3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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-   -   300+ And Ready To Try Again....#662 (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/300-club/54148-300-ready-try-again-662-a.html)

thinthinker 02-28-2005 03:21 PM

300+ And Ready To Try Again....#662

We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

Motivational Monday
Tuesday Tips
Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
Thankful Thursday
FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have a bi-weekly 2x2 Challenge.
Our goal is to lose 2 lbs in 2 weeks.
We have a long term goal of losing 300+ lbs within our 300+ group in 2005.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


I know you'll all agree that we are really thankful for the free services here at 3FC. The sisters offer all of this support and information with no charges to us. There are a couple of ways though that we can help out.

If you are thinking about buying anything at Amazon, why not help out 3FC at the same time? You can do this by clicking on the button for Amazon on any page in the forum, or by clicking on the button on the main 3FC page at www.3fatchicks.com . A portion of your purchase price will be given to 3FC by Amazon. It doesn't increase your price at all, but it does help out 3FC. You can use any of the Amazon.com links that you see on the site in order to help contribute to the site.

Also, BTW, in case you didn't know it, you can view the message boards "ad free" for a minimal charge. I think it's like $15 for 6 months. A very small investment to be rid of the annoying ads and make your pages load quicker.

hippygoddess 02-28-2005 03:26 PM

Eeek sorry I messed up the list for 2x2 - don't know how I did that? Anyway here it is again

Roll Call for 2x2 ending 3/14/05:
Jill (jillybean720)
Hug E momof5

thinthinker 02-28-2005 03:38 PM

I wanted to mention that I posted a poll at the top of the page. Please take a minute and answer the brief question. Sorry, guys, I was just curious. :)

Julee: Sounds like you had a really nice birthday party.....too bad you only remember part of it. :lol: "I decided that when I couldn't feel my teeth anymore...enough was enough." Yeah, that would have been my clue too. :rofl: Actually, mine was when I didn't realize I was playing with the flame of a citronella candle. Yeah, that does it too! :o

Lilion: "Results not typical" yeah, what's with that? I'm glad somebody else noticed that that's written just about everywhere! *Are you still staying away from that Cheesecake? :drill:

Angela: It is "way tough". You can see how often I've been here in the last 24 hours. That's the only way I can keep up.

Hilta: What Soaps do you watch? The only one I watch anymore is All My Children. They've really ticked me off with the crossover story line with the baby too. You have to watch all of One Life To Live to get 2 minutes of the continuing story line. :mad:

Joyce: What kind of doggy are you getting? I don't think you mentioned.

CD: Disney World sounds like an excellent reward for a job well done slimming. Good for you getting back on the wagon.

Leanne: I'm glad I didn't lose you in the shuffle of starting a new thread. I saw that you were still online and I was hoping you'd be able to find the new one. ;)

So far today has gone very well. I have 32 oz. of water down so far. And have had a yogurt and biscotti for breakfast/lunch. I realized that I have not had any fruits/veggies to speak of in a very long time. I know that way of eating has to STOP in order for pounds to drop so that will be my focus for this week.

Ok, girls, gotta get a couple of eBay items wrapped up and ready for the Post Office. See ya later......

Lilion 02-28-2005 03:48 PM

Thinthinker: I believe evil cheesecake is gone and I did resist...stayed in my office and ate my beef stirfry for lunch like a good girl. (The clerical staff here ordered :jeno:for lunch too and BOY did it smell good!) But I persevered and made it through.

Giving myself a pat on the back. :encore: Pizza and cheesecake (not just cheesecake, but gormet chocolate cheesecake) are two of my downfalls! But, not today!

Lilion :smug:

thinthinker 02-28-2005 03:56 PM

Lilion: Good for you! :cp: Yay! :cb: Bravo! :cheers:

SueMarie301 02-28-2005 04:32 PM

Roll Call for 2x2 ending 3/14/05:
Jill (jillybean720)
Hug E momof5

2cute – hey that sounds like a good idea, I can do some research on dentists on the new channels websites. There is something like that out here that I know of that goes thru the Loma Linda Medical Center… basically it’s free or maybe a small charge at their school of dentistry office. Basically you let students who are working on their… hmm something not sure what, but I think they have to put some time in before they can finish their degree. They work on you and they are graded throughout the process. I heard it can take all day! Not sure if I wanna do that… I’m a big chicken. Heheheh

Lilion – yeah I just went onto the bowflex website and almost fell outta bed… more money than I had expected. Oh well… I guess that’s what phases are for LOL

Thinthinker - That’s definitely some good advice. Thanks! I dunno if I would go through with the purchase, I just saw the prices the other night and I couldn’t believe it! Hehehe…

I’ll have to take a look at some of the other ideas I got… ;) some of the more cheaper ones… I think I may go play with the DDR and see where that goes LOL so far that’s been a really good and FUN investment hehe…

I’m a bit busy today but I just wanted to come in and drop a line…

Catch everyone later!

