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Old 04-05-2006, 09:45 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ And Ready To Try Again.. #877


We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
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FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
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Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

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Old 04-05-2006, 09:54 PM   #2  
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I too, have Fitday, and I really like it...when I remember to track my foods and stuff...

Wyllenn - I haven't been this down in a long time. I even was doing emotional eating, and I haven't done that in forever...granted it was broccoli & veggie dip, but STILL.
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Old 04-05-2006, 11:10 PM   #3  
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Xena--Glad to hear you have someone to talk to, but I know how you feel about not knowing if it is working or not. Like kirsikka was saying, finding the right person to talk to can make all the difference. If your counselor isnt helping you might think of looking for a different one. The book you're reading sounds awesome! I'll have to check it out. I'm always looking for new books to read. Oh, and WOOO HOOO on the fence!!

honiangel--I hope things start slowing down for you soon. Good thing its still early in the month so you have some time to get caught up on things.

Luan--Oh yeah! I LOVE Jeff Buckley and Ryan Adams! Have you heard Ryan Adam's verison of that Oasis song "Wonderwall"? I like it much better than the original!

Kayley--You march right back there and get that nightie, girl, and you ROCK it! Aw yeah! What would Andrew say if he knew he were missing out on seeing you in a nighty? Hee hee! I'm glad to hear you had a good day, but sorry to hear you are feeling down this evening. I hope tomorrow is better. Good for you for taking some time to relax today. I dont ever write anything important in my blogs either, so no worries!

MariaLucia--Seriously, the only reason I have time to do personals on a consistant basis is because I have no friends to hang out w/in the evenings and this keeps me from being bored and sitting here thinking about it. And I like doing it, so that's what keeps me from doing something else instead of this. So look at it this way--you probably just have a more exciting life that me! And tell the "Judge" I will BEAT him/her!!

wyllenn--Thanks, I'm looking forward to it! And good for you for taking it 1 day at a time. You rule. You will get there. You are right: keep on doing what you're doing. I think there's a song that says that...?

Jill--Good to hear you are feeling better! Sounds like you did well, even with all the crazy eating. Some days it seems like I eat a ton and then I end up doing ok points-wise, other days it seems like I havent eaten anything and before I know it, I'm out of points! Weird.

Zelma--Happy Birthday! You are too hot for words, girl! *whistles, cat calls*! 44? More like 24! You are lookin' good girl! I am so proud of you and so happy that you had a great day! The cards from the kids sound absolutely precious, and your hubby's sentiments were so sweet! Aw! You look great in this pic, I really think you should not only send this to the magazine, but share it with everyone you can! Its a great pic. The book sale sounds awesome! A book sale in itself is as good as it being your birthday, not to mention it really being your birthday on top of that! Even with them being on sale I still would've had to splurge, too! You cant pass up books, especially not 50% off books! They are a great investment and you are right--you can never have too many! Besides, you needed new books for the background for your pictures, right? Thats so great that you have made it to goal, and I am so happy your co-workers honored you like that. That is really neat and special. Good for you, girl!

Brenda--I'm glad you are feeling better today. I hope you sister can find a way to feel better soon. Like you say, it is over now. How sweet of you to send flowers. She is lucky to have you. And WOO HOO on the 4 lbs! Yeah!!

Lilion--"I'm a lawyer in Missouri - I don't see six figures in his future for years if EVER!"<--I will be sure and tell him this! He's just so crazy. He compares himself to all his law-school mates that are making this kind of money, and its just like, dude--give it a rest! They are in different positions, they work in different states and do different jobs! I mean, he makes good money now, I just dont understand his obessession w/having to be rich to be successful or something. If you are comfortable, I think that is about all you can ask for in this life, really. There are too many people (and I know this all too well, working for a utility company) that cant even pay thier bills, much less have anything extra, ever. If he and I never made any more money that we make right now for the rest of our lives I would be happy. We can pay our bills. We can afford most of the things we want (within reason, of course ). That is about all I want in this life. Oh, that and him. And on the moving thing. I can certainly understand your position as the main breadwinner and not being licensed to practice in WY, etc. That's gotta be a lot to think about, no wonder it threw you for a loop! Good luck on the eating out and such, and SUPER good luck at the casino! I love gambling!

