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Old 03-28-2006, 07:28 AM   #1  
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Default Old Hens - 40+ And Ready To Lose - Volume 51

WELCOME !!!!!!

This thread is a sub-set of the 300+ thread.

This group is for those dealing with the challenges of having a significant amount of weight to lose and being fit which becomes harder after age 40. If you're an old or new friend and not over 40 and feel this is the place to post, jump right in.
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Old 03-28-2006, 07:57 AM   #2  
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Good morning ladies,

Yesterday was such a not good day at work. Our boss spent an hour and a half telling us all the things that are in progress about integration of our company. Confidential things of course so and things that can affect my staff. Something to lay on my mind as if I needed something else. And the executive bonus checks that I know were cut last week and we thought we were getting yesterday were voided and not to be issued until the end of April.

It started out with not getting a good nights sleep because I kept either waking up or being woken up so I was tired and grouchy. And didn't do any exercise. Then to add insult to injury, a shirt I had been wearing now accentuated the fat roll at my waist line so much that I couldn't wear it. I have no idea what is going on with my body. I have muscles everywhere in my body for all the exercise and seem to be gaining more fat at my waist.

DH called late in the day and said I had a dilemma to ponder. As stated earlier, like I needed something else. Marissa, one of the girls from the other barn who had shown one of the boys last summer and has been helping with mom's horse, said that she wants to buy Spanky. She had fallen in love with him as soon as he arrived at the barn last year and still loves him. I said yes but I have a price that she may not want to pay. I will not give him away even though he needs lots of training. But he is growing into such an awesome horse that will be worth even more. That would reduce the herd down to four. However, it makes me sad to think of him gone. But she may not pay the price and I'm not coming down, so we'll see. I would let her take him to work and get ready to show this year and not charge her a lease if she doesn't want to buy.

Last nights dinner was sushi. I've only had sushi now twice. Some things are good (like the rice ) and some things were too much like "ee.eewww, raw fish". But a healthy meal. I have to say that I didn't do any binge, emotional eating at work - thought about it but didn't do it.

Valerie - Did you make it to Curves? Good girl!

Lilion - Let's try to have a better day today! Great job on the I.M. 12 minutes is awesome.

2Cute - Great to see you posting.

Thin - Its been ages too.

BJF - Happy Belated Birthday! Doesn't it feel great when you let yourself be in control about food! Good job! That is kind of shocking about the results of GBS - goes to show how it isn't about changing the behavior which has to be done in order to have long-lasting results.

Karen- Great article. Thanks for sharing that. Very helpful to me given the day I had yesterday.

I'm out of time and thought-power. Barb.G, Ruth, Garnet, Leslie, Leanne, and everyone else and have a great OP day!
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Old 03-28-2006, 08:42 AM   #3  
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BIll is waiting and we just got a hot lload so I gotta go, but Terri, I gotta tell you to QUIT TURNING THE DRYER ON HIGH! Stuff shrinks.

Hava good 'un!
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Old 03-28-2006, 01:17 PM   #4  
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Good Morning everyone!!

That is too funny!! Did you make it to Curves? Have a safe trip, can't wait to read your next post!!

Terri~~You sure have had a lot on your plate, haven't you? Why did they put off giving out the bonuses--geez, something to look forward to, and they even take that away from you. I can't imagine eating raw fish--I can barely tolerate tuna salad, and that's the only fish I can even eat, unless of course you count McD's fish filets with lots of extra tartar sauce, but let's not go there... Hope you have a better day today.

Lilion~~Gosh I hear you about the exercise. I try to get mine done in the morning. As soon as possible! In fact, if I'm awake at midnight, I think about getting it over with for the day, but suppose that wouldn't count, huh? I've been doing the bike 25 minutes a day now, and 10 or 11 minutes of stretches and light weights and am beginning to dread it, which I just cannot allow myself to do...I guess I need to give myself a pep talk!!

2Cute~~I'm so sorry about your sister, but happy for your nephew. I hope that things slow down for you soon.

BJF~~Interesting about how the GBS patients your doctor's office knows have been mostly unsuccessful. I know one woman that had lap band surgery done probably a couple years ago, lost 60 lbs. and has been unable to lose anymore, and she lost the 60 lbs. right away. That just makes my mind up even more that I would never have WLS of any kind.

And a Happy Belated Birthday!!

Karen~~That was certainly an uplifting article! Thanks for posting. Hoping for the best for your sister. How's the mall walking going?

