3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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ICUwishing 09-09-2009 02:58 PM

patch - interesting. DH got stung Monday - once on the wrist and once on the ankle. He's not allergic to them either, and yet he says the one on his ankle is STILL annoying. He was nailed by a couple of yellowjackets - apparently there's a nest next to the compost pile!

CanadaMel 09-09-2009 03:22 PM

ICU- the yellow jackets love our compost pile as well. but we're already getting cooler weather here (it ws in the upper 30s this morning) so they won't be around much longer

Renee- good to see you again!

I'm terrible at personals so I'll just chime in when I feel like getting on my soapbox- LOL

Marie 09-09-2009 04:58 PM

Patch, the sheets were so humorous I shared the story with DH. He thought was pretty good.

Renee, the brunette in the avatar looks pretty darn good too. I just really liked the blonde’s pink boxing gloves. I hated TurboJam when I bought it and sent it back with the trial. It was too painful on my knees. But I can see how it would be a great workout.

Hotsplashes, your sunset moonrise must have been awesome. I love the full moon even though Blizzard, Alaskan Husky, thinks it’s important to howl at it throughout the time it’s full.

WLW, I’m glad your blood sugar is starting to get under control. That’s the most important aspect.

Mystical, welcome to the group. This is a busy thread. To be honest on a monthly menu, perhaps your dr. could refer you to a nutritionist for really good guidance. WLW got really good advice just last week. I’m a day to day gal.

Jacque, my first response is with friends like that chickie, you don’t need enemies. My second is your BF is one hundred percent right. She is jealous. I know the image is small, but your avatar clearly shows your arms (and the rest) is absolutely perfect. So my third thought is that you don’t need sabotage or thorny text messages. Confront her on it. Anyone, and I mean anyone including Miss Thorny, knows that losing weight is hard and she’s using minimizing your success as it was easy as an excuse of why she has not done it. There is something called the Self Awareness Wheel us counselors use in situations like this. Google Self-Awareness Wheel and follow the steps to complete it. What it does is put your frustrations in an “I” mentality instead of “You” when confronting her. If it’s done with rehearsing, the other person is not diminished and attacked. It’s stating how their behavior (not them) affects you.

ICU, I’m not having trouble keeping everyone straight but I have found the only way I can respond is to have Word open and my browser open. At work, it’s easy – 2 screens. At home, I make both windows narrow so I can see them both. It sure does help. Also when I need to add another blurb to a personal response, it’s easy to find. And how cool DS10 wants healthy!!!! Your journey will probably stop any bad food relationship with your children as well. That’s is so awesome.

Diane, good job on looking into WW. It sure has helped a lot of people. The accountability is a good motivator.

Joy, we have the most ancient library that have books from the 1950’s. I’m think to get the book, I need to buy it. As I’ve gotten loads out of her daily Hungry Girl emails, I should take the time to buy it.

Presmaggie, I would have to say my fingers are crossed on the job interview too. YEAH!!! That’s the first step and you will wow them.

Velveteen, LOL!!!! I’m glad you had a great vacation. Vacation suits me too. Work, no it doesn’t suit me. Just a necessary evil. And yes I changed avatars. BTW, I’d love to work in a Starbucks roasting plant. One of my very favorite smells in the whole world is coffee beans roasting. I’d be in utopia. :dizzy:

I'm guessing it is time for my break to end. :(

mystical 09-09-2009 05:12 PM

Thanks to everyone for a warm welcome :) My plan of choice is calorie counting I find that it works best for me. The only times I struggle with it is dinner time when I am cooking for a family of 4.. I want to make a healthy dinner for the entire family and be able to count the calories that I just ate. You ladies are awesome thanks once again for the welcome!

Jacque9999 09-09-2009 08:49 PM

Thanks everyone for your advice. I feel like I want to say something to her because she is a very old dear friend HOWEVER, I am afraid I could ruin the relationship in some way...and since we are in a very tight knit group (and really my only friends), I don't want to make waves....

I know what I have done to get healthy is for ME and no one else....

dmc2009 09-09-2009 09:53 PM

Wow, what a great group!
Unfortunatly I can't * Personalize * tonight but will try to catch up someday!