JuleeCeeS 02-28-2005 04:32 PM

I'm still trying to rehydrate...

CD...I agre with your Disney goal. Check out my Bio on the bios thread and look at my personal goals..we think a lot alike.

Thin...I remember the whole party...it was a blast...but enough was enough. I am looking forward to spending my Barnes and Noble GC's that friends got me...yay books!

Have you tried the Morningstar Farms Tomato and Basil veggie burgers? WOW....good flavor, nice herbs, sort of pizaa-ish in a OP kind of way...yum!

My motivation for the day is my favorite overalls. I stopped wearing them a while ago beause they had gotten tight in the tummy...but I left them in the closet. I tried them on yesterday because I need them for the show and...they were LOOSE!!! YAY! Plus I was able to wear heels both Saturday night and last night without wanting to cut off my feet. I was planning to wear this one outfit to my SS's wedding in April, but now I don't know if it will fit...ooh la la!

To work or not to work..that is the question.

:hb: to me on Wednesday! I'll have a banana and a candle. Plus I'll be at my WW meeting and will get to drooooool will jealousy over my leader who got to go to Oprah's Oscar Party!


Loki's Concubine 02-28-2005 06:33 PM

Wow you guys do move fast! Heh. Hard to keep up but fun at the same time. Firstly, what is this 2x2 I keep reading about? I'm afraid I'm lost with that.

2cute2Bfat- OMG You sound like my identical twin! I swear heh. Procrastination-YES. Clutter-YES. Laziness-YES (to a degree). Were we split at birth? lol. I'm going to try and do as you suggested and just start slow and see what happens. More often than not I'll clean something and my parents will come behind me and mess it up again. LOL> but I'll keep trying.

Scooter-You sound like my twin too. Dang. Lots of long lost family here. heh. I'm glad I'm not the only one with the parents still. Woot! It can be rough can't it?

Jillybean- I was so happy for you to read your post about your bf Jeff. I do hope you have MANY years of happiness. He really sounds like a great guy!

Just to share a fun thing, today I sent one of my TOPS pals on a scavenger hunt and make her walk all over the downtown area before she finally reached her final destination, where me and a couple of others were waiting with a bouquet of flowers, a balloon, and a small bag of motivational goodies. She was so shocked! It's amazing how a little effort can go a long way to motivate someone and inspire them to 'kick it up a notch'. Inspired me too heh. So I'm doing double exercises tonight in her honor! :)
Catch ya all later, Julie

thinthinker 02-28-2005 07:48 PM

hippyvanlady posted this tonight:
hippyvanlady posted this tonight:
I'm new, and I hope I do this right. I started at just under 600 lbs. a little over 3 years ago. I ended up in the hospital with a high blood pressure induced angina attack. Fear and shame are great motivators. I knew I would have to make changes that I could do for a life time, and have been making small changes one at a time. For the first year all I did was give up on take out, and try to learn to cook a little "cleaner." Last July I started to add in exercise. In the begining I just did exercises that I could do laying in bed like sit-ups and scissor kicks. 2 months ago I started walking. I started by just walking across the street. I slowly increased until I could walk a mile with out stopping. I had used a very large wheelchair for 8 years, and am astounded by being able to walk again. I'm at a point where the weight is coming off much slower than it did at first, and I am trying not to get disappointed. I have done this pretty much on my own so far, and figured that I could use some support. That's why I am here. I know that the rate of long-term success for someone near 600lbs., without having the surgery, is small, but I am committed and willing to do whatever it takes. I hope I can get to know some people who are walking the same path. Catherine

thinthinker 02-28-2005 08:05 PM

SueMarie: Maybe you'll find one or something else you like at a garage sale this Spring. I'm sure there are plenty of folks who buy...and never use....their exercise equipment. I'm always seeing that kind of stuff at tag sales.