Sharon--Aiden and Gareth are really cool names! I hope you can find a way to continue your writing. I love writing and I dont know how I'd react if I were taking a class and couldnt continue. I'd probably be pretty upset, like you. Maybe childminders will be more reasonable and feasible than you think Thanks for your support on the moving thing. I'm visiting Nat in KC this weekend instead of him coming up here, and I think I am going to bring up the subject and see what he thinks. Even if I move down there and we dont live together, I think that would be better than living apart like this. I dont see a reason for us to live this far apart if I am willing to move down there and get my own place if he isnt ready for us to co-habitate.

Crockett--Congrats on the 2 lbs lost! Glad to hear your're still around, even if not much to report. Is your new avatar a pic of your puppy? He/she's cute!

Julee--"Let my people go" ! When I was vegan alot of the vegan cookbooks talked about matzah, and a lot of the vegans on my vegan chatboard liked it too. I've never had it, but it doesnt sound like something I would go out of my way to eat by the way you describe it.

brandnewme--Thanks for the info on FitDay and Nutridiary. I dont know anything about either, myself! I wish I had access to the internet at work, I'd totally be rocking all that stuff! Oh well.

As for me, I couldnt resist weighing myself again tonight. Miraculously, the 2 lb gain I showed yesterday is now gone! I really need to keep myself from weighing any more than once a week. I know some of you weigh every day, but for myself it just breed obession and insanity. There are too many variables in why my weight fluctuates from day-to-day. Who knows? Yesterday I could've been retaining too much water, the dinner I ate could've weighed more than the dinner I ate tonight (I'm pretty sure it did)...on and on and!

Today went well. I only have 1 Point left for the day, but that's ok. I'll be going to bed soon and I'm not hungry so its all good. As long as I dont feel deprived, like I am sitting here hungry and cant eat, that's all I want. Besides, I do have my Flex Points if for some reason I somehow become ravenous between now and bedtime. And who knows, that could actually happen.

Went to Curves again tonight. It went well. I used to go right after work, but now I have to come home and eat dinner first. If I let myself get too hungry that just invites temptation to get fast food or do something stupid like that. Somehow my hunger seems to "justify" getting some fast crap to cram down just as fast. It would be so much more convienient to go right after work though, as Curves closes 1/2 hr earlier now. And today when I came home to eat I just wanted to stay home and not go at all. I think I might try eating a bag of microwave popcorn like 1/2 hr before I get off work and see if that tides me over so I can start going to Curves right after work again. I used to do that when I had class right after work and it seemed to help tide me over until I got home. Of course, I wasnt dieting back then so if I wanted fast food after class I just went and got it.

I'm getting excited for my trip to KC on Friday! I checked out 2 books on tape from the library tonight , "A Time To Kill" by John Grisham, and "Lost" by Joy Fielding. I know I wont even get through one of them during the trip, but this way I wont have to go back to the library as soon. I need to find time to get my eyebrows waxed before I leave, too. Nat could probably give 2 spits whether my eyebrows are waxed, but I care.

Oh, and a tip for all those who lose posts. When I write a big post (which is normally every post I write, it seems!), I copy and paste it to a Word document every so often, and then once again before hitting "Submit Reply". That way if you lose it you can just copy it from Word and paste it in the reply box. Sounds simple enough, and I'm sure most of you have already thought of this, but it sure beats spending an hour writing a post and then losing it all!
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Old 04-05-2006, 11:19 PM   #4  
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Amy - Honestly, I don't know if he'd really CARE about seeing me in it...oi. He's told me that he's not a fan of lingerie...*sigh* My eyebrows are so light, they are almost non-existent, so I don't even worry about them...well, that, and I have bangs which cover them as well. What do you do at Curves? Are there machines, or is it workout regimines? You have fun this weekend.... But not TOO much fun!
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Old 04-05-2006, 11:23 PM   #5  
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Hi everyone!!

