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Old 12-01-2005, 10:53 AM   #1  
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Default 300+ And Ready To Try Again...#790


We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

Motivational Monday
Tuesday Tips
Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
Thankful Thursday
FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


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Old 12-01-2005, 11:05 AM   #2  
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Good Morning Chickies,

Thank you everyone for your well wishes and support about Loosing my brother. At one time he and I were extemely close. When I was 5 years old and he was 17, he got into drugs and ran away from home. I didn't see him again until I was 17 years old. All of those years I would fantasize about him coming to rescue our family from some things that were going on so I had a grand picture of him in my head. When I finally was able to see him again at age 17 it was not a great time. I pray that he is at peace now and all of your kind words were very lovely.

Christineu: So sorry that your appointment was cancelled. I hate it when companies "forget" to let you know. Had you been the one to cancel on your doctor's appointment without letting them know, they would have charged you. I hope all of your test come out good when you finally do get the appointment.

Valerie: Your tree story made me laugh. Please be safe out on the road!

Juleecee: How romantic your Jason is! I'm sure that your 3.2 will go away just as quickly as it came on.

Adasiyan: Back. so sorry to hear about you loosing your pets and your depression. Hang in there.

Sharon: big hug to you. Try not to worry. Let us know your results. I will be praying for you.

Tashabella: Back. You can do it! Yea about your -2! You go girl.

Mazarin: Have a great time in Sweeden.

Lori: I'm glad that Dan's services were so fitting for such a wonderful man. I am sorry that you are in pain and not feeling well. I had quite a few bladder infections when I first got married and they are so awful. Hang in there sweetie.

Wyllenn: Congrats on meeting your first Goal!

Jillybean: Congrats on being back to under 274! Only a straight down hill path from now on!

Dolphingirl: Congrats on being under 280! Something to definately smile about.

Lilion: Thank you so much for your sweet and kind words. Glad to see you pop in here once in a while.

Softycins: Hang in there. We are all here to support you. You can do it. Sometimes our bodies have to just catch up with where our minds think we should be.

Everyone have a blessed day,
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Old 12-01-2005, 12:20 PM   #3  
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Wow - this is going to take a while to get used to. LOL!
First off, I would like to say thank you to those of you
who gave me encouragement. I really appreciate all of your
help. I will hold on and wait for the pounds to come off.

I'm so glad to have joined this group!
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Old 12-01-2005, 12:56 PM   #4  
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Softykins, what a sweet nickname!
I lost 3 1/2 lbs today, got a slimmer of the week sticker and the fruit (everyone brings some in and the person who has lost the most weight, without a gain the previous week gets it)I knew all that exrcise would pay off.
Dogpal I forgot to send my condolences to you, there's nothing I can say that could make it better, except that his emotional and physical pain is now over. I hope and pray that there is soon a cure for this evil disease.
Ammi if I don't catch u tonight I will be online 8.30-9, 12-1.30 and 4-6.30pm.
I hope that everyone keeps safe and healthy, you are a special bunch of people.

best wishes,
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Old 12-01-2005, 01:05 PM   #5  
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Thanks Sharon! That's my boyfriends nickname
for me because I have soft skin. But it's also a
curse having sensitive skin!! lol
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Old 12-01-2005, 02:24 PM   #6  
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Talking Hi

Thanks, Dogpal. It's good to be back. Good to see you here too!

I exercised twice this week (this is a miracle for me lately). And it was much easier when I did it yesterday. Apparently I gained some kind of benefit or it wouldn't have gotten easier. Unfortunately, today I feel like crap -- like I'm coming down with something. Oh well, I'll cross my fingers and hope it's nothing. I won't let it make me eat badly though.

I am going to be on vacation next week so it is going to be really hard to be good. We're not going anywhere, just off work. I told my husband that he can do whatever he wants, but I'm not eating anything bad. I'm sure we will be going out to eat so I told him it HAS TO BE HEALTHY!!! I refuse to gain weight on vacation! Hopefully I can make sure we get out and do some window shopping and looking at the holiday decorations (lots and lots of walking). We can both use the exercise! Wish me luck with it. Vacation is hard because you just want to be lazy. (But I don't want to be this heavy anymore either so that's good motivation.) It'll be so nice to get away from work too (and away from the stress).

I just wanted to say hello. Welcome to the newbies too. Softykins, you have beautiful hair (the color).

I'll be back again soon.
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Old 12-01-2005, 03:50 PM   #7  
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Saharon Two Dancing Carrotts to you sweetie! Congrats on -3.5. Good for you to earn all of the fruit too!

Tashabella: have a great vacation. Maybe workout 3 times and then you will feel productive too.

