3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Shannonsnail 04-21-2014 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Sum38 (Post 4988929)
You know, I fit into 6's now! Some of them are still a bit tight but others fit nicely. I wore a size 6 skirt today; it made me really happy!!

That's awesome! I remember size 6.....it was in 1999, lol!

Shannonsnail 04-21-2014 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Sum38 (Post 4988922)
Shannonsnail Congrats on being OP for a month! Did something click a month ago? -- I had my click on March 28th,2013. That was the day I said, I want to get skinny again. -- I have slipped and fallen a few times but always got back on that horse. So I have lost nearly 30 pounds since.

Thank you! Yes, it did. After 14 years of being diagnosed with binge eating disorder and completely unable to control my intake of empty refined carbs in conjuntion with my emotions and despite being diagnosed as prediabetic for 7 years but not really doing anything about it, I quit most breads, pastas, rice, potatoes and sugar sweetened drinks/treats cold turkey after reading a comment from someone here on 3FC. This person was asked how she did the same (quit those foods) and she said she had finally internalized what they were doing to her. I thought alot about that and how I have been in denial about what my eating choices were doing to me. I thought about how folks with allergies might like a certain taste in a food but because they are allergic and it causes them harm, they choose to not have it, they "cannot" have it. I started treating the foods that have been harming me the same way.

Cattails 04-22-2014 04:34 AM

Some great NSVs here - good job Zumba staying OP; Sum, nice that those 6's are sliding on now and whoop for toned arms! Terrific on the 14+ lbs. Shannon, that is really exciting! I think the anxiety is pretty normal; things are changing and change is always a little scary, isn't it? Rennie, I'm sure you'll have that water weight/birthday weight off in no time flat - you've got this!

I've been holding my own here, despite over a week of no exercise due to stupid arthritis flareup - it's reassuring that I can maintain for at least a little while without workouts, and also a victory that I didn't let my feeling sorry for myself ruin my WOE, something that contributed to my excess weight before. Plus having Easter dinner, and robin eggs lurking about - I will persevere! :D I think my bod is settling down, will try to start up daily walks and yoga and strength again before my muscles dissolve into mush.

:wave: to all and wishing everyone a good week. :)

Magicsusan 04-22-2014 05:48 AM

Hello, everyone!

Sounds from your posts that spring is helping everyone stay on track, mostly (I think some birthday/holiday treats are okay- moderation is the thing, right?)


Been in the states nearly three weeks. I never met anyone who didn't have at least *some* family issues, and all my old face-feeding buttons get pushed when I wind up in my old stomping grounds. I won't tell you everything I ate, it's joyous and depressing at the same time. I will tell you that I made decisions to:

1)eat whatever I wanted
2)keep up my water intake
3)keep up with my c25k
4)not beat myself up
5)try to make healthy selections (taco salad instead of nachos, for example) as long as it still got me what I wanted- mexican food!

So, what I have to report is that although I ate a lot (I must have consumed 2 dozen donuts in the three weeks. I'm not kidding here. Not to mention all the other stuff) I only gained 100g, not enough to round up into the next pound so my weight is the same. I think this must be due to the running. Seriously. Three days a week running was enough to offset all that junk!

I'm very pleased.

Now I have to go do 10 loads of laundry, :lol:

Missed you guys, Hello Shannonsnail, I don't remember you. Did you have a birthday?

Sum38 04-22-2014 07:07 AM

Welcome back Susan! Congrats on your weight!!

Cattails I am sorry about your chronic pain! That is awful. I hope you can get back to your exercising soon. Nice that you are able to maintain with diet only!!!

Shannon A nice wake up call! I am glad you are putting your health first (now). Better later than never.

Zumba Step away from the Lucky Charms! :frypan:

Sum38 04-22-2014 07:30 AM

Ovulation is over and I whooshed back down. Saw a new low (by 0.2 lbs...lol, but a new low regardless). :yay:

I fasted till dinner and I did a relatively heavy exercise day.

