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CatherineM 10-29-2005 07:17 PM

AmmiAmmi-Most Americans think of Canada as being just a part of our country, but the Canadian government still thinks that they are quite separate. I’m kidding with you. It is actually easier for a co-habitating gay couple to immigrate to Canada than a fiancé of a Canadian citizen. I have to wait about 6 months after we get married for the paperwork to get approved for my immigration. I have to stay here until then because I have to have my immigration status in order to sign-up for the insurance, and I can’t be without insurance.

Wyllenn-thanks for the welcome back. I am trying to reacclimatize myself.

Andrea-The moving part is going to be hard. I’m having trouble just making it through the day without him. His phone bill is going to be huge, so I guess he’s having trouble too.

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. I am just overwhelmed with emotion. Now that I am no longer stunting my emotions with food, I am on a wild ride. I loved Edmonton and its people. I’d move tomorrow it I could. He’s going to come down for Christmas while my roommate is out of town. I hope to have all my affairs in order by then so that I can gently let her know to start making other plans. I’m grateful that I was able to mostly maintain OP while up north of the border. I’m going to ease in slowly to my old routine. In addition to the physical demands of the trip, I’ve got some culture shock going on. I’m going to start posting tips and info this week to get back into the swing of things, so stay tuned.

NoLifeWithoutHorses 10-29-2005 07:26 PM

Lori - You Did IT!
YESSS!!! :bravo: A BIG, MAJOR, YA-YA-YAHOO! Ms Lori!!! A landmark close to many hearts, I'm sure!
:dance: :carrot: :dance: :woo: :dance: :hyper: :dance: :dancer: :dance:

.......me2me2me2me2 :tantrum:

Heather 10-29-2005 07:51 PM

Lori -- Fantastic news! All your hard work is paying off!!!! :carrot:
Keep going strong!!

Valerie -- It is a pain to enter everything in nutridiary, on the one hand... but I really do like all the info I get from it. PLus, it sort of becomes a recipe repository if you cook and create "meals" as you go along. My fitday experience only lasted less than a day -- nutridiary is back!!

Catherine -- Before I got engaged I moved 300 miles away from my sweetie. Then, I spent 4 months last fall in Asia, mostly apart from my husband, so I understand what you're going through. Then again, new loves seem to miss each other more than old marrieds do... but it is still difficult. You might want to check into some of those newer digital technologies -- makes international calling cheaper!

Well, I gotta go finish up my chicken stock. Chicken veggie soup tomorrow!

AndreaS30 10-29-2005 08:11 PM

Lori-- Congrats on being under 300!! :carrot: :carrot: I am sure you are sooooo excited. That is my next mini goal to get to 300 and I can't wait. Congrats and keep it up girl!!!!! :carrot: :carrot:

AmmiUK 10-29-2005 08:11 PM

Hello All,

Here I am back again, it's gone midnight and I am fighting a case of the munchies. I have some points spare, but I normally like to bank some daily. So if I can keep busy here it might help me to keep from using them :)

Lori - That is absolutely fantastic, you have reached Two Town :cheer: :bravo: :carrot: :cheers: I am so very happy for you. You have worked so hard and deserve every lb you have lost!!

A quick word about the medicated talc. I asked my doctor if it would be a good idea to use it in my 'folds', not only because of my wound, but because the whole area gets really sore sometimes. He told me definitely NOT, he said that where the powder soaks up the moisture it becomes like gravel and that then rubs against the skin which will make it sore. To be honest I have used medicated talc in the past, and I LOVE scraping away at that 'gravel' lol. So I don't know if I will give it a miss for a while to see if things improve or not. It definitely makes me feel fresher if nothing else!

Wyllen - you always say things just right. You said this if for life, and life needs some pizza and that is so true. We should all allow ourselves treats occasionally, life would be too dull without them.

