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weightlosswanted 09-13-2009 08:27 AM

Well, I could have done better at the potluck but I could have done worse : ) I ate really well all day, and had my cottage cheese and fruit on break 1 1/2 hours before I got there. And even though I didn't ride the bus yesterday I got in 2.5 miles of walking. I ate much less than I normally would (but most of it NOT healthy) and came home with leftover veggies for snacks : ) I also left the 2 liter of coke the hostess wanted me to bring home, because I would end up drinking it all. Earlier this week I got past a craving for chinese and had cottage cheese with strawberries n almonds instead. I've gone a week + without eating out or ordering in...everyone is probably wondering where I disappeared to! And yet the scale still isn't budging, sigh...

gardenerjoy 09-13-2009 10:45 AM

Onmyway: I love that this had been a great summer for you because slimmer is more fun! Very inspiring!

presmaggie: boy, I get the mother as trigger thing. My parents are gone now and I miss them greatly, but there are ways that my life is better and that's one of them! I sometimes ate junk food on the entire 90 minute drive up to their house. But, I was never as conscious of it at that time as you are now -- you can do it! I hope it turns out to be a great weekend.

patchworkpenguin: the comfort food birthday supper sounds like a great gift to your husband!

dmc2009: congrats on the moving ticker! You're doing great with planned snacks and walking while your daughter is in class.

Marie: good to know that scales can be persnickety about cleaning -- I'll watch that!

mystical: you can do the gym! After a few times, you'll be so used to it that you won't even think about it anymore. People aren't looking at you -- they are busy doing their own thing.

weightlosswanted: good job on the pretty good potluck and the walking.

The scale was up 5 pounds this morning from yesterday. Yikes! It's a good thing I just read a thread on 3FC about that happening to people or I would have really freaked out. I was on plan yesterday, but Japanese for lunch and Chinese for supper is a lot more sodium than I've been getting recently. Combine that with some digestive issues and TOM and I guess it's a perfect storm.

I need to go to the grocery store. Used to be groceries on Sunday morning meant donuts. And the 5 pound weight gain makes that tempting. But, I'm going to eat veggies for breakfast because that always makes me feel uber-healthy and then go to the store, fully armed against donut-eating.

newleaf123 09-13-2009 11:23 AM

OnMyWay yay about the bathroom!! I hope it's almost done... I hate being in that "almost done" state that usually lasts for months (even years!) around here...

PresMaggie I hope you are doing well with your parents visiting... My parents stay in a hotel, too, which I find strange. They ostensibly are doing it "to make things easier for me" but it's really because they feel uncomfortable just hanging around without a scheduled activity. They would rather go back to their tiny hotel room and read for a few hours than to just relax and read at my house. Whatever... :shrug:

PatchworkPenguin I hope your husband is feeling better now!

DMC2009 good job with the exercise and seeing the scale move -- woo hoo!

Marie I love reading about your doggies... And I'm so glad that the scale is moving for you!! You have lost so much weight; it really is impressive! I hope you've gotten to see that 4 this weekend...

Mystical good luck at the gym; you'll love it!

WeightlossWanted great job at cutting back the restaurant food... I'm so sorry the scale isn't being kind. I forget, do you count calories? You may want to try that for a couple of days (if you don't already) just to see where you're at, in case you are unwittingly way too high or way too low.

GardenerJoy WOW on the scale! :sp: It's probably the sodium... Although I did once go for a big sushi / sashimi lunch and was surprised to find out afterwards that it had a lot more calories that I would have thought... Keep doing what you're doing (great job thwarting the donuts!) and I'm sure you'll be down soon...

Marie 09-13-2009 11:41 AM

Mystical, join the gym. Remember everyone is busy doing their own thing and aren't paying attention to what you're doing. And I know I'm always happy to see a person working at getting healthy so you have nothing to fear.

WLW, do you measure and log all your food and calculate the calories? You really should give yourself at least a week of measuring everything and calc'ing the calories because with your walking that scale should budge. 2.5 miles walking is a great job.

Joy it's amazing how salt and TOM can make the scale tempermental. I know that during the summer months when I OD on fruits and veges - hence way more fiber than I'm used to - I'm a bit more bloated. Flush your body out with water and have low sodium food today and I bet the evil scale will be more cooperative.

NewLeaf, LOL on the almost finished comment. My DH is like that - get it to the usable stage then that's it. He has more unfinished projects than anyone I know. Maybe your household can be in competition.

So, drum roll. The scale made a liar out of me. Apparently it liked the cleaning...

I know, a little strange taking a picture of the weight but I was so excited. And yes I had it measure, then I picked up the camera. I have not been in the 140's in forever!!!! This is a great day.

Today I'm going to make Blizzard a new bed for her "house". Hers has been mulled and ripped by the other two. I bought pink denim when I was in Minnesota and think that since she has a pink collar and food bowl, her bed should be pink too. She looks pretty in pink (my favorite color).

I'm going to hunt down my before picture today. Eeks I don't know about posting it for the world to see. But I will...

newleaf123 09-13-2009 01:33 PM

Marie Congratulations -- I am so happy for you!!! :carrot::carrot::carrot::carrot::carrot::carrot:

Jacque9999 09-13-2009 04:35 PM

Sorry I have been MIA....hope everyone is doing well Don't even have time to read the pages of posts but wanted to check in and say hi. Hope it was a good weekend for all!!!

