, etc.

The problem is: the apt. is on the second floor with outside flight of steps, my brother and I are nearing 60 and he comes down from Rockville Ctr. NY, picks me up in Delaware (on the days we've gone down there) so it's quite a distance to go there. And most of the national charities, like Salvation Army, Purple Heart, Vietnam Vets....cannot give you a specific time when they can come and pick stuff up in a truck and want you to put the items at the curb.

And I would HATE to throw all this nice stuff out but we HAVE to get this stuff out of his place soon (the garage stuff is in storage a few miles away now...we did that last Friday) and I would absolutely hate to see all this stuff trashed and would SO like to donate it.

So...we have a really nice local outfit here called Family Thrift Center and they run a whole clothing store AND a big separate furniture/household items store in the same strip mall near here and will come and pick up on a more scheduled basis. However, I have no idea if they'd have the equivalent in Annapolis, MD (where my brother lived).

So I was thinking of calling maybe the food bank down there to see if they'd know if any. It also occurred to me to call churches....as they possibly sponsor needy families and have strong church-member guys that could show up with trucks and take this stuff for them.

Does anyone have any other helpful ideas or suggestions? I DO have an Annapolis phone book here that I brought from his apartment....so can look up numbers for any good suggestions. Thanks so much.

Ella...are you from NYC? I say "cawfee" too (am originally from the Bronx).
"Cawfee" does not sound like a Massachusetts accent.:D

142.3 lbs. this morning and my 32" waist jeans are starting to get loose. If I go down another size soon, that will be a drop of 6 pants sizes.

Oh, and I used to do the exact same thing, Ella. Be good all day and then crave and binge on sweets in the late evening. But that's no longer even an issue or problem for me, on low-carb. All those cravings, etc. disappeared. I've not had any sugar or simple carbs for 8 months now, don't miss them and have all sorts of crap in the place for my son and it doesn't even tempt me. I'm serious.

deena :)

OK...am I losing my mind? What happened to Ella's post about evening eating? And Bobbi's post about using pumpkin and beans in recipes? Why can't I find them now? Did I see them on a different thread? I'm confused.

jess1 01-19-2010 11:55 AM

Good Morning, All....
Lynn, I'm SO glad you're eye is "working" and that next week you'll have two good eyes! And what did you think of the FiberOne cookie site? There's a lot there!

I'm feeling tip top. I'm lucky to be able to go to bed and sleep as long as I need to sleep. Nothing seems to last very long, because I can do that.

Down another pound. I'm going to see if I get to "keep" it before I post it. Dr. Oz says that just 10 minutes of exercise a day will help ward off Alzheimer's, so that's all the incentive I need! This big ol' butt is off the couch!

As always, I thoroughly enjoy all of you. Stay well! Stay warm.

Oh! Bobbi, I thought those pictures were beautiful! Despite my whining, I do like winter so much better than summer.

retiredone 01-19-2010 12:56 PM

Hello Gals,

Deena, you're not losing your mind. You did read Zoe's and Bobbi's posts here. You must have missed them somehow. I think if you phone around to a few churches they might be able to put you on to something. They may even be able to post it in their church bulletin. The clergy are often aware of hardship situations within the congregations as well. I wish you lived near me. I'd have that furniture given away in no time. Have you thought of selling it and donating the proceeds to charity? I just thought if you sold it the buyer would be responsible for removing the furniture, etc from the property.

Bobbi, I recognized those pictures as winter right away. :D Although we've had cold weather the last couple of days we haven't had much snow. Very unusual for this time of the year. Last year we got most of our snow in February and March so I'm not breaking out the lawn mower yet.

Jess, I don't sleep as well as I used to. My trouble is getting to bed. I'm a real night owl and will stay up even when I'm almost asleep on my feet. That should have been my New Year's resolution--get to bed by 11 pm.

Lynn, my mom had surgery on her eyes some years ago and it made such a difference in her sight. She had one eye done before laser was used.

, glad Willie is up and running about again. And your attitude is great. We have to do what we can in whatever situation we find ourselves in.

I had a great walk today. The temperature was up from yesterday's deep freeze so my fingers remained intact on my hands. Gone to do my fitness test practice. :exercise: :workout: :lifter:

ladyinweighting 01-20-2010 08:26 AM

Good Morning,

Went back to the gym this morning :carrot::carrot::carrot:

Didn't last long (20 min) but it's a start. Will build back up little by little.