Lots going on here. I have decided my goal is to lose 1 lb. a week. I hope I can manage that. I have a new "carrot". I am going home for the holidays and I need to feel better about me! So that is it, the heat is on.

Was very good today, a girl at work brought me a piece of rich cake to my desk, even though I told her I was dieting AGAIN, and no thanks. She said... SMELL IT... YUM... anyway, I walked off without it, but low and behold, there she was with a piece in hand. I took a tiny bite and tossed the rest!:carrot::carrot:

My days of menus are planned the night before and lots of activity, walking and gym during the week to get me moving!

I have to close the kitchen at night. Water or sugar free popcycle only!

Well, I will do my best to catch up but for now, its drive by posting!
Welcome newbies!

newleaf123 09-09-2009 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jacque9999 (Post 2918101)
Thanks everyone for your advice. I feel like I want to say something to her because she is a very old dear friend HOWEVER, I am afraid I could ruin the relationship in some way...and since we are in a very tight knit group (and really my only friends), I don't want to make waves....

I know what I have done to get healthy is for ME and no one else....

Perhaps, but is it fair that *she* gets to ruin the relationship in some way, and you just get to accept it?? I don't think you need to have a big blow up or heart 2 heart or anything... just the next time she says something offensive, show her you are offended. At least, that's what I would do...

Onmyway 09-09-2009 10:10 PM

Just a quick check in post from me too. No scale movement here, very frustrating since I have been back to my old eating plan and exercising every day.

Glad to see all of the activity here! Old and new friends! Hard to believe there are over 20 of us. I appreciate each of you and look forward to checking in here each day!

Found an online calculator that said I could have over 2400 calories a day with moderate exercise and lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks! LOL there is NO WAY!

Have a great evening!

Onmyway 09-09-2009 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by newleaf123 (Post 2918228)
Perhaps, but is it fair that *she* gets to ruin the relationship in some way, and you just get to accept it?? I don't think you need to have a big blow up or heart 2 heart or anything... just the next time she says something offensive, show her you are offended. At least, that's what I would do...

Very good point Newleaf! Why is it we worry about offending someone who has clearly offended us? Doesn't seem right.

patchworkpenguin 09-09-2009 11:48 PM

Hubby has an infected lymph node. The venom from the wasp ended up in the node and caused the infection. Hubby got antibiotics, and is feeling a little better.

dmc2009 09-10-2009 01:27 AM

Up late...
A bit restless tonight, but not night eating. having water and not really hungry. I have been walking and going to the gym, and have a renewed sense of my goal.

But I am not eating and its late!!!:bravo: If I can just tame the munch monster at night, I will lose for sure!!

Onmyway 09-10-2009 07:43 AM

Way to go DMC! You CAN do it!

Patch, hope hubby is feeling better!

Good news! I'm down a pound today! FINALLY!

We got my MIL a digital frame for her upcoming birthday. Last night I was going through pictures to load on it and came across one that really shows how big I actually was. There are not many because i was good at avoiding the camera. Later today I will post it to share. Really gives me a visual of how far I have come!

newleaf123 09-10-2009 07:57 AM

Patchwork wow about the wasp and lymph node!! I'm glad your DH went to the doctor!

DMC2009 good job not turning to calories when the night got restless!

OnMyWay looking forward to seeing your BEFORE picture!

CruiseCAT 09-10-2009 08:55 AM

Patch - Glad DH got that looked at and is on the mend.

DMC - Good job on keeping the kitchen closed last night. I have found that I don't need as much sleep as I use to and if I workout after 3PM I have difficulty falling asleep. It's amazing how much changes when you eat healthy and workout.

OMW - I too am looking forward to your "before" picture. The frame you got, are you happy with it? I've been looking at them for years but have yet to get one.

Heidi - I so wish I had that ability to come back without attacking but making it clear THEIR behaviour was unacceptable. I'm going to try real hard to keep your suggestions in mind.

gardenerjoy 09-10-2009 11:23 AM

presmaggie: good luck with the interview! My last job was at a university and it's a great environment -- including a nice campus to walk in during lunch!

nice to meet you!

patchworkpenguin and ICUwishing: hope your guys recover soon from the stings. I better pay attention at the compost pile. I think the racoons are getting all the good stuff, though, so maybe that will keep it from appealing to the yellow jackets.

