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Old 03-05-2006, 11:23 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ And Ready To Try Again...#851


We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

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Old 03-05-2006, 11:34 PM   #2  
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Ammi - Hmmm...I'm surprised that your friend thought it wasn't a lot of seemed like he was singing about every 10, and it was quite a long movie...2 hours and 20 minutes. for your weigh in!!!!

Brenda - HAHAHA!!! Of course I'm going to comment on this one! I've noticed the same things...and also that I've gotten a lot more flexible, which makes for more...ummm...experimentation!

Today was a really nice day. Went and saw the movie, and we both liked it. We were probably the only people under 80 there! We went for Chinese after the movie, and I was good. It SNOWED for the first time in about a month...and we had a little snowball fight in the parking lot! lol...was fun. Tomorrow, I'm getting my tires, which will be so GOOD, since 3 of mine are completely bald! Andrew's lifting weights, and I just got out of the shower after a good 50 minute workout. Feeling so good lately.
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Old 03-06-2006, 02:07 AM   #3  
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Oooo, Garnet, I'm not done reading, but I felt I had to say something. First, I know how you feel about the missing scale. Every time I walk into another truckstop bathroom (usually the ladies room) I immediately look to see if they have a scale in there, and what brand it is. Of course if I see urinals I know I've REALLY messed up, turn red and run like heck. But in any case, if there's not a scale IN the ladies room, and usually of the brand I like, I wouldn't dream of weighing on a more public scale. There was a time when I wouldn't even weigh if there was another women in there, but at least those days have passed. That wasn't what I wanted to say. I wanted to say BRAVO on not letting your mom talk you out of working out to your OWN level! When someone else can't (or doesn't want to) do as much, they try to bring us down to their level, instead of raising us up. And it's so easy for us to use them as an excuse or validation for doing less. I'm SO proud of you for continuing to press on, not letting anyone slow you down! Wow. That goes in the Kick-Val's-butt inspiration catagory!

Julee, Fantastic that you got such a great wedding dress! And even more fantastic that you didn't let yourself "crumble" just cuz of a few slips! Have a great WI!!

ZedAus, While I was reading your post it occurred to me that perhaps you were doing what we all do - letting others define what we are and what we SHOULD be. You wanted so badly to reach a "healthy" weight, but you were defining it in terms that someone else had set. You are already healthy, it seems to me, especially given the great medical evaluations of blood work, BP, etc. It just seems to me that we've all let people tell us that we were unattractive, or this or that, and you've broken out of that not only by changing your lifestyle & losing so much weight, but by realizing that their definition of "healthy" wasn't the standard that you had to be held to. You are the only one that can decide where you are comfortable, healthy and happy. I really appreciate that you share this part of your journey with us. It's something that until we are there ourselves, we really can't imagine what it feels like. You let us see that it's not some magic solution, that there are still concerns even with the wonderful success, joy and good health. I hope I said that so that you understand what I mean. I'm so glad you're on the list!

Ammi, Salsasize sounds like fun. I'd like to try something like that someday. I'm so glad you're feeling better. I've sure had THOSE days, and I'd bet that we both will again sometime, but it's good to be able to come here, share, be heard, see the light and have some help getting going again. Isn't this a great bunch?

Tashabella, I've thought that it would be nice to join our local zoo so I could walk there anytime. There's often a reciprical admitance to other zoos, and that might be cool, too. Until I get off the road, I guess there's not much point for me, but it sounds like a great idea, well worth the $ for you. I hope you love it!! *** CONGRATS on the loss, and thanks for honoring the chickies!

Kayley **** You can touch your HEAD to your TOES?!?!?! Holy smokes! I thought I was flexible because standing, I can put my palms flat on the floor, but I can't even come CLOSE to sitting & getting my head anywhere near my feet. Too big a belly! FANTASTIC loss, BTW. I feel like such a deadbeat for losing so slowly & sporadically, but each in our own time I guess. I've said to others, it's not the speed, it's the direction of the journey, so I better take that advice myself. BRAVO to you!!! an inspiration!

Butterflyns - WOW! Ditto on what I said to Kayley - FANTASTIC loss!

