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Piano51 09-24-2007 07:27 PM

:bday2you: Marylynn

Meowee It’s good to read that you are now feeling better. I’m still jealous about your weather. It is 95 outside today. :flame:

Swia---I’m one of the newer ones here. :wave:

:welcome: Ellen

:wave: Rosey

:cp: Theresa. Please let us know about your first day!!

Paula: Great to get a note from you!:hug:

I planned a slow relaxing weekend. Did it end that way? :no: :no: Needless to say this morning was a stuggle trying to get energy :sp: :tired:. This Golden Girl, sure can’t keep my former hectic pace. I was thinking that lately---now I KNOW it. :o

I’m not going to talk long. Yes, Zoe, I am flying by again!!:D

Have a great evening!

Karen31 09-24-2007 08:13 PM

Hello Everyone,
Well, the people did come and look at the house this afternoon. I think they liked it but it is hard to tell. Although she did say she likes it she really wanted a more updated kitchen. :?: They were her for over an hour and after they looked at the house, then they went and looked at the big garage, then came back and went through the house again. They did ask what was our bottom dollar:devil: We told them to make us an offer. And I did tell them that we have decided that we are going to list it with a realtor the first of the month if we haven't had a firm offer on it by then, And the price would be going up to help cover the closing costs the realtor would be charging. I told them that I thought it was only fair that I let them know that so if they are really interested to make an offer. So who knows---:shrug:

I hope you have all had a good days today. On my 2 pound loss--- I won't even be counting that until it shows up on Friday. Then I'll feel good about it. Now watch--- I'll be at 155 again on Friday! Grrrrrrrr!

Have a good night and I think I'll go relax for a bit.

Elliebelle 09-24-2007 09:08 PM

I hope you get an offer from them. We sold a house before and it was so stressful. Best of luck to you.

mom2fivesweeties 09-24-2007 10:35 PM

Hi Golden Girls! :wave:

Well, this is SO funny, but maybe I shouldn't be laughing - it just MAY be pathetic! I have had the "Walk the Walk" video by Leslie Sansone which, I believe, is the beginner's tape for us VERY overweight and out of shape people! Well! I decided to get it out yesterday and started walking the walk! It's great because it has Christian songs to walk to and she has different movements to walk with. Well, I was truckin' along and Abbi was sitting on the floor with her 11 year old petite self watching "Big Mama" (which my boys call me) do this tape with Leslie. I'm getting winded and my feet are hurting although I was trying to do this barefoot (on carpet, but still).

Anway, Leslie says, "Great Warmup! Now to pick up the pace!" So I'm like, "WARMUP??" Abbi was laughing herself silly and I WAS proud of the "workout" I was doing and my heart is thumping and I was sweating and I was out of breath on the WARM-UP! So much for feeling like I was accomplishing something! :rofl:

CAT: I love your herb garden. I love to garden anyway, mostly tomatoes, peppers and flowers. But the herbs sound great! I just may try that sometime!

Ali: How is southwest FL doing? I'll bet our temps have been right along with yours. It got to 94 yesterday and that's pretty warm for the end of Sept.!

Karen: OMIGOSH! Three miles of Leslie?? Sigh - I suppose I COULD work up to that once I get past the warm-up! :^: Where is the house in MO you were looking at? I'm from there and all our family is still there. We are right across the river, but will probably move back eventually. Good luck on selling your house. It's probably up there with the most stressful things in life hands down.

:wel3fc: Elliebelle!!

Rosey: I want to go to Alaska so badly! We just celebrated our 30th anniversary and we were always planning on an Alaskan cruise for our 30th. Well, the finances aren't exactly doing well for that - maybe our 35th! I am an animal fanatic and nature fanatic - think I'd love it up there?

LindaD: Thanks so much for the kind words about our adopting the kids. They are truly a blessing! Sometimes at 52 years old, they DO get the better of me, but one day at a time!

Marylynn: :bday2you: I hope you had a GREAT day! Our biological son is 21. I couldn't have anymore after Michael and since I was adopted I really wanted to adopt. Our twin girls are from India. We traveled there in March of 1999 to bring our princesses home. They were 3 when we brought them home. They will be 12 in December. Our 2 youngest boys are from San Jose, CA. They are 9 and 10. Three of the 4 are special needs ranging from fetal alcohol syndrome to Chelsi who is brain damaged from birth. She will probably always be on about a 5-6 year old emotional level. We love them all tremendously and feel God never gives you more than you can handle.

Thanks to all of you for the nice comments about the kids. I really feel at home here and truly appreciate all of you.