Barbara~~Your niece is lovely!! Great job on the dress! Did she have a nice time? Pink is certainly her color! How's that office of yours? Seriously, that place would make me !! Any more people let go this week?

Lesley~~Wow, sounds like your kids went all out for mother's day, huh?? What a gift! I'm glad you got rid of the little buggers quickly. Where are you going on your vacation (holiday)? Ours isn't til 7/15, and I am so looking forward to it! North Carolina beaches for us for a week!!

Ruth~~ Hope you're back OP.

Thin & Patti~~

Garnet~~Was your ds successful in giving his bug to your ex? And sunbathing in the nude--you are one brave lady--I'd expect someone pounding on my door too!! It must feel good after this long cold winter we've had, though!!

Leanne~~Wondering how you are and if you had the surgery. I certainly hope you were able to get more pain pills to control that terrible pain. Looking forward to your next post.

If I've missed anyone, I'm so sorry.

Did my exercise for the day and need to get to work--it's taken me over two hours to complete this post with all the interruptions from my ds and the phone! Down 2 pounds since last Tuesday--I'm happy--thrilled--but had hoped it would be more!! Hoping next Tuesday gives me a bigger number!!

Have a good OP day all, and again--I can't tell you all how much inspirtion I get from reading this thread every day!

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Old 03-28-2006, 02:29 PM   #5  
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Hi Ladies,

First Charlotte let me say congrats on the 2 pounds lost! Wonderful job you are doing. I also want to say that I understand about the exercise completely. I have been walking every day but not every day at the mall. I just got back from a 1 mile neighborhood walk and will take another this evening with my DH.

Terri, sorry you are having such a bad few days and about the hard decision about your horse. It would be hard for me to sell as well. That is why I could never be a breeder. I would want to keep them ALL whether they were horses, puppies or cats! Good luck and I hope the best for everyone involved.

Valerie, I love your sense of humor! I got a laugh from your dryer joke. I hope you are having a safe trip.

To everyone else a big hello and hope everyone is doing well. Now I HAVE to go back and read the previous thread. I HAVE to know why Garnet is sunbathing nude!

Before I go though let me share that my sister got a call back from the doctors office that said her Pet scan was normal but that they want her to come into their office today and then the cancer doctors office tomorrow. I hope it is about treatment for her thyroid.

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Old 03-28-2006, 07:21 PM   #6  
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OK another drive by posting! LOL

I see we have some new people here too! Just wanted to say welcome to this awesome group!

OK...down to business...I haven't been to WW in a over a month now. I went back tonight and was quite pleased to find I only gaine 1/4 of a pound! I am going to do my darnedest to get this weight off of me this time because we are planning a trip to Disney World in September of 2007. I have plenty of time to get the majority of this weight off!

Well I just wanted to check in with you all again. I need to get the boy in the bath now so I can watch American Idol at 8 pm! Yup I am addicted! Hi my name is Michelle and I am an American Idol junkie!!

Talk at you all later! MichelleK
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Old 03-28-2006, 11:02 PM   #7  
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Default April Exercise Thread

Hi everyone -- I recognize some familiar faces, but I don't regularly post here. However, I wanted to be sure to invite anyone who's interested to participate in the 300+ exercise thread! (I wish I had thought of doing this sooner!)

We each set a number of minutes to exercise for the month and then track our progress. What's fun is we not only track our individual progress, but also our group progress. A lot of people are finding it really helps to be accountable to someone.

We are rocking in March, and in total have done over 200 hours (12000 minutes) of exercise -- actually, we're over 13K minutes now! By far our best month yet. So, please join us, you can count whatever exercise you like -- we're just trying to make it a habit!
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Old 03-29-2006, 01:29 AM   #8  
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Good evening! I'm going to seriously try and catch up but I'll let you know later how that goes. I'm so far behind, I'm not sure catching up is an option.

If I've written some of this before you'll have to forgive me because I didn't take the time to find my last post before starting on this one.

My friend Di came through surgery fine. She has NO cancer! Her mom died of Ovarian Cancer so it was a major concern. She had terrible back pains, of all things, in recovery and for 48 hours after the surgery. She doesn't do well laying flat on her back and she was just miserable. But they finally gave her some "good" drugs and then she felt some better. She came home on Saturday and is having a hard time doing nothing because she's at home where NO ONE does anything. I told her her recovery was primary and she should let the house fall apart around her if that's what necessary for her to recover.

