3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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princesspuffypants 03-14-2006 06:19 PM

ack- so i finally went to the dentist today to get my filling replaced. it wasnt so bad. my dentist is super nice, and very gentle. my face is all fat and numb, but at least i got it taken care of. and it only cost 100.00 to take care of, without insurance.

i have a meeting on thursday at starbucks. im not super excited, but i need a job that is steady right now that will pay some of my bills. they give benefits for only working 20 hours tho, so thats pretty cool.

weigh in tomorrow. i did really well this week. mostly on point. had some moments of weakness, but i factored them into my points and at least it was dark chocolate, so i got the anti-oxidant benefits. right?

2LosinIt 03-14-2006 07:10 PM

Hi everyone! and WELCOME Krrsikka I bet you'll find this to be a great place.... fun and interesting people, supportive environment no matter the size or the slip ups... we help each other keep going. Isnt that what we all need more of in our lives? Welcome!

Christine -- LChin--- I'm an MSU grad!! Go Spartans!

Jill -- I bet putting in that 2 week notice felt great, didn't it?? :D and... I laughed out loud at "round is a shape--just not the one I want" loved it! and I'm with ya! :rofl:

ML -- great NSVs!! thanks for sharing, and for reminding us to share more of them ourselves... now... if I can just think of one heh heh... oh .. I guess I do have one: I pulled a pair of pants out of hte back of my closet last week... didn't even recognize them. I thought they belonged to my housemate (who is smaller than I am) and... they fit! THey must be from several years ago. And.. today I put on a pair of jeans that, before I started this, I couldn't even get close to zipping even when I laid down on my back! :o but.... lol .. I WORE THEM TO WORK! (umm..yeah.. they were zipped) lol

Tea -- wtg on your choice to walk instead of bus! great NSV!

Tasha... heh heh at the "first person who says...." .... I'm with Luan; I find Weight Watchers to be balanced and less stressful to follow because you really aren't TOTALLY deprived of anything in particular. Granted, you have to think about choices and plan like you do with any but it's the only one where I feel like I have some ability to have things with less guilt as long as I make cooresponding choices. I just do the points, write everything down, and drink lots of water. There are some great web sites with the point values for so many foods, including restaurants, etc. There is also an online point calculator that I found.

Kayley!!!!! 300!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are right on the cusp of the "or near there" and away from the "300+" part of "individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. "
WOOHOOOOO for you!!!!

Garnet??? where are you?

To everyone else --- keep at it, friends! Have a great evening (or morning as the case may be for some of you!) :)


VioletSwerve 03-14-2006 09:45 PM

Voodoo--Your class sounds fun! I LOVE writing!

Tasha--I also really love Weight Watchers Points. I havent tried Core yet but, even though it is a lot like South Beach, on Core my understanding is that you get like 35 points a week to use on non-core foods. So you're not as limited as doing like South Beach Phase 1 or something. As far as counting points goes, you get used to it after a while. I'm in my 3rd week and I have a lot of points values memorized (string cheese, fruit, yogurt, bagels, etc) and, since I dont mind eating alot of the same stuff, it works pretty good. Also, in the recipes section of 3FC I've noticed that each one has the points values figured out for you so you could make those and not have to worry about figuring it out. There is a big selection of recipes too!

Jill--I have faith in you to get over the hump!

Maria--CONGRATS on all your NSVs!! You are doing GREAT!!

Teahoney--good for you for walking! Yeah, girl! SWEET!

Melinda--I've never heard of the Biggest Loser DVD. I know of the show but I dont know what the DVD is like. You'll have to let me know how it goes! I dont have any TV channels (nope, not even locals) so I'm never in the TV loop:) and if its advertised on TV I've probably never heard of it:^:

Kayley--Just think, by this time next week you will be in the 2s!! Yeah!! I am so proud of you! I dont remember the last time I've been under 300 lbs...:o

Nancy--Wow, I can NEVER turn down ice cream when I have points (or calories:)) to spare. If I know I can eat it (i.e. I have enough points for it) its GONE! Good for you!

Luan--Yep, I believe that bit of chocolate you ate is going to more beneficial than detrimental. Right?? :) You did good, as long as you're OP!!