Blessings all,
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Old 12-01-2005, 05:14 PM   #8  
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Whoops, I forgot to say congrats Sharon - that's awesome!!

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Kristy. I am
almost 28 years old in 4 days. I live in Canada (Winnipeg,
Manitoba) and I am engaged to be married on May 12, 2007.
I am a Library Technician (but I'm out of work right now).

I started at 316 pounds and my goal (for now) is 200 lbs.
I would love to fit into a beautiful wedding gown. I also
want to finally lose it because my joints are really starting
to hurt. I can't wait to get to know you all.
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Old 12-01-2005, 05:43 PM   #9  
I'm bringin' SEXY back!!!
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I'm starting to get a bit down. The scale doesn't seem to be doing much budging even though I have been exercising and doing all the right things. Okay, I messed up on Sunday but that was it and the mess up was after I weighed myself and was only down half a pound. I've dieted so many times before and usually see quicker results, at least in the beginning, so it is kind of discouraging to be losing slower. I've lost 8 pounds in the past three weeks or so but usually I lose 8 pounds in the first week (even if it is just water weight, it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something). Anyway, hope I get out of the blues soon.
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Old 12-01-2005, 06:01 PM   #10  
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Kristy!! I haven't posted in a few days but wanted to let you know that we are glad to have you. How have an upcoming wedding. Just know that we are here for you in your weight loss journey....That wedding gown can be a great motivator.

Teahoney--Don't get frustrated....I am sure you will see a loss the next time you weigh. All you can do is take one day at a time. I had a week where I didn't lose any but then the next week I lost.

Dogpal--Did you find anything out about your dog??

Well tomorrow is the big weigh in day and I will be sure to let you all know. I have been doing good this week and even done more exercising this week. Hope all is well with you girls.

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Old 12-01-2005, 07:04 PM   #11  
742,000 calories burned
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I’ve had a head cold the last two days. When I don’t feel good, I don’t want to sew for fear the seams will be crocked, and I’m absolutely not going near my immigration paperwork. I did busy work instead, going through the closet, and photos and stuff. I’ve got to buy some boxes so I can start shipping stuff across the border. It takes a certain kind for the cheapest rate. At least I’m making some progress. I’ve got to have everything done in 41 days. I’m not freaking out, I’m not freaking out.

Softykins & teahoney-I went 5 months one time without losing a pound. I was meeting my diet and exercise goals. I didn’t cheat once, and it drove me nutty. I finally had to increase my calorie intake to break the plateau. It was soul-killing. To this day, I’m convinced that I was able to stick to the diet in spite of the plateau just because it made me miserable. At the time, I was still very much in a self-hating place, so sticking to something that made me miserable was easy seemingly. Try a different exercise. Not necessarily more exercise, just something different. I also try a new type of food when I hit a plateau, like Thai or Ethiopian. It teaches me something new, and I think it confuses my body enough to allow my metabolism to kick a little bit. Hang in there, it will pass. You can only fail if you give up.

Dolfingirl-I have the pattern ready to go, but came down with a head cold. It actually kept me out of the pool yesterday. I’m apposed to swimming when I can’t breath good. Drowning isn’t one of my New Year’s resolutions. I’m feeling better already, and will go tomorrow. Since I’ve been eating better, my immune system is like on steroids. Last year everyone in our building came down with the flu about the same time, except my roommate and I. I’ve never made so much chicken soup in my life. We were nursing the whole building, which is mostly college age guys, and never got sick.

Tasha-When I go out of town, I look up vegetarian restaurants, or health food stores with take-out delis. That makes it a lot easier to find decent stuff. I just have to remember to watch how they fix things.
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Old 12-01-2005, 07:18 PM   #12  
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Hello All,

I am late coming onto the site today, so I have a few posts to reply too. So let's get straight to it

Lori - I am glad to hear that the funeral went well. Military funerals are so emotional, they always bring me to tears. I am glad Deb held up ok though, and it's wonderful that so many people attended.

I am really sorry that you have a UTI, they really are the pits. I hope the medication you have got is working quickly and that you are feeling much better now.

Jill - excellent news on your weigh in and getting over the holiday weekend, it's great to be back on track I bet. I haven't been back on track since I got my cold, I just haven't got the get up and go to actually get up and go lol. I did exercise once, but I was so awful afterwards, coughing my lungs up. I am giving it a miss now until I am totally better. So I won't be doing the December exercise challenge. I will have to enjoy the January one.

Tashabelle - that was no Christmas miracle, you worked hard to lose that 2 lbs and you should take full credit for it well done you!

