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Ratkitten 11-29-2007 07:21 PM

Hiya My Peeps!

I am sooooo detoxing from Thanksgiving week. I had a great time. This week, I've almost lost half of what I gained. That's a miracle since I've chosen to eat some sweet things to help my detoxing from carbs. It doesn't help that TOM is gonna be here in 2-3 days. BTW, I also lose weight at the beginning of TOM, then bloat up.

Deb, I LOVE your avatar babies!!! I am such a kitty person. My old black kitty, Wycket, was the best cat. She's been gone for 6 years, but I still miss her. Right now I have 2 old and grouchy kitties (17 yr old and a 15 yr old). My 17 yr old was mad at me yesterday for pulling/splitting mats from his fur. He doesnt clean himself anymore.. silly old cat. I'm glad to hear that your FIL is doing better. Prayers sent for fast healing! I love snow too!! So do my goldens. They are so funny in the snow.

Lindsey, tofu dogs? ewwwww. I understand the disgust during/after a binge as well. Baby steps to get back!!! I'm glad the cake and cookies are gone. *dangles pretty diamonds in front of Lindsey* Look at the pretty blingblings!! *tries to distract Lindsey from eating* hehe.

Xena, I absolutely LOVE your hair. I agree, it brings out your eyes.

Yay for your 2 milestones Nancy!! 100 lbs AND the bedroom.. hehe. You are so funny about not having the old bed made pre pictures. I'm the same way. I don't like to make my bed. I'm just gonna mess it up in a few hours hehe.

GGG, I still obsess about things, but not as badly as I used to. It's worse around that pesky TOM or when I'm really really tired.

Catherine, I'm glad you are getting your papers done. I'd be a wee stir crazy by now. I'm sorry you were so laid up before and it's bringing back those old memories. I know you are soooooo much stronger now and you did all those exercises in your chair. It's NOT going to derail everything. I'll be your cheerleader. Ewwww about the cheesewiz and Himself! I can't even believe they put a real food name in the title of that stuff! hehe.

Story, kick that BF off that computer!! I'm glad you are still on the face of the earth and your back is slowly getting better. I haven't had any problems in a couple of weeks (fingers crossed).

Cyn, you are a wonderful person to take in your Auntie's kid, no matter the circumstance. I hope he understands that family means a lot to you and your hubby and DS's and that he's part of that now. I tried pulling that sweet tooth and ended up sprouting 2 more! They are like gray hairs..don't pull em! hehe.

Meta, your snowprint NSV was so cute!! Unfortunately, I seem to still walk with that fat girl wobble. My mom lovingly pointed it out this thanksgiving. Some of that was the bed messing with my back. It was hard as a ROCK!

Sharon, I can understand how you were feeling down. About 10 years ago (I can't believe it was that long ago) I was unemployed for 18 months. I was so down about not being able to get a job. My luck turned around when someone took a chance on me... just like you ringing up the adult education center!! What a wonderful ending! Keep us informed how all of your new "job" is going.

Donna, my motivation is missing too. I'm just plugging along. At least I don't have kids that'll do fast food at the drop of a hat. My "kids" just love dog biscuits! I tried them.. crunchy, but bland. hehe. I am currently PMSing.. bleh! Hang in there. Baby steps back. *hugs* Oh, I thought if only John Denver or Donny Osmond got a glimpse of me, they'd be head over heels in love! hehe. And yes, I still have albums!!

Hugs to Sandy as you fly by!!

Hugs and Luv to all of you!

Debbie54 11-29-2007 09:27 PM

Lindsay, I just noticed that you only have a little under a lb to lose to get to your 100 lbs gone. That's really wonderful...I sure hope you get back to where you were and lose that little bit to get to your 100!!!!

Xena, your hair looks so pretty on you. It really makes a difference.

Nancy, your bedroom looks so nice!! It sure is a pretty color and the furniture turned out really nice too.

Sharon, great news on finding some one to referee you....and what a great person he sounds like. And for him to make room for you means he sees great things coming from you.

Catherine, ok..I'll be looking for a drippy package coming thru the mail!!

Ratkity, I do the same thing when TOM shows up. Unfortunately, whatever I was down yesterday, I'm up today...sigh.
Your kitties have been around for a long time. Sounds like they are well taken care of. I hope our live that long too. The babies are so fun. Such personality!!! Thanks for your prayers for my Fil. He's doing better and maybe will get out of CCU soon.