On a sad note, I think my phone broke. It is only a year old phone too, DH won't be happy. I hope he can fix it.... He is pretty awesome what comes to fixing things. -- Lately he has taken my car apart like legos :lol: He has done a massive amount of maint. on it. I love it. I appreciate all he does!

Today is my heavy exercise day...funny thing happened. Over at MFP one can have friends, it is like a FB for fitness; one lady de-friended me because she did not believe that I actually did all this exercise. I got a good giggle out of it :) People.... :D

Anycase I will be spending 3 1/2 hours exercising. I know that I am crazy, but I am in a hurry to get these pounds off and exercise seems to be working. I have lost 8 pounds this month; do I dare to dream a 10 pound loss?? :crossed:

Those 6's fitting me was a huge boost. I look at myself and still feel "fat" (naked). I keep thinking I am 35 pounds heavier than I actually am. So those 6's fitting was amazing. I must admit. Yesterday for the first time in a long time, I felt "pretty". I dressed up for the FCA and my size 6 outfit was hugging my curves the right way. I ran into a girl friend of mine later on and she gushed how awesome I looked. It really gave me a confidence boost.

So I feel happy :) -- Over all I have felt really happy lately, as well. It must me the exercise and all those good vibes that it brings.


B - Fast
L - Fast
D - Tuna, quinoa, veggies, salad
S - Fruit smoothie w/protein, string cheese and Greek yougurt
Cals 1150


4.7 mile pup walk 72 min
4.7 mile treadmill walk 60 min
Swim 45 min

Weight 136
Down 1.8 lbs

love2b150 04-22-2014 01:31 PM

Zumba Lucky Charms :) ... my cereal weakness is dry Frosted Flakes :drool:

LOL Shannon, I don't remember a size 6 :) That is why I love 3FC and I always come back. You can know something in the back of your mind and someone on 3FC will say it and it will smack you in the face like WOW ... I know/knew that but it now makes sense because it has been put in black and white by a person not a story in a book.

Thanks Cattails :) sorry about the flare up, hope you get back to the full you soon :hug:

Welcome Back Susan! moderation huh ... I don't think I knew the meaning of that word for a week ;) doughnuts Krispy Kreme yumm :drool: I have to stay away from those. When the kids want them I buy the store brand instead because I won't eat them. KK I can eat a box ;)

Sum, first :congrat: on the new low, YAY YOU :high: I loss 10.2lbs in January and you are so close you WILL DO IT :carrot: I love your HAPPY :)

... now on MFP, that is exactly why I don't post my food log. I had a lady go off on me and make all of these snotty remarks for days because my calories were too low and I was hurting myself and the scale was dropping because I wasn't eating enough and you're only gonna gain all of the weight back, it's just ridiculous (her words). I was thinking you've got to be kidding me. :?: To get that upset with someone that you don't know is crazy because she wasn't my friend she was a friend to someone that I was friends with. Crazy People! Now if it was someone that I've talked to for years I'd take it to heart (this was in 2011) because I would know they're sincere but someone that is just trying to belittle me that doesn't know me or anything about me is just crazy ... ok I'm done.

Keep up the great work everyone I love the joy and happiness I'm hearing here :)

Zumbachica 04-22-2014 07:05 PM

LOVE2B... I know all about people and their "opinions"...people act like they are the authority on weight loss and they become so righteous....I had a woman tell me that my body was going to go into starvation mode. Now I had done research on the subject and told her there is no real study or scientific research to support that theory and she went nuts. I said if there were such a thing then people in prisoner of war camps or countries with famine would not starve to death. The metabolism may slow down a tiny bit, but you don't eat you're going to lose weight..the end. she went NUTS and tried to have the moderator throw me off the forum. the sad part was she was a big girl and was losing her weight taking phentermine, and this is who was lecturing others. You just have to pray for someone like that, they obviously have a problem with themselves and need to take it out on others. SUM does fast days and she is a perfect example of someone losing weight by not eating.....she is healthy. It works for her...

SUM I am happy for you but also green with envy.:p Keep up the good work.