Marie: yikes! library cookbooks from the 50s probably ought to be removed as a public health hazard. Creamed spinach and liver as health foods.

dmc2009: You're doing great! Nightly food planning for the next day is working for me, too. Also a limited list of what I eat after supper. Good job dealing with the food-pusher!

Onmyway: yay for the pound gone! Being kind of new to this, I'm quite amazed at how the scale responds and then doesn't. I seem to lose in fits and starts.

CruiseCAT: for a digital frame, we went with an old laptop powering a large monitor. We couldn't find a "frame" as large as DH wanted, so we set up our own for less money.

Upset tummy last night -- I never have that problem! So not sure what's up with that. I'm eating gently today.

presmaggie 09-10-2009 04:13 PM

Just a quick break from studying..

Thanks for the well wishes on my job interview. It would be so nice to work in a great environment. I'm in a male dominated field and I've often had to almost put on a different "persona" when I've been at work. It would probably be a lot less stressful for me to be able to be myself.

I feel like I'm back in the groove for losing again. Now I understand why someone I knew who lost a lot of weight struggled for awhile after the first 20 pounds gone. Even though there's proof in my weight loss that it's possible, I still had to reconnect with that feeling. I'm not sure if that makes sense?

mystical 09-10-2009 05:05 PM

Hello ladies hope everyone is doing well... Things are great with me today I think I am finally on plan... I have manage to make it through the entire day feel great about my plan and I managed to get my treadmill workout in... Thought I was going to faint but I did it LOL... Hope things get better with that as I am sure they will as long as I keep going . I'll check in with you ladies later on.. Have a great evening.

Onmyway 09-10-2009 05:19 PM



The before picture was taken a couple years ago. I would guess I was at 240 or so. The other picture was taken on vacation this summer. I certainly don't feel like the same person!

newleaf123 09-10-2009 05:49 PM

OnMyWay -- WOW! What a difference 60 lbs makes!!! You look like a totally new person... fit and shapely. Your daughter is a cutie, just like her mama!

newleaf123 09-10-2009 06:14 PM

GardenerJoy I hope your tummy is feeling better!

PresMaggie Good luck with the job!! I hope all goes well... I was in a male-dominated industry too, so I know what you mean...

Mystical Welcome to the group!! I'm glad you have found us, and that you have found your groove... Good job on sticking with your workout!! (although if you *really* felt like you were going to faint, you should get off, sit down, and put your head between your knees)

Me, things are going well. I feel in my own groove, too. I've made exercise a priority, and have worked out on Tues, Wed, and Thur. We had house guests over Labor Day, which was a lot of fun, but also contributed to my weight being up a little come Tuesday. So, my start weight for the challenge is a little inflated, but it's what the scale said so I'm sticking with it! I'm always good about getting back down to 164. The day I hit 162 will be the day that *real* movement has occurred. Real in my mind, anyway...

Marie 09-10-2009 06:52 PM

Hi all, really busy day.
OMW, holey smokes, are you sure those 2 pics are of the same person??? Wow, you look great.
Jacque, take a look at the Self Awareness Wheel. It isn't confrontational at all. The situation I used it in the year was humungous and it was good for both me and my parents.
Newleaf, wtg on the exercise priority.
Hello to everyone else. No time for more personals. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little less hectic! But, I'm on my way to change my ticker as another pound has vanished.

CanadaMel 09-10-2009 07:46 PM

Patchwork- glad hubby is on the mend. Dh got stung last night on the forehead & when he woke up this morning his eye was swollen shut-yikes! We'll see how he is when he gets home from work.

On My Way- WOW- look at you! Thanks for sharing & Keep up the great work!!

Newleaf- you can do it! Getting back into the groove is great feeling.

Hydra 09-10-2009 09:31 PM

onmyway - thanks for posting your pictures. You look fabulous!!! I am so inspired by so many people here. Way to go!

Onmyway 09-10-2009 11:25 PM

Thanks for the compliments!

Weightloss is such a weird thing. My clothes tell me I have gotten smaller but I don't always see it in the mirror. Putting the two pictures side by side on my computer really showed me how much I have really changed. Also motivates me to finish what I started and lose the last 20! I have no dreams of being a 6 or 8, I'm hoping to be a 12!