Well friends, I suppose I should stop for now - I didn't mean to write a book - I hope you all are well and happy and look forward to hearing from all of you tomorrow!
:hug: Lori

aleka 09-25-2007 06:41 AM

Hi everyone,

I don't think I'll be having any problems getting to and from the airport in Ft Myers. We also did some shopping while we were in Ft Myers. We were having this terriffic thunderstorm as we were walking towards this one store from the parking lot. I had just put my foot on the curbing to get under an archway when this bright flash of lightning appeared, I swear I heard a sizzling sound, then loud thunder which sounded like it was right overhead. :eek: The lightning set off a car alarm somewhere in the parking lot and I thought it had done something to the store we were going into, but nothing happened at the store. When we came out of the store we noticed there was a fire truck at the Super Target quite a few doors down from where we were. We figured lightning must've struck Target someplace. That was too close for comfort!

Lori, I had a chuckle reading your story about exercsising with one of Leslie's walking tapes. Good for you on taking your first step. :high: It will get better and before you know it you will be breezing through that tape. That is so nice that you have adopted some special needs children. It takes very special people to do that and it's great you have one another in your lives. We haven't seen much sun lately down here, so the temps have been in the high 80's and it seems nice. You had warmer temps than we did yesterday. ;)

Karen, I hope that the people will make an offer on your house.

Ellen, it's nice to be among people that are going through the same thing you are. I'm glad you joined us.

Rosey, my dream is to take an Alaskan cruise. I can just imagine how beautiful it is there.

Marylynn, glad that your MIL is back home and cooking. She sounds a lot like my grandmother who lived to be 103.

Zoe, what an honor for your daughter and I didn't think the photo was awful. I thought your daughter looked really pretty in the photo.

Lynn, I live very close to Venice. You said that your SIL & DD are staying around Venice. I hope they visit Venice because it's a very beautiful city and the downtown area is great for shopping, although some stores are rather expensive. I hope they both enjoy their stay in the area.

Hello to the GOLDEN GIRLS that I missed.

Have a wonderful day!

ladyinweighting 09-25-2007 07:52 AM

Good Morning Everyone,

Hi Theresa, how was the new job? OK - I LOVE that photo at the bottom of your yesterday post. How about that for your avatar?

Hi Linda (Meowee) I've got my fingers crossed for you. Hope you get to move that ticker tomorrow.
I'll check out that video. Thank you for posting it.

Hi Lyn, I think my days of fasting are over for me. Years ago, when I was on Weight Watchers, I used to fast the day before I got weighed in. With this diabetes, I need to eat every 4-5 hours or my blood sugar spikes.

Hi Karen, I'm closing in - 157.6 this morning. I'm keeping different fingers crossed for you and Phyllis to sell your houses.

Hi Zoe, I read the article about your DD. What a GREAT accomplishment. If that photo is bad, she must be gorgeous. I think she looks lovely in the photo.

Hi Ellen, nice to see you posting with us. You know, I think I heard those cookies you ate last night are contaminated ;-)) Better get rid of them - in the garbage.

Hi Rosey, you live in my dd's favorite state. Last winter, they vacationed there & had a WONDERFUL time.

Hi LindaD, how great it must be to live somewhere where rain is a treat! In NJ, we get a LOT of rain - guess that's why it's the garden state.
That magic dust you sent did the trick - I'm down below 160. You're another bathroom Soduko puzzler! Me too.

Hi Marylynn, will your MIL be going to a dietitian? I have found that to me MUCH more valuable than the diabetes classes.
Did you have a nice birthday?

Hi Paula, I'm so glad to see you posting again. We miss you. Hope you are doing well. I think of you often.

Hi Trish, you wrote, "this golden girl sure can't keep my former hectic pace" I'm with you. It amazes me how tired I get in the afternoons - especially if I'm at home.
Ah well, the rule is - after you're 40, you have to pay for all the running around you did before 40.

Hi Lori, I didn't find your story funny or pathetic. I found it admirable. When I began exercising (last winter), I couldn't last 4 minutes on the eliptical machine & every wt. machine had to be at the lowest weight. Now, I do 20 minutes on the eliptical & keep increasing my weights on all the other machines I use.
Please don't exercise in bare feet - you need sox and shoes with good padding so you don't hurt yourself. I like New Balance running shoes - they have a lot of padding & help you to not get injured joints. About the sweating part - I LOVE to sweat when I exercise - makes me feel so athletic. Get that tape back out & do 20 seconds more than you did yesterday.
Pretty soon you'll be up to the 3-mile walk!