Julee: I haven't ever tried THAT particular Morningstar Farms item but I do love their stuff and use it all the time.

Loki's Concubine: The 2X2 is the nickname we gave to a challenge that Terri started back in August to lose 2 pounds in 2 weeks. Now we start a new one every two weeks. It lets us focus on a reasonable goal, doable in a reasonable amount of time. To join, all you need to do is copy and paste the last list that has appeared and add your name to the bottom of the list. Then in 2 weeks report in. Terri is keeping track. As a group we're trying to lose 300 pounds in 2005. Which, BTW is very doable with the group growing so much lately.

Hippyvanlady: I hope you don't mind that I copied your post over here. I was afraid that no one would see it over on #660 because we've moved on from that thread. CONGRATS on your great accomplishment so far. That is very inspiring. We're glad to have you joining us. WELCOME!!!

therubyslippers!! 02-28-2005 09:56 PM

Hi All - There's NO WAY that I can catch up on all the posts I've missed, there's 3 threads!! This joint is jumping!! Put me down as minus 2 for the 2x2 ending today. I wouldn't have made that without the stomach virus. I need to clean up my mind and once and for all change my behavior. I DON'T WANT TO BE A LIFER. And yet so far that is exactly what is happening. Big talk and no action.

Thin - where is the poll question? I can't find it.

Hippyvanlady - guts, girl, that's what you have. I hope it is contagious, cause I am fresh out of courage nowadays.

Roll Call for 2x2 ending 3/14/05:
Jill (jillybean720)
Hug E momof5

Best to all - sometimes I think I will just stop posting because I can't properly keep up with everyone - Ruby

therubyslippers!! 02-28-2005 10:04 PM

thin - never mind - I found the poll -Ruby

Terri in MO 02-28-2005 10:37 PM

Hi ladies,

I'm just going to do a quick post tonight.

I've got us tallied up at 28.75 pounds lost. :bravo: That puts us at 152 pounds lost in this year already!!

2Cute - I counted you in at 7 since that what you mentioned over the weekend. I've got you tallied at 11 for the year. Let me know if that isn't right. PM me if you want.

Thanks for the PM's. Definitely makes it easier for me track since the posts have been flying these days.

Again, :bravo: to everyone who lost!

:drill: to everyone who maintained (me) or lost the focus. Let's make the next one a great loss!

Watched AI tonight. Funny, I didn't like any of the songs tonight until the last three guys. They all sounded the same to me - one tone, one beat of song. I didn't like them but the judges did. I was really surprised by the blonde guy at almost the end. He doesn't look like he has much but he was good. I like BO!

Sweet dreams!

thinthinker 02-28-2005 11:14 PM

One last time before I hit the bed! :wave: I feel like I've been here all day! I have, I have! :o

Ruby: Don't you dare stop posting! :drill: Just jump in where you can and keep going. That's what I do. Not everyone can sit on the computer all day. Myself included if I want to get something done. :lol:

Terri: Hope BIL is holding his own. AND that you're ready for SS and family to dampen your doorstep tomorrow. [[[hugs]]] Hope all goes well.

Ok, night what is it? Night 9 of being in bed by midnight. I can hardly keep my eyes open so it must be working. :)

I finally got all my water intoday for the first time in a long time. I'm within my points for the day, but did not have all the fruits/veggie servings. No exercise either. My knees and feet have really been bothering me. Of course I realized that I haven't been taking my pills regularly so that has been foremost in my mind for the last couple of days....trying to remember the second batch in the evening has been the problem. I've been doing better at that too so maybe I can get some exercise in when my limbs feel some better.

Catch you guys later. Love :love: ya bunches.

Angela_aka_Alice 03-01-2005 12:23 AM

Ruby--Don't stop... just keep coming back. We all pitch in, and when someone needs support, SOMEBODY's here, even if EVERYONE isn't. That's the idea of a support group, right? I think we work really well, as long as we don't stress too much about trying to answer every one. Now, when you say, "big talk and no action," is that really true? Seems to me you've been making progress the whole time I've seen you posting...

Catherine--Welcome, and hugs, hugs, hugs. What a struggle, and what courage you have. Stick with us!

Thin--Thanks for keeping track of our year-to-date. Boy, two months gone already. Hope you're sound asleep as I'm writing this.

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