Cruise, I have a frame that DS gave me for Christmas. Nothing fancy and very easy to operate. Made by insignia, he got it at Best Buy. With digitals, it's a great way to show a continuous slideshow. The one we got for MIL is a desk set with a pen. I purchased it at Kohls this summer. We got one for DH at the same time and he has it at work.

Gardener, hope you are feeling better! There's a lot of stuff going around!

Newleaf, great job getting into the exercise groove! Loved your advice for mystical!

Marie, Another pound gone! You rock!

Another good day for me. TOM arrived so I'm hoping to see a good loss in a couple of days. Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow!

CruiseCAT 09-11-2009 09:08 AM

OMY - You look FABULOUS, no need to hide behind DD. I absolutely love before and after pictures, thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the info on the frames. I was looking at them again online and ended up overwhelmed. I'm just going to break down and get one, I'm sure whatever I end up with will be fine.

I'm off to the endodontist this morning for my root canal and then Monday I'll get my permanent crowns. Then I'm DONE with the dentist. Well I would like to be but I have to do a cleaning/scaling.

Mack and I are planning for another hike tomorrow, just need to decide where.

Hope you all have a GREAT weekend.

ICUwishing 09-11-2009 09:30 AM

Carol - fantastic pictures! Isn't it cool to see what a radical difference you've made for yourself? And what a difference in how you experienced this summer, being fit and smaller? I'm amazed at how much more I did outside this year. Helps that it was cooler and pleasant ... but still! :)

Heidi - I did the same thing with the Labor Day goal. I went off what it read that day, in spite of the same couple of extra pounds.

Mel - boy, the fellas are just getting nailed these days!

Marie - congrats on the pound! :carrot: Wow - you're 60 pounds down??? Don't know why I just looked at that the first time ... I'll bet you've got some impressive progress pics too!

Speaking of which - I've found the picture that really began my drive to knock the weight off. I have to remember to bring it to work and scan it. Y'all will be amazed - a beautiful black dress is NOT always slimming. I can prove it. ;)

gardenerjoy 09-11-2009 09:45 AM

Onmyway: those are amazing pictures! You are looking great!

presmaggie: I went from computer science to library science -- such a relief to be around women!

mystical: yay for the treadmill workout! It will get easier. And, I'm with newleaf, it is possible to overdo it at first. Better to take it slow and steady.

Marie: hurray for another pound gone!

CruiseCAT: hope the dental work goes well and that you have a great hike this week.

My tummy problems seemed to be of the 24 hour variety and much improved now. Thanks, everyone, for your healing thoughts! I intend to be back on plan today. I'm going to make weightlosswanted's Mexican Tuna Salad for lunch today!

dmc2009 09-11-2009 10:08 AM

To early!!!
Well, thought I would catch up a little.

And.. OMW... YOU look so awesome. I am sooo inspired. Our daughters are about the same age and I want to lose weight for her and for me! Thank you for sharing. You already look smaller than a 12!

I think I have lost two lbs. I mean, that is what the scale says this morning and I have been sooo good. I am going to wait until tomorrow to move my flutterby to be sure. I am nervous/excited... I hope it sticks. That would be a great start.

Last night, no night eating... I am finding a glass of water is good!

Cruisecat, come out to the beach and hike with me!!! I love to hike. I go to Wildwood in Thousand Oaks alot, check it out online.

Gardenjoy, I hope you feel better, my daughter said all the kids are sick in her class, I think that time is here!

ICU, I would love to see a pic. I will send a pic of me now too. I posted a pic of this not so attactively dressed woman on my fridge. I know it sounds terrible, but I know if I keep eating our shapes are very similar and It could easily be me. It seems to be a detterent.

Newleaf, I have been walking and walking and walking... I hope it helps. I have to watch it because bad knee and tennis elbow.

Like I have heard it said, our joints have expiration dates!!! :lifter:gahhhhhhh

Today, making a pot of veggie soup. maybe.

Have a great day all.

dmc2009 09-11-2009 10:11 AM

Marie, congrats!!!!!