Hi Ali, they're staying in Venice, but they want to buy in Englewood. They can get a much more beautiful house & much more property in Englewood than they can in Venice. They've been looking for a couple of years. They're VERY picky.

I went to a Foot Solutions store yesterday. They spent a lot of time measuring my feet - then, we went through the regular (for me) trial and error to find shoes that fit comfortably. I need different lengths/widths in different styles/makes. I finally found a pair - let's just hope they are as comfortable walking around NYC as they were walking around in the store.

Today, I meet with my dietitian - need to ask her for a recommendation for an Endocrinologist - and then, I'm meeting my friend at the gym - got a chlorine-proof bathing suit for the gym. The pool there was eating my bathing suit up.

Hope we all have a happy and healthy day,


aleka 09-25-2007 08:06 AM

Lynn, they should get a good deal on a house now because there are a lot of houses for sale and the market is at a standstill. It's really very sad. Englewood is nice, it has a quaint downtown area. I hope they find something they like.

ladyinweighting 09-25-2007 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by meowee (Post 1866729)
BTW . . . I put a great new video on the Top 7 Tips for Managing Diabetes into the Diabetes Forum this morning. Thought a couple of you might like to have a look at it.

Hope you all have a great day. Keep doing the good stuff just as much as you can, gang . . . see you later . . . :wave:

Hi Linda,

I just watched the video - some good basic info, but nothing new. I have an article that I'm going to send to you. It was in the Aug 20 NY Times. Has some VERY intersting info about diabetes and cholesterol. Essentially, those of us with diabetes need to get/keep our cholesterol lower than others.


meowee 09-25-2007 09:14 AM

Good Morning . . . :grouphug:

I'm running a bit late today for some reason. I was up at normal time, just don't seem to be moving on the normal schedule. There was a little sun first thing today, but it seems to hve retreated again. Hopefully it will be back. :cool:

LYNN . . . I totally agree there is nothing new in that video, just a good reference all in one place. I'll be looking forward to receiving the article you mentioned.

Nothing else is new around here. I'm still hanging onto my 'almost two pounds below ticker' number -- but it is only Tuesday. ;) Hope everybody has a really great day planned. Keep doing the good stuff. . . :wave:

shrl 09-25-2007 11:26 AM

Hi evryone,
I can't get on everyday as my dh is in hospice with emphysema and I am his caregiver.

Karen congrats on the weight loss, and I hope you get an offer on your house soon. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

Meowee, I am staying the same after my 4 lbs loss

Lori,I think it is so nice that you have adopted special needs children, I have some relation that adopted a baby that is a drug baby and and it takes someone special to do that. You are special.

Ali, Lightning really scares me, we are having a thunder storm right now with a lot of lightning.

Hi to Lynn and everyone I missed,

Have a great Tuesday,

Jayjay55 09-25-2007 12:05 PM

Hi GOLDEN GIRLS I just had to run in and check on everyone. Sadly I only had time to look at the current page but I see everyone is doing rather well (LOL better than me). I am still struggling to eat right and my exercise has gone to zero. Some my problem -- some outside problems. Last Tues we got hit with a "sniper storm" and the worst hit area was our campus (I was home sick thank goodness). Result was four buildings flooded and the worst hit was our gym and recreation building. There has been no classes or any where to work out - I have to admit I haven't felt up to it physically but I would have at least made an effort had the gym been open. I am just hoping they didn't have to replace the entire floor of the main gym -- can't even imagine the co$t!!

Lori -- I read about your taking the first step with the walking tape -- Listen to Lynn never ever do any exercise without proper shoes and socks. I am so cautious about it now I replace my shoes every 6 months so that I get the support I need. I made the mistake once of doing a tape I thought was strictly pilates (we do that in our bare feet) but it wasn't and I had to stop.

Karen - I still have my fingers crossed about the house sale - its so frikken stressful. I remember going through this three years ago. Even with our hot market now I refuse to even think about selling -- besides I promised my mom as long as she is in her condo I will not move from where we are.

I should know (I hope) by the end of the week what course of treatments they will be doing for me. I have to contact the doctor and mention that I am leaving town on the weekend and any advance treatment would be helpful.

So happy belated birthday to Marylynn

Huge Hi's to Phyllis, Zoe, Theresa, Ellen, Lyn, Lynn, Paula, Ali, Tricia, Linda, Ann and everyone else I may have missed

LindaD 09-25-2007 01:16 PM

Good Morning!

The rest of the week is supposed to be hot....upper 80's & 90's. I've really enjoyed the cooler weather and some rain for a change. I'm going to miss summer but looking forward to cooler weather as this has been an unusually hot summer.