Brenda, Better s*x? Define "easier." No, nevermind-please don't. Ugh, I try not to notice, or even encounter such things. Perhaps if I borrowed your husband??? Just kidding. Well, MOSTly just kidding. OK, TOTALLY just kidding. Perhaps if I was still Kayley's age....

Crock, I can SO relate to not retaining info for tests! I'm supposed to be studying for my masters, but it just isn't sticking. As a matter of fact, I should be studying right now... reading the same chapter for the 4th time, wondering what it all means...

I know I've missed many, but I cheer for your success & feel for your struggles.

I've gotten back with my exercise. Haven't made it to workout yet, but have gotten out and done a bunch of walking the last few days, and that's good. Have done fairly well with my eating as well, and tomorrow I think I'll take a WI that I hope to count enough to change my ticker. I just hate leaving it sit there in one spot so long, when I was so used to working hard enough to change it. It would be nice, anyway.

Last edited by NoLifeWithoutHorses; 03-06-2006 at 02:12 AM.
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Old 03-06-2006, 03:24 AM   #4  
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Default Remember why I only weigh once a month?

Hi All,

Do you remember my main reason for only weighing once a month? It was because I knew I would always see a loss, and never a gain. Well that theory was shot to the ground this morning. No I haven't gained, but I haven't even lost half a lb in a whole month. What's going on??? How can a person eat properly, and exercise nearly every day and end up losing nothing. Maybe I should change my WI to once a year, I might lose a lb then Not a happy camper.


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Old 03-06-2006, 04:16 AM   #5  
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Ouch! Ammi, I'm sorry that happened! Have you eaten anything high sodium lately? Popcorn? Any prepared food? Restaurant food will ALL do that to you. Can you give yourself perhaps 24-48 hours with plenty of water and give that scale one more chance to be reasonable? That should bring it down. Did you weigh around the same time of day. I find that regardless of what I've eaten or not, weight will go up as the day wears on. Also, whether I exercised the day before or not has a LOT to do with the scale. But even Lilion had a bad scale experience recently and found that a couple days drinking more water made a big difference, washing out the salt. That was you, Lilion, wasn't it?? And on "Biggest Loser" where they have amazing losses EVERY week, one week the guy who won it all in the end had a ZERO loss at one WI, and a double loss the next week of 26 pounds or something.

I just read on another thread that not only is the body made up of more than 60% water, that PUDDING actually contains huge amounts of sodium! So you see, it hides in the most amazing places!

Anyway, I'm so sorry Ammi. But I know you'll keep working on this and have a better reading next time! Hang in there!!

Last edited by NoLifeWithoutHorses; 03-06-2006 at 05:16 AM.
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Old 03-06-2006, 04:22 AM   #6  
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Smile Good Morning

Good Morning!
Ammi~ I am so sorry you didn't lose any but look on the good side you didn't gain. Don't give up maybe next month it will show big time maybe you are gaining muscle from exercising.You are doing great keep it up girl very proud of you.

Have a Good Monday everyone!
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Old 03-06-2006, 06:44 AM   #7  
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Kaley, wow you are REALLY flexible!!!!!
I weighed in today, lost 7lbs, feel really happy, so I lost the weight I gained on holiday plus lost another one!
Dogpal, the rash is under my skin, it looks like loads of little creatures had given me lovebites on my boobs, neck, tummy, legs and back, so there's no irritation, I just look vile! At least there's none on my face!!!
Ammi, I sent an email, you know you did right so the loss will show, even if it's next month, you might be down 10+ lbs.
Got to go & do hubby's lunch before work, sorry about not having time, but Julee, WOW on your dress size & getting your dress, CAN WE SEE SOME PHOTOS? or do we have to wait 'till after the big day?
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Old 03-06-2006, 07:29 AM   #8  
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Haven't had time to go back and catch up on the other threads yet, but I thought I'd pop in and say I'm still alive We spent the weekend at my sister's in Va Beach for her fiance's daughter's 6th birthday (I can't wait till they're married so I can finally just refer to her as my neice or my sister's step-daughter!). It was a blast--ate way too much, of course, but I reserve the weekend for my "high" days anyway, so I didn't do too badly. We did have Chinese food last night, though, so time to start pumping in the water!

