3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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gggirls 03-05-2009 08:13 PM

Darn it anyway - I wish I would have read Catherine's post before I went and worked out - I would love a visit from you all!

Yes you got it - I did 60 wonderful minutes. Why is it so hard to get there - I love it once I'm there. It was awesome to see Jill again too. She told me my old trainer (reminder - he lost 250 pounds) has tried out to be a trainer on The Biggest Loser - could be interesting.

Hugs to all,

CatherineM 03-05-2009 08:42 PM

Carol-they found a couch potato gene that actually makes it harder for someone to motivate themselves to exercise. I suspect that if we loved to exercise, we wouldn't be here.

kayleystar 03-05-2009 09:42 PM

It was a great day here in Southern Michigan today! 62 degrees, and fairly windy. It was so nice not to have to wear a hoodie to the gym, nor to class. It’s supposed to be like this the rest of the week/weekend. I hope! And now, I just have to get through classes tomorrow, and I’m on Spring Break! Yay!

Got another great workout in today. My calves are definitely feeling it now, though. I got on the Arc Trainer for 20 mins, and burned 375 cals! Then, I did my upper body weights for my trouble zones, not the full circuit for 15 mins. My back is a problem area, so I do a lot of fly/lat pulldowns. Hopefully I’ll be able to make it to the gym tomorrow. It’s my long day on campus, but I’m going to try and get there for at least half an hour again.

Have a great night, ladies!!

Vicki – Ahhh, the PMS from ****! That’s how I get at times as well. Very bad thing for your guy to say. They really know how to put their foot in their mouths, eh? Feel better!!

– Good for you for getting there! That’s half the battle. Once I’m at the gym, I’m always glad I’m there, but getting there is like…eh. Lol.

purpleorc 03-06-2009 06:05 AM

Hi Felllow chicks

I feel a wee bit better today if still not back to 100% Thanks for the lovely messages I have read in the posts on this thread they sure do give you a boost.

Being brave today and trying asparagus for the first time for lunch as one of our vegetables for the day. It is nice to try other things and be adventurous. That way you expand the range of foods you like and the different dishes you can make.

Going to the outskirts of London (health permitting ;)) tomorrow with DH to do a delivery. I have just finished making sandwiches to take with us to on the journey to stop us getting fast food on route. Then todays dinner I am making it is big enough to make a meal for tomorrow for our return.

Time to go and start seeing to dinner shortly after I have finished this cuppa. So bye for now and take care.

:wave:purpleorc :hug:

dgramie 03-06-2009 06:57 AM

IM back down 2lbs today still up 4. My rings are still tight so i know im still holding fluid. Not sure what is going on with my body!! I feel like TOM is close even though he shouldnt be near at all. I am going to try and be extra careful today and make sure i drink enough water. I have been getting a little less than normal but still about 90-100 ounces. I am going to walk today and see if maybe its from lack of exercise. I also am really going to track my sodium close!
hugs to all

JuliaDH 03-06-2009 07:25 AM

Debi sounds like a good plan to follow! I am going to completely copy you today. TOM showed up here last night and 1 week early UGH!

gggirls 03-06-2009 07:55 AM

The exercise endorphins still have me flying high - can't wait to do more today. I will admit that when I first bought the WATP and started doing the 2 mile with the weights I thought it "hokey" - now I am convinced that it has really helped sculpt the muscle and provide the definition I am seeing in my arms. Guess I really didn't know everything........

Off the weight loss topic - today is my parents 62nd wedding anniversary - I'm still trying to appreciate this. Ideas on something I could pick up for them? They are going out for lunch and I'd like to have a little surprise for them letting them know how special this is. When they were married 50 years we planted a tree in their honor in the park - I'm thinking a photo of the tree showing the strength of years, spreading roots, standing tall, etc.

Hugs to all,

azcyn 03-06-2009 08:15 AM

morning ladies...

I did ok yesterday with my calories. I was very sleepy yesterday, no idea why.

I am soo glad it is friday! My candles are in from my candle show...my house smells yummy!

JuliaDH 03-06-2009 08:49 AM

Carol - The picture fo the tree is great. Placed in a pretty frame. Also maybe getting 62 of thier fave snack item. Or $62 donated to thier fave cause, A journal so they can write & share with family 62 wonderful memories. Those are just off the top. If I think of anything else I will let you know.

dogpal 03-06-2009 10:18 AM

Rat: Yep. it is pretty much the same as it was before with my job except, they have gone before a judge and he will make his decision on March 31st. The new company is supposed to take over April 1st. That should be interesting. lol. Hope you are able to get your radio straightened out.

Debi: Hang in there. I'm sure you are retaining water from TOM. I think you and I are on the same scheduled with him and I am starting to retain water too now. Hugs.

Kayley: You go girl. Don't let the scale control your emotions. Way to go!

Carol: I love the idea with the picture of the tree. I bet he has grown a bunch in 12 years. How fantastic to have been married 62 years!!! I love Julia's ideas too especially the one with 62 comments in a book! I love writing and journaling so that is my favorite. Hug them and tell them that your friends are so proud of them. I know I am!

Cyn: Thanks about the work support. How did the measurements go?