I was a "showgirl" on Saturday and Sunday. We had counts to do which is a BIG project and unusual for this time of year. Usually we're done with counts after New Years until almost Memorial Day, so this was a little surprise. A nice one, mind you as it pays pretty good. We stayed Sunday and saw Inside Man. It was actually pretty good.

Honey came home from Mexico on Saturday afternoon. They wouldn't stamp his passport coming back OUT of Mexico so if someone were to look at the passport, it would look like he's still there. I'm not sure how they're going to fix that, but supposedly the company is "taking care of it".

My early nights last week were 1:00 AM, but most nights it was 3:00 - 4:00 AM. Can you tell I didn't get much sleep? I've been catching up this week by not getting up until 9:30-10:00 AM. Feels good!

That's pretty much all I know. I'm not working much this week. I have a manufactured home shop to do tomorrow. Next week I'm booked solid, then the week of the 10th I'm pretty busy too. Of course that's pretty much how my schedule works, the first two weeks of the month everyone wants it ALL done. Then the last two weeks, I pick up stuff that needs to be done last minute. There are some companies that just don't schedule too far in advance.

Wyellen: Thanks for the invitation.

Michelle: Good to see you. Too bad you can't stay longer than a "drive by".

Karen: [[[hugs]]] and prayers for your sister. Please let us know how she's doing.

Charlotte: CONGRATS on the 2 pounds down! Good for you!!

Valerie: I'm so sorry to be saying this, really I am, but I saw you got a "hot load" and all I could think of is you're truckin' manure this trip. I'm sure that's not what you meant, but that's where my mind is. Sorry, it's late.

Terri: Awwww, honey, you can't keep them all. I hope you're able to come to some conclusion about Spanky. I wouldn't do well either, I'd want to keep them all. My friend used to lease out Big Shot. The girl that leased him worked him, showed him and trained with him. Maybe that would work out for you if you don't want to part with him. Stick to your guns on the money. I know you'll be right back out at an auction getting more as soon as you get some property. * That's so sticky about the bonuses, but Honey had the same thing happen to him, actually raises too. They were supposed to come in January and they got put off til second quarter. Second quarter starts Saturday, so far no word on whether they're coming or not. Back in November when he got his promotion, he told the boss that he was expecting more. The boss told him that his raise in January would be for at least the same amount as his promotion raise in November so that it would all even itself out. Yeah right!!!! So far he hasn't seen a dime of it.

Lilion: Good for you on your Infernal Machine. You're doing GREAT!!! My "evil" machine is still stacked out in the garage......since November. Not that I used it when it was in the house. $400, down the toilet. It will have a new home in #1 Son's old room, if I ever get his crap OUT!!!

2cute: Good to see you! I knew it was time to come and post when I saw that you felt guilty enough to do it too. Try not to work so hard.

Bridget: Happy Belated Birthday! I'm glad you were able to celebrate and stay OP. That's amazing, a real statement of your commitment to the journey.

Lesley: OMG, you sure had a fun weekend!!! I'm glad the little buggers are out of your house and you're back into a normal week.

Garnet: "The father died first and there was a funeral but when the mother died there was not even an obituary. " That's AWFUL!!! My mom and dad were in Florida for a bit and my mother got this bug in her bonnet about signing up with the Cremation Society. She said "they will come and get the body, cremate it and then we could have a memorial whenever it was convenient for ME!" I'm like "do you really think that if there was something that wrong with you or dad that I wouldn't be on the next flight down there?" EYEEEEEEE! Parents!!!!

Barb: Your niece is just BEAUTIFUL! Did she have a nice time? *Sorry the office is such the pitts. Have you thought about looking for something else? It's easier to find a job when you have one, or so they say. I guess at least here, you know what you've got. If you changed jobs, all the troubles would be unknown.

Ruth: Have your sister and mom left yet, or is your sister sticking around for a little visit? I'm sure you've been busy with everyone in the house. How is your daughter fairing? Did she get all settled in her new place?

Leanne: OMG, [[[hugs]]] girl! What have they decided to do with that arm? I'm hoping it will heal fine on it's own, but a spiral fracture usually needs some help. Heal quick. Lot's of good thoughts coming your way.

Patti: I'm sure I'm way late in welcoming you to our area of the boards. Glad to have you here. I hope you'll post often so we get to know you better.

Well, girls, I think I'm caught up. I probably didn't comment on everything that I should of, but I made an effort to at least address everyone......and it only took me an hour and a half.