Andrea - I am not sure how safe it will be for me to go to the Pizza Hut, :lol: Normally I would have garlic bread with cheese, a share of a huge Pepperoni Supreme pizza, then a yummy dessert. I am going to try to have just a small pizza with cheese and perhaps red onion on it, and no dessert because I will be having birthday cake the next day. That's the plan, if I can stick to it is another thing. I mean it IS supposed to be a day off the diet so I shouldn't think too hard about it all :lol:

I hope your graduation is wonderful and that you enjoy the celebrations in the Red Lobster afterwards :)

Dogpal - welcome back and well done on the 5 lbs lost :cheer: 5 lbs in a month is brilliant, I only lost 3 lbs last month. I started off being disappointed but with everybody's support here I realised that 3 is still good, especially when you think how heavy that is by picking up that weight in sugar or potatoes etc. 5 lbs is brilliant!!

Sorry to hear that you have been having such problems with selling your house, let's just hope and keep our fingers crossed that it will all go smoothly from here on.

Brilliant news on actually going walking for the first time in 10 years :) :bravo: :cheer: That is such an achievement and you should be so proud of yourself.

Valerie - fireworks night is 5 November because it's when a plot to blow up parliament was thwarted. The man that they thought was the head of the plot they burnt him to death. So the actual night is called Guy Fawkes night, and the way it was celebrated long long ago was that people made figures out of old clothes and straw, or other stuffing, and they built huge bonfires and threw the 'Guy' on it. When fireworks became a way of showing celebration the UK they decided to add that to the celebrations. It does sound pretty gruesome doesn't it celebrating Guy Fawkes getting burned to death and copying it. But there you go lol. I don't think of that, I just enjoy the fireworks and food, well I used to :lol:

Actually I am afraid if and when I do have to have surgery to remove all the saggy skin, I will still need the more invasive surgery messing around with my internal organs because I have a stoma (Ileostomy). When my skin sags I am sure that my ostomy bags won't stick well anymore and my stoma will probably recess anyway, so they will have to resite the stoma and do a tummy tuck at the same time. It is a lot to deal with, but I think by the time I get to make that decision I will actually want it. Right now when I still have surgical wound problems of course having more surgery is the last thing I want. I am sorry you have faced so many surgeries as well, I hope all is well now though.

I am happy that the gain you had previously is all gone now, yes it does seem rough changing your ticker to put a gain there. I don't know if I could do it either. Oh I would admit to it, just not spoil my ticker with it, :lol:

Catherine - WOW that is so amazing how hard it is for an American citizen to become a Canadian one. It's going to be so horrible for you to be married and have to be apart for 6 months, it's just wrong!! I can imagine how much you are missing each other now. When I met Daren for the first time he was only supposed to be visiting for a night. He ended up calling in sick and spent the week with me. He went back home, only 5 hours on a train away, but it felt like the other side of the world. In just 3 weeks he quit his job, sorted out his stuff, and moved to Wales. We couldn't be apart, it was just too awful. I hope you and your fiancee (sounds good doesn't it) get to at least spend lots of time chatting online and on the phone. I am so glad he is going to come visit you at Christmas, that's one of the worst times to be away from those you love.

Well it's my bed time now, and I am NOT going to eat :) Take care my friends and enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Ammi :crazy:

Heather 10-29-2005 10:05 PM

Ammi -- Bravo for you for resisting the Dreaded Munchies! They did get me to give a little last night -- I totally blanked on having had a big ole hot chocolate last night! I blame it on nutridiary being down! Journalling is a great weapon for keeping too many Dreaded Munchies from leaping down my throat!!

I was vulnerable last night, but I've got those DM's at bay today...

Okay, I'm starting to feel like a pirate or something all of a sudden. I have this image of myself (one leg and an eyepatch?) brandishing a sword to keep evil away...

Hey, there's no pirate smilie! What's up with that...

