300+ And Ready to Try Again...#988

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  • We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

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    Tuesday Tips
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    Thankful Thursday
    FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
    Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Share your Success Sunday

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  • Sharon - I think you should totally give up on cleaning the house until night time when the boys are in bed, it's the only way I think it will stay clean for a few hours

    Oh what a stupid scale you had, 4 foot 11 and 20 lbs heavier, that's not very nice at all I don't blame you for sending it back.

    I knew M&S did a bra fitting service because I have taken my ex SD, my current SD and Beth all there to be fitted for their first bras. I didn't think about going myself because I didn't think they would go up to my size. Well they do, and they go up to a G cup, not in all the designs, but not just the non sexy bras either. Though that said, Daren is quite happy with how perky things are now I have even my comfort bra on

    You didn't proof ready you post, mind you I don't read mine after either. Anyway it was funny because you wrote "I'm sure one tiny blip is going to stop you!" I know you meant isn't though LOL and you are right it isn't. In fact it's inspired me to exercise more, and today I did 3 miles on my Gazelle Rider instead of 2 Yay me,

    Patti - I shall slap my hubby's hands but I will slap mine too because normally he can get them out and I am not tempted. I just haven't entirely lost the mindset that if I have gone over my points I may as well do it big style. I have to learn to stop that or I am never going to allow myself any treats. Sharon said to me that I won't gain too much in London because it's not like I am going away for two weeks. But if I can't lose the I'm on holiday so I can pig out mentality I know I will put on at least 7 lbs easily. I have to lose 2 lbs this week and then I know I will be much stronger when I am away!!!

    Are you going to weigh tomorrow or are your scales still banished to the wardrobe?

    Misti - I was thinking to myself that something is wrong about that web site. The only reason I went to M&S for a bra is because I found out on the web site that they did bras up to a 44 E (and bigger) Soooo, I went back and had another look. Now for some reason the bra that I previously gave a link for isn't in this section, but like I said, it is available instore. Anyway here are the online bras that they sell in bigger sizes http://www.marksandspencer.com/MNSBS...=44E&x=22&y=10 I also checked and found that they are going to deliver to overseas eventually, but not yet. It's a shame because I am sure they would get a lot of US custom if those brilliant bras like I bought can't be found over there

    The shop that I previously bought bras from mostly sold the ones you mentioned with the thin straps or the ones that are too stretch. And wearing them has the same effect on me even with my smaller boobs than yours, of flopping about and hanging to my waist nearly In fact when I got measured for my new bras and tried them on, putting my old one back on was horrid. I realised just how UN supportive and flimsy it was. I couldn't wait to get home and put my new bra on.

    Heather - so glad both puppy and doggy are ok today

    And yep, I won't be foiled by a bunch of naughty biscuits, like you said, I owned it and moved on. Still, I am going to be extra nervous when I get on the scales on Monday

    Jill - I would swap boob size with you any day, although I would want to be small all over as well lol. My little dream is to be able to buy matching bra and knickers, pretty feminine things and to actually look good in them. Yes I can get some now in my size, good grief if I was nuts I could even get a thong (g-string) but not only would that feel foul it would look foul - yuck. So pretty knickers (not a thong ever) and matching pretty bras are a very good diet incentive for me

    I think that your little changes here and there to your regime of having just fruit and veggies is vital especially as you don't like veggies. If it helps you to stick OP then that's what counts.

    Sabrina - is your forum a diet related one? Any chance of putting a link on here, or PMing me with it, I would love to see it whether it's diet or not Just call me nosey

    Got to go update my blog now Byeeeeeeeee


  • Hello Ladies

    Thought I'd drop in early today and see what's up with everyone!

    Jen: Don't get too discouraged by that exercise program. Ammi is right – you aren't talking about ability so much as flexability. I was always very flexible, at my heaviest I could put my hands palm-down flat on the floor…but I do my "weights" with five pound hand weights! When I was actually going to a gym and using their weight machines, I had to take the weight completely off the bench press! Yep…I basically just lifted the bar. I still have zero upper body strength and in yoga class I can't do a number of the things they want me to do. And I'm fairly certian the WATP tape you did would kill me! Keep working on flexibility and do other types of exercise in the meantime.

    Katt: I also hate spending money on clothes that won't fit soon. I have a couple of bras in my drawer now that got too big quickly. Luckily, I kept a number of my "skinny clothes" and had a friend who was a size 20 and a clothes-horse give me jeans. Still, I just this past weekend bought some new panties…I'd been wearing the ones I wore 80 lbs ago – talk about your granny panties! Some things are worth the money.

    Ammi: The reflection can be an amazing thing, can't it? Sometimes I part 6/10 of a mile from work and walk…right down main street, full of shop windows. I remember how I looked in 2004 and the difference is startling. Good for you! What the heck are chocolate digestive biscuits? Chocolate I get. And I understand that in England biscuits are cookies. But the "digestive" has me stumped! It makes them sound like some kind of medicine.

    Heather: I just can't get over how close you are to your goal! You've had a remarkable loss and it serves as a reminder of where I could have been…if I had your work ethic for exercise! You are amazing!