It's almost 1:30 AM so I think I'm going to call it an "early" night tonight and go on up to bed. You all have a good one. Love ya bunches!
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Old 03-29-2006, 09:31 AM   #9  
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good morning everyone.i sure do love to come to these boards and get my morning inspiration! keep up the good work!
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Old 03-29-2006, 10:20 AM   #10  
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Good Morning Ladies!

My goodness, I didn't post at all yesterday, or even read! I told myself I would but then I never got here! Busy, busy yesterday!

I'm afraid I'm not replying right now...except to say Thin and Michelle - good to see you posting again!

Ruth hope your visit is going well, tell us all about it.

And Leanne I hope you are getting better!

Garnet - glad you got to get naked! I'm pretty much ALWAYS clothed - not modest at all, just more comfortable covered up!

Karen - Glad your sister got good news!

2Cute-hope things are going okay with your sister!

My day started out poorly and it's all my fault! I got up at 5:30 and felt GREAT! Of course, my alarm isn't set to go off until 6:15 so I laid back down. DH got up and got ready for work and left the radio on in the bathroom - loud! By the time I got up I was no longer feeling great and I was all cranky from not getting better snooze time in and I griped at him thoroughly. Then when he was leaving for work I could tell he was upset - actually, he was REALLY upset - with me for being such a with a capital B - I felt like DIRT! I still feel horrible about it! I have to do something to make it up to him...I hate it when I hurt his feelings...he's such a good, good man to put up with me!

I really should have stayed up at 5:30 - stupid not to. I don't think I feel as good now as I did then! I think next time I will.

On the up side - today is WI day and I think - no, I KNOW I have good news there. I walked in today saying "I feel Skinny!" And the scale said 242.2 - at 8 a.m.! I normally get a little lower between 8 a.m. and noon - so I'm sure I lost at least two pounds! Yay for yard work and the Infernal Machine!

Speaking of the old I.M. I did 12 minutes again last night...can't seem to get past that 12 minutes. - At ZERO resistance of course! But it gets the blood pumping! DH and I went to a yard sale this weekend and got some little hand weight dumbell things...5 and 10 lb...and I've been working with them too since Sunday (the 5's of course). I have NO upper body strength and I HAVE to start firming up! My FAT, FAT upper arms have to get better! When I started out they were 17" - they are now 16" - only 1" smaller in 85 lbs! Fat and floppy and I hate them! (I suppose if I pulled the tape tight they be about 13"...that's how floppy they are! ) The one part of my body I'll have corrective surgery on - no doubt! Sad thing is, with the 5 lb weights I feel muscles I haven't used in ages!

Well, ladies, I'm quite sure I had more exciting things to say...but it'll wait...since I forgot them all! Hope you all have a happy, healthy, OP day!
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Old 03-29-2006, 11:09 AM   #11  
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MichelleK, "another drive by posting" is what I will be doing also. For some reason there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day lately. I am a Idol junkie too and was heartbroken when little Kevin was voted off. I think he is adorable and very talented.

Wyllenn, thank you so much for the invitation. I will check out the thread as soon as I can. I need as much accountability as possible when it comes to diet and exercise.

Leanne, I am saying prayers for you. I do hope that your arm is feeling better. I feel so badly for you. It sounds like a really bad break.

Thinthinker, great news about your friend! You are right about her household. Maybe someone will pitch in and help when they realize that she can't do everything at this point. So happy that there was no cancer found.

Lilion you are doing wonderfully with your exercise program! I wish I could get into weights because I know it would make such a difference but I just can't jump on that band wagon for some reason. Sounds like with your IF AND the weights you will be lean, stong and healthy and perhaps will be further inspiration to me to lift a pound of two myself.

Toofat4u, "hi" back to you! How have you been doing? I get a lot of inspiration from these boards as well.

Well, I hope to walk at the mall today and then this evening with DH. He postponed our nightly walk again last night. We walked Monday to make up for Sunday and will walk tonight to make up for last night I hope.

To all the ladies, I hope we have a wonderfully joyful and success filled day!
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Old 03-29-2006, 12:18 PM   #12  
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Smile Hello!

Hi gang, My company left earlier this morning, along with my Mom. I sure am going to miss her, but at the same time it will be great to have some freedom to do all of the things I need to do for myself. I am so far behind on getting my checkups with the different Drs. I hate doing all of that stuff! I don't know which one to start with. I will figure it out I suppose.