For some reason the last two nights I've been eating cereal. A BIG bowl of cereal. Probably PMS...I hope.
I signed up for Oprah and Bob Greene's Million person weight challenge for next year. I'm hoping that will get me motivated again. For the rest of this year I just hope I maintain or lose a little from where I am now. It's too stressful with hubby's hours going down and still trying to make ends meet to worry about food. I know it's a cop out...but it's just the way I feel right now.
have a good one

gggirls 11-29-2007 09:48 PM

Hi Peeps

Let me start out by saying I wasn't going to post tonight but realized I need to more than anything. It's been a good OP day but I seem to have fallen in to some kind of a funk. We are two weeks away from vacation, the holidays are here, and this is "eating season". Boy that really sounds stupid doesn't it. It's about the most I can figure out at this point though. I don't have any cravings or feel any binge coming on just feeling "funky". I really am excited about our cruise and being where it's warm. The knee is feeling a little better with the celebrex. Everything is good except the attitude. Maybe it's the whole big 5-0 birthday but I really don't feel like that's a big deal - I am better today in so many ways than 5 years ago.

Enough about me - thanks for listening.

So how is everyone doing?

Battle - how's today? Thinking of you and hoping things are better for you.

Debbie - glad to hear you FIL is doing better. My prayers are with you all to bring a speedy recovery his way. It is hard being so far away I'm sure and wanting to help or at least see for yourselves. Not to mention being able to support your MIL too. Is there any way you can get your results sooner than the 10th? Seems like a long time to wait when you are uncomfortable. Great job staying OP.

Lindsey - isn't it funny how even good foods can become binge foods - my "good" food that can turn on me quickly is bananas at a perfectly ripe point. So how did the parents like the gift - I am sure they loved you! Was it a great time?

Nancy - so how's it feel to have a new bedroom? It is such a transformation - just like you. Congrats again on the 100 lb loss milestone. I looked today again at your before pic - you are a beautiful lady. So what's the dance tonight? Will we see you Dancing with the Stars soon?

Hi Catherine - paper done? Do you go stir crazy being in? Do you have any mobility at all right now?

Xena - Hi - is boot camp over? How's life as a redhead?

Story - HI and hugs to you.

Cyn - what a lucky young man to join you and your family. There are not many people who would open their homes. You are a blessing! I'd never thought of having my sweet tooth pulled - made me chuckle right at loud when I read your post - while I was at work mind you - OOOPS - busted. It was worth it.

Meta - what a great NSV! You're on a roll this week - keep it up!

Sharon - it sounds like life it changing for you too! You seem a little apprehensive but also excited. Time for a little Sharon time - you've earned it!

Donna - fast food - UGH - I have to drive by the golden arches on my way home - close to the road too! Sometimes it is all I can do to drive past the smell - it never tastes as good as it smells does it? I haven't had fast food in over 3 months but I have told myself if I need fast food I must get out of the car to get it - no drive thru allowed. I'm pretty sure that will stop me as it's kinda like I don't get it if no one sees me.

Rat - so glad you're back. I had to laugh at your mom so lovingly pointing out your walk. I had a similar experience with my mom over the holiday too - gotta love em. So what do you think dog biscuits taste like - I haven't actually tried them but hubby say they taste like triscuts - ruined that for me - no more triscuts.

Sandy - how are you? Miss you - hope everything is good with you.

Hi to everyone else I may have missed. I feel better already since the beginning of my rant - thanks for listening.


NotTheCheat 11-29-2007 11:03 PM

Catherine – You and himself do NOT seem the types to blow you money on booze. :lol:

Sandy – :hug: I am sorry to hear you are having such trouble with binge eating. Have you ever considered seeing a therapist about it? Sometimes we need some help to get through the emotions that are driving us to binge. I saw someone for a little while years ago and it really helped me a lot. What also helped a lot was working with Intuitive Eating and the books by Geneen Roth. I would highly recommend checking out “Feeding the Hungry Heart” or “When Food is Love”.

Ratkity – I am glad to hear someone else shares my sentiments about bed making!

Debbie – I’m sorry to hear that times are a bit lean with your DH getting his hours cut. I don’t know that it is a cop out – sometimes we are emotionally available to put our all into this and sometimes we aren’t. I know that for a lot of this year I just wasn’t there, but I did maintain and it is important that we never forget what an accomplishment that can be.