    We had burgers for dinner last night – I had plenty of points – but then I also went to a bridal shower. I do terribly in social situations. They had a fiesta theme and I had chips and guacamole and three of these little burrito things…and nuts…lots of nuts! I'm giving myself 10 pts for the night, although it may well have been more…so I'm 11 pts into my flex points for the week…which started yesterday!

    So, working harder today and we'll see how it goes.

    Good luck to you all and have a happy, healthy OP day.
  • Ammi--hehe, like I said, the grass is always greener...I am constantly praying for bigger boobs No need to be down to my knees, but at least bigger than my stomach would be nice! I feel quite disproportionate, and I fear they may even shrink more as I lose weight Of course, I won't know until I finally actually lose the weight!
  • Ammi my scales are still ban9ished the hateful things! i shall weigh next week!
  • Lilion - lol I forget that we call things different names to what you do over there. Ok here is a link to see and read about a digestive biscuit http://www.nicecupofteaandasitdown.c...s.php3?item=29 They are even more delicious than they look, worse luck when it comes to dieting

    The food at the bridal shower sounds gorgeous, I have never tried guacamole, but I will one day I am sure I like the idea of these flex points, can you explain how it works? Personally I have 28 points a day, and if I have any spare I don't normally bank them. But if there are some kind of flex points which would help me not feel so bad when I do have a treat like the garlic bread, then it might help me not to carry on with the overeating later in the night

    [COLOR="Purple"]Jill - so glad that although you would like bigger boobs you aren't going to the extremes of wanting them down to your waist There is a woman over here, she was on Big Brother this year. She used to be really big and she lost all the weight, and spent £30,000 on cosmetic surgery to get rid of the saggy skin, to make herself look more beautiful supposedly, and to get the most humongus pair of boobs I have seen She went from an AA cup to an M cup thanks to 4 sets of implants. Here's her story and a pic if you want to see http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2004591215,00.html

    Patti - good for you for still banishing those scales. They just better behave themselves when you finally get them out of the wardrobe


  • Ammi-You are right, they do sound yummy...but I still don't get the "digestive" - it sounds like they settle your stomach! I'm pretty sure that they don't taste like pepto bismol though! Maybe it's a reference to them melting in your mouth or something? The "real" English language amuses me no end!

    Jilly-I agree with you...most of the ladies here could donate a few cup sizes to those of us in need! I've never been one who's cup's runneth over! (But I wouldn't want to look like the chick in the photos either!)
  • Heather - so glad the dogs are doing better. I always freak out when I think something is wrong with my two dogs. They seem to be my everything. My husband loves them too, but is much more level headed than I when it comes to the dogs!

    I still haven't started to exercise. I love Leslie Sansone but I still have that mentality that "I don't have time to workout". I need to work through that. I know I will, just hopefully sooner than later. Still eating ok (not great), but definetly not snacking anymore after dinner while watching TV.

    I am viewing this week as a slow transition into dieting. I am starting to watch what I eat, not snacking, etc. and next week I will go hard core. I know after I meet with my ob-gyn next week about getting pregnant, that will jump start me with what advice or suggestions he has for me.

    Everyone seems to be doing really well. I love how much everyone works out. I need to visit that thread!
  • Lilion - I went on another search and found out why Digestives are called just that, funnily enough I found it on an American Site. HEY you could even buy some for yourself only these ones are plain not with chocolate on them. They work out at 1.5 points each http://www.britshoppe.com/mcvitdigbis.html

    I have to agree with you on that Lea woman, she has gone way OTT on the size she has gone to.

    Erica - do you have time to do any walking, like a walk to the shop, or to a friends place? I found that I was still losing weight with just walking before I bought my Gazelle Rider.

    I think you are perfectly right in making this week a transition week. In my book you are doing what I call baby steps. Making some changes to your lifestyle so that when you are ready to committ 100% to a diet it's much easier to do. I am sure once you see your ob-gyn and get some advice from him, and I guess his ok that you can lose weight and then try for a baby, I am sure you will be well motivated to start shifting those lbs

    Ok well it's that time again, time to go make tea. I hope everybody is well and I will be back again later,


  • Hello all,

    Ammi, that woman scares me.

    Heather, I hope your puppy is ok. My dog had a seizure this morning and I thought for awhile I would have to take her to the vet as well. I missed the actual seizure, but when I came out of the bathroom, she couldn't stand. After 20 minutes or so, she was able to stand and move around the room, but she was dragging one of her back legs. I was worried that she had a mini-stroke, but eventually she was able to move it. Scary stuff.

    I think what upset me most about the new strength training DVD was that month 1 was perfect. Now I can't do any of it. Grrr... I still haven't decided what I should do about strength training, though. I guess I'll have to go back to month 1.

    Oh, and I've had Digestive biscuits before...tasty things. Not as sweet as normal cookies, which I like. You can buy them at most grocery stores around here in the fancy cookie/candy isle or the shop-around-the-world sections.