I have been going around gathering towels and sheets to wash. My kitchen needs a good going over now. I sat in there looking at the floor wondering what the heck that was all over it. Grown ups are not supposed to be messy are they? I can't put off cleaning it forever, so I might as well go and start doing the drudge work. Maybe I will have loads of time tomorrow to catch up with all of the news here.

Oh yeah, I had to sign in. Have I been gone so long that the site didn't recognize me? When did that start?

Lilion, your "little" non-op buddy needs to get back on program alrighty. But a big You are doing super! Great work on the IM.

To all of you I shall return! Ruth
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Old 03-29-2006, 01:01 PM   #13  
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Woke up at one point this a.m. eyeball to eyeball with my sweet snuffy puppy. He smiled a puppy smile, stretched and rearranged his ears across the pillow before we dozed off again. Yup. We wuv our puppies.

Haven’t made it to Curves since Saturday, but I did get out & power walk last night for over an hour, in spite of the desperate pig in the pickup who thought I was looking for a, um…”ride.” Looooo-ser. Anyway, there were some good grades and even some stairs so I used those glutes and tried to remember to “work my core” by supposedly pulling my belly button back to my spine. Does anyone know if it’s cheating to lift your belly button UP manually to its original level before pulling back towards your spine?

Terri, What a difficult thing to consider letting go of Spanky. At least it’s someone you know has already worked with him and loves him. The woman I bought Gabe from stopped breeding because she had such trouble letting go of her babies, and I know she gave me a wonderful deal on him because I’d been drooling over her horses for several years and she knew I’d love him. I will be forever grateful to her! I’ve been on the other end, too, when I had to sell. I used to buy rag-tag-nags at auction – perfectly good horses & ponies that just hadn’t been cared for, trained or gelded. I’d clean ‘em up, feed ‘em, train ‘em and then sell them. Most of the time I was bidding against the Killer, but even knowing that I’d saved them from the meat wagon it was hard to let them go when the time came. Knowing both sides of the coin, I hope you are ultimately happy whether Spanky stays in your herd or has his own private girl. *** I hope those promised Big Bucks come thru for you soon!!

Charlotte - Glad I gave you a chuckle! CONGRATS on the 2 pounds down, too!!! W!2!G! woman!!! If it’s coming OFF, you have reason to celebrate regardless of amount. Besides, at 2 pounds a week that’s over 8 pounds a month! Wouldn’t THAT be great??

Karen – Walking is supposed to be the best exercise in the world. You’re doing great! ** Glad to hear that there’s at least some good news about your sis. I hope that appointment goes well!!

MichelleK – Maintenance is going to be a lifetime goal for all of us when we’re done. You and I have just been practicing lately. I hope we both kick it back in losing gear for THIS month tho!

Ha! Thin! I do have hot loads of manure sometimes, but those are at home. You made me laugh - had to read it to DH. *** What a relief that your friend is cancer free! I wish her a speedy recovery – sounds like she needs it. *** I hope your promised Big Bucks come thru soon, too!! * Too bad I can’t just swing by with my truck, pick up all the boys’ stuff and drop it off for you. Then you’d have your exercise studio. Unfortunately, Lilion is still waiting for me to swing thru MO & pick up her wayward boy to ‘learn ‘im some truckin’.’ I’ll put you on the list, though.

Lilion, If you’re reading this, you’re probably playing hooky from Justice. Better that than skimping on you’re I.M. time. You’ll be up to 13 soon, I’m sure of it! Just lengthen your minutes to 65 seconds each – Bingo. 13 minutes.

I did escape the fresh, hot cinnamon rolls at TJ Cinnamon’s where I wrote you from yesterday, but only because I had to scoot out of there so suddenly, and equally suddenly there was a line for the buns so I didn’t have time. Ended up with the addictive broccoli salad from Walmart instead. They made me my own batch again – without the raisens <BG> Life is good.

I did more studying last night, and when I couldn’t concentrate I went out and did my walking. Tried to study more after that, but didn’t get far. Finished the chapter anyway. Hey, 4 a.m. is as good a bedtime as any, right Thin? I’ll even have the chance to both study and walk again tonight (WHILE making $$), so even truckin’ is being as good as it can be.

Patti, Xenigal, Ruth & all y'all! I hope that today you all find some sunshine, lose some ounces, give some hugs and get some puppy kisses... I wish you could all see the up-side-down puddle of baby dog sleeping on the truck floor right now, 4 paws in the air, bouncing to the bumps in the road. If only kissing puppies burned as many calories as running for your life, uphill, into the wind, pulling a reluctant rhino behind you. sigh.