Carol – Those funks can be so tough. The holiday season can be extra tough. So many memories and traditions are linked to food, not to mention the stress that can happen. I hope you find your way out of the funk soon. Tonight’s dance was mambo I think. It is the same instructor on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I actually felt like I got this routine (mostly) by the end. At least I feel like I am improving! Did you watch Dancing with the Stars? I wanted Mel B to win, but Helio was my second favorite so I wasn’t TOO disappointed.

Thanks everyone for both the compliments on my bedroom and the congrats for hitting the hundred mark. It is so weird, because it isn’t that 100 is a much greater achievement than 98 or even 99 but there is something about hitting that number. . .

I am LOVING the dance classes. They are so fun and I am SWEATING. I am so glad to be doing something off of a cardio machine. I do need to figure out how to add my weight lifting back in, but all in good time. I don’t want to lose the strength gains I have made with my lifting.

dogpal 11-30-2007 12:29 AM

Brenda: I pm'd you that I would love to do the Christmas card. I hope you got it.

Pochita: Welcome back. Just jump back on the wagon hun. You can do it!

Story: I hope the blood tests come out good. I am having my blood tests in February. Hopefully you and I will both have good results!

Debbie: Are you getting any snow yet? We have about 4 or 5 inches so far. I love it so much. I wish you and I could get together and have a snowball fight for real! I am glad to hear that your FIL is doing somewhat better. I will continue to pray for him.

Catherine: Are you going to sign up for water aerobics with some of your $300 earnings? I sure hope so. I know how much you enjoyed doing it and you soooo deserve it my friend! You are so selfless and loving and you deserve to have some enjoyment.

Sharon: I'm not quite at 1/2 way yet. I have 10 more pounds. lol then I will be at my half way point. The writing class sounds so fun. I hope you really enjoy it.

Carol: Hugs sweetie.

Lindsey: Hi you. Don't stress it. Just get back on the wagon. It's so nice that your sweetie pie is taking the steps to eat healthier too. I had 1/2 a pecan pie left over from Thanksgiving from when my sister in laws were here and I had my DH take it to work. He doesn't like it and I loooooove it and don't want to even be tempted. Getting the icky food out of the house like you gusy did is such a great step in the right direction.

Sandy: Hugs hun. Hang in there.

Cyn: You are doing such a great thing taking in your cousin. Not only for him but teaching your own sons about helping others. I applaud you and your hubby. Hugs and I hope things go really well for all involved.

Meta: I loved the foot prints in the snow things so much. Hugs to you and congrats. Great NSV.

Battle and Ratkitten: Hugs.

Xena: I love your hair!!!

Nancy: The painting you did looks fantastic. I hope you enjoy the personal touches you gave your new home!

Hi to everyone else: Heather, Ammi, Brandnewme, Zelma, Everyone I'm not mentioning by name, hugs and hello.

Work is busy, busy, busy for me and they are talking about lowering my caseload until I am trained. I have actually been working on cases and doing intakes with very little assistance which is nice. It makes me nervous a bit just because I want to be giving the participants all they deserve but I am feeling a bit more confident in the job. I sure do get tired though by the end of the day. lol. It has been so long since I had a job. I know that once I get things caught up at home and looking nice again around here that I will feel better. My house is still a disaster after my sister in laws left. I am planing on working on it this weekend so next week will hopefully be better. I have also been really, really slacking again on the exercise and that needs to pick back up. I had my 3 month visit with the surgeon and he is happy with my weight loss since surgery but wants me to not push exerice to the back burner like I have been lately. I am going to try to do better. Hope you are all blessed and doing well.

Blessing to you all,

LindseyLouWho 11-30-2007 12:44 AM

Hey everyone!

It's technically Friday over here, so I'm excited about the weekend. Saturday night Jed's taking me to see Avenue Q, which I've been wanting to see for the longest time so hopefully it won't disappoint.

I had a really great time in Boston with Jed's parents. They're really really nice and seemed to love me. Apparently I did a great thing by getting them the digital photo frame because they were playing with it the whole time I was there, adding pictures and watching the slideshows. His mom and I talked a whole lot and she said some really nice things to me, like how she feels like she's known me for years and apparently she pulled Jed aside at one point and said "I really like her. Don't screw it up. :p" or something to that effect Haha. Honestly it felt like talking to a family member. Whenever we weren't out doing things we were sitting around the kitchen table talking and telling stories.