MAGICSUSAN..it was smart that you gave yourself permission to eat and not put too much pressure on yourself...and look...you really didnt have a major gain...just goes to show that you can eat a bunch of donuts and it not be the endo f the word...its all about your attitude.

CATTAILS so sorry about your arthritis. I hope it is better soon.......

SHANNONSNAIL I have been in therapy for my eating issues ..I don't say or type that out loud very often. Binge eating is a real disorder, my mother had it and I inherited it as the years went on and my life became stressful. Thank goodness I don't binge every day anymore, but when i do it is the worse feeling in the world and sets me back mentally for days. so let me just send you a hug and tell you that i understand. People think because i'm not a plus size that there is nothing for me to worry about.....I remind them that OA has its share of "thin" or "slender" women that are fighting eating disorders.....it truly is complex....not easy to understand.

Zumbachica 04-22-2014 07:06 PM

Not making any major changes...same ole' same ole. I think this is going to be my last challenge for a while if I don'[t make any progress. Its just added pressure on myself, which is making me loathe myself and eat more.

love2b150 04-22-2014 08:07 PM

Zumba I have left a few threads because of people like that. There are people on 3FC that are so opinionated/self made experts and just because something worked for them they can tell everyone else what to do. Nope doesn't work for me. I am one that comments on everything as we know ;) but I am in no way an expert on any part of weight loss (I can only say what worked for me) and that doesn't work all the time. IMO if I knew it all or was the expert I wouldn't be here. I'd be some where making some money on how to get where I am. ;) I get a kick out of the people that comment on 3FC and MFP. I read their post and keep on going. They ruin it for the newbies if you ask me with their harsh comments. Reading your comment to Shannon ... if people would stop trying to clump us all in one category life would be a lot better. I don't know what type of disorder I have with food but there obviously is one. It's when I read post like yours that I don't feel so bad about what I do and have done. Not that it's good but I know I'm not alone. I was reading a thread on MFP awhile ago and people were talking about the worse things that have been said to them about their weight be it thick or thin. I am convinced that some people just don't know what to say. I know that's off topic but what is wrong with people. ok I'm done. Just know that I am glad to have each one of you in my online life ... you pick me up when I fall and I thank you :grouphug:

Zumba I don't think of them as a challenges. I look at it as a place for us to express our daily going on's and hang out with you all :hug: I know there's a chat thread but I use this one for that :) so don't stop posting here (or the next thread called challenge) because it's called some kind of challenge just keep your head up and do what you can. Don't think about it. I don't ... if I make it ok, if not hopefully I lost something which is better than nothing :) Stick around my friend :hug:

Cattails 04-23-2014 03:58 AM

Rennie, you bring up a good point: this is a great chat thread and probably should include the words "daily accountability" in it - my bad. Maybe the next person to start one would put that in, or just start an accountability check-in thread? (I'm looking at you, Rennie - it's your turn! :D) I second Rennie's wish for you to hang with us, Zumba; no need to set a weight loss goal, especially if that's causing you stress. :hug:

That's funny about the people getting so fussed about Sum's exercise, Zumba's 'starving,' and Rennie's diet. I thought these forums were supposed to be about support! Oh well, there are always going to be some like that anywhere you go...

Welcome back and good job maintaining, Susan! Your decisions definitely worked well for you. :)

:cheer: on the new low and rockin' the 6s, Sum!

Cattails 04-23-2014 04:08 AM

I got out for a walk today - feeling pretty all right now. Then spent some time doing yoga moves and a bit of pilates. Exercise is good. It helps deal with the arthritis; I only mentioned the flareup/no workouts as encouragement to others that doing whatever you can whenever you can is enough - consistency is great, but isn't always possible, you know? Anyway, we all have something to bear so I'll not cry over mine. ;)

B: plain yogurt and half a banana
L: mongolian beef over rice
D: tiny green salad, cup of bean salad, and green beans almondine
S: 1/2 cup of gelato, coffee with creamer, dark chocolate

Zumbachica 04-23-2014 07:45 AM

I went to go on my walk last night, was looking forward to it all day and it started to rain, so I did a yoga DVD instead,,,didn't get through the whole thing because my back was hurting and to be honest with you I found it to be boring.....but I'm proud of myself for doing "something".....Yoga seems to be such a big deal with people and i'm trying to get into it and see what it is all about, so my bucket list for the summer is to sign up for some real classes at a yoga studio.....