Last edited by NoLifeWithoutHorses; 03-29-2006 at 01:07 PM.
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Old 03-29-2006, 01:34 PM   #14  
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Originally Posted by NoLifeWithoutHorses
Haven’t made it to Curves since Saturday, but I did get out & power walk last night for over an hour, in spite of the desperate pig in the pickup who thought I was looking for a, um…”ride.” Looooo-ser. Anyway, there were some good grades and even some stairs so I used those glutes and tried to remember to “work my core” by supposedly pulling my belly button back to my spine. Does anyone know if it’s cheating to lift your belly button UP manually to its original level before pulling back towards your spine?

Valerie - you positively SLAY me with your posts! I SO relate with the belly-button....I keep wondering if I can do enough crunches to get it to move up to my waist! I don't remember it ever being there! You better be taking that big dog with you when you power walk at night! You may be a tough trucker-chick, but there are a LOT of Loooo-sers out there!

Ruth - glad your visit went well! Must be so nice to be able to get together with family...I really don't have any, except some elderly aunts I never who live in KC and a brother that I never see that only lives 15 minutes away! (We e-mail - how pathetic is that!)

Well, final WI results - 241.4 - Exactly 3 pounds down! See me do the happy dance!

Later my lovely ladies!
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Old 03-30-2006, 12:29 AM   #15  
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Hey there girlie girls! Where is everyone today. Started off the morning with a couple checking in and then by afternoon everything fizzled it looks like.

I pretty much did next to nothing today. I got up at 10:30!!!! A friend called to say that he had gotten out of the podiatrist's office (I gave him MY appointment this morning so he can get fixed up) and wondered if I wanted to do coffee. So up I got and went to meet him. However, in the process, I found out that Mother Nature had decided to visit. Arghhhhhh! Funny thing is, NO symptoms this month! WooHoo! No aching boobies, no *****iness, no nothing. Well, not entirely true, nice weight GAIN!!!! I have to say I'm excited that there were no other symptoms because there are months when I could bite the head off a small child.

Came back home after coffee and tried to get ahold of my "subject" that I was supposed to shop at a manufactured home park. Tried all day with no luck and you're not supposed to actually ask for the person, just get them by trial and error. Sound like fun? It's NOT!!! So I get to try again tomorrow.

Also got an email from my investment banker scheduler. She wants me to do one in Port Huron. Can you say 50 miles away??? I wrote back and told her that it was about an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and a half away and wondered if she was paying for travel. She wrote back and offered me an extra $50 for going. WooHoo! Of course I'm a bit evil as I know that her original deadline for these shops was the 21st, which probably translates to the client needs them by April 1st, so I knew that she would be sorta desperate to get me to do them. Oh well, "work smarter, not harder", I always say.

I'll be doing that shop on Friday and since it's such a long drive I asked Di if she would like to ride along. I figure she's doing well and getting a little cabin fever so it might be nice for her to get out of the house. Plus we can visit while I drive AND we'll find someplace to have lunch. Maybe the Edison Inn, 2cute, so we can watch the freighters go by.

Lilion: WooHoo for the 3 POUNDS DOWN!! That I.M. must be doing the trick. Keep up the good work.

Valerie: Any time you're up this way, you know I'd love to see you or meet you somewhere. As far as moving the boys stuff? I think we're going to take a load to the "baby's" house on Saturday and then try and paint a bit of the rooms that still need it. His pantry, for instance, is the pitts. So bad that he only puts his empty pop and beer bottles in it. #1 Son was here tonight for a bit and took another load. * I must have missed something, what are you studying for? Sorry, a mind is a terrible thing to lose!

Ruth: I'm sure you'll be really lonely now that your mom has gone off. Whatever will you do to keep yourself busy. Well, ok, I see that it's laundry and stripping beds for the next day or two, but after that you'll have no choice but to do meal planning and exercise, right????

Karen: Hope you got caught up on your walking. You're really being consistant and that's GREAT!!!

Patti: You've got to say a little more so we have something to work with here.

Well, my dears, I do believe I am off to bed. I finished my book this afternoon and I try not to jump right into a new one without leaving a little time inbetween. Like maybe I'll start the next one tomorrow. It's only 12:30 AM so I'm going to surprise Honey and jump in before he's totally asleep. He won't know what to do with himself since he's "mowin' the grass" this week.

I want to thank all of you for the prayers for Di and the lovely thoughts. I'm sure it helped immensely. Take care and I'll talk to you all later. Love ya bunches!
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