Well, as for myself I feel like I've had some pretty cool NSVs lately, too:cool:. Saturday I knew there was going to be a lot of food at my bro's b-day party, and none of it healthy, either! I only ate a bagel and banana all day that day (the party was at 5!!) so when I got there I still had quite a few pts left for the day, plus my flex. I was pretty good--I had a cheese sandwich, 2 deviled eggs, like 5 potato chips (to go on my sandwich:)), like a tbsp of 7-layer dip and a few tortilla chips. Later I found myself wanting more so I loaded up on fresh veggies w/no dip. I had 1 small piece of cake and NO ice cream. I had a VERY small taste of my mom's ice cream but that was it (and man, was it good!). Then later I had a small (like 2"x2") piece of birthday cookie. I got home and counted it up and it was still like 23 points!

On top of that, I am forever resisting food at work. Our manager BAKES as her HOBBY so you can understand how much crap we have brought in ALL THE TIME. And its HOME BAKED crap too!! I've never had any of it, I am proud to say:D. Then we are always having food days and such. We had one last week and I brought quartered oranges. A lot of people ate them, too! I like to participate but I always just eat what I bring, unless somone else brings veggies. Its just too much temptation for me to say "I'll just have a little". In the words of Guns N Roses "I used to do a little but the little wouldnt do it so the little got more and more":devil:. So I dont have any of it.

I guess I am lucky in that most of my family is now or has been obese at one point and my friends and boyfriend share the same weight struggles. If I say "no" to something I dont ever have to hear "oh, c'mon a little bite wont hurt!" That's what this gut is made of, baby, lots of "little bites"!!

Oh, and one other. This is my 3rd week at Curves and I've excercised 7 times! I plan to go Thurs and Sat of this week as well, so I am keeping to the 3x/wk they suggest. I had planned to do 5x/wk but my sister pointed out that I probably need to work up to that. I have a benign heart arhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and w/me being overweight I dont want to push anything too far too fast.

Congrats to all on your scale and non-scale victories! I have faith in all of you! You are great!:dance:

Heather 03-14-2006 10:01 PM

Just a quickie...

Kayley -- AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! That's fantastic!!! You'll be in the twos in a hot second!

Maria Lucia -- Sounds like you have a handle on a lot of your demons!

You asked about NSVs. My NSV is kind of an odd one, as its related to the scale going up! Yep, I gained a pound this week, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but it doesn't bother me.

First, I had lost 8 pounds in the 3 previous weeks (a LOT for me), and had been sick and super hydrated the week before. I think it’s water weight. Second, I did everything right last week. Third, and this is the big one, I can't control the scale, only my behavior. My behavior was fine. As long as I am focused and in control, the WEIGHT WILL COME OFF. Finally, I am on no timetable. In fact, losing 70 pounds in 8 months is way ahead of where I thought I'd be now!

So, I gained a pound this week and have a peace of mind I never thought possible in that situation.

VioletSwerve 03-14-2006 10:08 PM

wyllen--Good for you! You did everything right and you know there were extenuating circumstances w/why you didnt lose weight. Good for you for being able to accept that. 70 lbs is a lot to lose so you know you are doing well!

Countess 03-14-2006 10:08 PM

I don't have a lot of time to post, I'm very tired tonight and I don't know why, I think its because the weather has changed and its been a lot warmer this week.

I hope EVERYONE is having a great week :hug:

Tasha - South Beach works wonderfully for me. If you head over to the South Beach section of 3fatchicks there is a forum just for South Beach and they have done a FANTASTIC job of outlining the program and addressing many FAQ's. They also have an awesome recipe collection. I don't count calories and I never feel deprived. If you have any specific questions, PM me if you want

I had a great, but very busy, work day today (and yesterday) but just very busy. I promise to make some time and post individual replies next time!!

honiangel 03-14-2006 10:56 PM

Just dropping in to say hi. Not much up here. Did an hour workout last night, but tonight I'm taking off and trying to get to bed early. Right after Sex and the City LOL. I just wanted to say hello and I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.

kirsikka-76 03-15-2006 02:07 AM

Good morning!

I just wokw up and I came here right away!!! Thank you for all the nice welcomes!:hug:

I have no time for personals this morning, we are going to our church there is a mother-son happening. My son is so exited that he woke up at 5:dizzy: I like going there too, because that is one of the places I can go without thinking "what are they thinking..." I know I'm accepted as i am. And there really isn't so many of those places!

Last evening was hard for me... My husband works nights and I'm bored home alone. I ate and ate and ate and then ate some. It was healthy food but I think i ate 5portions instead of one. I'm reading a book about co-dependency(book by Melody Beattie) and that has kicked my eating off the wagon. Those things in my life are so huge and I seem to handle them with eating. I'm glad I start therapy in 3weeks!!!