Marie 09-11-2009 11:40 AM

Cruise and OMW, I LOVE my digital frame. I have it on my desk at work and when someone is really irritating me and I want to scream, I look at the frame and smile. Why??? Because I only filled it with happy time pics. There’s no way I can be mad when looking at the pics so a smile always stays in my voice.

ICU, LOL at the black dress comment. I’m thinking when a person is fat, a person is fat. Some clothes make a person look fatter. I have one photo of me and my newborn DGS that is in profile and me sitting. That was enough to push me over the “I’m OK being fat” hurdle. I’ll see if I can find it this weekend. And thanks for posting my total loss as I thought I’d changed my ticker yesterday but hadn’t. Since each one of those pounds lost is hard earned, I looked at my signature and stared at the 1 week old weight and went and fixed it – during mid sentence. So Jacque’s friend is a twit to think each pound she lost wasn’t hard earned.

Joy, I’m glad you’re feeling better.

DMC, if you’re anything like me, my weight fluctuates on daily, inexplicable way. My thought on the matter is I take the lost reading and post it. Then I weight for the next lowest reading. As it’s consistently going downward with or without the fluctuations, I’m happy. So take your 2 pounds loss and CELEBRATE!!!! :woohoo:And major progress to celebrate on no night eating. You are making great changes.

I am so HAPPY it is Friday. :carrot::carrot::carrot: Weekend is just 7.5 hours away!!! DH has guard weekend so I get to putter around to my heart’s contentment. I love DH yet I do like my alone time. He likes to plan activities for the weekends and I go back to work exhausted. So this weekend, I plan to watch football, write, and I have to stuff envelopes for our road district. I’m even going to watch the Viking game so I can cheer for my favorite (over the hill) quarterback. Now, for a Packer fan to cheer for the Vikings, I must be a devoted Brett Favre fan. Besides, I grew up in Minnesota so I can do it. Just not when they play my beloved Packers. ;)

Hydra 09-11-2009 10:46 PM

Marie - I think I will be buying a digital frame for my mom for christmas. They sound really cool. I have never seen one.

gardenjoy - Glad you are feeling better and I hope you have a nice weekend with lots of rest and relaxation.

cruisecat - Good luck with your dental appointments. I hope you get through this with a minimum of discomfort.

onmyway - I am sure you will soon be a size 12. I am shooting for an 18 and a 16 would be just wonderful.

I was able to stay on plan today, even though at work we had a big meeting and had a ton of salty and sweet bad for you snacks. I stuck to fresh strawberries and they were awesome, a banana and I allowed myself one small piece of vanilla coffee cake. I felt pretty good about that. I also passed up the gooey pink fruit dip.

Have a good evening and great Saturday Ladies!!!:cb:

weightlosswanted 09-12-2009 07:56 AM

I hope everyone has a great weekend! No scale movement yet, I'm walking at least 2 miles, often 3 every day. Still trying to get those calories at the right amount, and the right kind of calories! I'm scheduled to start my physical therapy next thursday if all goes well with the transportation. There's so much going on with everyone, I'll have to catch up with personals later-off to work and a potluck with friends after. (which will be a challenge food wise!)

gardenerjoy 09-12-2009 08:58 AM

dmc2009: a glass of water at night -- brilliant! Glad that's working for you.

Marie: have a great weekend of puttering and football!

Hydra: good for you on your office meeting eating. One of the books I was reading pointed out that we didn't use to have food at meetings and brought it up as one of many reasons for the obesity epidemic. I'm amazed by how many people on this site have to deal with that almost daily. There's an advantage to working from home for me.

weightlosswanted: the Mexican Tuna Salad was great! Thanks for the recipe! I made it with leftover grilled salmon, so it was kind of a fancy version.

Today's agenda, for me, begins with a walk with a friend and visiting one, maybe two, farmers markets. After that, I'm not sure, but with that start it has to be a healthy day, I think!

newleaf123 09-12-2009 09:17 AM

Hydra - congrats on successfully maneuvering at the office function!! That is awesome!

GardenerJoy - good point re: food at meetings. I'm glad to work at home, too!

I was pleasantly surprised by a drop in the scale this morning. I wasn't expecting it after no exercise yesterday, and having granola and raisin bran for dinner... But I'll take it! Weekends are hardest for me... but I really want to end up on Monday the same place that I did Saturday morning. I can do this!!