A friend sent this to me. Hope it will give you a chuckle as it did me.


You've heard about people who have been abducted and had their kidneys removed by black-market organ thieves. Well, this kind of cruel theft is happening with other body parts as well!

My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. I went to sleep and woke up with someone else's thighs. It was just that quick. The replacements had the texture of cooked oatmeal. Whose thighs were these and what happened to mine? I spent the entire summer looking for my thighs.

Finally, hurt and angry, I resigned myself to living out my life in jeans. And then the thieves struck again. My butt was next. I knew it was the same gang, because they took pains to match my new rear end to the thighs they had stuck me with earlier. But my new butt was attached at least three inches lower than my original! I realized I'd have to give up my jeans in favor of long skirts.

Two years ago I realized my arms had been switched. One morning I was fixing my hair and was horrified to see the flesh of my upper arms go to and fro with the motion of the hairbrush. This was really getting scary - my body was being replaced one section at a time. What could they do to me next?

When my poor neck suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a turkey neck, I decided to tell my story. Women of the world, wake up and smell the coffee! Those "plastic" surgeons are using REAL replacement body parts stolen from you and me! The next time someone you know has something "lifted", look again - was it lifted from you?

THIS IS NOT A HOAX. This is happening to women everywhere every night. WARN YOUR FRIENDS!

P.S. Last year I thought someone had stolen my boobs. I was lying in bed and they were gone! But when I jumped out of bed, I was relieved to see that they had just been hiding in my armpits as I slept. Now I keep them hidden in my waistband!

Marylynn: WhooHoo! 2 pounds is great! Congrats! :bravo:

Ellen: We are so glad to have you here and looking forward to getting to know you better. We are a close knit family and care about each other. It makes a tremedous difference in your weight loss and motivation when you know you have people that want you to succeed.

Karen: I'm hoping your house sells soon. Hopefully these people will buy it. It seems like they are interested if they looked at it for an hour.

Lori: I exercise with Leslie Sansone sometimes too. I love the music and her upbeat attitude. I have the 1 mile, 2 mile, and 3 mile DVD. If you get too tired you don't have to do the arm exercises. Just move your feet until you get your breath back and then add your arms again and please wear tennis shoes to make it a little easier for you. I know you can do it!

Lynn: Below 160.....I knew you could do it! :dancer:

Ann: I'm so sorry about your husband. My prayers to you and your husband for a peace that passes all understanding.

Hello to all that I didn't mention. :wave:

meowee 09-25-2007 01:50 PM

Oh Linda . . . thank you so much . . . I would have been :rofl: if I thought I would have been able to get up again with any ease. Had to be content with just :lol3:

Oh Joanne . . . sorry your story wasn't something to laugh about. BTW, please do NOT send that freak storm to me.

akrosey49 09-25-2007 02:31 PM

Morning everyone.. im still getting to know u all..its sunny here today and the fall colors are beautiful.. we dont get the reds but all shades of yellow and apricot.. we are going car shopping this weekend.. we are leaning towards a subaru Forrester..but want to look and see whats out there.. of course my dh would like a big truck but i would need a sky crane to get in to it..im only 4 ft 10 inches so it needs to be lower..Linda D thats was a really funny article i always wondered where my boobs went at night lol..im fighting daily to stay on my ww diet.. i need to add exercise but so far i have resisted like the plague:?:i bet i would loose faster but so far have lost 36# since april..writing down everything i eat helps me alot..hope u all have agreat day ttfn rosey :wave:

Karen31 09-25-2007 02:36 PM

Linda--- That story was so funny!!! I already copied and pasted it into an email to pass on!! I was laughing so hard that Tim came in to see what was going on!! Thanks for the laugh!!

Joanne, Gosh! Lightening scares me so bad!! I remember when I was very young my Mom, Dad. my older brother and myself were sitting on the couch watching TV eating popcorn and lightening came through the cord to the lamp by the couch and caught the couch on fire!! So to this day I am a real big baby when it comes to storms. Stay Safe!!

I made an appt. with the vet this morning and Sissy will be going this afternoon. She jumped off the couch yesterday and when she did she yiked and is really favoring her right front leg. I was going to make an appt. for the left from foot where she has a bump on the top of it. She seems to want to chew on that a lot. So now I guess I'll do both at the same time. So Ginger will be upset that Sissy "GETS" to go. I'll probably bring her a "treat" home too!

Well, guess I'd better get some stuff done here before I have to go. Hope everyone is having a good day and I'll be back later. Oh By the way---it was 29 degrees here this morning!!!:brr:

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