And now some coffee and out to that wonderfull spring weather!:sunny:

princesspuffypants 03-15-2006 03:07 AM

Violet - i love your attitude. "That's what this gut is made of, baby, lots of "little bites"!! is totally true!! im glad that your family is supportive of your decisions

wyllen - 1 lb, when you have lost 70, and were sick, i wouldnt even look twice at. im so proud of you for having that attitude. now another next week and we will have to have a stern talking to! lol

12 hours til weigh in. im looking forward to it. i think its gonna be a good one.

this week we are learning corrective makeup. so basically defining hilights and shadows. i know how to get rid of a double chin, at least cosmetically ... any takers? lol. you know... a lot of those skinny girls in magazines are made up way more than you would ever know, then air brushed and digitally enhanced so if you were to see them on the street you wouldnt even realize that it was the same model. whatever happened to truth in advertising?? lol

ok off to bed. maybe the gym but im TIRED...

night all

going to lose 200 03-15-2006 09:15 AM

hey everyone
sorry i have been outta touch. I spent all morning catching up on posts. I was 4 threads behind including this one *L* I am working nights now and no internet access when I am there so it is the few minutes I have during the day between shopping and cleaning and exercising.

Just want to say :welcome: to the newbies!

Kayley ~ you are SO close!!!! I bet you are SO excited!!!

Wyellnn ~ You have a wonderful attitude about the lb you gained! Good for you girl!!!

To everyone else who is losing, a big ole congrats!!!! and to those that aren't, stay strong. It WILL come off!

Sorry I have to cut this short but there's breakfast to be cooked and work to be done. The workers are coming this afternoon to fix my oil tank. YUCK!

Brenda :wave:

Lilion 03-15-2006 09:47 AM

Hi chicks!

I'll post more later, but wanted to do a quick stop-in!

kirsikka: :welcome: I'm sure you will find ton's of support here! Don't you worry about last night's set-back. At least it was healthy food instead of chocolate! And we always slip now and then...the trick is to never give up! :hug: We had an exchange student from Finland when I was in high school...She taught me to say "I love you." STILL all I know of the language! :)

Wyllenn: An excellent NSV! Not a thing wrong with a gain when you know what caused it. Again, the key is never give up, never surrender! You get a carrot for attitude! :carrot:

Violet: Food at work??? OH YES! In addition to folks bringing in stuff just for the heck of it...we have snack day on the 15th each month...yep, TODAY! :jeno: :chockiss: :corn: :cheese: :cookie: I, being morally superior to my colleagues,:angel: brought diet coke chocolate cake with ff, sf chocolate pudding and cool-whip free! There are at least two types of cheese dips, cookies, donuts, brownies and quiche (I LOVE quiche!) back in the break room! And today is WI...so while I'll probably have a fattening plate...it won't be until after I WI! I always lose at least 1/2 a pound between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.

Maria Lucia: Talk about NSV's! Wowsa! :carrot: :carrot: :carrot:

Tashabella: Like the hair! Funny, I've usually worn mine pretty short...but now I'm growing it! I'm not going to let it get too long...but I've decided I want it more "girly". I agree...of the plans I've heard of...WW core plan sounds the easiest. Of course, I use the point plan, and loosely at that...I just use it to monitor my intake...I don't really pay much attention to veggies and carbs and milk...etc. I've actually considered rejoining WW for just a week or two to get more information on the core plan.

Teahoney: I like the term "shero" - mind if I steal it? And if I didn't tell you yet...WTG on entering twoterville!

Okay, I said this was going to be fast!!! Now I really have to run! I'll be back with WI results later today! :crossed:

AmmiUK 03-15-2006 11:39 AM

Hello All,

How are we all doing today. I am ok, actually forced myself to exercise, but where those endorphins are I would like to know. The whole time I exercised I really didn't want to be doing it, and was watching the counter show how long I had left for most of the time. Still, it's done, so that's the main thing. If I can exercise at least 5 times this week, and stay OP with my food, then if I don't see a loss on the scales I am defo going to the docs to see what's up with me.

Kayley - wow you are sooooooo close to being under that 300 lbs, I bet you will be a bundle of nerves next time you weigh. I am sure it will show you in 'two town' and I can't wait to give you a big woohoo!!