Julia: You are right, the Lord will provide. I have helped put 100's of people to work by helping them job search, and teaching them interview, resume and other job searching skills and by giving pep talks. I know there will be something out there for me.

PUrple: Feel better soon.

Sharon: So sorry about the way your hubby is reacting. Hugs sweetie. I hope the new diet program you are considering is "the one".

Catherine: Yes, I feel for the clients. We are trying to keep it to ourselves about the contract but, there is one lady I work with in particular that the possibilities of not having a job soon are really making her kind of give up and not do her best for the clients. That is the part I don't like. They are suffering because of it.

You are not a wimp by the way. lol. I would probably turn into an icecube at that temp.

Vicki: Hugs to you sweetie. Any news on the restaurant?

Well, I had my 18 month check up since surgery yesterday. My Dr. insisted that I do another Bod pod even though I have only lost 20 pounds since last August. I drug my feet and did one and I'm so happy that I did. Ideally we should have no more than 30% body fat. I'm at 34 now! I have lost 10% more body fat since last time I did it and I have gained 5 pounds of muscle. That surprised me. I have not been doing much weight things to build muscle except for that Front side and back side workout with lots of squats, sit ups and push ups. I told my Dr. that I am starting a weight lifting routine and he said now you will see the weight come off or at the very least the fat come off and the muscle build. He had me speak to the Nutritionist and the two of them say that my weight is so stalled because my calories are soooo low. They made me promise to up my calories to at least 1200. That is so scarry to me, eating more to lose weight but I told them I would do it, try it and if I start gaining weight I will come back and kick their A$#. lol. So, today is the first day of trying to do that. Hopefully they are right. The bod pod said that for me to stay the same I need to eat more than 2000 calories a day and any less than that would keep me close to the same weight so that could be why I am struggling so much with loosing, well that and because I have lost so much already that my body is slowing down. All in all it was an excellent Dr. appt. and I will be scheduling another bod pod in 3 months so I can see how different my body is after adding weight lifting to my workout 3 times a week.

On that note, my DH got a almost brand new bowflex type machine from Criag's list for $50 a while back. I am excited because he and I are going to start working out on it together.

Okay ladies, time to go brush my teeth. Have a super great day all.


Merksie 03-06-2009 11:10 AM

Hi everyone! Sorry I was MIA again for a while - I've been doing some reading and I'm going to try to get back in the groove of posting.

I've been sticking pretty well to my eating and exercise plan, but I'm starting to have some trouble staying motivated. In particular, my enthusiasm for the healthy cooking aspect of this journey is flagging, and I'm finding myself tempted to just order in instead of spending time in the kitchen. So if any of you have a fav healthy recipe with "just gotta try that" appeal, I'm all ears!

Deb - Glad the wedding was wonderful!

DC - What a great feeling to be in such smaller sizes, and to have found a good "home" for the clothes you shrunk out of.

Vamp - Nice to "meet" you!

Catherine - Chinese food always makes me retain water too. Interesting info from the nutritionist.

Carol - Hang in there, you'll be leaving the MO category soon! Glad your workout went well. Wow, 62 years is amazing.

Julia - LOL, I can relate to "used to eat the whole bag" - having just one is def a success!

Annie - Good luck with your party - it sounds like fun! Very interesting news from your appointment. It’s amazing how delicate the balance in our bodies really is . . . either too many or too few calories and we can’t lose weight!

Cyn - Glad you like FitDay - like Kayley, I use the PC version and I think it's great.

Kayley - Congrats on getting out there for your walk. It's been pretty cold here too, but luckily for me I can walk to the gym. Sorry the scale isn't cooperating . . . probably is just water, but it's still frustrating. Enjoy SL!

Purple - That Wii needs to learn some tact!

Jacquie - Glad you found a doctor you're really comfortable with. I have also experienced a few episodes of shedding hair, and getting it checked out/knowing the reason & that it is temporary definitely makes it easier to deal with.

Sharon - Best of luck with your new plan - it sounds like a good one.
Rat – Good luck with Sirius, and let us know how you like it!

Vicki - :hug: Hope you’re feeling better soon.

gggirls 03-06-2009 11:27 AM

Julia - I loved your idea - I combined a couple of them. Requested special memories from family (late) and will compile 62 of them in a scrapbook. Today I will pick up a nice journal and ask them to share 62 special memories with us. Thank you so much.

gggirls 03-06-2009 10:18 PM

Much too quiet here - where is everyone?

sweetcakes736 03-06-2009 10:41 PM

Is everything ok? I feel like everyone has fallen off the face of the planet? I miss seeing the many posts on the excercise thread:(

Ratkitten 03-07-2009 12:05 AM

Hello peeps!

Today I stayed away from the simple carbs calling my name and opted for a fruit and cheese plate. THEN, instead of ordering pizza, I went to a local rest. that has a meatball/sausage mozarella cheese dish with no bread and a side salad - and got it to go. Just what I wanted!! And no bread (it upsets my stomach.. why eat it?). Two major victories for me.. w00t!

I really hate veggies, but for some reason, the italian marinated veggies at the restaurant were calling my name. The veggies were really good! The peppers, onions, garlic and pepper spices made my breath peel paint, however. hehe.

Hugs to all!


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