Onmyway 09-12-2009 10:31 AM


OMY - You look FABULOUS, no need to hide behind DD. I absolutely love before and after pictures, thanks for sharing.
Thanks Cruise! Old habits are hard to break! If there was someone else in the picture, I was usually behind them! Hope your trip to the endodontist went well. Bet you're glad it's over!


And.. OMW... YOU look so awesome. I am sooo inspired. Our daughters are about the same age and I want to lose weight for her and for me! Thank you for sharing. You already look smaller than a 12!
Thanks DMC!, DD has been a big part of my desire to lose, I need to do everything I can to be there for her for a long time! Not to mention the change in the things we are able to do together! She's also a terrific cheerleader! Congrats on losing 2, you are off to a great start! Way to go BFF!


And what a difference in how you experienced this summer, being fit and smaller? I'm amazed at how much more I did outside this year. Helps that it was cooler and pleasant ... but still!
ICU, You are so right, this summer has been one of the best I can remember for that very reason, I enjoyed and experienced it instead of watching it! Being slimmer is way more fun! Loved your black dress comment! You are so witty! Can't wait to see your pic! Also, congrats on everything with your business, looks like you are getting everything into place to pursue your dream. That's fantastic!


I am so HAPPY it is Friday. Weekend is just 7.5 hours away!!! DH has guard weekend so I get to putter around to my heart’s contentment. I love DH yet I do like my alone time.
Marie, I'm with you! DH is gone for the day at a Boy Scout event! It's good to have time to ourselves! You are getting very close to goal! You rock!


I was able to stay on plan today, even though at work we had a big meeting and had a ton of salty and sweet bad for you snacks. I stuck to fresh strawberries and they were awesome, a banana and I allowed myself one small piece of vanilla coffee cake. I felt pretty good about that. I also passed up the gooey pink fruit dip.
Hydra, Way to go! Events with lots of food choices can be tough! You made good decisions and treated yourself a bit to not feel deprived. That's great! You should feel good!


There's so much going on with everyone, I'll have to catch up with personals later-off to work and a potluck with friends after. (which will be a challenge food wise!)
WLW, Good luck with the potluck! Someone once suggested filling your plate with the healthy stuff first, then there's not as much room for the other stuff! Great job with all of the walking! It's great exercise!


Today's agenda, for me, begins with a walk with a friend and visiting one, maybe two, farmers markets. After that, I'm not sure, but with that start it has to be a healthy day, I think!
Joy, With an attitude like that, you are destined for success! Have a great day!


I was pleasantly surprised by a drop in the scale this morning. I wasn't expecting it after no exercise yesterday, and having granola and raisin bran for dinner... But I'll take it!
Newleaf, Take it, cause you earned it! You've been working hard and one evening shouldn't ruin it! Besides, your dinner was probably a better calorie choice than a bunch of pizza or cheeseburger and fries!

Our bathroom is almost done. Vanity and toilet are in. Tile is grouted. Plumber will be here today to reconnect all of the pipes and then just finishes. I am sooo ready for it to be done! Volleyball season starts for DD today, then we may head to the mall. Not anything too exciting but that's OK! Hope everyone has a great day!

presmaggie 09-12-2009 10:31 AM

onmyway - what a contrast in your pictures! You must feel so much better now. Congratulations!!

newleaf - it's only fair that we have unexpected drops when we have to deal with those days we do everything right and the scale stays locked on a certain number, right?;)

weightlosswanted - good for you with your walking. Have you found that your energy level is up?

Marie - I had a picture taken this week and I thought "I look better than I did a couple of months ago, but I'd still like to look better than this". Pictures clearly tell us how we're doing. I find them great motivation.

dmc2009 - I have knee problems, too. It was really helpful to work with a personal trainer on some strengthening exercises for them.

gardenerjoy - that salad sound yummy!

CruiseCAT - best wishes on your teeth. It's funny how they start causing us trouble in our 40's.