Eating there kind of threw me off of my game considering I didn't have much choice when it came to food and so I've been off ever since I've gotten back, but I did much better today. Although I did go over my calories for the day, it wasn't out of my normal range (not exactly sure, but I was at around 1700) so I'm really happy about that.

Now for some personals!

Xena, that red hair looks really great on you!!

Nancy, congrats on losing 100 lbs! I'm really close to that myself... painfully close. The wall color in your bedroom is a really neat color.

Sharon, sounds like you're quite the talented writer if that guy approved of your work and is trying to squeeze you into a full class. Big congrats on that!

Donna, I used other peoples' kids as suppliers in a way. I bought the Halloween candy for them, but nobody came leaving me with nearly $30 worth of my favorites. Lesson for next year? Buy one bag (just in case someone shows up) of some candy I hate.

Cyn, 4 tollhouse cookies doesn't sound all that bad in the grand scheme of things... so long as it doesn't turn into another 4, and another 4 and another, etc. If you know if a dentist that will operate on a sweet tooth, let me know... haha.

Catherine, yeah I was pretty sad about having to resort to binging on tofu dogs.. I mean it should have at LEAST been something good. Luckily there's only so much damage you can do with tofu dogs... the entire package of the kind I buy is 360 calories.

Ratkity, *bats at the diamonds* Darnit, shiny objects always seem to do that to me...

Debbie, well, when I stepped on the scales this morning I was down 4 lbs, so I'm thinking a lot of the weight gain was in fact because of salt. I think sometimes with weight loss we just need a break. Weight loss is hard and the important thing is to get back to it without moving backwards.

Carol, glad to hear that your knee is doing better.

Annie, I know what you mean about having a clean, orderly house making you feel better. Right now my apartment is a mess and I feel more cluttered mentally.

I'll see you all later! If I don't get a chance later, I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Heather 11-30-2007 12:45 AM

Okay, I'm joining Sandy. Another day of overeating, topped with digging into the Kashi Go Lean Crunch!! :(

I am glad to be away for the kitchen for the night!!!!

CatherineM 11-30-2007 01:40 AM

You can tell that the holidays are approaching. Binging is becoming routine. All right ladies, we can enjoy the holidays without losing our heads. That's the best Christmas gift we can give to ourselves, and those who love us.

And Yes Annie, the money is going to a leisure pass. That will almost pay for a year pass. By month only 6 months, or by the visit, 63 times. I think I will go with the yearly. I already got us matching prescription swim goggles. It will be for both of us, because if I go, he'll go with me. He's afraid someone will see me in my swim suit, and make a pass at me. I have to go, I'm having trouble breathing from the laughing out loud.

Xena2005 11-30-2007 05:17 AM

Hi everyone. I don't know why I am up at this ungodly hour. I can't sleep. And since I have to workout in an hour and 40 minutes I really wish I were sleeping now! I am going to be soooooo tired by the end of the day.

Catherine - I always love reading your posts. You are so funny! As for your dog not recognizing your roommate when she went red, I was worried about that too. My Buster is quite the little guard dog and I thought he might go a little nuts when I came in the house for the first time. So I was sure to announce myself by walking in and talking to him so he would know it was me. How is your ankle doing?

Lindsey - Sounds like a great weekend with Jed's parents. I knew the digital photo frame would be a hit. And, more importantly, YOU were a hit! It's always good to win over the mother! ;)

Annie - Sounds like you are really enjoying your new job. You must be doing well right off the bat if they are letting you do so much on your own so soon. I love how dedicated to helping the people you seem. You're an angel. :)

Nancy - :congrat: on your latest milestone! 100 pounds is amazing. You realize you are in a fairly elite club now! You really inspire me because I do remember the period of time where you were mostly maintaining and struggling to get your "weightloss mojo" back. I think it shows all of us that there will be bumps along the way and that our progress might not always be nice and neat and linear but if we stick to it we will get eventually get there. Thanks so much for sticking with us through that period. I think it helps everyone when we all see what "real" weight loss is like....and it's not a nice and neat 2 pounds/week until we are at goal! If only it were that easy!

Carol - No, it's not stupid to call this "eating season". We are bombarded from every direction with food starting at Halloween all the way through New Years. My WW leader always tells us "Remember, it's called a holiDAY, not a holiMONTH." :lol: When do you get to go on that cruise? As for bootcamp, I am signed up through February. Then I have to decide whether to re-up for another 20 weeks.