You sound so motivated and I am sure you will manage to make it through your vacation time without giving in to temptation. Good for you for being so determined.

How are you feeling now, I hope you don't end up coming down with a cold or flu, it really does hinder how well a diet and exercising goes. Fingers crossed you will be ok.

Vicki - well done on starting in a new decade with your weight. The 280s are gone forever

Ah I see, you haven't been on MSN, that's a good reason I haven't seen you on there

Thanks for the encouragement to exercise, and for saying you will only give me a boot in the butt with soft slippers and not hard shoes As I told Jill though, I am not going to even try to exercise until I shift this cough and cold. It is hard enough to exercise when I am well, but doing it when I am unwell it's just a nightmare and I feel so rotten afterwards.

Woohoo, you can post in colour! I didn't realise you didn't know how, you should have asked, I would have told you. Nothing like prettying up a post is there

That is so brilliant that you might be making the basement into a proper work out station. It will be so great for you and your BF and of course your relatives to be able to work out together. Wish I lived near so I could come calling too

Lilion - no matter how many newbies are here, I hope you will always pop in and post time to time. Your posts are always such a pleasure to read so please don't run off

Kristy - hello and Please try not to worry about not losing in two weeks. It's amazing how much the body fluctuates in weight and I am sure that soon when you weigh you will see the lbs have come off. Just remind yourself that even if the scales aren't being nice, if you are sticking to plan then the weight must be coming off even it it only shows in how your clothes fit etc. Keep your chin up, you are doing brilliantly and well done on drinking all that water

May 12 2007 is your wedding huh? Well I am sure you will be your ideal weight by then and that you will have your dream wedding dress, look gorgeous in it, and will have a dream wedding too. It is certainly a wonderful incentive to stick to your diet.

Julee - well you had a gain, but it wasn't a surprise, and on the whole you still had that .8 net loss in two weeks, so you have still had a loss, so well done you

I am so glad you have your engagement ring now, and it's so wonderful hearing you so in love with your Fiance and that beautiful ring

Dogpal - I am sure your brother is in a better place now and in peace.

Sharon (voodoo) - that is so fantastic, SLIMMER OF THE WEEK and losing 3.5 lbs. You should be so proud of yourself. I am really happy for you, all that exercise sure is paying off!!

Teahoney - how are you feeling today? I am sorry you were feeling a bit down about the weight not coming off quick enough for you. What you have to keep in mind is that the slower it comes off the longer it will stay off. That's what I have been told, and it helps me to keep on track on days when I weigh and haven't lost anything. It took us all a long time to get to the sizes we are, so it's bound to take a good amount of time to lose it too. We will all get there in the end though!

Andrea - good luck with your weigh in tomorrow! I am sure you will see a good loss on the scales, you have earned it.

Well I better make a move now, time to snuggle under the covers and get warm. It's freezing tonight. Take care all,


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Old 12-01-2005, 07:22 PM   #13  
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Catherine - so sorry to hear you have a cold, it really does seem to be going around. I hope yours goes much quicker than mine, I am still smothering! You have so much you need to be doing so I hope you get better really fast

Wow that must have been so depressing not seeing a loss on the scales for 5 months when you were dieting well and exercising etc. Well done on not giving up, I am sure I would have. But not any more, I am taking you as my inspiration and when I hit a plateau I am going to remember your very true words "you can only fail if you give up".

Feel better soon,


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Old 12-01-2005, 07:57 PM   #14  
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Hiya Ammi! Nice to meet ya, chickadee!
Thank you for your words of wisdom. I will keep
at it and hope for the best. I will definitely keep
you posted!
I'll also keep you all updated on my wedding plans!
Should be fun!!

Originally Posted by AmmiUK

Kristy - hello and Please try not to worry about not losing in two weeks. It's amazing how much the body fluctuates in weight and I am sure that soon when you weigh you will see the lbs have come off. Just remind yourself that even if the scales aren't being nice, if you are sticking to plan then the weight must be coming off even it it only shows in how your clothes fit etc. Keep your chin up, you are doing brilliantly and well done on drinking all that water

May 12 2007 is your wedding huh? Well I am sure you will be your ideal weight by then and that you will have your dream wedding dress, look gorgeous in it, and will have a dream wedding too. It is certainly a wonderful incentive to stick to your diet.
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Old 12-01-2005, 08:40 PM   #15  
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ok, so im a bad person, and i deserve all the butt kicking you guys give me

i have only been to the gym once and its killing me... literally. i have been working in nevada (i live in CA) and working 12+ hour days makes it really hard to eat right and go to the gym. i didnt have the chance to even buy stuff to make my own lunches. it sucks and im paying for it now.

how are things arround here?
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