I need to get caught up on the threads.... I've missed several days---and you know what that can do to a girl!

I'm back from my meeting in Orlando.... was a good meeting, lots of work, but good. Never left the hotel area so I could have been in Topeka for all I saw of Orlando, I guess .. but... I did find a nice block of time one afternoon to take for myself and I just went outside and sat at the pool. I know how dangerous the sun can be... but man, I do love to be in the sun and I do love a tan and... for a redhead, I tan pretty well.

Still fighting this darn cold... rumbly chest and plugged up ears. yuck.

BUT... here's my tragic tail of woe... the travel day from ****.... I have to tell you this comedy of errors that was the frustration of my world on the way back. It's ok -- you can laugh.... because, in the end... that was the only option I had, too....

the first thing..... I checked out of the hotel, but didn't want to leave for the airport right away because I didn't want to sit there so long (my flight was scheduled to leave at 5:25). THe good part was that the hotel somehow had me as a "priority club" guest (no idea how---I never signed up for it) so I didn't have to check out until 2pm instead of 11am.

I ended up leaving around 3, got to the airport.... checked my luggage... and when did airlines stop just taking your luggage and putting it on the conveyor belt? I had to take it about 50 yards from there.. wierd. And I thought "sheesh--I've already checked it.... they have no idea that I'm not putting a bomb in here NOW..." ok... back to story...

I go outside to sit and relax since my flight isn't for a couple hours. At about an hour left, I go in. Security has more people in line that a ride at DIsney! ARRG! but I go in... and, as always try to have everything ready. Laptop out. jewelry off. etc etc... anything to save time once you get to the end. Of course the people in front of me took forever... but... finally made it.
I hadn't eaten lunch... and my flight didn't get in until 9:17 and I still had an hour to drive after that so I resorted to Fast FOod. Ack. To make it worse, you'd think they had to grind the meat themselves it took so long. SO my the time I get to the gate, I was cutting it close. Little did I know.... the flight was delayed.... ha. then I realized that I only had about 35 minutes on my layover as it was... too late and I wouldn't make my connecting flight.

So I ask... and was told "connecting flights should be ok...except for Indianapolis. wellll ... guess where I was going?" ha.

So...... since the update was my plane was going to be not leave until at least 6:15 .. they worked to find me another flight--it was scheduled to leave at 5:55 AND my connecting flight was going to be a bit delayed, SO... I should make it. The catch was it was in 2 different concourses... so I'd have to hustle. ha.

So I get on my new plane. no prob. Of course I no longer have my window seat... I'm in the MIDDLE which I hate. but at least I'm on.

BIG HA. 5:55 comes. 5:55 goes. AN announcement " we're going to be delayed as we have no pilots yet" they aren't even AT THE FREAKIN AIRPORT. oh my.

SO.... there we sat. and sat. and sat. The plan I was SUPPOSED to be on left LONG before my "new, earlier" flight did. I was so stressed. I just wanted to get home. I kept counting the minutes thinking maybe I can still make it.. maybe..if the next flkight is delayed more.
then as we get close to Atlanta... the pilot says "Atlanta has a lot of traffic, so we've been asked to slow down". niiiiiice. perrrrrfect. HA.

we finally land. takes forever to get to gate. finally... exiting the plane. I swear it felt like everyone took sooo long. The rows in front of me started to get out and a man says "go ahead" to one lady.. she started then stopped and said "no, you go ahead"... and everyone got jumbled up and NO ONE was going.... I had SO much bottled up frustration that I finally burst out, after the fourth "no really -- go ahead" with "WELL SOMEONE go ahead please because I HAVE TO and this is KILLING me!!!!" I tried to laugh to make it seem like I was joking but COME ON PEOPLE

SO......... off the plane. CROWDS all over. can't get to desk to ask about status or location of connecting flight. Saw employee in crowd answering questions. I ran to her...asked about my flight. She calls. "It's getting ready to leave now, you have 15 minutes. But it's in concourse C which is all the way down this concourse, down the escalator, through the tunnel and up the next escalator" (and we are now at the far end of a totally different concourse.) GREAT. I asked if they could hold it. No deal. SO... wanted to argue... no time. I ran.