Sorry everyone, I'm apparently in an odd mood and channeling something strange.... Move along... Nothing to see here....

mom2fivesweeties 10-29-2005 10:40 PM


Thank you so much for all the sweet congrats today! I know I wouldn't feel so good about the long haul of this diet without all you friends on here - just knowing we are all in this together is a huge help, isn't it? :cloud9:

AMMI: Oh yes, you better believe it - those little granular thingys from the powder! :lol: It truly prevents soreness though, instead of causing soreness, so I'm sticking with it - we are all so different that we have to try and do what is best for our bodies, that's for sure! I use it under the arms and boobies too - I have a "thing" about deoderant - don't quite trust it - I was paranoid about it before the "experts" came up with bad things about it - so with one or two showers a day and the powder, it serves nicely and I don't need the deoderant that way. (tell that to the woman who told one of our members that larger people smell) Hmmmmph!! ;)

ANDREA: THANKS for the nice congrats! :lol: Pizza Hut would KILL me - pizza is my all-time trigger food and one piece would never ever do it - I have to have a whole pizza and haven't had ANY since Sept. 21!!! :fr: One day I will though before a year is up! I tried a Healthy Choice french bread pizza - ugh - rather wouldn't have it at all!

WYLLENN: How are the sweet pugsters doing? THANKS for the congrats! The soup sounds great! I bought some ground turkey today and want to make some turkey chili - haven't yet, but intend to one of these days!

VALERIE: Thanks for the sweet note! My daughter, Abbi, and I loved the little tantrum guy! You are right there, my friend!!

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!
:strong: :dance: :dancer: :cheer:

NoLifeWithoutHorses 10-30-2005 12:56 AM

Ammi, you wrote about fireworks night: ...the way it was celebrated long long ago was that people made figures out of old clothes and straw and they built huge bonfires and threw the 'Guy' on it.
.... Hmmmm. :chin: I used to date a Guy :devil: , and ya know, I think I'd enjoy your holiday Quite A Bit! :s: Yes indeed. Do they let foreigners throw the thing on?... or could I at least light the match? :flame:

SELF! :o BE NICE NOW!!! ......... :dz: Oh, all right.

Regarding Pizza, the Hut isn't close, but I have a local pizza shop that knows me by name (of course it helps that I let the owner's daughter ride my horse) and they build me a wonderful veggie pizza. I love thick crust, but their's is good without being too thick and it's not greasy either. Once in a while I really enjoy that. Now you gals have me thinking about that... better than thinking of, say, burning an "old flame" tho! :rofl:

Taking evil self off to bed, for the welfare of all.

OH! :o by the way, I even rode my horse tonight! Since I'll be home till at least Thanksgiving, I figured I go ahead and get us both in shape. A 20 min walk in the cold was enough for both of us, but boy it felt good to be aboard again. See? I knew I could end on a cheerful note!

AmmiUK 10-30-2005 08:10 AM

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening (depending when you read this :lol: ) All,

It's official, my husband is a game addict. The last two nights he hasn't gone to sleep until gone 5 in the morning because of playing on his PS2. I wouldn't mind so much except the PS2 is in the bedroom and he sprawls across the bottom of the bed to play it. You know how people get when they are getting into a game, swaying and moving around thinking it's them on the screen, well he's like that, and every time his character dies he curses at it. Not exactly conducive to a good night's sleep for me :lol: But at least I can sleep in the day, well until he gets up and gets back on the game. I must say though I much prefer him to be a game addict, than addicted to anything else like drugs, drink or ciggies. So I shouldn't grumble too much.

Wyllen - can you get low fat hot chocolate over there? We can get it here, but then again, the normal stuff only works out at 2 points. So I get the latter. Of course I don't make it with milk, and I don't put lots of whipped cream on top like I LOVE :lol: but it's still yummy.

Sorry you had a small case of the munchies yourself, but glad they are under control again now. The funny thing for me is that when I do get the munchies and I am picking away at stuff it's all low fat and yet I still feel like I am being naughty. :crazy: crazy huh. All I can say is thank goodness I don't have any really naughty things in the house that I could eat!! It's very true what they say, if you don't buy fattening stuff in, you can't pig out on it

Lori - I must admit I do feel fresh when I use the powder, so I think I will compromise and use it everywhere else and around the wound lol, just not on it. I put it under my boobs too, when I remember, oh isn't it just horrible all the sweaty places we have. But like you said referring to one of the other ladies that were insulted by a medical person, it doesn't mean that we are going to smell just because we are bigger. Yes we have more places for sweat to gather, but we can still keep nice and clean and smelling fresh!!