    Off to exercise.
  • Nightkatt – I would definitely keep your calories towards the higher range. Many of us around 300 pounds are losing at 2000 calories, so you should be fine. It can be tempting to want to drop your calories to try and lose quicker, but it is counter intuitive. If your body isn’t getting enough fuel it can start to slow down your progress. Also, if you start really low, where will you have to go once you have dropped a good bit of weight when you need to drop your calories lower?

    Kenya – I remember that trip to the doctor’s office when I first went over 350 and they couldn’t weigh me anymore. That was such an awful moment! I totally understand being happy about being weighed on a medical scale.

    Ammi – You reminded me that I really need some new bras too. I am going to buy several different ones and see what I like. One of my pet peeves about bras is when they have seams down the middle that end up showing through your clothes. Why do they do that? Maybe it is for better support, but I hate to see bra lines through my shirts.

    The picture of that woman you posted was - I don’t even know what to call it. Wow, she looks so odd to me now. I guess if she is happy that’s great for her, but it looks so unnatural. What a way to spend that kind of money.

    Jen – Just hang in there with the workouts and do what you can do. I find it so funny how people wonder why large people have trouble exercising and then you see the average workout video. Don’t be down on yourself – you have to start somewhere. One of the ones I started with was called Big on Fitness, which was designed for larger people. The music is awful and the outfits are hysterical but it was a good place to start. I also like Susan Powter for that reason. She has larger people in her videos and is always talking about modification.

    Kim – It is tough to try and balance all three things – work, school and exercise. That is why I finished school first. I think you have the right attitude – if this job is meant to be it will happen, but if not then you are still in a good place and your current position allows you to do all the things you want to do. If not this one, I am sure something else will come up at some point.

    Heather – Oh no! I am sorry to hear your puppy had such a horrible time. You might have mentioned it, but are you back to school yet?

    Sharon – That scale sounds possessed! I am glad you took it back. I have one of the hand held body fat monitors, which seems to work ok from what I can tell. I forgot to use it this morning though. When do you leave for your parents? If you have already left I hope you have a good time.

    Misti – The sports bra I have (which I got at Just My Size) goes up to 46G/48F. It is the Glamorise sport wirefree bra and it does a pretty good job for me, although I am just a DD. Actually one of the Glamorise bras (at least, I only checked the one) goes up to 56I.

    Jill – Having days of only fruits and veggies sounds really tough. I think your compromises sound reasonable.

    Sabrina – It was me who mentioned the SCA. Lilion is a member and she has some pics of herself and family on the pictures page. I have been thinking about joining, but sometimes I get strangely shy. I actually have this crazy notion that I would like to do the combat stuff – which is actually part of my fitness goal.

    Lilion – Oh . . . guacamole. I just love avacodos in any form. Well, that’s what flex points are for. It is just hard to have used so many so soon in the week.

    Erica – That thing that really helped me get started with working out was only making myself do 10 minutes. I figured how could I say I didn’t have time for 10 minutes, even if it was just walking in front of the tv? That got me in the habit and it also helped build my stamina. Even a little something is better than nothing at all.

    Well, I had a really good weigh-in this morning, so I am hoping I am finally out of my plateau/slump/recovery/whatever you want to call it. I was down 3 pounds which means I hit the 60 pounds lost mark. Anyway, I need to finish things up here at work. I have actually been writing this off and on for hours – a bit here, a bit there.
  • way to go Nancy on your weight loss!
  • Jen - so sorry to hear about your dog having a seizure. Is she old, has she always suffered with seizures or was this a new thing? I am just glad that she is ok again now and that you didn't need to take her to the vet.

    Oh yes I agree with you Lea is a scarey woman. She also has these tattooed eyebrows and they make her look even scarier. I wonder if she has gone to the extremes to make everybody look at her as what she considers a beautiful woman, rather than when they used to look because she was so fat.

    That's great that you have had Digestive biscuits before. Funnily enough they aren't my favourite biscuit, and yet I just couldn't resist them when Daren had them the other night. My ex used to like them broken up in a bowl, then mixed into a paste with a cup of tea It smelled lovely but I never tasted it lol.

    Nancy - WOW, 3 lbs down I am so pleased for you that you have officially broken your plateau

    Did you look at the first link I put on here for the comfortable bra I bought on Wednesday? It's got no seam at all which I am thrilled with because like you I can't stand the seams showing through t-shirts etc. I don't like seeing lace show through too. So the bra I got is perfect!! They make a lot of t-shirts with no seam now, mostly for the smaller size girls, and they are actually called t-shirt bras.

    Lea (that woman) isn't happy with herself, she even wants to get even more implants. It's sad really. She has no self confidence. She was on our Big Brother and when she went into the house she was booed. People didn't like her audition tape that was shown. Lea was so upset, and the whole time she was in the house when it was nomination or eviction time she was worried sick because she was certain that the public hated her. It's all rather sad.

    I don't know if Annie (dogpal) will get a chance to post, but she's going to be moving any day now and that means she won't be able to go online for a while. She is doing ok though, so nobody needs to be worried.

    Take care all,


  • Yeah Nancy
  • Congrats Nancy! That is so cool. keep up the great work