ME.. I ran. I jumped over luggage. I walked fast. I ran. I wanted to get home! I move through crowds like they weren't there. I was winding through mobs of people, over little kids, past old ladies LOL.... got to end of concourse. Turned to go down escalator -- PACKED! I ran down steps, said "excuse me" about 18 times as I nudged my way through the crowds. jumped the last couple of steps---great! there's a tram!! oh noooo!!! The tram is pulling out. I stood there in disbelief... for about 7 seconds wondering if it's faster to walk the whole way through the tunnel or wait for the tram. I run.

Good news... there was a people mover! I can make double time! yeah!!!
get close. OH NOOOOOOOOO! People mover NOT MOVING!!! of course.

I run some more. (OK.. walk a little... walk fast... ) I'm of course out of breath from running.. my lungs are also burning because of my horrible chest cold. fun!

Another people mover (this is a long tunnel!) .. yeah!! it's moving!!
Getting close to the end of the tunnel. Escalator up. SOOO crowded. of course. No moving THESE people. I bounce with pent up anxiety.. but look ahead to the directional signs indicating concourse C.

My gate is C3. I see the sign that says "C1 - C20 --->" and think GREAT! I'm only at 3---it's close.

Get to top of escaltor and run! OH NOOOOOOOOO!!! the close gates are 19 and 20!!!! I have to go ALL THE WAY TO THE END!!!! My heart, if it wasn't pounding so fast, would have fallen out my toes. But I kept going.

Soon I can see the gate. YEAH!!! I get close. The door is open!!! I MAKE IT! YEAH (ok---pause for your clapping....)

OK... not over. I get on. seat is 14F. Yup. .. someone sitting there.
I figure... no worries... I'll just hang out in empty row 12 --- if no one is here, I'll stay here and not make them move.
Not so much. people after me--yup--entire row 12.

So I go to 14. "I'm in 14 F" I say. "No, I am" he says. Turns out.. we BOTH have a confirmed printed ticket for 14 F. GREAT. SO.. I say "you stay there... I'll ask attendant. Of course, this flight is SO late, everyone is antsy... now they are all looking at me and the other last 2 people who ALSO were double booked (they were on my first flight too-- side note: I beat them! heh heh)
so attendant checks ... none of you are on the manifest". GREAT. I don't care. I'll sit in the bathroom if I have to. THere is no way after what I just went through I'm getting off this plane.
Attendant: "follow me to the back...let's see what we have".. we do. two more people there who are double booked. GREAT.
We all stand there like fools.... then she says "just go ahead and take any seat". there are two together so I say to the couple from my flight "you two go ahead .. that way you can sit together"... the two in the back already take the last two back there. Hmm... I see nothing. Attendant comes back. "go ahead and sit anywhere" she says. I say "ok---if you can find me a seat, I'll sit anywhere.. but I don't see a seat".

She looks around.. hmmm.... "let's look up front". I think "SCORE!!! I think there was something in business class.. I get to sit in the big seats!" We walk all the way up.... by now EVERYONE is looking at me... I'm the only hold up. GREAT.

get to first class. OH NOOOO..... nuthin'. By now I'm getting synmpathy looks from some... probably glares from others.

Attendants talking "who was last on? They'll have to go" --- that's right. THey had taken some standbys... so.. they had to ask the last one to leave the plane!. I felt awful. She had to get her luggage out of the bins... and leave so I could take her seat. ACK. But I sat.

It was a horrible flight becasue my ears were so plugged from my cold--I've never been in such pain on a flight. BUT I GOT TO INDY!! yeah!

yup. I did. My luggage did not. Again. SIGH......

Had to wait until the last bag was there.... still not mine. Filled out a report. Went to long term parking. Drove the hour home. I WAS HOME!!!!!! 1:00 am. but I was home. In bed at 2 am and at work at 7:45am.

So...... while I do love to travel.... I'm so happy to NOT have to for a while I can't even TELL you how happy I am. I haven't been in my own home on a weekend for the last 6 weekends.