Ammi--haha, the reason you only weigh once a month is the same reason I weigh EVERY day: normal fluctuations. See, the thing with only weighing once a month is that maybe you really have lost 5 pounds this month but are retaining water on that one day you decide to weigh yourself, so you don't actually see a loss. I have gone down by 5 pounds in a single day due to water retention, so I know it can happen I'm certainly not suggesting you turn into a scale-o-holic like me, but just try to keep in mind that the daily fluctuations that can drive some people crazy every day can still affect you once a month, ya know? But since you were probably retaining water or something on your weigh-in day this month, you'll probably just have an even bigger loss next month when it catches up to you

On the topic of flexibility (and I have a feeling that when I go back and read the previous thread, it will be linked to a certain other topic *ahem*), I have always been extremely flexible. I remember in high school when we had to do the state physical testing in gym class, and I always got the best score on the "sit n' reach" test. I also remember friends who were on the cross country and track teams who couldn't even bend over far enough to touch their toes--they could run a mile in under 7 minutes, but ask them to pick something up off the floor, and they were struggling! I, on the other hand, could always touch the floor flat-palmed. I think I'm sort of "double jointed" though because I can also actually bend my thumb all the way back and touch it to my arm. Arthritis, here I come...
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Old 03-06-2006, 08:43 AM   #9  
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I'm sorry, Ammi. I know how much it sucks not to see a loss when you are doing everything right. I bet it'll catch up next time. Maybe you should waive your once a month weigh-in just this one time and see what your weight is next week. You might find you're a lot happier with the results in a week.


"While I was reading your post it occurred to me that perhaps you were doing what we all do - letting others define what we are and what we SHOULD be." Don't we all! I was awake at like 1:30 this morning thinking about how I let other people be the reason I lost weight last time (about 80 pounds). I put it all back on and I think I was expecting some magic results like everything would be all better after I lost the weight. I did it for everyone else and they didn't care and my life didn't change as a result.

This time it is for me, for my health. That's a good, solid, lasting reason.

Now if I could just get myself as motivated as I was when I was doing it for other people, I'd be a lot better off. Somehow, we don't care as much about what we think as we do what others think.
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Old 03-06-2006, 08:57 AM   #10  
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Ammi -- I'm sorry you didn't see a loss this month, but we all know the scale is just EVIL anyway! You don't let that scale set you on a bad path! No no!!

Weight loss happens when it does, it's an "over time" dealio. A couple of months ago I was doing everything right and over the course of 3 or 4 weeks only lost 2-3 pounds. The past 3 weeks I have done those same things right and lost something like 8 pounds! I don't feel I "earned" my 3 pound weight loss this week (I only worked out once!), but then again, when I worked out 5 times a week and ate right and lost nothing, I felt gypped.

You just keep doing those things right and the scale will move, but more importantly, other NSVs will come with it. Maybe you could start looking at other measures of how you're doing? What about measurements? Your clothing? What you are able to do? Or focus on those minutes exercised! Or number of days on plan. Find something to focus on in addition to the scale!!! Because it IS evil!
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Old 03-06-2006, 10:14 AM   #11  
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Ammi~~ Try drinking A LOT of water today, and see if it is water retention like Jill said,, I bet it is... Or perhaps Measure your self,, You have been doing a lot of work outs right? this could be Muscle gain as well... See if you have lost any inches..

As for me on the other hand, I had my Monday WI and I am down another 2 lbs... And today is Exactly One Month of My Change for a talley of 20lbs..... whoooohoooo....So I added a bannana for every20 lbs I lose....

NoLifewithouhorses~~ I dont know exactly how I will do on my tests.. But these are two days I dont even want to go to school, I am so ready to be back in the Work Force,, This School thing is way to stressfull, And I am paying to feel this way,,, what the heck is that about...???????????????

Take Care All............
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Old 03-06-2006, 10:49 AM   #12  
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Hello Chickies!

Well it was a bad, bad weekend for food and exercise and I've not even had time to post! Saturday wasn't too bad with food, but I only got in 7 minutes on the eliptical. (the last 1 was at a crawl) Sunday we worked at a college ball game consession stand...chips and fries and chicken strips galore then we went out for Thai food and homemade ice cream!!! I haven't gotten around to totalling the points yet...but I'm sure it wasn't good. I never exercised at all, unless you count the four or five hours on my feet at the register. Today the scale is up 3 lbs...I'm hoping megadoses of water will fix that by Wednesday WI.