Valerie - :lol: yeah if you can bring your 'guy' over here we will happily let you throw him on the bonfire, or at least light the match. Doesn't matter where you are from you can still celebrate :lol:

You gave me an idea when you were talking about that lovely pizza you can have made especially for you, you talked about bases. I wonder if I will enjoy a thin crust instead of a deep pan one, that will at least save me a few points. Oh I am so annoyed :lol: I want to go out and forget all about points, but here I am still trying to be as good as I can. What's with that :lol:

I am glad you got to ride your horse again, sounds like you have really been missing it. I think if I were to ride a horse it would have to be one of those huge cart horses :lol: I wouldn't worry about breaking it's back then :o

Take care all, I am off to find something for lunch. I love it when we just go shopping and I have lots of choice about what we are eating :)


Ammi :crazy:

Xena2005 10-30-2005 10:51 AM

Hello everyone. I haven't posted or read the board in a few days and there is lots to catch up on! I haven't been very motivated lately. I have been working very hard at work as it is a busy time for us, but other than that my motivation is pretty much in the toilet. Today I am going to try to work on getting my house back in order. Every weekend I say I am going to do that and it just never seems to get done. I feel like rebellious child who doesn't want to clean her room! :lol: But I really need to do it. I know it feels so much better to walk into your home when everything is neat and tidy and smelling fresh.

I also am trying to get motivated to exercise. I was doing water aerobics at the gym twice a week but have fallen off that wagon. Then the weather finally cooled off and I started walking my dog. A few days ago I won an Ebay auction and am waiting for a lot of Richard Simmons DVD's. I got all 3 of the Sweating to the Oldies and the Blast and Tone one. So maybe having different things to do will help.

Speaking of exercise, Andrea, have you tried that exercise ball you got from Sam's? I was at Sam's yesterday and saw the exact one you are talking about because I remember the 1200 pound weight limit. I didn't buy it though because I am still paranoid that I am too big for it. Let me know what you think of it once you've had a chance to try it. Thanks!

Stacye - there is such a difference in your before and during photos. Keep up the great work! You are a beautiful lady. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Other people's progress photos are so encouraging to me.

Lori - congrats on getting under 300!!! :bravo:

Catherine - glad you made it back home safe and sound. I hope things go as well as possible with your roommate when you finally tell her you are moving.

dogpal - I hope everything starts falling into place soon for the sale of your house. Buying and selling houses, moving far away and starting new jobs....all very stressful things. You will make it through!!!

I can't remember who brought up nutridiary.com, but I had never heard of that one. I am using fitday. But now I am curious and have to go check out nutridiary.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

Heather 10-30-2005 12:35 PM

Hey Everyone --

Lori -- My puggies are good, but we had to bring the puppy to the vet today -- he's got something crusting up the outer parts of ears. They think he might have ringworm! :o Poor little guy. But it's not very serious, I think.

Ammi -- Oh, yes, we can get lowfat chocolate. However, that's not what was in the house. So, I had the full on version (with a nice minty flavor and everything). That's okay. I'm still good for the week and I am learning not to worry about one binge every now and then. It's the out of control feeling I have while trying to stave off the munchies that I don't like. I can't control myself then, but I can at least control how I react after the fact!

My husband also has times when he's a bit game-addled. Luckily, our game computer is not in the bedroom! I sympathize!

Xena -- I'm the one who brought up nutridiary. It's back up today and I am very happy about that :) (though the meal database seems somewhat problematic right now). I like some thing about fitday, but nutridiary seems to have more options in terms of portion sizes (I weigh everything, and that's a big aspect of nutridiary it seems), and perhaps also the food database is larger. Though, I pay for the upgraded membership that adds a lot of restaurant foods as well, so I get even more. I like being able to update from anywhere, so I don't think I'd like the PC version of fitday. I think both fitday and nutridiary get easier to use as you use them more often and enter your regular items in your database.