SO--- sorry for such an incredibly long post all about ME lol but I HAD to share this story!!!

I'll catch up on posts--need to check in on how you're all doing!-- I promise to be a little less self focused in my next post.

Hope you are all well. And remember.... if you need a laugh... just picture ME ... running through the airport -- dodging children -- jumping over rolling bags --- nudging past families and little old ladies. --- every pound of me!!!

Good night all!

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Old 04-05-2006, 11:43 PM   #6  
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Mel -- OMG, what a tale! I pictured you like OJ Simpson -- dodging and weaving... only to find NO SEATS??? Wow. I would be not leaving the plane too! Man it's good to be home in those situations.
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Old 04-06-2006, 02:01 AM   #7  
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AMY - i have EVERYTHING hes done. i even have the bootleg of when he was singing Shadowlands and fell off the stage and broke his wrist. hes amazing. hes playing with willie nelson in september at the hollywood bowl, and hopefully he will play in LA sooner than that
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Old 04-06-2006, 06:55 AM   #8  
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Juleee thanks for the info on the bread stuff, it sounds quite nice to me. VERY versatile!!
Mel, wow, what a truly awful time you have been having with airlines, did you ever get anything for the damage to the cases on your last trip? I'm glad I only ever fly once a year for my hols! You ought to get stress money from your employers!!!!
Violet, thanks for your kind words, I have to go to the library some time today or Friday to get a list of registered child-minders, its just MORE hassle that I really don't need. I know I should be grateful that I have children but there comes a time when it would just be nice to go to the loo without interruptions or to have some peace and quiet without having to make LOTS of preparations beforehand!!!! I hope you get to chat to your guy soon about the possible move, is he in KC or is it family & is he coming if it is?
Kayley sorry you feel so down , wish I could help but I'm really down myself at the mo, even though we got out last night, it pretty rare as we have no one we trust except family & my parents live an hour's drive away. Just keep plugging away, soon the sun will be shining or someone will see you & say how slim you're getting THAT is bound to help you feel GOOD. About lingerie, when I wore it hubby laughed so I've given up on it, you never know, if you suprise him he might really enjoy seeing you in a slinky little number!!
Gotta go,
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Old 04-06-2006, 09:18 AM   #9  
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Sharon - I think you mentioned that at some stage you would be rushed to pick up one son and get to school to pick the other son up on time. Is there another mother (you mentioned you sometimes chat with them) who could sit with your son at school just for 5 or 10 mins in case you are late? We always have parents standing outside the rooms chatting together after school, so perhaps someone wouldn't mind just keeping an eye on your son for a little while. It wouldn't hurt to ask and this would take a little pressure off you so you are not feeling so rushed. Just a thought.

Mel - I can not even imagine how ANGRY I would have been feeling over the whole airplane/airport incident you went through. I do NOT enjoy airports and I'm not sure I would have handled it as graciously as you did.

Kayley - I hope you are feeling better soon. I worried that I would never get out of my 'slump', but I am over it now, so I have high hopes that you will be feeling wonderful soon. Maybe you should get that nightie just for YOU, not anyone else. It might just give you the lift of spirits that you need.

Amy - Thank you for your lovely comments. I hope that you have a wonderful time with Nat this weekend and perhaps work out a way for you to be closer together, if not living together. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Brenda - I truly don't know what to say to make you feel better about what you poor sister has had to go through. I hope that she has a strong network of friends or family to support her through this. My heart goes out to you, your sister and family.

Well, that's about it for me tonight. I'll catch up on other individual posts over the weekend. Sorry to those people I've missed, but I have a hopeless memory and was only really working on things I'd read on this thread. I'll go back and read others later to respond to.