Julee: Yahoo on the wedding dress! Can you describe it if you aren't going to post a photo? We are all dying to see it!!!

Zelma: I'm glad you've relaxed a bit about those last 10 or so lbs. Not that making the goal isn't important, but just not as important as enjoying how far you've come and being happy now! I bet you will make that goal in's just not so urgent now!

Kaylee: I used to be that flexible...and in fact am still very flexible, but not quite that flexible! My poor DH can't touch his toes to save his life! I could put my hands flat at my fattest though and now come close to the head to feet thing. Think I have some work to do to get there!

Brenda: Yes, YES, YES! One of the BEST benefits of losing weight in my opinion! Stamina alone is worth every donut I don't eat, not to mention that things just fit better, if you know what I mean! (nudge, nudge, wink, wink! Say no more!) We've been married nearly six years and don't find the time like we did in the beginning...but when we do!

Ammi: I feel your WI pain! It's terrible to do everything right and not show a loss. I'm a scale junkie and it depresses me too! You know I've been struggling with the plateau the last few weeks...I was hoping to have broken it with the last WI but it's possible that I'll be back there at WI this week. I know that there was a period of several weeks when I just bounced back and forth over the same few lbs and may still be doing that...we'll just have to see. Please don't be discouraged. Whether the scale moves or not, you are getting healthier by the changes you make!

Congratulations to all those showing losses! Be proud and keep up the good work! Time for me to fly!
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Old 03-06-2006, 10:56 AM   #13  
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Hi everyone, long time, no post i have been lurking, but not posting. Glad to see everyone is doing so well.
I have had a very busy past few months, took a trip to Morooco, still doing well with food and excersise. Congratulations to all the losers, and Catherine, congratulations on your wedding, you looked beautiful
I hope to post more, reading your posts everyday gives me the motivation and strength to continue this "fight". maybe i can even figure out how to put my picture on here.
Have a great day, ladies!
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Old 03-06-2006, 12:25 PM   #14  
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got 30 mins to shower & check out so I'll just say GOOD TO SEE YOU KYM! Wow, Morocco! Please tell us about that!!!

I'm going Curves hunting today.... {{{hugs}}} to you all - Now let's go win the health war!
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Old 03-06-2006, 12:33 PM   #15  
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If you wiuld like to see the can go to the David's Bridal website. It is style #9T8076 in ivory. I tried on about 6 dresses...this one was on my original list but it was not the one I thought I was going to get.

What was also interesting was the long line regular bra size is 38 C/ she brought me a 38 C...I could not get it around me. So we went up to a 42 D....fell off. In the end I was in a 40B....I've never been a B cup. They fit really funny.

The dress is an 18W...but they also run strangely. Yes, it was snug...but if I am still losing then I know that buying it in this size was right..and they can alter it down 3 sizes. I will have my fitting in late October...and they will base it on what I am looking like then. I didn't by the petticoat or the bra.... because I'm going to wait and see what sizes I need then.

What was amazing...was the price. I got the dress, tiara. veil, blusher veil and dress bag for $600.

I also had a 2nd appointment with a florist and I am going to look at centerpiece samples ina few weeks.

In the end the weekend was not great foodwise but also not a total failure. My actual meals were all was the inbetween that was less than great. I did get all my water in every day though. At one point in the dress shop I had to sit down because I got a little light headed from being squeezed into the I drank more water then and I was fine.

So now everyone is gone...I was sad to see them go...and the emotion of it all hit me last night...hard. Time to recommit...time to exercise and time for me to get off my tush and get showered and dressed for work. I was up this morning at 5:20 so I could pick up my stepmom at the hotel and get her to the airport shuttle. I got back home at 6:30 and cralwed back into bed with Jason for a few minutes. I had him call me at 8:30 to wake me up...but I am beyond sluggish...when I have to wake up super early I do not sleep well for fear that I am going to oversleep.

Oh...and about the s-e-x- thing... Yes. I have noticed. It was a very interesting transiton.

Happy Monday...ugh more rain...bleah.
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