My DD's face is VERY bad. Started bleeding yesterday. She has another week to go. All prayers/good wishes will be gratefully accepted.

Check back later,


Bobbolink 01-20-2010 09:18 AM

Good Morning, no time to chat. MIL has an appointment with her shrink, DH can't stand his mother so I have to go with her. I don't like her either but she's middle stages of Alzheimers and someone has to be with her. Catch ya later.



ellabella 01-20-2010 09:29 AM

Good morning to you. :wave:
Lynn, my prayers, good wishes, good thoughts and good vibrations are coming your way on your daughter’s behalf. I know, I know, I know. :hug:
Oh, Isabella! Your “fitness test” practice! And all that walking! I swear, reading your posts (except when you talk about food) makes me feel SO inadequate! HOW inadequate, you may ask? Well…inadequate enough to grumble, but not enough to get out there and shake a leg myself. Gawd, I must be the laziest woman on the planet! I used to bike ride all the time. I will again. When spring comes. When the swallows return to Capistrano. When…um….okay. Soon. Honest. (And the sad part is that I KNOW nobody here is pushing me to get off my lazy tush – you know, just like I know – I have to push myself! :shrug:)
Oh, Donna! Ten minutes or Alzheimers? Crap :o. I’d better do it. I’ve been extremely forgetful lately.
Hiya Deena. Nope, not from Nu Yawk, but I did spend a couple of years on Lawn Guyland. I think Bostonians say “cawfee”, too. At least the ones I know mostly do. :coffee2:
Omigawd, Bobbi – just what I needed to see. Pictures of snow and ice! Hah! Actually, it was pretty – and kind of nice to look at, knowing that I’d never have to set foot outside in that particular landscape. I do, of course, have a similar one of my own. Mine’s just dirtier – city, doncha know? I actually think I’ll save those pictures of yours to look at in August when we’re dying here with the heat and humidity!
Rosey, that’s right. We all can just do what we can do, and be glad we can do it. Everybody here can understand that well enough. :hug:
Freda? Busy at work now that you’re back on your feet? I’m missing you. And Karen 31? AND Karen from Florida! Where the heck are you?

jess1 01-20-2010 11:15 AM

Good Morning, All........
Zoe, do you forget to exercise, too? I think maybe the Big A has already started?? I know it's not a laughing matter...!

Lynn, thoughts and prayers abound for your DD. I'm so sorry to read that. How she (and you) are suffering! I pray that this has a positive outcome. Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease! Are you still scheduled for your eye surgery or have you had to postpone?

Status quo on everything. My weight really loves me. I stay at a particular weight for what seems to be ages before it decides to move. I think I'm due for a move.

Take care of yourselves, everyone! Be well.

retiredone 01-20-2010 11:53 AM

Good afternoon ladies.

Zoe, don't feel too inadequate with exercise, remember I'm retired and have more time to exercise. And all this practice for the fitness test takes about 5-10 minutes at a time so don't think it's hours of time. I don't have the strength for much more. I went through 5 of each section of the test, except for the 2-legged jump (did the whole 40) and my legs were so shaky I could feel it in every step I took.

Jess, your fat may love you but do you love your fat? Hahaha, I think not. It only seems slow. In a year you'll be more than pleased at your progress.

Bobbi, funny story. :D

Lynn, WTG, with the gym. You'll be back to full steam in a few more days. I'll say a prayer for your DD. Poor girl.

Had to really hoof it on my walk today. I left late and just got back seconds before DH. I actually ran up the driveway so he wouldn't be driving up in the bus as I was going in the door. I made it with about a second to spare. Hahaha. I never had dinner started but had everything ready to go. We had whole wheat penne with vegetables and very little olive oil and a sprinkle of cheese. So while the penne boiled I stir fried the vegetables. We had a salad and baked beans with that. The beans were done yesterday and the salad was overly simple--lettuce and tomato. I got in the house at 12:05 and we were eating by 12:25 so not bad.

I'm off to church to help with the clothing depot this afternoon. Actually I should be walking over there right now. So I'll catch you all later.

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