Today I have to drive into the city to visit my mother. I do not have a good relationship with her and I wonder if that was the core to all my emotional problems...including my problem with food. My mother came from a country that didn't have alot of food so it was a big deal to have it. Growing up all she did was work and cook huge meals. She allowed us to have all the twinkles and junk food we wanted, which wasn't a problem since we were such skinny kids. I know she loathed herself because of her weight problem but that didn't stop her from eating, and she had such ridiculous old fashioned rules...like eating bread with every meal otherwise you get stomach problems. You have to put salt on eggs....I forget the other ones but i'm sure they are all ridiculous and added to her weight problems. She will be the first person to tell me that i look horrible, and that i am getting fat, but then she will stick food under my nose and tell me that I have to eat it. But honestly to sum it up she wasn't a loving and supportive mother, all she did was feed me and maybe that was her way of showing love, who knows. I have to brace myself every time I go to see her because it gives me anxiety. That is the last thing I need right now.

Over 152 this morning so obviously my efforts are all in vain. Not sure what to do at this point. Tempted to go on phentermine but I know that isn't the answer either. Im usually a very positive person...but this whole weight thing is kicking my butt.

Zumbachica 04-23-2014 07:54 AM

Love2b: thanks for your kind words . If you heard the crazy stuff that I have done to lost weight you would think that i lost my mind......we are all in this together, whether its 10 lbs or 100.....

Sum38 04-23-2014 10:49 AM

DH brought up an interesting point last night; he thinks my metabolism is down to zero. -- So many people say that they can lose weight by eating less; I can't. Or I have to go on a 800 calorie diet, and even then my weightloss would be at snail's pace. If I were to eat 1200 calories and not exercise; I would maintain, not lose. -- So now I am burning 1200-1400 calories per day from exercise and losing weight. Let's do a little math... I have eaten 1000-1200 calories per day. I have averaged 1300 calories per day from exercise; 1300x7=9100... I have lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks...so 9100x3=27300 cals burned....27300/3500 (pound burned/lost)=7.8...SO IT IS ALL EXERCISE!!! My 1000-1200 calorie diet did contribute 0.2 pounds to the weight loss. MADDENING! I simply can not eat if I want to lose weight :cry: I have to keep up my insane exercise regime.

I feel tired today. I have exercised so much. Luckily it is my lighter day; I will walk 4.7 miles with my puppy and then do step aerobics tonight.

I am looking forward to the day when I hit 122 pounds and I can drop my 2nd powerwalk on treadmill. I hate every minute of it, especially now that my phone is broken and have no music to listen to. Walking at 4.7 mph speed for 60 minutes is a drag. You should see how sweaty I am at the end :lol3:

Ideally I would love to walk my pup daily, I love those walks. Lift 3 x week and do 2-3 aerobic classes and an occasional swim. These 228 minute exercise days are draining me.

Another alternative is, exercise less and lose weight at slower pace, but I am impatient. I want to be at goal, NOW. I am really close... 14 more pounds.

I know the last 14 will be hard.

Okay whine over!! :lol:

I gave into late night eating last night. I had the most grueling gym night and I was starving when I got home. I did make good choices though. I had some left over protein shake and 2 hard boiled eggs. I could have done worse...picked up some Chinese for the kids and avoided the temptation to have shrimp with lobster sauce...

Friday will be my splurge day. I am meeting a GF for dinner and I will have shrimp scampi. :drool: I need so junk food. I have been dreaming of sushi, Thai food etc :lol: I need that splurge day :) I keep think of all these food I want and keep telling myself to wait for Friday!!!

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