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brandnewme 11-26-2005 09:11 PM

Dogpal, the way I started out walking again was to start by walking 10 minutes a day. When I was comfortable with that, I increased it to 10 minutes, twice a day. Again, once I was comfortable, I increased it to 15 minutes once a day and 10 minutes once a day. I kept increasing as I was able to, and then I stopped walking twice a day and started walking 30 minutes at a time. The biggest thing is to ONLY do what you're comfortable doing right now. If it's five minutes, great. If it's ten, even better. The point is, as long as you're moving, you're moving in the right direction!

dogpal 11-27-2005 06:00 PM

Thanks Brandnewme. I have been thinking about it. I am still not sure what I should put for a Dec. Goal. I'm thinking that I won't start until December because I have a stupid sore throat and cold right now.


NoLifeWithoutHorses 11-27-2005 10:50 PM

Hi Exer-Ladies!

I hope everyone knows they can have any exercise goal they want, and swimming is a GREAT one! It doesn't have to be walking just cuz that's what we started talking about. Just nobady hurt themselves, o.k.? Motion is good, challenging one's self is good, but pain - NOT good! The RS tapes sound like a great idea.

I'm focusing on walking because once I'm back on the truck, being able to go to Curves or anything else will be a TREAT! :T (Did I just refer to the opportunity to huff, pant & sweat as a "treat"??? :dizzy: I may be losing it... but then that's the idea:D )

I think I'll start logging other exercise on 12/1, in addition to my walking, and just see how much I can get in there. If I have to keep looking at the numbers, I'll be inspired to make them grow!

mboeh3281 11-28-2005 05:41 AM

Got a question
Hey everyone I have a question. I still want to make sure I get in all my exercises for the month, but I just found out that I am pregnant. Other than walking, what other exercises are there? Thanks

voodoo1 11-28-2005 08:15 AM

MBOEH, when I was pregnant I bought a special exercise tape for pregnant women, I was pretty unfit before, but by the time I had my son I was feeling pretty healthy! ;) Swimming is good, in the UK they have AQUANATAL, swimming/exercise classes for pregnant women, ask your dr. there should be something similar for you to go to, or your dr. could tell you the best things to do to get fitter whilst pregnant.:goodluck:

hope you get on ok,

Heather 11-28-2005 09:37 AM

Hi everyone -- Just checking in and wow! This grew pretty big!! If you would like, keep the goals coming, and if I can I will post our goals just before 12/1. those of you who are just starting, these last few days of november could be a great time to get a feel for where you want to set your goal... can you do 15 min, for instance!? And to repeat what Valerie said, it can be ANY exercise you want. And we're just going for minutes here, nothing more.

Finally, we aren't competing against each other -- some of us do more than others and that's fine. If you're competing at all, it's against yourself and your lazy tendencies, or whatever you want to call it...

In the meantime, I walked 46 min, 2.26 miles last night. Not as fast as I have, but longer time and distance wise than I have before. I am only 20 min from my November goal!

And, AND! I made my mini-goal weight!!!!!!! I'll be posting more about that later, but I have to run!!

Good luck!!!

AmmiUK 11-28-2005 10:50 AM

Well I did it. Not my Richard Simmons DVD coz the DVD player isn't working. So I did one mile of my Walk Away the Pounds video, and that lasted 11 minute. It nearly killed me, but I did it. So that's day one down, now 4 more to go lol.


Ammi :grouphug:

Jen415 11-28-2005 11:07 AM

Just saw this--would love some accountability!

I will walk for 30 minutes a day 3 x a week minimum = 90 minutes per week x 4 weeks = 360 minutes.:tread:

amylizmc 11-28-2005 11:25 AM

Hey everybody,

Thought I'd jump in here before December. Lately I've all but stopped going to the gym or for walks, but I'm ready to go again. My goal is at least 30 minutes 6 days a week. I'm not sure what I'll do because I usually don't know what I feel like doing until I get to the gym...but I'll either go there or to the park for a walk.

Anyhow, I'll set my minutes goal at 780 for the month.