Tasha - I am a BIG WW fan too. How you described the easy diet you want is just how WW is. I am not doing core, I am doing the points plan, which isn't like counting calories, and besides, once you have a good idea of what foods have what points you don't need to worry about working them out anymore. What I love about WW is that you really can eat what you want. So if you want a bar of chocolate, ok, it's going to use a lot of your points allowance, but then that's your choice. For now I prefer to use my points more wisely, but there will be a time when I will use them for treats like that. I would definitely recommend that you give it a go, and if you don't want to join classes you can buy the stuff you need from eBay or on the online shop on the WW site.

Crock - nope, I have been in such a rut I really don't want to leave the house, especially early in the morning which you have to do when you want to see a doctor. I will probably drag myself out of bed early enough to go on Monday because I will know my results on the scales then, also I need to ask a couple of questions as well as about the salt intake I should be having. In the mean time I am drinking plenty.

Christine - thank you for your concern, but don't worry, I am not letting those rotten scales beat me. Actually I was watching Celebrity Fit Club last night and one of the celebs was told he hadn't lost any weight BUT they worked out his fat percentage or some such thing and he had actually gained 5 lbs in muscle. So it's possible to gain as much as you should be losing. I hadn't exercised in about 4 years, so maybe in a month I did start developing muscle again. Who knows. But it's a nice thought.

I hope everybody is having a great day and for those that watched it, wasn't the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony in Melbourne brilliant? I really enjoyed it even though it meant not going back to sleep this morning lol.

Take care all, and bye for now,


Ammi :dizzy:

Lilion 03-15-2006 11:44 AM

Okay...finally gave up on the WI. I'm not going any lower. Mon I weighed 242. Tues I weighed 243. Today I weigh 244.4. It was 244.4 at 8 a.m. Then 244.8 at 9:30. Now it's back to 244.4. So I'm going with 244.4. BTW - I don't think I've gained 2 lbs...I think I've been eating a lot of sodium. Down is down...I'll take 1 lb! :D

CatherineM 03-15-2006 12:05 PM

Kayley-I remember doing my face up like Peter Criss for a concert. I think that was 1976. I guess that really dates me.

Tasha-Your hair looks great. I kind of wish I could cut mine short again. I’ve been letting it grow out for several reasons. Himself likes long hair, it is much colder here, and I’m trying to get in touch with my feminine side for the first time in decades. I had forgotten how bad hair looks while you are growing it out again. I went and got a swim cap so that when I can get my gym card to return to the pool, it won’t get in my way.

Violet-10 pounds in two weeks is great! I wish I could lose like that again.

ThisGirlsLosing-I’m not so sure that was a lie. If you have “trouble” eating a certain type of food, then you are allergic. My problem is that basically makes me “allergic” to everything except celery sticks. You showed a lot of restraint at your friend’s house. Why is it that we have gotten the idea that celebration has to include food?

Teahoney-I remember when I was able to walk 2 miles for the first time since getting out of the wheelchair. I was exhausted and invigorated at the same time. I was also quite sweaty since it was summer in Florida.

NotTheCheat-I can’t keep ice cream in the house. That is huge that you were able to postpone your treat, and then only eat half. It’s amazing, way to go!

Wyllenn-Getting comfortable with the scale is a big step. Learning to not make food the enemy or the scale, is a real high hurdle to get over.

Kirsikka-Welcome. I hope you find what you need here. Your English is much better than my Finnish. Congratulations on starting therapy soon. I have often said that a person doesn’t get this large by accident. I’m convinced that I have been successful this time because I have been willing to look at and deal with my “demons.”

Lillion-If you like quiche, try making a frittata. I use egg beaters or egg white, lots of veggies like spinach, onions, peppers, mushrooms, and a low fat feta cheese, pore it in a pie pan and throw it in the oven. You can even microwave it.

Lilion 03-15-2006 12:27 PM

Catherine: So good to read a post from you! I miss the dailys - but newly wed's have lots to do! ;) I actually had a fritata a couple of days ago - Sunday I think - for dinner. It was summer squash, broccoli, mushrooms and onions, some Italian seasonings and tomatoes with a bit of low-fat mozzarella cheese. We used regular eggs, but it still came out to 4 pts each! It was great! I can't wait for fresh spinich so I can make it that way!

I had my fattening plate from snack-day. I'm now done. It will be my lunch and I will have a very healthy dinner - likely a salad. I also have plenty of exercise planned for today.

As I'm generally not a binge-er, I can eat the fattening stuff now and then and not lose control. I thank my lucky stars for that daily! As used as my body is to low-fat it may go right thru me anyway.

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