ICUwishing 09-13-2009 08:15 PM

Hi everyone! Today was a day back on track. I've been coasting for a week, roughly. No excuses - back to work. I did not wait til Monday ... I got up this morning and said, "ENOUGH!!!!" Stayed busy and ate carefully. TOM arrived today too ... so I might have at least a bit of an explanation for why anything that wasn't nailed down last week got eaten. That's an exaggeration - I didn't really eat everything - but I did eat like somebody who was thinking maintenance instead of loss. :D

I'll catch up tomorrow with everyone. Looks like it's been a busy weekend - I like to read everyone's posts with coffee in the morning at work!

newleaf123 09-13-2009 09:06 PM

I feel like I've had a good weekend, so hopefully I won't start Monday with a weight hang-over (ie, having to re-lose what I already lost last week). I haven't exercised today, but after the kids go to bed in a few minutes, I'm going to walk on the treadmill for a bit.

Fingers crossed for Monday...

Good for you, ICUWishing, for getting right back on track. You are so very close to your goal!!!

dmc2009 09-13-2009 09:43 PM

Next week, lets roll!
Mystical, don't care. Just plain don't care.. you are doing it for you, and nobody else. Get strong and in your face about your workouts. You have a right to be there working out and getting fit. Just do it.

WLW, Cottage cheese, strawberries and almonds sounds so wonderful, I have got to try that.

Newleaf, lets hope I can move that baby again this coming saturday. I feel a new resolution!

Marie, you are not strange to take a picture of the scale, it makes it real. Sometimes when I look at the scale, its not digital, its so hard to read!! I have been thinking about a digital! Congratulations:hug:

ICUWishing... Next week is a new week, a new fresh start.

Today, I went on an hour and a half hike in new trails with a friend. Came home and cleaned and went to the market. I have my lunch and snacks already packed for tomorrow. I feel pretty strong about staying on track.

Last night I got the munchies and I got up and had peppers for snacks. No calories and felt pretty good about it. Trying to eat no calorie food or water only at night. I really feel it will help me get there by December.

Only one pound a week is my goal, but if I can do two like last week, I will be happy.

A woman at work is so negative, she drives me crazy, she said that one pound a week will be TOO HARD. Yes, its hard and maybe sometimes the scale wont' move (no matter how long I stare at it) LOL, but I can try and be postive!

Looking forward to another week of good choices!

Hydra 09-13-2009 11:10 PM

You are all doing so well!!! The inspiration is just amazing that I get from this site. I hope you all have a good upcoming week. I will check in when I can write more, I am babysitting my granddaughter and she is a tad restless tonight. Hang in there and keep making headway on your goals.:grouphug:

Onmyway 09-13-2009 11:42 PM

Hi everyone! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was busy and too short as always! Bathroom guy didn't show up Saturday as promised. AARGH! If I could finish it myself I would! You would think he would be as tired of us as we are of him! Or he would at least want the rest of his money!

Hydra, I agree, this is a great place for inspiration. I especially like looking at the goal threads.

DMC, Great job packing and planning ahead. You can do it! 1 pound a week is slow but better than nothing. And yes, I am the last BFF but now at least you're back here with me!

Newleaf, Weight hangover, LOL!

ICU, You are so close, hope you find your groove! Are you near Rochester Hills? We will be spending Thanksgiving there.

Jacquee, Glad to see you checking in.

Marie, Loved your picture! The scale is now your new friend! Please do post a before and after pic. It's great to see the change!

Gardener, Yikes on the 5 pound gain. I'm thinking it has to be from the chinese and japanese food and TOM. Drink lots of water to flush out your system and you'll be back down before you know it.

WLW, Hang in there, with your walking and better eating choices you are bound to see a loss soon. Like your new avatar!

Mystical, I think you should join the gym. Don't worry about others, you are there for you!

Patchwork, Hope hubby is feeling better and had a nice birthday!

Presmaggie, Good luck with the visit from your parents. Recognizing that your mom is a trigger is the first step in controlling it. Take it one day at a time!

Marie 09-14-2009 01:05 PM

ICU, how excellent that you said enough and didn’t do the traditional yo-yo dieter’s “I’ll wait until Monday”. I swear changing that mentality is what will get us through the rest of the losing journey then maintenance. I once read a numbers article about how weekends “off” could easily negate any calorie deficit during the week. Just looking at the numbers, it made so much sense that it pushed the “Monday” mentality out of me.

DMC, ah the joy of the nay-sayers. You do your one pound a week, then put on a skin tight outfit for the office Christmas party and give her a wink.

OMW, maybe bathroom guy has a valid reason for not showing up. Say if he was in the hospital and all phone service was cut. That was rude! At least he does have incentive to finish it. Hopefully soon.

So I found the pic I was thinking of but now that I look at it, it's after a bit of weight loss. I need to find DGS photos of right after he was born. Those are at home so... another day. Plus I'll have DH take some pics tonight as I don't have a full body shot.

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