AndreaS30 11-28-2005 01:50 PM

Ok....I know I need to get back on track with my exercise so I am committing myself to atleast 3 days of walking 30 minutes each time...even if it's cold. I will also do my exercise ball 2-3 times a week and do the elliptical 2 days a week. So all in all that will be 175 minutes a week. So for the month my goal is 700 minutes.

I need accountability....I am glad you started this thread. :) We can do it girls!!


christineu 11-28-2005 02:13 PM

I'm just getting back in the swing of things, so all I can commit to is exercising 3 times a week. At this point, I don't care if its only 5 minutes- I have to start somewhere.

For those of you who belong to Curves- can you tell me a little about it? I've seen them and I've read a little about them, but it would be nice to hear if the exercises are doable at our size. Plus, are there a lot of knee intesive stuff? Are they able to modify things if you can't do something?

NoLifeWithoutHorses 11-28-2005 03:52 PM

You asked for it - my CURVES review.
Christine - I joined curves exactly a month ago and I LOVE it. The machines work on hydrolics, so the harder you push against them, the harder they are to move. Likewise, if you're just starting out you take it easier and they move easier, so each person gets an appropriate amount of stress/work depending on their own fitness.

There are a couple machines that do work your knees. There should always be someone there to help you, so talk to them. They were very concerned about my knees, and didn't want me to overdo it or hurt myself. You can skip the machines altogether if they aren't comfortable for you or just work on them gently and gradually.

In between each machine there is a "rest station" but you're still doing some jogging or dancing or whatever to keep your heart rate up, without stressing muscles constantly. I LOVE those stations, because they're cushioned top & bottom to absorb stress and PREVENT high impact to the knees & other joints. Many ladies just do a toe tapping little dance on them, while some people really jog hard.

They also stress the importance of stretching after you workout. It increases the flow of oxygen to the muscles and helps burn calories and build the muscle much better.

We have ladies ranging in age from their teens to their 80's. One lady told me she comes to relieve her arthritis. When she started she couldn't lift her arms above her head, but you should have seen her that day!!! One of the employees is even over 60 or 65. We have a few skinny-minies, but they're really nice, and I'm certainly not the only heavy-weight there!

I believe there's even a nationwide special going on now that allows you to join now and have the first month free or something like that. Call your local Curves and ask about the current promo. I also went straight for the one year membership, but I think they might have shorter term, month to month deals.

There are a number of ways to see your success. They not only take your weight, but BMI and measurements, so you can see that you're making progress even when the scale may not be your best friend. Knowing I lost 5.75 inches helps boost my attitude as well as losing the weight.

Not all Curves do it, but mine gives "Curves Bucks" for lots of different things like wearing your Curves shirt, losing pounds and inches, working out on Thursday or Friday, working out 3x in a week, or even rolling the big fuzzy dice they have. We never leave without "Money." Periodically they auction off T-shirts and things that you can buy only with "Curves Bucks." It's just a fun way to get stuff.

I really can't say enough nice things about it. I LOVE going!

dogpal 11-28-2005 06:53 PM

I just called and made an appointment to talk to Curves about joining on Wednesday morning. I am going to set a goal for myself of: 400 minutes for December of exercising. I'm not sure if that will be just walking on the treadmill or if it will be Curves too.


teahoney 11-28-2005 07:06 PM

well, I've been doing pretty good with my exercise. I exercise 6 days a week for 30 minutes to an hour. So for December my goal is to push myself a little more. I have to stop quite a few times during my workout so my goal is that when it starts to feel uncomfortable to push myself a couple more reps.

NoLifeWithoutHorses 11-28-2005 07:49 PM

Wyllenn - WAY TO GO! :cb: :cb: :cheer: :cb: :cb: on making that mini-goal ahead of schedule. You're doing fantastic!!! You're really going to top that November exer-goal, TOO!!!

Dogpal, Christine, Teahoney, Everyone - GOOD for all of us, pushing it up a notch and being committed to healthier selves! That first step is the hardest to take I think. Sometimes the worst part of doing my treadmill has been to walk into the same room with it and turn it on. But whether you're taking a first step or cranking up your activity by another notch, well - :bravo:

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