My parents are visiting for a few days. They always stay in a hotel because they don't like to get up at 6AM when our boys are up (actually 5:50 AM this morning). My mother can be a trigger for my emotional eating, but so far, so good. I'll hope for a good weekend.

patchworkpenguin 09-12-2009 10:45 AM

Hubby says he had a nice Bday, but since he has to work I think he's lying a little, LOL. I had fried chicken, green beans, garlic mashed potatos, and mushroom grayy ready for him when he came home. This is my mom's recipe, my alltime favorite comfort food, and has become one of Hubby's favorites also. I only drizzle a little olive oil in the bottom of the skillet so the chicken isn't very crispy but its has a good taste. The mushroom gravy is made with a can of Cream of Mush soup and a little milk poured into the bottom of the skillet to get the brown stuff off the bottom. Liquid comfort! Had I used more oil the recipe says to remove all but a few Tbspoons. Not too bad. Hubby says the swelling is going down dramatically. I keep making jokes about his swelled head.

OMW, Great photos! thanks for posting them! Gives the rest of us some inspiration! Yay, on the bathroom! sounds wonderful.

Maggie, Glad you get to spend some time with your parents even if your Mom is a trigger. LOL, is this like being a 'pistol'??

Hydra, Good job on staying on plan in the face of temptaion! I didn't know they had digital frames until my friend said she wanted one, now I want one too!

dmc2009 09-12-2009 11:26 AM

I did DO it!!!
The scale stuck and I am down. I moved my flutterby!

OMY - Thanks BFF!!! Are you the last standing BFF? :hug:

I am off to the gymnastics class for my DD and then I am going to walk around the place so I don't just sit there!

Now, I have to go get breakfast and snacks prepared to take. yesterday before I left the house I made a little snack pack up for me and stayed on plan.

yesterday treadmill for 20 minutes, and eliptical for 40, burned 390 calories. Now why didn't I just stay on for 10 more calories....? Because I was sooo done!

Personals later! Yippeeeee!!!! maybe I can do this.:carrot:

Marie 09-12-2009 05:37 PM

Hydra, I really love my frame. It totally calms me in some hectic work situations. I don’t think it’s as needed at home but I love the calming effect. Your mom will love it. Congrats on staying healthy when presented with all the treats.

WLW, good luck at the potluck. You can do it.

Joy, ah I envy the farmers markets. The ones we have around here are pretty much a joke so I don’t go. But a real one, I’d make my way to the tomatoes ASAP.

Newleaf, congrats on a lower reading. Here’s hoping for a good reading on Monday.

OMW, I hope you’re enjoying your day alone as much as I am. I love the solitude after a busy work week. More this time of year than others as the start of a school year is just plain painful.

Presmaggie, here’s hoping the emotional eating continues to stay at bay. At least the parents aren’t there 24/7. That will help. You might want to give your early risers a hug for that one.

DMC, you can do this – no maybe about it. Great job on the exercise.

Dear Doggies and I had behavior training again this morning. Kodiak has become prince kody the last few days and the behaviorist even called him a prince. I think I broke through the alpha on him. He's doing great. Now puppy Kai, she's being mule-ish but she is so cute... Liz said she has one of the strongest lead dog mentalities and that dog sled drivers would want her on their team as she's so determined to be first. She wasn't joking, that my baby Kai could be in demand. But alas, she's my baby and isn't going anywhere. She and I are going to start skijouring this year. We've been working on the left and right commands already. I've got all the gear and winter is on the way. I just need to teach her two more commands: Leave it and No. She's pretty good with leave it but NO is her least favorite words. :o


Oh, and the scale was down another pound. The 140's are a breath away. Perhaps if I exercised for a third time today with that breath being deep with the blood pumping the scale would show me a 4 in the middle number. But since I cleaned my bathroom and cleaned the scale (it was dusty and furry) it'll be a 5 as the scale always hates when I clean it. It has never been nice the following day. Here's hoping tomorrow is different.

mystical 09-12-2009 09:24 PM

hello ladies, I have had a busy weekend but DH and I managed to make it by a gym that we are thinking about signing up too... The boys and DH are very excited about it.. We were looking for one that was open all night since DH has really strange hours and this one is so it will work great for us and the price is good as well LOL so I think we will sign up I am a bit nervous since I don't like to workout in front of others at least at home it might just be that I don't like to workout in front of the family LOL I am hoping that I will just get in there and not think about it since there will be others in there doing the same thing as me LOL wish me luck :)

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