But what I really love about either is the reports and graphs! The just geeks my inner stats queen!

Today I am going to make chicken soup from my stock yesterday. Tonight we are going to a tofu restaurant for dinner! Hard to record in nutridiary! Should be healthy, but the last time I mistakenly ordered a fried tofu dish. Oops! Lotsa calories there, I'm sure!

AmmiUK 10-30-2005 04:50 PM

Hi All,

Darn it why can't I have more days like this? I am actually sitting here thinking of what I can use up some points on :lol: Yet the other night I had that severe case of muchies when I desperately wanted another 10 points spare. Oh well at least when I have days like this they sure do make up for my bad days. One little snack I can afford to have is an assortment of mixed roasted seeds. They are so delicious and full of nutrients. My therapist got me onto them, but geez 100gms is 10.5 points. OUCH. So I just have 25 gms now and then when I have some spare points. So I will have them later when I am feeling a bit peckish.

Wyllen - aha, well you know the secret don't you? Don't get the full fat hot chocolate and get lots of the low fat stuff. I know what you mean about feeling out of control when you get the munchies. If only we could figure out why we get them. I mean I don't know about you, but I am never hungry when I have the munchies, I just want to eat all the time. It's crazy :crazy:

Sorry to hear you have a sometimes game addled husband too. My hubby's daughter being brought up with a game freak is becoming one herself. She would play on a game 10 hours straight if we let her. As it is she goes on 6 hours every other day in the holidays and on the weekends. I think it's WAY too much time still, but how can I say anything when she sees her dad spending anything up to 13 hours a day on his game!!!

Xena - that is awesome that you won the eBay auction and are getting an assortment of Richard Simmons DVDs. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that having a few different exercise DVDs would help keep you from getting bored with exercise. I know you will have fun with Richard's DVDs too, he makes exercising a treat.

Take care all and bye for now,


Ammi :crazy:

dogpal 10-30-2005 05:19 PM

:wave: Hi Guys,

Well, we just got back a bit ago from church. It was the first time we have been to that church and it was lovely. Today is my sweetie pie's 41st birthday :) He is a halloween baby, almost. When I look at him it is hard to believe that he is the same 20 almost 21 year old manboy I married! Life is so awesome and strange at times. :love: I have been thinking a lot about love and romance with all of the things our lovely Catherine, Jillybean, Sue and Julee are going through, you know proposals, moving in together and ring shopping. How very exciting and I am so glad that they are sharing their experiences with us. It gives me pleasure to be able to lift them and their unions up in prayer. Romance is so nice. ;)

I am so glad to be back here at 3fc. I missed you all so much. :grouphug:

Ammi: I know what you mean about the game addict. My husband still plays occasionally but I usually play the games with him or read while he plays so I can look up and admire his skills occasionaly. He is pretty into a hunting game (being a hunter) I have to say it is very fun. I would never hunt in real life myself but I like to pretend on the game and I often get attacked by angry bears, wolves or even a mad bull Moose. Having no children and a 3 bedroom home allows us to have the video games set up in a spare room. So, I can easily go into another room and watch tv or go to bed if I want. I feel for you. They do tend to get pretty involved. At times my husband plays a football game and then things get loud. He cheers and yells like it is a real game (I :( guess because it is the only time that his precious Minnesota Vikings actually win, tee hee).

Wylenn: I hate it when my furbabies are hurt or sick. We will have to put them into a kennel this coming Friday and I feel like I am sending my kids to prison or something. I sure do get attached to my dogs. I hope your little guy heals quickly. The picture sure is cute.