Debbie - I am going to have to go check out that Oprah/Bob Greene challenge. Is it a chance to get to be on her show? Wouldn't that be something if we got to see one of our 300+ friends featured as a weight loss success story on Oprah!?!?!

ratkitty - I love hearing you talk about your "old and grouchy" kitties. I just love people who stay committed to their animals for life. My friend has several cats and when one of them got older and stopped grooming himself, one of her other kitties started doing it for him. It was the sweetest thing ever!

MamaB - Who can blame you a crush on Donny Osmond? I wasn't very old when the Donnie & Marie show was on TV but even as a little girl I remember thinking he was very very cute! (He still is!:o )

Sharon - Thanks for the tips on what colors I should be wearing. I am going to try to go shopping this weekend and pick up a few new things.....even it that means fighting the holiday crowds. YUCK!! That is so great about the teacher letting you into his writing class. He must really like your writing to go out of his way for you like that. It must be so nice to have that kind of creative outlet. I always admire people who have that creative streak. I, for one, seem to be lacking in that department. So what kind of writing do you work on in this class? I'd be interested to hear more about it.

Ammi - If you are reading, I hope you are doing well. I still think about you! :hug:

Well, I better go try and see if I can sleep a bit more. And thanks to everyone for their compliments on my hair. I was really self-conscious about it all day at work yesterday. It is such a drastic change. Most of the comments were positive. One guy did say "What happened?" and another one told me "He liked the 'old Deb'" better. Clearly their mothers never taught them "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." :p

Heather 11-30-2007 08:01 AM

Catherine -- Yay on the pass.

And I agree. We owe to ourselves to hold it in and NOT binge.

I knew yesterday would be bad when my inner child rebelled against all the raw vegetables. And then didn't want to go to the gym. It was an IDon'tWanna day.

But that inner child can't win again today. Won't.

CatherineM 11-30-2007 11:05 AM

Heather-It was so much easier to learn to tell my boys no, than it has been to learn to tell my inner child no. She’s a much bigger brat.

Xena-The ankle is doing lots better. My knee is slower. It’s the most painful of the two right now. I seem to be able to bend it a little more each day, so that means the swelling is going down slowly but surely, and I was able to go with one crutch for a little while today. That’s nice because it means I could actually carry something for myself. The reason I think my dog growled at my roommate, is that basset’s are all about their noses. I think the dye solution made her smell different too. The oldest boy was 6 at the time, and he actually cried.

Lindsey-what candy exactly don’t you like. I have tried that at Halloween, and can’t find a single one that I won’t eat. Maybe some black licorice, but giving that out would get you door egged. As for Jed’s parent’s, I’m simply content to know that you won’t be able to supplant me as the one with the worst MIL.

Nancy-after losing 100 lbs, I guess you’d have to start adding in some weight lifting to your routine, since you’re not carrying your weights around with you anymore in your back pocket so to speak. Maybe you could do your dance routine with those heavy hands things for runners.

Carol-I am going stir crazy. The last time I was outside, there wasn’t any snow on the ground, and now it is about a foot deep. I told him last night that going to Banff right after the accident was hard, but at least it got me out of the house. I’m a little more mobile, but there isn’t really anywhere I can go yet. We don’t have a car, and I’m certainly not up to a block walk to the bus stop with a foot of snow on the sidewalk. I’m a little afraid that it is going to be a month before I can go out. If I could walk two blocks with just my cane with the spikes, I could at least go to church.

Debbie-I only keep cheerios in the house, when I have any cereal at all. That’s not much fun to eat in large quantities. I also found out that the store brand version has less sugar than the name brand one. I do so enjoy reading nutrition labels. When I show one to my husband, he just freaks. Like how can they get away with saying that a snack sized bag of potato chips is 3 servings. I think a lot of people have gained weight because of misinformation. Not me, I did it the old fashioned way with Conehead sized portions. OMG, that’s what’s wrong with me, I’m part Conehead. My mom probably never told me because she didn’t want me being branded with the stigma attached.

Rat-It is amazing really what guys think are actually food groups. There’s the pizza group as your basic building block for the food pyramid, and then there’s anything from McDonald’s next. I actually heard two guys on the bus once discussing the slight differences in the special sauce between two different McD’s on that route. They came to the conclusion that each might store it at a slightly different temperature. That these two guys got off at the University, didn’t surprise me. They were obviously scholars.