Take care all,

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Old 04-06-2006, 09:29 AM   #10  
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Amy~ The avatar is Mugsy, a dog I worked with at the Prison, I love this dog, I wish he was mine,, But I go visit often.. I Love Labs... Thanks for noticing,oh,, he is a drug dog, He checks all the mail, the inmates things and just goes around nosen all day,,
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Old 04-06-2006, 09:37 AM   #11  
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Hi everyone!!!!
Well, got up this morning, ready to brave the great outdoors with hubby and looked outside...... SNOW STORM! Man, I thought, "you've GOT to be KIDDING!" So there goes that idea. I think I will still brave the mall and see how things go

I'll do some personals later on

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Old 04-06-2006, 11:58 AM   #12  
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Thanks Wyllen and Nancy for your $0.02 on Fitday and Nutridiary. I still haven't decided which I want to do for sure but your input certainly helps!!!

Well, my fence peeps didn't show up yesterday. Apparently they were running behind on their schedule. But they are here now and are currently knocking down my old rotten nasty fence. Yay!
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Old 04-06-2006, 12:46 PM   #13  
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brandnewme - You mentioned you are using the PC version of Fitday. Was looking at that and it looks great. I was wondering if it integrates with the online version? For example, if I load the PC version on my home computer is that the only place I can input my food? If I am at work can I still log on to the internet and put in my food?

Thanks everyone for your help on this. I hope I am not annoying anyone else with these questions. Was going to do PM's but then thought others might be interested in the answers as well.

Thanks again!
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Old 04-06-2006, 01:25 PM   #14  
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Well..the WW scale said +2...but given that I did not have the best food week, I had a bunch of edamame and bean soup and that TOM is coming next week...I was fine with it. After the meeting we went to Target and I got 2 new skirts. I'm in that weird place now where the 18 fits but it a little roomy and the 16 isn't happening..argh.

I was walking past the girls' department and they had out their easter dresses. I saw the prettiest purple dress and thought "Wow, what a cute flower girl dress that would be." So I called my friend whose daughter is our flower girl and got her size and for $18.99 we now have a potential flower girl dress....wayyyy better than the $99 and up David's Bridal charges. So we'll see. I might also go check out a department store as well.

Kayley: Hearing you so down just hurts my heart. As I went through college I had terrible self-worth issues and was an emotional basket case. I finally broke down and went to the on-campus Counseling Center and talked to someone. Being able to let it all out to someone impartial who was not a part of my problems was just amazing and cathartic. I didn't ever go back but knowing that I could was so helpful. And as far as the lingerie thing goes...Jason has never been a fan either. Then for New Year's I got a really sexy black lacy bra and a matching pair of panties. Suddenly he started taking notice of what I am wearing. My friend gave me a "hand-me down" the other day...a black lacy's a little big but it might be worth it one time.

Mel...the Atlanta airport is a bear to navigate when you are in a rush. What a story. I have had a few crazy travel stories but this one tops it. What airline were you on (if I may ask)?

Thanks to everyone who aded me on MySpace!

Wyellen...I'm right behind you...I weighed in last week at 222...I started at 312. 199 is not far behind. Let's help each other out as we strive to get there!!!

I have the longest most exhausting weekend in history ahead of me...but once it's over I am getting some wonderful downtime..and even better...Jason and I are going to DISNEYLAND next Sunday!!! We are getting in for free. I am so excited. This will be my first theme park trip without getting bruises on my hips from the rides. We have been wanting to do this for so long and we finally have the opportunity. With it being Easter Sunday it will probably be packed...but it's fine. We were supposed to be taking this Marriage Class, but they didn't have enough couples sign up for the Sunday class, so we're waiting until the summer and will take it on a weeknight.

Happy Thursday!!!
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Old 04-06-2006, 02:47 PM   #15  
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I am having a blah day today - it is my TOM and I am crampy and just want to curl up in bed. I feel bad enough that I am going to skip the gym tonight. I will find something else gentle to do at home - maybe some weight work on the stability ball. My trainer cancelled tonight so I don't have to worry about that.

Good news is that the scale says I am back down to 319, which is where I thought I was a couple of weeks ago. I guess that is why I'm not too excited about it - I feel like I have already been here. I got a second scale, so now I will use them in tandem to make sure both are behaving. After weighing myself this morning I put them away though, because I am tired of being so obsessed with the scale. I haven't decided whether I will weigh weekly or bi-weekly.

Ugh – I just want to go home. Hope everyone is having a better day than me.
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