Xena: Thanks for the good wishes and the big welcome back. I am glad to be back. Here, let me give you a bit of a push back into motivation: :coach: You can do it. Don's quit now. You are on a roll. Get moving girl. There. How's that? Hope it helps. :cheer:

NotWithoutmyhorses: Glad that you are back off the road again for a bit and that you got to ride your horse for a while. OOOO I can't wait to be light enough to get on a horse again. I sure miss it. In all of your travels on the road have you ever been to Northern Idaho, like around Coeur d alene ? There sure are some beautiful places here to ride. You are almost there into the 2's, just a pinch away! :cheer:

MoM2FiveSweeties: HI Lori. I am soooo happy for you. :D I can't imagine getting into the twos. I am so looking forward to getting into the 3's. I was here when Shaddie did it and I felt almost as good for her as If I had done it myself. I feel the same for you my friend. You go girl. :cheers: That is wonderful. Big {{HUG}}

Catherine: I hope that your room mate takes it better than expected. That is so hard. NO matter what when you do end up telling her, remember it is not your fault no matter how she reacts. Be happy and wake up every day savoring the fact that you are one day closer to being your Beau's Misses! I truly am excited for you. It couldn't have happened to a nicer, :angel: sweeter and more deserving lady!

Sue, Voodoo, FutureDiva, Everyone else, hope that you are doing well and being safe.

Blessings to everyone,

going to lose 200 10-30-2005 05:23 PM

Good Evening everyone~

Hope everyone had good weather so you could spend a nice fall day outdoors. Ours was beautiful finally and Steve and I spent hours raking, cleaning up and planting spring bulbs. Then we had a well deserved nap :)

Well today was weigh day for me. I lost 2 lbs this week although I was kind of disappointed. I tried SO hard to be really good as far as my intake but I wasn't surprised as my exercise was down because of the crappy weather. I made sure that as soon as my weigh was over, I worked out for over an hour. My next weigh will be more successful!

I haven't gotten around to trying my kick bag yet. I am still waiting for Steve to hook up the VCR in the gym so I can try it with the DVD's that it came with. For those that asked, I got it at Walmart and it is a Billy Blanks. I do however have it blown up and ready to go and I think it is going to be FUN!!!

Ammi and Wyllen ~ I can sympathize with the gaming husbands! Steve has a PS2 and a gamecube and plays games on the computer as well!! Oh and Ammi ~ he was reading your post over my shoulder because I was laughing out loud and he wants to know what game your hubby was playing :D

Lori ~ Congrats!!!! 2-town seems so far away for me!! It happened for you and it will happen for me!! Yah!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Keep up the great work!

Well, time to shower and have supper. I am going to skip AquaFit tonight since I worked so hard today. I don't want my muscles revolting tomorrow :) I think I will work on some Christmas gift projects this evening instead. Have a good night everyone!

Brenda :wave:

AndreaS30 10-30-2005 05:58 PM

Well today my husband, son and I took the dogs and went to a park a few miles away and took a long nature walk. My son was picking up different colored leaves and pinecones. We walked for about 45 minutes and of course the dogs loved it.

Wyllen -- Glad nutridiary is back up again for you!

Lori -- I have to agree with you on the Healthy Choice french bread pizza. I have also tried those and it is not anywhere near the taste of real pizza. I guess on a special occasion we should just have the real thing.

Xena -- I have used the ball from Sam's....I haven't used the DVD yet that goes with it. So far it has not busted. :) It seems very sturdy! I will have to let you know how the DVD is...I plan on doing it sometime in the next few days.

Valerie -- I would love to ride a horse....it has been about 10 years since I have been on a horse. I want my husband, son and myself to go horseback riding. I figured I should lose more weight first. Is there a weight limit to go on horses. I checked with a farm here and they said they have some bigger horses that can hold about 250 pounds of course I got really sad because I wouldn't have been able to go.

Ammi -- I am there with ya girl.....I have a husband that also likes to play games. He has a Playstation 2, Game Cube and a Dreamcast. He usually knows better to play when I am doing other things but sometimes I get annoyed. He will play these college football games and of course he has to talk to the TV...HA!

Dogpal -- My husband also plays football games and can get kind of loud. I just don't understand. I wonder if my husband will ever grow out of it. :)

Brenda -- Congrats on the 2 pound loss........that is sooooo awsome. :carrot: :carrot: Don't be disappointed....that is great for a week and hey it's 2 pounds lost forever.

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