Donna-I stay here even when I’m not losing a pound, because I know from experience, that if I stop coming, the weight piles on quick. I have to have this time everyday to think and remind myself that I am still in the battle even if I get sidelined or have to take a breather. And from the label, cheesewiz is yellow colored salt goo.

Sandy-I liked the article. It just reminds me once again that we are either not telling medical professionals, or they are not listening. Anyone of us could have told them that we binge when we are anxious or depressed. Why is it something that is such a no brainer to a 300+ pound woman seems like a medical break through when a 120 lb. doctor says it. It’s either that we avoid doctors, or they just don’t listen to us.

I am going to try a change of scenery, the living room, to see if that allows me to finish this stupid paper. I have never had one give me this much trouble. I hate the teacher, and the topic, and the way the paper is coming out. Maybe if I hate it this much, he will love it. That’s all I’ve got to go on right now.

texarkgal 11-30-2007 12:58 PM

Hello Everyone! I want to introduce myself to you all. I've been lurking for a while and after reading the posts, I really feel like this could be a home for me. No where else have I found women like me that can really relate to what and how I feel.

Besides being beyond morbidly obese I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and have already had both knees and one hip replaced with the other hip needing to be replaced probably sooner rather than later. Presently I am unable to walk except for within my home from room to room, and even then I have to sit down almost immediately after arriving in the next room. Otherwise, I need a wheelchair to go out to the doctor, store, etc. I don't know how much of this is due to the RA & how much is due to the weight, but I believe it is more because of the weight and I am determined to find out by losing enough weight to be able to walk again.

I started again in August, with the intention of having WLS. Since then, after doing a lot of reading and research I have rethought that mainly because of the medications I have to take for RA. So, I was delighted to find this place for support with women who have and are successfully taking off weight with diet and exercise and understand and go through those periods of falling OP and getting up, dusting themselves off and getting started again. All of you are a real inspiration to me and I look forward to getting to know you all better.

Heather 11-30-2007 01:04 PM

texarkgal -- WELCOME!!!!! I'm glad you find this a place you could call home! You already know we know what it's like! (hopefully that made sense!)

Catherine -- I am trying to give my inner child/brat a big ole time out today. We ARE going to the gym whether she wants to or not. And she WILL eat her veggies today...

BattleAx 11-30-2007 02:04 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm sorry for not being able to do personals yet, but I am reading and keeping up with the posts. I promise to be back as soon as I can.

Doing ok. TOM is here, and so far I'm having a better than average time of it. I'm only a little sick lol.

I'm staying the course for the most part but have slacked this week on exercise. Will be back to it by tomorrow, when the worst of TOM is behind me.

Last night was girls nite, and one of my friends was talking about her mother making comments about her weight. Friend's response to her mother was that at least she wasn't in the plus sizes. Her mother was surprised to hear it.

I am surprised, too, because my friend is easily a size 18-20. Guess she's being technical because there are a small handful of stores where one can find 18s and 20s in the Missess section. But I can't help thinking that my friend is in denial. Oh well, one thing I've learned is that we are all on our own path when it comes to weight loss. I'm not one to point fingers since I was 46 when I decided to come out of denial.

CatherineM 11-30-2007 04:51 PM

Johnnie-Welcome. I was just like you are. Unable to go anywhere out of the house unless I was in a wheelchair. I knew I had a bad knee and back injury that I could blame it on, but I also knew my weight didn’t help any. I was able to get out of that chair after 8 years with a lot of baby steps, literally, and figuratively. I hope you stick around with us. We all need all the help we can get.

Battle-That denial stuff is a big wall for me. I’d tell doctors that I didn’t eat like that, or that I have no idea why I am so large. We are only as sick as our secrets, especially the ones we keep from ourselves. At least I’m not in plus sizes, is like saying, at least my kids aren’t on drugs as an excuse for everything else that is wrong with them. Her outside may not be in plus sizes yet, but her insides have probably been there a long time. Better to come out of denial at 46 than 56 or 66. Some people live their wholes lives without being authentic to themselves. I am so way far from perfect, but I no longer have to lie to myself about anything.

Heather-when I was having trouble with my brat not wanting to go exercise, I sat myself in the corner, just like my mom did to me when I was 4 years old. That got boring really quick, and I was off to the Y.

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